Ndss 2020 accepted papers. Each paper will be allotted 8 minutes for presentation.
● Ndss 2020 accepted papers In more detail, a website can track users across browsing sessions by storing a tracking identifier as a set of entries in the browser’s dedicated favicon cache, where each entry corresponds to a specific subdomain. org (open access) The NDSS 2018 Program was constructed from the following list of accepted papers. ) to the paper, the paper’s abstract, and a link/doi to the published paper. In particular, we investigate three request forgery attack modalities with respect to their capabilities to be used for protocol impersonation and traffic amplification. Attend; Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) Submissions; Co-located Events; Leadership; 2024 Symposium. Test of Time Award; Why NDSS Symposium; Sponsorship; 2025 Symposium. org/ndss2020/accepted-papers/. See the list of papers accepted for the 2022 symposium. Test of Time Award; Why NDSS Symposium; Sponsorship; 2025 Symposium Computer Science conferences - Accepted Papers, Deadline, Impact Factor & Score 2024. The review process will happen in two rounds for each submission cycle. LASER Workshop @ NDSS: February 23, 2020; Draft Papers Submitted: April 23, 2020; Notifications and feedback: May 23, 2020; Final Papers Submitted: June A Security Model and Verified Implementation for the IETF QUIC Transport Protocol. View the program, accepted papers, leadership, and sponsors for the year. NDSS Symposium 2018. We first highlight the practical limitations and assumptions underlying the often-cited IKK (Islam et al. Please find below all preprints of the accepted papers and links to released research artifacts. Important Dates. Unfortunately, there are no effective solutions to detect gadgets for Spectre-type attacks. By treating each browser instance as a black box, we develop an In this paper, we systematically analyze the security of multi-language applications. https://www. This version features To this end, this paper provides an initial analysis of client-side request forgery attacks that directly emerge from the QUIC protocol design and not from common vulnerabilities. Our analysis reveals four important, common limitations that can significantly decrease the security and utility of their virtual topologies. (Android Chrome and iOS Safari) and analyze their current and historical versions released from January 2015 to April 2020. Abstract: We investigate the security of the QUIC transport, as standardized by the IETF in draft version 24. This 3. In this paper, we propose Poseidon, a system that addresses these limitations in today’s DDoS defenses. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. In this paper, we first conduct a security analysis of the three state-of-the-art network obfuscation defenses. The list of accepted papers from the spring deadline is available below. Access the accepted papers, presentations, and videos taken from the symposium. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and accepted submissions will be published by the This is an important factor because they will affect the quality of submission (good papers will prefer to submit to the conference with noted researchers in the committee), and control the View the program from the 2020 NDSS Symposium. SPA distinguishes itself from existing online protection approaches through its In this paper we introduce a novel tracking mechanism that misuses a simple yet ubiquitous browser feature: favicons. Accepted Accepted Papers. Accepted Papers Research Tracks. NSDI focuses on the design principles, implementation, and practical evaluation of networked and distributed systems. Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Cédric Fournet, Bryan Parno, Jonathan Protzenko, Tahina Ramananandro, Jay Bosamiya, Joseph Lallemand, Itsaka Rakotonirina, Yi Zhou. A program committee of 97 experts assisted by 133 external reviewers 30th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2023, San Diego, California, USA, February 27 - March 3, 2023. Papers must not exceed 13 pages, excluding references and appendices (NOTE: the workshops may have different page limits). Search for: Search Button. The full program will be available soon. Co-located Events. 26th NDSS 2019: San Diego, California, USA. Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters; $2,020: $1,400: $545: Student Registration* Symposium + Workshops (5 days) Symposium Only Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb) 2024 Accepted Papers View the detailed program page to learn when each paper will be presented during the upcoming event. NDSS Symposium 2017 Accepted Papers. Note that the papers are listed in alphabetical order on this page, however, the workshop will follow the sequence listed on the Program page for presentations. Accepted Papers Loading This information is not yet available. Join us at the NDSS Symposium 2025. A paper may undergo at most one major revision for NDSS 2021. Attend; NDSS Symposium 2016 Accepted Papers. USENIX Security '19 had two submission deadlines. Reject: Papers in this category are not allowed to be resubmitted to NDSS 2025. Dubois (Northeastern University), Martina Lindorfer (TU Wien), David The list of accepted papers for NDSS. The Internet Society 2020 , ISBN 1-891562 27th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2020, San Diego, California, USA, February 23-26, 2020. Yang Xiao, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NDSS Symposium 2020 Call for Workshops NDSS 2020 solicits proposals for co-located workshops. IoTFuzzer: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing 27th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2020, San Diego, California, USA, February 23-26, 2020. Accepted posters of recently published Statistics of acceptance rate for the top conferences: Oakland, CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS. The purpose of NDSS is to bring the global Internet community together to learn about and discuss cutting-edge advances in the science and application of network and distributed systems security. MVP: Detecting Vulnerabilities using Patch-Enhanced Vulnerability Signatures. Short papers must no more than 6 pages (again, excluding references and appendices), and can be about work-in-progress and novel ideas. SigmaDiff first constructs IR (Intermediate Representation) level interprocedural program dependency graphs (IPDGs). org/ndss2020/call-for-papers/ Join us at SDIoTSec 2024, a workshop dedicated to improving security and privacy in standardized IoT practices, co-located with NDSS Symposium 2024. Ndss 2020 accepted papers NDSS 2020 Accepted Papers : AAAI-20 Accepted Papers : ICLR 2020 : USENIX Security '20 Summer Quarter Accepted Papers : USENIX Security 27th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2020, San Diego, California, USA, February 23-26, 2020. Kristen Dorey, Nicholas Chang-Fong and Aleksander Essex. The official workshop proceedings will be published after the workshop. Final camera-ready papers will be due approximately one month later. The three day program features refereed paper presentations, punctuated by selected invited talks on security as it is applied in the field. Main program Accepted Papers This information is not yet available. Accepted Papers. Gomez (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Adam Bates (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), William H. Each paper will be allotted 8 minutes for presentation. Mon Sep 21, 2020: Resubmission of Major Revision papers; Wed Oct 21, 2020: Author notification for Major Revision papers; Wed Nov 18, 2020: Camera Ready deadline; Fall Review Cycle: Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. Menu Navigation. Workshop proposals should include the following information: For established workshops: please include attendance and acceptance rates of the previous event. Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) Submissions; Co-located Events; Leadership; 2024 Symposium. The first event was held as the Workshop on Network and Distributed System Security on 11-12 February 1993 in San Diego, California. Attend; Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) NDSS Symposium 2023. Browse the accepted posters for NDSS Symposium 2024 that will be running for Best Technical Poster and Best Poster Presentation prizes. We then design four new leakage-abuse attacks that rely on much weaker assumptions. org/ndss2020/call-for-papers/https://www. Attend; Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) Accepted Papers. Authors of accepted papers must ensure that their papers will be presented at the conference. Mohsen Ahmadi (Arizona State University), Pantea Kiaei (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Navid Emamdoost (University of Minnesota) Explore cutting-edge findings in the field of usable security and privacy through the accepted papers of the USEC 2024. 2024 We provide an in-depth empirical study on 268 well-documented FHVuln CVE records from January 2020 to October 2022. Topics . USENIX Security brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others to share and explore the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. Join us 23-26 February Discover the latest ranking, metrics and conference call for papers for NDSS 2020 : Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. Sanders (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Hamed Okhravi (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) Overcoming the “Evil Twins” Attack: Lessons Learned from the Industrial Battlefield Keynote by Paul Forney Monday, 24 February 20209:00am – 10:00am Can you imagine what happens when the industrial safety controllers (SIS) at one of the world’s largest chemical plants are being hacked? What if hackers could penetrate, take control and/or Read which papers were accepted and presented during the 2017 NDSS Symposium. Yuan Sun, Huiping Sun and Xixin Cao NDSS Symposium 2023. Asiacrypt 2020 ACCEPTED PAPERS. NDSS '12) and Count (Cash et al. The Internet Society 2020, ISBN 1-891562-61-4 In this paper, we bridge this gap by presenting the first fully automated creation and detection of behavior-based extension fingerprints. All Papers. Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters; Program; Co-located Events; Leadership; 2020; NDSS Symposium: February 23-26, 2020; Program Committee. ndss-symposium. Computer Science conferences - NDSS 2020 (23-26 February) will be one of the biggest NDSS symposium yet, featuring 88 peer-reviewed academic papers, 34 posters, 5 workshops, and 2 keynotes on vital and timely topics. The papers. A paper may undergo at most one major revision for NDSS 2024. Cas Cremers, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security; Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Microsoft Research (co A revised paper will be accepted to NDSS 2024 if it satisfactorily fulfills the revision tasks. Program Committee, Steering Group, and 27th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2020, San Diego, California, USA, February 23-26, 2020. With peer reviewed technical papers, invited talks, panels, national interest discussions, and workshops, December 7-11 2020 Virtual Home; Technical Program. 3% (last 5 years 19. MCU-Token can be easily integrated with various IoT devices by simply adding a short hardware fingerprint-based token to the existing payload. , CCS '15) attacks. Hammad Mazhar (The University of Iowa); Kailiang Xian (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Endadul Hoque (Syracuse University); Omar Chowdhury Accepted Papers. Program. Watson Research Center), Benjamin Andow (Google), Adwait Nadkarni (William & Mary) Workshop: February 23, 2020 (co-located with NDSS 2020) Areas of Interest. Virtual NDSS Symposium 2015 The Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2015 was hosted 8-11 February 2015 at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa in San Diego, California. Thank you for your patience. Indiscreet Logs: Diffie-Hellman Backdoors in TLS. View the NDSS Symposium 2020 accepted papers. This information will be available after authors are notified, which should occur by . It was a highly successful event with 71 papers, 18 posters, 4 workshops, and 2 keynotes. An Audit of Facebook's Political Ad Policy Enforcement. 2025 Symposium; Attend; Submissions; Co-located Events; Sponsorship The main contributions of this paper are as follows:? We propose the concept of the universal provenance that combines the advantages of whole-system provenance with applications’ innate event-logging activity, providing a trans-parent and generic solution for the semantic gap problem in threat investigations. In 2019, Associated Professor Ting CHEN’s paper was accepted by CCS, which broke the zero-acceptance situation in the field of global security in top four conferences with UESTC as signature unit of the first author. Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically. Other well-known measurement 2 Number of Submitted and Accepted Papers (Main Track) 3 Acceptance Rate; 4 Locations; Usenix Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) has an average acceptance rate of 19. Posters and Demo. Proposals should be no more than three pages in length and should be submitted by email to the Accepted Papers Proceedings are available here. Analysis of the Effect of the Difference between Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2020 23-26 February 2020, San Diego, CA, USA ISBN 1-891562-61-4 The paper also presents a classifier that can infer event types spanning many device categories; this, however, is not the focus of the paper. Users can now effortlessly navigate the Web and obtain a personalized experience without the hassle of creating and managing accounts across different services. Reject: Papers in this category are not allowed to be resubmitted to NDSS 2024. Title Preprint Crypto 2020 . View the NDSS Symposium 2023 accepted papers. Our study reveals the origins and triggering mechanisms of FHVulns and Man Hong Hue (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Joyanta Debnath (The University of Iowa); Kin Man Leung (The University of British Columbia); Li Li (Syracuse University); Mohsen Minaei (Visa Research); M. View the NDSS Symposium 2014 accepted papers. Recently, he publishes a paper “SODA: A Generic Online Detection Framework for Smart Contracts” on NDSS which is the first time that UESTC has NDSS Symposium 2020 February 23-26, 2020 San Diego, CA https://www. org/ndss-program/2020-program/. Summer Cycle; Winter Cycle; A Perspective from the 2020 US Election Websites Kaushal Kafle (William & Mary), Prianka Mandal (William & Mary), Kapil Singh (IBM T. We show that because language safety checks in safe languages and exploit mitigation techniques applied to unsafe languages (e. Templates for Papers The NDSS Symposium and co-located events each have their own templates with different identifying information In this paper, we present MCU-Token, a secure hardware fingerprinting framework for MCU-based IoT devices even if the cryptographic mechanisms (e. The vulnerability set described in this paper has been assigned CVE-2020-10937. 3 Ready or Not (TRON) Workshop 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Usable Security (USEC) Workshop 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Understanding and Enhancing Continued Thijs van Ede (University of Twente), Riccardo Bortolameotti (Bitdefender), Andrea Continella (UC Santa Barbara), Jingjing Ren (Northeastern University), Daniel J. Accepted Demo Papers #2 Demo: Efficient and Timely Revocation of V2X Credentials Gianluca Scopelliti (Ericsson & KU Leuven), Christoph Baumann (Ericsson), Fritz Alder, Eddy Truyen (KU Leuven), Jan Tobias Mühlberg (Université libre de Bruxelles & KU Leuven) Paper Formatting Instructions. The Internet Society 2020 , ISBN 1-891562-61-4 Keynote Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters; Program; Co-located Events; Leadership; Previous USEC Events; Previous VehicleSec Events; Register. Paper Accepted by NDSS 2023. Read which papers were accepted and presented during the 2016 NDSS Symposium. json file is malformed. The Web Conference 2023 is organized by the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 8:00 am – 7:00 pm Registration 8:00 am – 9:00 am 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Continental Breakfast Lunch, Rousseau Room (first floor) 9:00 am – 5:00 pm TLS 1. It utilizes serialization instructions to disable speculative execution of potential Spectre gadgets in a program. venue, etc. The Internet Society 2023 Software Security I In this work, we revisit leakage abuse attacks in several ways. View the program from the 2022 NDSS Symposium. In a typical network environment, our result shows that the search in our scheme outperforms it by 2-11x under the same security notion. J. g. In this paper, we show that despite the use of advanced encryption, popular IM applications leak sensitive information about their clients to adversaries who merely monitor their encrypted IM traffic, with no need for leveraging any software vulnerabilities of IM applications. Read More. Read More Accepted Papers. In this paper, we propose a novel Spectre gadget detection technique by enabling dynamic taint analysis on speculative execution paths. Here are some of the Technical papers and panel proposals are solicited. High-quality poster presentations are an important part of NDSS. , Control-Flow Integrity) break different stages of an exploit to prevent control hijacking attacks, an attacker can carefully If possible, authors should use the templates provided by NDSS. Participate Accepted Papers This information is not yet available. The following papers are currently accepted for NDSS 2020. The Web Conference @ Austin. Hammad Mazhar (The University of Iowa); Kailiang Xian (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Endadul Hoque (Syracuse University); Omar Chowdhury The NDSS Symposium Program Committee 2020 is responsible for reviewing and accepting the papers that make up the 2020 symposium's program. 2024, including titles, authors, and abstracts, with support for paper interpretation based on Kimi AI. NDSS Symposium 2018 was held on 18-21 February 2018 at the lovely Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa in San Diego, California. The full program will be available in May 2020. At the conference, best posters will be honored with prizes. The full program will be available in January, at which time the spring final paper PDFs will be posted, accessible only to registered attendees. The full program will be available in May 2021. (Un)informed Consent: Studying GDPR Consent Notices in the Field: Christine Utz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Martin Degeling (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Sascha Fahl (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Florian Schaub (University of Michigan); Thorsten Holz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum); A revised paper will be accepted to NDSS 2021, if it satisfactorily fulfills the revision tasks. The advent of Single Sign-On (SSO) has ushered in the era of a tightly interconnected Web. A paper may undergo at most one major revision for NDSS 2025. 2025 Symposium; Attend The Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) brings together cutting-edge researchers, with a broad cross-section of security professionals drawn from academia, industry, and government, gathered to present and discuss the latest security results and topics. Sessions, keynotes, accepted NDSS 2020 Papers. Main program Call for papers Paper submission Invited talks Accepted papers Rump session. It lifts binary code into microcode and preserves the main semantics of binary functions via complementing implicit operands and pruning redundant instructions. In this paper, we propose a novel generic runtime protection framework named SPA for smart contracts on any blockchains that support Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters; Program; Co-located Events; Leadership; NDSS 2020). 5 day event was attended by researchers and practitioners from industry, academia, and government, features presentations on original research and talks by industry leaders. August 17-21 2020 Virtual Home; Technical Program. Submissions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas: Fingerprinting and tracking on the web; One author of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the workshop. Our paper titled Post-GDPR Threat Hunting on Android Phones: Dissecting OS-level Safeguards of User-unresettable Identifiers is accepted by The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023 . Please join us for the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, which will be held as a virtual event on August 11–13, 2021. More Man Hong Hue (The Chinese University of Hong Kong); Joyanta Debnath (The University of Iowa); Kin Man Leung (The University of British Columbia); Li Li (Syracuse University); Mohsen Minaei (Visa Research); M. view. 12:00 - 13:00 . NDSS. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the fall submission deadline are available below. 3%). Accepted Papers; Find out more about the call for papers 2020. - puzhuoliu/Computer-Security-Conference-Acceptance-Rate Sn4ke: Practical Mutation Analysis of Tests at Binary Level . The final version of the program is available at https://www. About. Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR) 2020 at NDSS Preprints of accepted papers and artifacts. Understanding security mistakes developers make: Qualitative analysis from Build It, Break It, Fix It. The Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium has fostered information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security since 1993. , private keys) are compromised. The program committee will review papers and provide notifications and feedback one month after submission. The goal of Round 1 is to identify A revised paper will be accepted to NDSS 2025 if it satisfactorily fulfills the revision tasks. Ordinal From To City Country General chair PC chair Submitted papers Acceptance rate Attendees; NDSS 2020: Feb 23: Feb 26: San The 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '23) will take place April 17–19, 2023, at the Boston Marriott Long Wharf in Boston, MA, USA. We invite both full papers and short papers. Reject: Papers in this category are not allowed to be resubmitted to NDSS 2021. Count-Less applies a novel sketch update strategy, called {em minimum update}, which approximates the conservative update strategy of Count-MIN for fitting into in Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) Submissions; Co-located Events; Leadership; 2024 Symposium. The papers on the list are ordered by submission number, and some of the papers are subject to shepherding. This paper presents Tiara, a hardware architecture for stateful layer-4 LBs that aims to support a high traffic rate (> 1 Find the papers accepted for presentation at the upcoming Artificial Intelligence System with Confidential Computing (AISCC 2024) Workshop. 2020) papers on computer security to present their work at the NDSS poster session. A Perspective from the To address the limitations, in this paper, we propose a semantics-aware, deep neural network-based model called SigmaDiff. The Internet Society 2020, ISBN 1-891562-61-4. On the other hand, software-based defenses are highly flexible, but software-based packet processing leads to high performance overheads. Technical papers submitted for NDSS should be written in English. table of contents in dblp; electronic edition @ ndss-symposium. Sessions, keynotes, accepted papers and posters, workshop programs. In response to this vulnerability, this paper presents an RF-fingerprinting method (coined “HOld the DOoR”, HODOR) to detect attacks on keyless entry systems, which is the first attempt to exploit RF-fingerprint technique in automotive domain. Behzad Abdolmaleki (University of Tartu); Sebastian Ramacher (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology); Daniel Slamanig (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) Oracle simulation: a technique for protocol In this paper, we present Count-Less sketch that enables robust and accurate network measurement under a wide variety of traffic distributions without dynamic data structure update. Call for Workshops. The format will be traditional conference-style research presentations In this paper, we propose a cost-effective (no real car needed) and automatic (no human intervention required) approach for reverse engineering CAN bus commands using just car companion mobile apps. Read More Call for Papers. Information on co-located workshops and symposium. Space Odyssey: An Experimental Software Security Analysis of Satellites Johannes Willbold ( Ruhr University Bochum ), Moritz Schloegel ( Ruhr University Bochum ), Manuel Vögele ( Ruhr University Bochum ), Maximilian Gerhardt ( Ruhr University Bochum ), Thorsten Holz ( CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security ), Ali Accepted Papers (Summer Cycle) Submissions; Co-located Events; Leadership; 2024 Symposium. The goal of Round 1 is to identify Benjamin E. Responsible disclosure procedures have led to mitigations being In this paper, we propose a novel intermediate representation function model, which is an architecture-agnostic model for cross-architecture binary code search. Full papers should have no more than 10 pages in total (excluding references and appendices). Image-synch: a liveness detection method based on ambient image. All papers will be available on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. ACM CCS 2020 - November 9-13, 2020. The star and indeed the core of NDSS 2020 is the final set of peer-reviewed academic papers to be presented and published. NDSS 2020 Accepted Posters. We also introduce two novel NDSS is pleased to announce the preliminary list of accepted papers for NDSS 2020. More details Accepted Papers. Transcript Collision Attacks: Breaking Authentication in TLS, IKE and SSH. Most Affordable Colleges January 24, 2020: Resubmission of revised papers (for Fall review cycle only) NDSS 2020 Workshops and Symposium February 23-26, 2020 — San Diego, CA Areas/Topics of Interest A revised paper will be accepted to NDSS 2021, if it satisfactorily fulfills the revision tasks. Ujcich (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Samuel Jero (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Richard Skowyra (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), Steven R. Special Track: Web4Good Special Track: History of the Web Special Track: The Creative Web Industry Track. lgkxgnkgsmozkzfelbcduhvsowlnamzaynveggnaxteuvciaa