Being stoic reddit Just as wool takes up certain colours at once, while there are others which it will not absorb unless it is soaked and steeped in them many times; so other systems of doctrine can be immediately applied by men's minds after once being accepted, but this system of which I speak, unless it has gone deep and has sunk in for a long time, and has 62 votes, 34 comments. You can start practicing stoic principles and behaviors immediately. Similar story to "cynic" as an adjective. And the stoics admitted that. I’m NA and my family is anything but stoic or reserved in real life. “Being a man” isn’t all about being physically tough all the time - neither is Stoicism - but it will help you prioritize things better and you will have more confidence with more strength. Stoicism makes no claims about the meaning of life. Does being stoic and being rational the same thing? In which case would one be one but not the other? Is it a matter of how we feel about an incident? For example, I guess both persons can acted the same way in the same incident (both rational), but one might feel indifferent (the stoic) and one might get angry. As much as people will say it doesn’t matter if a man is effeminate and weak… well, everything is easier if you’re strong. It is a philosophy of reasoning and reflection. If every perception is different then how can any of them be accurate? They aren't. But there are many more aspects to it too. Stoic for me is this. They're fabulous people, for the most Stoicism and virtue isn't about disregarding feelings. A stoic may not outwardly show their struggles. He has this famous dialogue between himself and a tyrant. Yes. Understand what is and isn't in your control, then learn to place your well-being in the former (easier said than done, but it's the path to mental peace). Long states: "unfortunately, the modern world's general image of Stoicism owes a great deal to Lipsius' narrow focus on the uncomplaining endurance of one's fate. If you look at the text I have placed into italics, you'll note that you can reference this Discourse as the place where Epictetus precisely defines what he considers to be the "Stoic sage" and therefore an example of virtue - it is a person who, for each of the preconceptions we spoke about, knows how to satisfy those natural inclinations in I mean Zeno the founder of stoicism was incredibly rich before his ship sunk in which he’d later found stoicism, seneca was a very wealthy aristocrat (although I believe he was criticized for how he acquired his wealth but he’s still known as a prominent stoic figure), Aurelius while emperor quite literally had control of the vast majority Is it the state of being free of emotions and them not affecting what do you? No. Yeah I think that’s absolutely bogus that an answer a little outside of the “goal posts” just gets removed. Personally I think we should seek being better for the sake of being better. unless it is really demeaning or illegal slander, then you should act and quell it. It tends to connote a certain submissiveness that isn't condoned by the Stoics. And especially if you may have instigated/deserved it. Either way, if you're looking for a Stoic role model, try Epictetus instead of Andrew Tate. Madara has that type of personality. Edit: That is to say, these chains aren't invented but discovered. Their metaphysical positions don't quite line up with the Christian metaphysical position, particularly their ontology, or 'way of being'. I have encountered some people who claim to be stoic by being completely emotionless. A stoic does not cheat, harm, steal from or exploit other people for his own material benefit. helping the cleaning lady out picking up trash as I go and such. With Descartes as a rationalist one recognizes a stoic vein here. My mom calls me names quite a bit, the f word, the w word, the r word… Stoicism, in my opinion, was probably the best system of living I've encountered in ancient philosophy, certainly in comparison to everything else proposed at the time. Just exactly what it means to be considered a Stoic will depend on the person you ask, but the most prominent divide I can think of seems to revolve around acceptance or rejection of theistic beliefs, or the assumption of divine agency of some sort. It only contains teachings to help you live a better life. Stoicism seems to have been adopted by the American entrepreneur hustle culture as the “ultimate life hack” or something, which I think is misunderstanding stoicism. At least within the stoic set of principles. Obviously, a part of a stoic approach to life and a stoic mindset requires you to 'feel less' to a degree, but ultimately it's more about recognising that your feelings don't control. I am the rock that a lot of others depend on so I can't have those weak moments. this is a very deep and holistic approach to life, you have to understand and believe in certain aspects of stoicism to be I think there are opposing perspectives, depending on what angle one approaches Stoicism from. I don't have the emotional ups and downs others do. Stoicism is often depicted in various forms of media and literature as being "emotionless". I think there is a misconception about being stoic, that you have to be emotionless. or if its completely in your control because you give people good reason to badmouth you. I can't do stoic/strong/silent - I'm MUCH too "out there" and need someone I don't overwhelm with my "out there"ness. get reddit premium. If your coworkers cannot carry a simple conversation without smack talking ithers, its no loss to you. Not at all. An indifferent does not mean we feel indifference toward it. Courage. Nothing wrong with that. com Stoicism. In my opinion Donald Robertson has a nice approach that doesn't get lost in Earlier on "grim and stoic" was more of a German trope (even though Weimar Germany was a very libertarian bourgeous place, it was only so in big cities), while Russians were stereotyped as communal, fickle, reactive and undercivilized, while occasionally displaying some noble savage spiritual wisdom. Listen, I am a stoic because it happens to coincide nicely with everything that science says about happiness. Basically a romanticized version of “primitive” people as being more in tune with nature and their inner selves. reddit. The "Wise" (= the perfect stoic) woudl feal unharmed even by the biggest pain. It seems to be the necessary foundation for any highly "successful" person. To know what is evil and what is good, to draw boundaries, to know where im taken advantage of and when im actually being good, things seems blurry sometimes I am by no means a stoic, but i try. This. It is best if you go look at the subreddit yourself and compare, but I don't see stoicism as being disciplined either. Why being stoic means being social: thoughts on Seneca's letter V Inwardly, we ought to be different [from our fellow-men] but our exterior should conform to society In Letter V ( On the Philosopher's Mean), Seneca urges his friend Lucilius to be more social and to participate in society. In my experience, when they DO talk, LISTEN, and you'll hear everything you need to know about relating to them. You're not being mistaken for being quiet, you're being quiet. Stoics are not emotionless. It is about doing what is actually good for you. That's so true and indeed much related to Stoicism very foundations. So you can't change your genetics. I feel that it is important to clarify, being stoic does not mean being a doormat. A Stoic would actually work on the opinions that underpin the negative feelings. don't seek out increasing luxury - caring what others think will make you miserable. Showing up for your life, doing your best, and folding in each challenge as something workable. Many know that Seneca was unbelievable rich and powerful, even so powerful that he became the mentor and teacher of Nero. Real Stoicism is a philosophy, which I've been equating lately that various philosophies are really sort of like various perspectives for which to use as the message in CBT. From another it requires a lot of discipline to work out matters in present moment Aside from not being a stoic, Batman instills many things but two of those things are hope and fear. How can I navigate still being a kind stoic without being a welcome mat to people trying to take advantage of me? Being naive is not having most of the knowledge or skills to decipher a situation, or in Stoic terms to assent (agree) to an impression (thought/belief). What it means to me is that I show almost zero emotions. You mentioned you don't speak up unless you have something to add. e. Growing up I was very flamboyant and outgoing; however, as I got older and into middle/early high school people bullied me and being the dummy I am I pretty much tried to warp my personality to be a very stoic person so that I wouldn’t stand out. Adaptability for example. As a by product you will become self-confident, happier, and a more attractive person to be around. If you are being talked about (behind your back), unless its a malicious rumor that will negatively impact your work or livelihood, ignore it. But assuming that wasn't the intent, he presumably just meant patient and gentle. This leads me to think that being a good Christian requires Stoic like qualities. "Meek" strikes me as an odd word choice there, given the more general context of Stoic philosophy. For users offering advice: please stay on-topic when commenting on personal/advice posts. Share I agree with this comment and I appreciate you saying it. How does one become knowledgeable? -It’s up to you. You have posted on a Stoic sub-reddit, and folk here are going to encourage you to explore Stoicism which will help you become more resilient, help you like yourself more, and be more comfortable with the decisions you make. How it should be. We have natural preferences for some things over others, and we are encouraged to pursue those things we prefer, so long as it does not negatively affect our virtuous character. If you don't know much about Stoicism, it may seem contradictory to speak of "making a friend happy" or having "unrestrained expressions of emotion. A stoic is generally benevolent towards other people. Personally, I feel that after some years of following stoic principles (being raised non-religiously), I’m finally sufficiently at peace with myself to be open to Catholicism, which might be my next step in life. If you don't misunderstand stoicism, sure. I apologise if my whole rant is not focus based on stoic philosophy. That gets so difficult, especially when you've a lot to deal with. I think this is the great stoic, Maya Angelou: ”Do the best you can until you know better. To add to this, stoicism is about being pragmatic about what you can do in a situation. I think Stoicism isn't the right thing for you yet. I think stoicism is a pragmatic way of living, but lacks a layer of meaning, direction, charity, and of course it lacks God Stoicism also involves being the best person at all time. That's what the virtues are really about. Stoicism, Dating, and fear of rejection: Stoicism will help you greatly with dating and dealing with rejection, however it is so much more than that, and if you are not getting the whole idea behind stoicism , it wont work. Is it best to not express any complaints in public about being a short man or should we make it more known? Personally i have chosen the stoic route and only talk about things related to height in r/short. Obviously I can't speak for all ladies, but stoic on the outside/teddy bear on the inside is one of my favorite personality types. Descartes has often been dubbed the father of modern philosophy, the thinker whose approach has profoundly changed the course of Western philosophy and set the basis for modernity. In what way has stoicism ever said you can’t have fun of enjoy life? A large part of stoicism is about happiness. Although, one could think of Catholicism (and Christianity in general) as an alternative to stoicism. Falling apart when the metaphoric zombies attack, heh, or when literal bombs are dropping? Not so great. Stoicism should allow you to identify which of your fears are caused by things you can fix and which you can't. On one hand I can see the stoic belief being to make society better with what I can control i. But those chains aren't being created on the spot to try to justify why those actions or thoughts happened as they did. Stoicism at its core is about viewing the entire world as interconnected being and we are just one part of a greater whole, it was about being social when everyone around you isnt. I have read a couple of pieces. I understand being stoic and not giving a fuck what people think and say about yourself and others but on the same token it would have been admirable for you to stand up for yourself and your ethnicity. A line of best fit is being established from the stimulus to the emotional response. The FAQ in this subreddit likely answers these questions. Its about forgiving those who do wrong its about how we are with people and how we are with ourselves, its a worldview that embodies and internalizes love. It does not mean you are not worth the time or effort. then its up to you to change your ways. Seneca made this very clear. If someone is harassing you you shouldnt let it influence you but you should also ask him to stop. Three Stoic ways that you can feel Joy are: 1- Reflecting on your progress toward excellence of character. Learning to be present, and operating from thoughts of curiosity, compassion, empathy, kindness etc for yourself, life and others. I’m in the midst a recent relationship set-back and have been trying to recenter myself. I am considered very stoic. Define, remain stoic Practice is about working with circumstance. Wait until you can resolve the internal conflict you have between ideal and actual reality. Miller and TDKR (and some other, darker Batman comics of the era, to be fair) steered Batman's direction into more what the general audience recognizes today, being the dark and broody character with social/emotional/mental issues (at least to a much greater degree than what came before); and while a lot of really great and successful stories You can also find information about frequently discussed topics, like flaws in Stoicism, Stoicism and politics, sex and relationships, and virtue as the only good, for a few examples. Absolute bologna. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Also, I would say that a Stoic who feels their colleague has false perceptions of them doesn't just endure, but takes action to converse and try to improve the status quo, knowing that ultimately the only person who is going to change your colleagues opinion, is that colleague itself. If you remain calm and know that you are not in the wrong despite taking the blame. Maybe the stoic ideal is being perfectly disciplined at all times, but the act of being stoic, is not being disciplined nor is, the act of being stoic is controlling emotions. It’s as the stoics called ‘an indifferent’. I find this forum and many perspectives of Stoicism can lose this vital thread of insight. But thats theoretical. Someone angers me, but I don't lose it, I don't show that they have. We work towards being good to ourselves and others. You liked the video, wonderful. Your mind and your body are connected. That is to say, Stoicism adopts a monist, materialist perspective: the physical universe is all there is. Stoicism also advocates controlling emotions, but not being emotionless. It's building your mental fitness, being in control of your mind vs your mind controlling you. Stoicism is a philosophy of life, a practical guide to applying wisdom to your daily choices, focused on living life as a thriving rational being, characterized by excellence in judgement and the fulfilled happiness that is to the mind what robust healthy fitness is to the body. It is being able to see things rationally. There's lots of ways to do this it does take having a heightened awareness, and daily practice. If you know you are doing the work and doing it well then why put so much value in anything else? Being a stoic is about killing the ego, not getting it stroked. Sure, Bruce can pour his financial resources into eradicating poverty and help the poor and etc, but the other angle is to instill paralyzing fear into criminals and would-be-villians. I'm new to this and have young children who can push you mentally. Maybe they will realize they need to grow up and stop being negative people. Feeling your life feels like being alive - and it comes with the ups and downs. I think they're confusing stoicism… And like you said, being there and trying my best to do good is probably a more realistic and achievable goal than being a stoic. If there is something to be done you should do it. A mod could flair your response as “lacking direct stoic relevance” or something to that effect. A Stoic is one that lives thinking Virtue is the only thing worth pursuing. If my girlfriend came home from work and wanted to discuss feeling lonely and disrespected by her peers, it would be incredibly illogical for me to issue stoic advice. Howdy folks, I'm a long time stoic and recently I've delved into Christianity again. The Practicing Stoic has direct quotes from many of the Stoic philosophers, and attempts to put their beliefs into an actual guide. " In fact, however, these don't contradict the Stoic discipline of emotions at all. The role of the r/Stoicism community is to foster a greater understanding of Stoic principles and techniques within ourselves and our fellow prokoptôn. its not really in your control what others will think and say of you. You can have fun and enjoy life while being stoic in action. Its a know when to hold/fold 'em kinda thing. Let's foster a community that develops virtue together—stay relevant to Being a stoic person doesn't necessarily make one a Stoic. I'm not too versed in stoicism besides the introductory readings, such as Aurelius and Epictetus, so any advice is much appreciated. Stoicism is extremely challenging, as it requires learning a set of skills that very few people naturally possess and is contradictory to a lot of the sentiment of modern society. You can read about stoicism as a philosophy directly from the sources for free. People who are confident usually appear confident to others. Stoicism, along with any other philosophy, can easily turn shallow and into "Improve your life in 5 simple steps!" once absorbed by mainstream media, so I would encourage you to not do too much googling or using much apps until you do your own delving into actual Stoic texts, and then derive from them what Stoicism means to you. They are either like that from the start or become that. ” Admitting you’re wrong is a good step toward not being wrong. So unless, in your world view, capitalism (or really simply owning any amount of money that isn't required for your "ecological means") tempered by reason and virtue is inherently unethical or immoral, then My ex (who touted himself a Stoic and criticized me for being what you state and truly is what it means to be stoic) would disagree but he’s a narcissistic, abusive, sad excuse for a human being who used put-downs, fear, physical violence, and even rape to destroy me—so fuck him and his opinions, because he was either living as detached The Stoic perspective would point you towards the dichotomy of control. Herein lays your problem - feeling negative things and simply forcing yourself not to manifest them in your behaviour is nothing to do with Stoicism - this is actually the stereotype of stoicism (and it's the version of it depicted in Star Trek). What you said however is a very valid criticism of stoicism as “bad” emotions can be powerful and show us things about ourselves. There times I've read a passage in the Meditations and was just astounded how applicable it was to my life, despite me not being a Roman Emperor 2 millennia ago. Proactivity. You can't neglect one without impeding the other. I'm curious to hear from yall if there is anything you've experienced thst is contradictory to the two ideals. Part of having tranquility is being able to cope with conflict and not let anger take control. Mostly it means that the person may be afraid of conflict, thinks its easier then telling you why they don't want to pursue things further, they are afraid of intimacy, they may be going through a difficult Stoic dudes just don't talk that much (strong/silent type, of course). That isn't being "stoic". That said, we live in a society with loads of cheap, surface level chatter, typically not something stoicism would have you participate in. For users seeking advice: if you are not seeking strictly Stoic advice, but rather wonder what people interested in Stoicism might personally think, please post in the New Agora instead. stoicism in its purest form: you dont react at all. That is suppression, an egoic response. Ask yourself what you would find worse: to degrade mentally into being the person you find vicious or to be that person's "victim"; not actual victim in Stoicism by the way. A lot of the Uchihas in Naruto display a Stoic, introverted or reserved personality. That being said, you probably don't want people thinking you're passive. But that doesn't mean they don't still seek the help they need to solve those struggles. Some people will never be attracted to you no matter what and you just have to accept that and move on. You said that stoicism and christianity differ in that stoicism says to rely on yourself for whatever you can do and have thur ready to the universe, but replace the word universe with God, and there's no difference. Stoicism can be liberating but the reality is, is that stoicism is in large parts a set of rules in the game we all play, see stoicism as you see everything else and stop “trying” as Marcus Aurelius says it’s tiring and takes a lot of energy just let go. That is a one way ticket to bitterness and frustration. Getting rid of emotions is not stoic. Stoicism isn't about tolerating things. You can cry Stoically. This is perhaps the most common misunderstanding about Stoicism. Being underprivileged, facing adversity or being a victim by itself does not make you a proper stoic. You and your character are intact, while the person claiming you are wrong and being irrational is the victim of their own actions. Discipline. One can be rude simply by standing too close or speaking too loudly. What I did was list things that would want me to wake up everyday; things that would make my heart smile. Great story, in terms of the post, the one raises their voice and twist the truth is the victim. To say that someone is Stoic for being calm, is similar to saying that someone is Stoic for breathing. Yeah, I have been reading this logical fallacy for a while now. And how does one become aware? -By knowledge. Stoicism is primarily about being objective, remaining grounded, maintaining a realistic approach, and being able to restrain your emotions and not let them rule you. Being attentive to the emotional cues and nonverbal expressions of the people around us can go a long way toward removing unnecessary emotional activation. That being said, the greatest low points in my life have been combatted by a combination of stoicism and hobbies. People then equated being stoic with this, and it came into parlance as an adjective (i. I know it’s not very Stoic to contact journalists and blow something up (“Teacher fired after being jumped and injured by students” will be a sensational headline after all) - but there’s no reason not to use all the resources available to you within reason. Reading the source texts kind of cuts out the middle-man but can pose more of a challenge (and challenges do aid in learning, but even then there aids like modern translations and commentaries), whereas relying on an author’s interpretation may be easier reading, but things may be left out or added No. Suppression won’t do anything, it will do more harm than good. I think there are opposing perspectives, depending on what angle one approaches Stoicism from. The stoics have stories in line with the Socratic principle of accepting judgement without excessive protest. Being “Stoic all the time” seems to be the equivalent of being a sage. In reality its almost impossible to achieve such a mindset. The Stoic does this by using reason to become more disciplined, and by using discipline to practice using reason. From a Stoic angle - chasing away your impressions is anti-Stoic. Some call stoicism “the art of not caring” I believe it to be “the art of acceptance” you don’t have to be cold or aloof to accept something you simply don’t let it affect your happiness. In what way is stoicism about disconnecting from emotions? In fact this idea of controlling your emotional response to external circumstances is a key part of stoicism. It is not about "being" stoic, remaining or upholding some image of some thing. It does not mean to suppress your emotions, your persona, and your livelihood. Stoics are often perceived as weird, cold and unemotional by others, especially during their teenager years, when most other adolescents have little control over their feelings. Stoicism is more about having a rational approach towards ones life and negating the absoluteness of one's expectations when it comes to what they want from life. Stoicism and repression of emotions; A summary of central themes in Stoicism; Free will and determinism in Stoicism; Stoicism, God, gods, and atheism; Stoicism and passivity; Also associated with /r/Stoicism: Other /r/Stoicism wiki pages; Latest r/stoicism comments; r/Stoicism Library; Community Content Selections. Obito when he's young is hyperactive like Naruto but when he gets older he also has that aloof and stoic persona as well. A stoic doesn’t suppress their emotions, they try to control them and avoid being controlled by them. Not of just suppressing your emotions, but feeling them and processing them in better ways. I wasn’t able to find a steady relationship until I was comfortable with myself. It is not supposed to help you feel better about ignoring problems you should not be ignoring. We are unaffected by the responses of others—they’re out of our control, why would we waste mental or emotional energy in being dependent on those outside of us? A Stoic just enjoys life as it is. I don't know much about the guy but from what I've heard, he is a pretty bad human being and certainly not a Stoic. Then, whether or not you have “become a stoic,” your behavior and thus life results will effectively reflect that behavior. I'm the same way, and I've had to learn to be a bit more vocal. Yet hard to accept & deal with the realty w/o falling over and over again into Escapism. Showing kindness to everyone you meet. Being Stoic doesn't necessarily mean having no emotions at all, rather only reacting emotionally to things that truly matter and are of great importance to them. For example, it would suggest savoring a moment because of its impermanence. It doesn't matter what way that manifests for you: If you're doing what's good for you, you are in effect being a Stoic. To be stoic is not necessarily the same as being a Stoic or a follower of Stoicism. It's about being virtuous. Stoicism is a quasi-religious philosophy, in that they view the universe itself as God. Broken. Myself included, I confound Stoicism with being stoic- which are not at all the same. The beauty of Stoicism is that it places one’s happiness firmly within our own control. To me being stoic is simply controlling your emotions. At least, not if done properly. The longer you try to bury these things the more explosively it will come out when something or someone finally breaks down that wall. People misunderstand that not caring means being stoic. Stoicism is the ancient philosophy that this subreddit aims to discuss, whereas stoicism is common vernacular for being unfeeling and tough or resilient. Being a stoic doesn’t render one incapable of understanding passionate responses. Lol, being stoic is not being complacent, its about knowing what is the best and most rational way to deal with something without letting your emotions hinder your efforts. It requires mastery of your emotional reflexes, detachment from your ego, and a relentless tenacity towards self-improvement. I would argue it's a philosophy that brings joy, serenity, social utility and purposefulness. Capital-S Stoicism is about being a healthy thriving person, and is not about hiding emotions or building strength by enduring pain. It's about tolerating the things that you CANNOT change, but absolutely changing things that you can. It’s a philosophy you can see echoed (although sometimes Providing context and effortful elaboration as to a topic’s relevance to the philosophy of Stoicism gives the community a common frame of reference from which to engage in productive discussions. Just numb. This is a skill in and of itself and it will take you a while to get to a point where things other people do to you won't bother yiu, but it's a mental load off when you're able to The only suitable reaction IMO would have been to lean in and quietly say “yes we shower everyday” and with a slight chuckle. don't do it. It is more focused about the image of being stoic than to actually feel stoic. Stoicism is a perspective through which we try to see things from a better frame of mind rather than being totally consumed by our emotions. Seneca once wrote that a sage appears only once every 500yrs or so, though most Stoics nowadays would say that being a sage is impossible. A Stoic wouldn't be staring blankly either, because they would be actively engaged in a situation. Many people think that (ancient) Stoics would not care about wealth or being healthy, but a true Stoic would chose being rich over being poor, being healthy over being ill. It just makes you heartless. For example, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations can be found here. I highly recommend picking up The Enchiridion, Medidations, and the works of Seneca as well, although these books were not written (or at least not super well) for the purposes of explaining how to practice the Lipsius' "Neostoicism" which synthesised Stoicism into Christianity was hugely influential in the 17th/18th centuries, but gave a very limited and distorted view of Stoicism. I differentiate it with a capital S because there is more to it than not showing emotions and not reacting to others. It doesn't. Honesty. Then stoicism suggests you need to start doing so. The philosophy of Stoicism (we use the capital-S here to help distinguish them) has nothing to do with that. I expect the misconception of being emotionless arose because people with this outlook tend to be good at enduring hardship and controlling emotions. I felt dead. You are actively participating in the community and a mod didn’t think it was stoic enough in nature. This has led me to shift my disappointment towards sadness for the woman likely to miss out on the experience of being my partner. It’s more of a goal to work towards forever than something to actually achieve. A stoic persona can be very useful in all kinds of situations, but then being able to have genuine conversations about emotions and other "mushy stuff" in private when the teddy bear comes out is really great. Just my two cents, I seem to recall multiple points in stoic texts that reinforces the idea that this is meant to be a practical philosophy, aimed at being used in the real world with our fellow citizens. There is a balance between being able to express your emotions and being stoic, and a time and place for both. It's a way of being. Stop wasting your time worrying. "stoic-like"). Itachi and Sasuke have that stoic vibe going. From one side it's about being courage enough to embrace it. Now, Stoicism isn't about being emotionally numb. Not being aware of someone else's cultural conditioning and life experience can result in unintended rudeness. Finally, as far as what a stoic would do; I think a stoic would recognize that the opinions of others don't matter. Stoic or not these things are scientifically true: - hedonistic adaptation will make you miserable. comments; Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. You just have to understand it, rest will take care of itself. The only "credit" you need is your own. This can mean being the best daughter or son at all time. Introducing Stoic Ideas Being a considered, good person is certainly an attractive trait in any human. It’s a practice. The only persons opinion who's matters is YOURS. Part of Stoicism is being focussed on the present moment and managing what you can control. It’s basically bullshit. Aside from not being a stoic, Batman instills many things but two of those things are hope and fear. Then when you know better, do better. I guess I could relate to you since I myself was a bit nihilistic back then. 9K votes, 83 comments. Being a stoic doesnt mean to be a "Wise" but trying to become one, although you can never become one. How much more pragmatic can you be when the first line of Enchiridion is “some things are up to us, some things are not up to us” Reply reply It’s the idea of the “noble savage”. Personally, I've always drawn a lot of conclusions between stoicism and Christianity. I call this "American Stoicism", because it is not real Stoicism. Turning the other cheeks seems very stoic imo. The latter is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of the philosophy, which is more about being a good person than mastering emotions and enduring hardship. You can even run away from your problems Stoically. I’ve read the Meditations and Seneca’s On Anger but I saw what you said about reading the Meditations as an introduction to Stoicism so I will check out the Discourses. But you can workout, smell great, cultivate style, etc. Being stoic destroys that passion, because it should be an indifference. Providing context and elaboration as to a topic’s relevance to the philosophy of Stoicism gives us all a common frame of reference for engagement. For example, envy shows a person what they want themselves. Give yourself some time to reflect on the thoughts you have laid out here. Now you need to work on the remaining 50%. 2- Reflecting on the positive character traits/virtue of other people. That being said, he may have adopted some Stoic tenets into his worldview. For me, stoicism, or being “stoic” is the by-product of being aware. If stoicism doesnt work for you, I know its cliche but consider re-examining hobbies. At its core, people see stoicism as just "being strong". Stoicism is not wealth or even hardship dependent, you can gain ethical knowledge and mental well being no matter your station in life. If anything Stoicism has shown me, it's that the best things in life are simple, but hard to follow. I only bring up money in a stoicism thread because that seems to be the issue with spoiled kids The inability to make the money they expect, or feel they deserve, to make. Dont take it personal. At its heart, stoicism is about being a rational and peaceful person and that doesn't conflict with religion at all. Not being able to cry later? Also not so great. It’s the idea of the “noble savage”. Stoics are full-fledged human beings, and the discipline of action is also very important in Stoicism. Also, too many response or anecdotes seem way too oversimplified. I think the title is meant more as "as a stoic, how should one remain happy while having hard life", since, in a stoic sense, one can be poor only by expecting more (which could be one's fault only), or having poor character (heavily lacking in character, far from arete). It seems to me you would benefit the most from starting with the self-help variant of Stoicism. Cynicism as a philosophy was a type of Hellenistic philosophy, but people focused on the negative viewpoints and then used the word "cynic" as short hand for negativity. Over time you’ll hopefully get better and more consistent. Most people aren’t particularly stoic. You cannot control people’s judgements or opinions of you so don’t try - if you are truly engaged and rooted in the present however, it’s more likely to show in your And how does one realize? -By being aware. Please keep advice, comments, and posts relevant to Stoic philosophy. That being said, if you’ve come to accept the idea that refusing to fight is a sign of weakness, then see how Seneca describes Stoic reactions to being struck and spat on in On Anger and in his Letters, or see how Musonius Rufus talks about responding in Lectures 10, or see Epictetus talking about Lycurgus in Fragments 5, or see how Marcus What kind of stoicism are we talking 1) stoicism as a philosophy?, 2) stoicism in the vernacular sense, 3) stoicism as it is grifted to men? 1. I don’t agree with many of the comments advising to just ignore the bullies unless that’s your only recourse. Stoicism join leave 674,455 readers. Let's not forget that Stoicism is not about being expressionless or emotionless. I was recently pondering disappointment being a selfish reaction. Being stoic doesn’t mean we are saints. I had a rough day today and blamed myself for not applying Stoic principles learnt over time. You can writhe in pain Stoically. It is the stoic thinking, like Epictetus describes it. The core of Stoicism is being able to think rationally and examine impressions. You only got 50% of the equation down. Being a Stoic is being pragmatic. (There are exceptions: if you are a criminal, a boxing opponent, or an enemy soldier, then a stoic may apply an appropriate degree of force or violence towards you). That’s a good start. " Given that the four virtues of stoicism are wisdom, courage, temperance and justice, it is hard to look at saints and Christ as non Stoic (in character only). But your comment about not being bound by your emotions is certainly a part of Stoicism. Stoicism doesn’t discourage ambition, but it doesn’t encourage ambition for its own sake, especially if pursuing that ambition means compromising your virtue. This may sound harsh to some people, but there's absolutely no other right answer. Stoicism is based on many assumptions one might consider devoid of reality or well just that: assumptions, man being a rational creature (something I personally find laughable), that virtue exists or is a rational thing, that having lived stoicly will make you die happy, that rationality as we conceive even exists and is a good lense to view Stoicism has resurfaced a few times in history, and we seem to be in one such era now. Painting miniatures perhaps? Coding? Modding, drawing, guitar. 1. Being ghosted says more about the person doing it than the person it was done to. Now out of high school I realize how dumb that was but am now in a dilemma. A Stoic can express emotions without letting them control their actions/rational faculties. . I think an "advanced" Stoic might pity the vicious, whereas a sage does not even feel pity for them (it is considered a passion). Heroism. Pity. ozusq wxqj ooysixve svjyr cvvr vvt vtcgb pwb kcdmsv wafhpo