Conan exiles strength build 2024 A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, I run agility build is this is my exact armor Reply reply More replies. This practically allows the use of In this video I wil show you a great build and guide for maximum armour penitration on Conan Exiles Age of War chapter 4 2024 if you only use agi wpns, strength is only good for the perks, tho i think it adds some to your encumbrance stat (how much you can carry). I maxed out my Agility, Vitality and Authority. I wanted a quick footed dagger and bow build rather than a strength based. The grit perks should always be the one that let's you regen stam fast (Endurance?) and Steel Thewed. You may allocate these points across any attributes you choose to customize your character. I run the executioners hood with redeemed silent legion chest piece and warmaker gloves so I have all heavy armor and have about 11 strength bonus and 3 encumbrance bonus. They all give +3% for both Strength and Agility weapon damage on each piece without a thrall on the bench. This build is an upgraded version of the Yeah, running your own server makes it just like any of the genre; Valheim, 7D2D etc. Hello everyone! In this video I show you what is the best heavy strength damage armor for thralls or even you if you want to go full heavy strength build! Th As for best weapon, well that depends if you go strength or agility. I wil also so you my favorite 5 strongest strength weapons. Went with strenght for this version of the build. Obviously you're going to want the strongest walls you have to survive an onslaught like the Purge, but I'm having trouble deciding between building actual walls and piling foundations on top of one another. Why Agi and not Str you ask? Honestly its just personal choice. And I wanted to know what options I had for the build I want. Hope you enjoy the videoIf any further questions leave a comment down ⬇️ I have never heard of corrupted affinity weapons. r/Eldenring. Thank you in advance. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan Each time your character levels up, you will receive additional attribute points (AP). At all. Maxed out corrupted It was a very nice build for my level 0 to level 60 play through. In this video I will show you a full guide on A secret strength build People are using to dominate p For the ability to be able to gather and do everything else at the same time I use 20 expertise, 20 agility and 10 vitality, 10 grit. The Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery patch was the most highly anticipated game update, bringing plenty of As of 28 Jan 2024 on the Exiled Lands for Age of War: Chapter 3, this is what I've found thus far: Head: Redeemed Legion with Shieldwright +8% STR, 290 Armor Chest: Voidforged Dragon Ribs +8% STR, 554 Armor Strength can offer back some of that necessary Carrying Capacity at 3 per point while also increasing overall damage of Strength weapons by 5% and Agility Weapons by 0. I've always been a fan of how dagger combat feels, Strongest solo build I have found is 1h axe paired with throwing axes in off hand. The vitality perks should always be Fast Healer and Glutton For Punishment. I run a fully corrupt build too. So your best damage option is probably the daggers from the underwater dungeon. If you are going to level thralls and give them good gear and perks: On Siptah the hardest hitting is Treasure Seeker Blade Master. PvE: One Handed Mace (Momentum - the deadliest, Quake, Aja's Bane) PvP: Two Handed Dagger (Set's Tongue), Two Handed Spear (Lifeblood Spear - the deadliest) (In a PvP combat, I try to apply Scorpion Queen poison whenever possible. 0: Age of Sorcery, including the best Attributes, Armor, and Skills to decimate in PvE. Elixir of Grace. Arena Champ, Klaels Champ, Red Mother, BFE(big fkn elephant). ) or change armor to light +9 accuracy, but it leaves you really glassy which is not ok in pvp. Rolling thrust with 20 agility Glutton for punishment with 20 vitality Unlimited carry with 20 expertise I've had no issues running this build doing dungeons, farming materials, or just exploring. Edit: Theres a damage increase but it's pretty small. Answer: No, you may not max out the entire panel in Conan Exiles. Are you interested in more Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery build guides? Say no more. This build is a good starting build for new and returning players. OmniHeckinInu’s UNOFFICIAL Guide to Corruption Builds Introduction Hello Exiles, As some of you already know, I’m a Corruption Build enthusiast in no small way. I also show you how to reset your Attributes. Accursed Berserker has higher HP but less damage and less armor than both of those. Welcome to a new top Agility build in Conan Exiles Age of War chapter 4 2024 in this video I show you the new best armour and top weapons for a pvp Agility b A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, and I've found a pretty good melee weapon for my Strength thralls (Obsidian Mace). Then fill in the rest of the points. (Picture: Funcom via YouTube / FireSpark81) The main premise of Conan Exiles is your ability to craft, whether it be Sorcery, Thralls, or a Transportory Stone. Please consider subscribing to their channel and watching the video below for more details. Plus with the broken AOW changes to stamina, dodging uses half your stamina and you just get hit anyway because of server lag. On Siptah probably Ouer Dark for the sunder. That light attack stun lock is just awesome. And that completes this guide on the best Thrall Master build in Conan Exiles, and we want to thank the YouTube channel FireSpark81 for their complete walkthrough. Serpent man boots and gloves, black corsair pauldron and leggings, and helm can either be (my personal favorite) helm of the bats for a +2 on all stats, helm of the wolf if you want to strength stack and get +9 strength, or if you want a shit ton of armor and still be I've been using the Daggers of the Great Wolf (Private Siptah PvE), those give you +4 Strength and Agility when you have them out. Time to test. Me in my strength build with venom infused axe could not do anything. I will have you know that you do not need a thrall to kill any of the bosses. If you are using katanas and daggers there is absolutely no point to having 20 str. I switch between pretty much every agility weapon kn a fight depending on what my opponent is doing or using. If you're worried about carry weight go for medium armor with weight reduction thrall and armor pieces. Strength currently does not have an equivalent which stinks otherwise I'd be using that. . For pve ranger set (dungeon journey) Use this god-tier Strength build in Conan Exiles 3. Two Handed Sword, Teliths Sorrow for exile lands, for siptah either Greatsword of the Legion of Outer Dark. Then craft an armour that gives you strength damage boost and craft it using a T4 armorsmith (preferably shieldwright) for maximum damage. Agility 20 Max it to max that damage. I'll look into it. (Picture: Funcom) Best Attributes, Stats & Perks For Combo Damage Build. Glorious times are upon us! Embark on new exciting quests with two Put absolutely 0 points into Authority. I am no PvP player, but my online friend who has no experience in PvP as well wanted to try duelling. To get the latest revision of this page, use Purge My main character is an archer and I love her. But if you insist on First off, the build. But i started as a melee range build and made a reset on max level. My question is pretty much what the title says. the utility, speed, range of agility weapons far outweighs the damage and slight carry weight increase from the strength attributes. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) So currently I am enjoying the punching daggers but I kind of want to switch over to strength weapons. this guy above me doesnt realize that more damage on heavy attacks still applies to attacking on horseback, so keep that in mind. Any suggestions on Armor and Weapons for both an agility and strength build to include armor? I'm playing on exiled lands. You will only ever have 60 points to spend on attributes. so let's see , if losing an extra follower or +20 on all stats is worth taking up the demon lord perk. And a set of star metal for lower enemies that get in the way. Nice for the extra carry weight. With a T4 thrall it's 40% agility weapon damage and 50% follower damage increase. I am a strength build and I have been using a bow called Eye Of The Khan which is a legendary weapon and isn't too hard to get, so what I do is farm a lot of these bows and give them to my strength based Archer thralls, it saves me resources and helps level up new thralls Become the ultimate warrior of The Exiled Lands by mastering the ways of the Samurai with this ultimate build for Conan Exiles: Stamina, and increased damage bonuses, some points will be added to Strength to unlock the Combo In this video I show you what they don't tell you about attributes and how everything works. My preferred kit is redeemed legion helmet (+8% strength weapon damage), arena champion chest (poison reduction, +5%strength weapon damage), dragon bone gauntlets (+42 health), vermim hide legs (+60 health +6% agility weapon damage) and The build is likely more squishy than the opponent though, so be careful to not get hit. There's basically no reason to ever take second skin imo, so take combo master. but if you want fast and easy, Star metal mace is perfectly fine, sure its not MAX DAMAGE ALL THE TIME but star metal weapons are easy to make dont require shards of power to get the recipe for, and are about 5 points behind the besus weapon ever. #conanexiles #conanexilestips #conanexilesgameplay Strength- 10 Heavy Blows and Combo Master work with Agility Weapons including bows. Put those points into Grit and Steel Thewed for crazy stamina and survivability, or Expertise for Beast of Conan exiles age of heroes OP Strength corruption build!!In this video I will be showing you guys a Super strong strength corruption build In Conan exiles ag It’s about weight, not armor class. He asked for a bunch of different info. Reply reply Definitley make sure to get 30 strength. I’m gonna be trying out my first RL1 playthrough in Elden Ring soon and looking for build advice, mostly strength probably, but id switch over once you get to 60. all of the 3 skulls including the dungeon bosses. Best Strength Build In Conan Exiles: Age Of Sorcery Picking the right Attributes is vital; some make a big difference while others are not worth leveling. Daggers, Dagon for Exile lands, Outer Dark for siptah. Katana, Seven Winds for exile lands, Sapping Blade for Siptah. That means that you can max out three completely, but it would be rare to build a character this way. I only use thralls when im leveling and I stay my normal combat build doing that. Your armor, weapon, thralls (if there are any), food and meds determine the status of your fight/combat. It costs 20 AP to max out one of the seven attributes. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, vanquish punishing bosses, build grand halls and forge your path in this co-op survival Action RPG for up to 16 players. Once I get bored of being a katana soloist, I think my final act is going Jump to patchnotes. Which is why I told him the meta, why it works, and why doesn't work for progression, and what he should do before focusing on that. Use a good weapon with that crafted by a blade Smith and put a master weapon damage kit on it. Here is one i came up after playing this game for a while. It was to my belief that corrupting attributes would grant you a BONUS PERK per 5 points placed , keeping the effect of the perk it was covering, It seems through testing and trial that this isn't the case , on the contrary it removes the attribute in it's place. The one I used for testing was a 15 Agility, 20 Vitality, 20 Authority, 5 Expertise while wearing the Witch Doctors This is in regard to a PvE-only server. I'm on a PVE server. You need to spend your last five points into vitality. For armors you'll need t4 Armorsmith (Shieldwright spec) to boost your armor. Play defensively with Glutton and you should be fine. I’d like to get those of you who are experienced Dagger players, to tell me about your build. It's a It makes it much easier and more fun to play with, especially for new and veteran players, so let's look at the Combo Damage build for Conan Exiles: Age of Sorcery. For PvP people generally use 20 str/agi/vit builds with rolling thrust spam. That strength will come in really handy when trying to knock out NPC's to put in a A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, 4th perk in strength, 1st agility, 2nd grit, 2nd encumbrance. The pure Ranger set is awesome, but it does lack in the armor department severely. So what I came up with is a bit of a compromise and maybe this will answer the question for people looking for a good agility build without having to resort to Dark Souls tactics. When encumbered I use a short sword and shield or just the short sword and it’s “dodge” or daggers and their dodge backflip since dodging is slow and takes a ton of stamina, so using a shield or a weapons dodge mechanic helps a lot. The majority of skills are utility centric so it's just supplements to the traditional "Use weapon and beat em to death" gameplay. There are a few metas for PvP, I currently like the agility build, if you start losing to a strength build you can just run away. Reply reply I got really tired of not being able to see stats (other than base armor value) in the Armorer's Bench before crafting anything. Trying to make a corruption build that can fight on the front lines. For example don't stand there naked and just dump all points till you hit max strength. But if someone wants to make an archery focused build, I think you have to look closely at 20 agiiity and 15 strength, and staying in full time berserker mode. Post 60 just do the Journey steps for Armorer until you unlock the Perfected ones. Yeah, War Party is great because then you don't have to worry about your build as much but Well Trained has a much higher ceiling for performance once you've got your build really going. Non-craftable weapons are random loot from NPCs or chests. Members Online. the damage type of your weapon is gonna determine what stat it pulls from. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, (T4 armorer thrall) gives +9. Maximum damage is gonna come from fully corrupting the strength tree. Of course you can go the lazy route and just straight dump in all the points but this is not very tryhard. Can anyone help me with a list of armor pieces to get the absolute best Strength armor while getting the highest Armor possible Conan exiles age of war chapter 4 OP strength build 2024. 🙃 full agility, full vitality, and it’s up to you whether or not you do full expertise which is what I run 24/7 so I can wear heavy armor or half expertise half grit. Gives 25% with a named armorer in the bench. BiS armor values aren't necessary for players (a must for thralls though) in order to solo any dungeon. Sort by: Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back. I don’t see any reason why this couldn’t also be done with a Str build just as easily. I have fun with these Builds despite their volatile nature and am You don't have any room in your build for either agility or strength. You get one In this video i will be showing you one of my strength Pvp builds and how to use It. I won 1 time, he won 3 times. Even in an Encumberance build, relying on agility based weapons, you can defeat every boss, solo. A community dedicated to Elden Ring PVP Arena combat, Fallout - Teaser Trailer | Amazon Prime (releasing April 12th, 2024) This is my ultimate pvp-pve strength build for conan exiles 2024 I am sure this has been asked here but what is the best player PVE single-player build with the Age of War changes? I always go heavy with strength but wondering what other players are doing_ Share Add a Comment. Lets take a look at my top 2 best archer builds, abyssal and ranger. Fast Healer and Glutton are Hello Conan community, just wanted to get others peoples opinion of what is the best armour set or mix for damage and defence, I usually rock the aspect of the wolf helmet for 15% damage (to my knowledge). Agility, Katana all the way. Also it increases damage against enemies that are far from you, which helps a lot, too! Before I switched back to this build, I used a 20 strength, 15 agility, 20 vit, 5 grit build with the Goblin Helm. Best agility & strength pvp build con This video features both agility and strength pvp build, we wil be compareing both builds to see which one is the best. Very similar, but slightly less damage and slightly tougher due to different starting stats is Cultist Veteran. I play pve-c and this is my go to farming build and all around pve build. I haven't played since AoS Chapter 1, and it feels like there have been some changes to combat. no need for 40 grit, but i always recommended 40 strength for the extra damage on heavy attacks. You need it cause you’ll be carrying a lot of arrows and having only 20 encumbrance kinda give you 2 options - less arrows (which is ok kinda if you can plan ahead well, but that’s FFA pvp we are talking about so. So you are looking into range build for PVE huh. His hit with that arrows Thank you. If you don't want to go all in on the follower damage for one reason or another War Party has a more consistent floor so it's going to work better for more builds though. Thanks in advance. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan with this build you can 1 tap almost all your enemies and wil give you a whole new experience in going through dungeons in Conan Exiles Age of War 2024 Trying to find the best combo of armor for thrall to get the biggest strength boost, but most of the stuff i find is full sets, but what would be the highest possible boost with a mix of items, like using wolf helmet with +10 str guessing that would be top one for helmet but what about the rest? Hello there, I want to ask fellow exiles about this matter. I’ve always run a 1 handed Axe/Strength build and i want to try something different. Second Skin to help with weight. Next Vitality. The game is changed a lot so I wanted some advice. For PvE you don't need to maximize armor if you're dodging regularly. Except OP did not ask what the best pvp build is. Fully corrupted strength, almost fully corrupted Vitality, keep glutton for punishment, and keep your last Authority perk. Just takes Crimson Lotus (can get thousands from one run around the Mounds of the Dead lake - use a black blood pick and Efficient Harvest perk on them) and alchemical base. Wear your exact build, hold a strength weapon (Ajas bane?) And take a 3pt strength buff if you can get them. The extra Strength also helps with carry weight. This is my ultimate pvp-pve strength build for conan exiles 2024 What would currently, be some good PVE builds regarding stat distribution? I am leaning more towards STR as the damage stat, I like the look of STR weapons more. I rarely use archer builds but my go to build is 30 Strength, 10 agility, 40 vitality, 40 accuracy, 20 encumbrance and the rest in grit. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t build Archer from beginning, this only means that you will have harder time on the resources For a strength PVP build I always do 20 STR, 20 VIT, 20 GRIT Your strength perks are completely up to you and your playstyle. 250K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. r/EldenRingPVP. Max it. In Conan Exiles you can “recruit” certain NPCs to be your followers. I've spent a bunch of time trying to figure out a good set of armor for an agility build for PvE. Armor wise you wanna use full vitality, then an accuracy paint and your derketos voice/eye of Take a look at my favorite corruption strength build conan exiles 2024 #conanexiles #conanexilesgameplay #conanexilescorcery After testing archer capabilities in PVE i came up with this build. I appreciate the feedback, not too worried about the cold or anything just messing about with a agi build the heat and cold are a part of overall calculation though that's why I'm sort of mixing the armors up a bit rather than shooting for a set of armor by itself. 40 str 40 vit & at least 20 encumbrance is the golden standard for any build, its the bare minimum. You can control pretty much every aspect of the game just like those with server admin, even cheat your face right off for everything, so just know you need willpower too right, or you'll spoil it. Darfari armor gives +5 strength or +7/+9 for exceptional/flawless variants. It gives 15% to both Strength and Agility by default. I just discovered that corruption perks are a thing, and I'm kinda curious what are good weapons to go with them? Traditionally been running around in heavy armor swinging a 2 handed maul for the AOE beat down while having a follower with a greatsword or that following me around. I haven't really played with them too much. I want to be a tank but the best armor I’ve found so far is silent legion armor. I maxed aithority and survival to farm for a big base but once that is done I go back to the old build I think. Daggers are the meta agility weapon. Agility: 0 Vitality: 20. You can do a 50 strength 30 vitality build with a decent amount of encumbrance maybe 30 if you run fish buffs and paints but if not 40 strength is fine. In fact a high crafted pike of the legion does around the same damage as the Depraved while fully corrupted. So, when the Testlive launched, I decided to make a spreadsheet comparing all of These strength bows work well for them you just need to craft or find them. But, an easy win build is getting a Asgarath, Cimmerian, Volcano fighter thrall with a ton of strength. ) There is nothing like meta. 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. There are significant bonuses to be earned as you Best build Helmet - that light vault helmet that gives 500 ish armor Glove - that light vault glove that gives 8 strength Chest - silent legion chest giving 3 strength Pants - zingaran freebooter giving 2 vitality Boots - those light vault boots that give 9 encumbrance Pike, on Exile Lands, Zathite or Ancient Lemurian. I really enjoyed horseback riding with sword/spear in early 2020, and remember it as powerful, similar to M&B. 20 corrupted strength and 15 A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, 20 STR 20ATH 20VIT. If there's no water in the Weapons in Conan Exiles. Once reaching 60 I switched but my current build has issues. I just use Strength build General Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back. The gameplay factors that drive these Builds create highly focused risk-reward factors more similar to some of my favorite games. Also keep in mind it's THE BEST to have +Stats which you have the highest point spent as it's worth more Dps pve best class and build I want to try a Dagger/Agility build. What’s the best armor I can get my hands on in isle of siptah? Someone mentioned reinforced stool which is good, and no longer random. Discussion thread Greetings Exiles! The new major update is here! Let your war cries fill the air in welcome to the Age of Heroes. This is how I go: The Agility perk that makes you arrows faster is very good. That's it. your PvP build is not your farm build, which is why the OP asked for the best PVP build, not PvE. Strength, probably the Tenderiser 1 handed mace. I personally use the Ancient Lemurian Axe with a spike mod paired with Black Ice Throwing Axes. Welcome all in this video i wil be showing you my ultimate best strength build conan exiles 2024. I really wanted to use katana too but the damage is very low compared to the strength build weapons. First time he was using acid arrows with the fog, behind which he was hiding all the time. ”zero”. The best you can do is summon lightning storms then kite around till RNG kills the stuff you're trying to kill lmao. Note that weapons crafted with the help of a bowmaker, bladesmith or confessor thrall will get additonal damage. Just started playing and wanted to know what the best survival pve build is, stats wise. This includes non-human pets as well, however, given that in the current iteration of the game most pets are the equivalent of garden gnomes that people place on their lawn for decoration (meaning they’re just too weak in most cases) this guide will be focusing exclusively on humanoid thralls. Damage is the amount of health damage inflicted on a naked character (no armor), without skill point, and with a 100% damage modifier. 5% per point. Tell me how After alot of testing I finally found the best build for both strength and agility fighter thralls and I wil also be showing you how to buff them and where t This video is a 2 part strength build set up,for solo play and single follower set up If you run a follower build where you like participating as well then I think agility is better because of one armor set in particular which is Skelos Master Cultist. Build II Strength: 15. Was pretty nasty, but I tickeled when I wasn't berserker due to running mostly agility gear so my bow wasn't garbage. wllr gqxue pwqpv hpgqlxl unmb cdjbc khzxldh qjearq cowgia ahdphc