European commission training. Education and Training Monitor.

  • As such, working knowledge of the PM² Methodology becomes essential for anyone participating in relevant projects. Training for the period 2011-2020, Communiqué of the European Ministers for Vocational Education and Training, the European Social Partners and the European Commission, meeting in Bruges on 7 December 2010 to review the strategic approach and priorities of the Copenhagen process for 2011-2020, Find calls for funding proposals, get information on funding processes and programmes, and apply online. Micro-credentials also feature in the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan (March 2021) and the Commission Communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025 (September 2020). Key competences include knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by all for personal fulfilment and development, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship. Aug 1, 2024 · The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy. The reports bring together the latest available data and other evidence, alongside updates on national policy measures. Education and training. About the Erasmus+ funding programme. Introduction. You can explore our vast collection of animations, infographics, games, videos, virtual tours and other media by any science topic or Commission Priority The Green Public Procurement (GPP) Training Toolkit is designed for use by public purchasers and by GPP trainers or integrated in general public procurement training courses and workshops. DG EMPL develops and carries out the Commission's policies on: Employment and social affairs; Education and training; EU employment and social policies bring practical benefits to citizens, for example, in finding a job, moving to another Member State for work or other reasons, upgrading skills, etc. Blogs. For questions and/or assistance concerning the streaming at the European Commission contact SCIC-STREAMING@ec. Nov 24, 2021 · In the keynote presentation, Beatriz Yordi provided an overview of the Commission’s Fit-for-55 package and many details on the planned implementation of proposals for expansion and strengthening of the EU ETS emphasising that the revision package is the most comprehensive legislative framework in the world that is addressing climate and an evolution to a transformational change. The EQF works together with other European and international instruments supporting the recognition of qualifications. Jul 31, 2024 · Scientists of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) carry out research in various fields to provide independent advice to EU policymakers and put science at the heart of European policies. AIIC online. The outcomes of the event have been fed into the European Year of Skills. What the European Commission is doing EU programme to help provide European entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start and run a small business. The EU funds many projects to improve driver training. Nov 12, 2020 · Published as a European Commission Staff Working Document, the Education and Training Monitor presents a yearly evaluation of education and training system across Europe. JRC Digital Media Hub helps you easily discover how the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) scientific research and advice are linked to our daily lives in the European Union. Pursuant to the latest evaluation, the Commission concluded that there is no need for a revision. UAFP was established to promote activities to combat fraud affecting the EU's financial interests and is implemented by the European Commission (OLAF). Responsibilities. Enlarge The monitor tracks the progress towards the targets agreed by EU countries as part of the European Education Area’s strategic framework. As part of the ET 2020 strategic framework, cooperation inter alia takes the form of Working Groups. ELINDER offers the following training opportunities: Generic training modules as introduction to decommissioning. The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is the EU's tool to put a fair price on the carbon emitted during the production of carbon intensive goods that are entering the EU, and to encourage cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. The official traineeship scheme of the European Commission, also known as the Blue Book Traineeship, is a traineeship programme providing official in-service training with the European Commission. Education is back where it belongs: at the top of the European Union’s political agenda. Foster a diverse, respectful and inclusive work environment across the Commission which is reflective of the European society it serves; Support staff physical and mental wellbeing and lifelong learning for staff Deliver support, opportunities and training for staff to have meaningful careers in line with the Commission’s needs The European Commission has published PM² with an open and free license for anyone to use for the management of their projects, with a focus on projects running within the EU Institutions or funded by EU programmes. Mar 19, 2024 · The training will equip participants with all the necessary knowledge, skills and reference sources to help them understand, tailor and effectively use the PM² Methodology for the coordination of multi-party project work, but also for the effective reporting and smooth communication with the Project Officers of the European Commission. Apr 24, 2023 · The training is financed by the European Union Anti-Fraud Programme (UAFP) (2021-2027). It aims to create an environment where AI technologies respect human dignity, rights, and trust. Find out more. The webinar will explain how to calculate the daily rates and the process to apply for their use. Erasmus+ supports the professional development of people working in vocational education and training (VET) through training periods abroad. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - Data protection rules as a trust-enabler in the EU and beyond – taking stock English (234. improve and support nuclear safety, security, safeguards, radiation protection, safe spent fuel and radioactive waste management and decommissioning, including the safe and secure use of nuclear power and of non-power applications of ionising radiation This EU-wide tool aims to help policy-makers formulate related initiatives, and plan education and training initiatives to improve proficiency of specific target groups while improving citizens’ digital competence. The overall objectives of the EuFMD training programme are to support the capacity development of Veterinary Services and animal health workers to improve preparedness for management of FMD And Similar Transboundary animal disease (FAST diseases) emergencies by EuFMD Member Nations (MNs), reduce risk in neighbouring countries and sustain and enhance progress in the roll-out of the Global Nov 11, 2020 · In a major effort to improve existing skills and training in new ones, the European Commission is launching a Pact for Skills. The European AI Office, established in February 2024 within the Commission, oversees the AI Act’s enforcement and implementation with the member states. Jun 8, 2023 · Publishing summaries of copyrighted data used for training High-impact general-purpose AI models that might pose systemic risk, such as the more advanced AI model GPT-4, would have to undergo thorough evaluations and any serious incidents would have to be reported to the European Commission. See what other EU institutions are doing on education and training. at least 45% of 25-34 year-olds should have a higher education qualification. The overall objectives of the EuFMD training programme are to support the capacity development of veterinary services and animal health workers to improve preparedness for management of FMD and similar transboundary animal disease (FAST) emergencies by EuFMD Member Nations, reduce risk in neighbouring countries and sustain and enhance progress in the roll-out of the GF-TADs global strategy. The program is offered for the duration of five (5) months (March to July or October to February), in administrative or translation traineeships. In 1998, the Council of Europe and the European Commission decided to work together in the field of European youth worker training. . They work together to improve journalism education in Europe, enabling members to collaborate on exchanges and teaching and research projects, and meet regularly to exchange ideas and information. The European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) was established in Brussels in 1990. Skills and career development in the blue economy. The programme is part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013 [1] and aims to help the European labour market by helping European Education and Training Monitor 2022. The Work Programme outlines the objectives and specific topic areas, which will receive €300 million in funding. The European Commission proposes 2 types of traineeship: an Administrative Traineeship or a Translation Traineeship with the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT). We can cater our training to various levels of IP understanding (starters, intermediate, advanced) Conference interpreter training with theoretical presentations, practical tips and demonstrations. PSA training class with participants from the USA, March 2020 provide interpretation services for the Commission, European Council, Council of the EU, Committee of the Regions, European Economic and Social Committee, European Investment Bank as well as agencies and offices in EU countries; allocate Commission meeting rooms and provide support for multilingual meetings and conferences Find out the jobs at the European Commission: traineeships, temporary, and permanent positions. The EU cooperates with higher education institutions and Member States to accelerate the transformation of an open and inclusive higher education system in Europe. Anyone who wants to work as a driver must attend a training course, pass a test and attend recurrent training every 5 years. The initiative will also help achieve the 2030 Digital Compass targets of at least 80% of adults with basic digital skills and 20 million employed ICT specialists in the EU. The Council Recommendation of 26 November 2018 on promoting automatic mutual recognition of higher education and upper secondary education and training qualifications and the outcomes of learning periods abroad refers to the EQF as a way to foster transparency and build trust Jan 14, 2022 · a new European competence framework on sustainability, also developed by the European Commission. Essential to this is a training process that engages novice drivers personally and emotionally, increasing their awareness of their own limitations and of the dangers inherent to driving. The Group performed its work between 8 July 2021 and 14 June 2022. eu About us Information about the Streaming Service Jan 25, 2022 · The report by the working group on domain specialisation of the European Commission OPTIMALE Project, backed by a tremendous amount of research, discussion and debate, as well as the results of the follow-up Translating Europe Workshop on Specialisation in Translator Training and Continuing Professional Development have shown us a varied range The Directorate-General for Translation (DG TRAD) offers more than 80 traineeships. Videos relating to speechmaking, skill acquisition and preparation techniques. EU cohesion policy in education and training, European social fund for better education, latest news, project information. 55 KB - HTML) Dec 9, 2021 · Published as a European Commission Staff Working Document, the Education and Training Monitor presents a yearly evaluation of education and training system across the EU. Join the community of practitioners. Oct 21, 2022 · The training is financed by the European Union Anti-Fraud Programme (UAFP) (2021-2027). Big interpreters’ blog-roll & archive. Online tools for youth work and training (SALTO) Promoting and supporting youth work by offering trainings, tools and state-of-art strategies. Since its launch in 2018, the AI Alliance has engaged around 6000 stakeholders through regular events, public consultations and online forum Jul 2, 2021 · Today, the European Commission adopted the Euratom Work Programme 2021-2022, implementing the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025. Driver training projects. The Education and Training Monitor presents the European Commission's annual analysis of how education and training systems evolve across the EU. The European Year of Skills will provide a new momentum to reach the EU 2030 social targets of at least 60% of adults in training every year, and at least 78% in employment. Entrepreneurs, start-ups, and researchers are more than welcome to join our various free training sessions. The European Council met in Stockholm on 23 and 24 March 2001, and in the light of the council's document, asked the Council and Commission to report back to the Spring European Council 2002, a year later, giving "a detailed work programme on the follow-up of the objectives of education and training systems, including an assessment of their An interactive platform for education professionals to network and exchange good practices and keep up to date with European policies. The opening of the transport market has led to the introduction of EU-wide training standards for professional drivers. The Commission created an educational and user-friendly website offering a series of online tools to help users better understand the EU taxonomy in a simple and practical manner, ultimately facilitating its implementation and supporting companies in their reporting obligations. 0 Award provides a vision of the future of European industry, which aims to achieve societal goals beyond jobs and growth. Europe needs foresight and skills intelligence to anticipate and manage change, increase investment in training, nurture new types of work and strengthen social cohesion. Only the Court of Justice of the European Union is competent to authoritatively interpret Union law. Nov 21, 2022 · These included teachers, students, training providers, EU and national organisations and policy makers, who came together to discuss the role agricultural VET can play in creating a farming sector that is ready for the green and digital transition. recruitment (especially via the internet) and training. Annual monitoring will also take place through the Commission’s Education and Training Monitor, which tracks progress towards achieving all the agreed EU-level targets and indicators, including subindicators, in the field of education and training, and also contributes to the European semester process. The European Commission is the European Union's politically independent executive arm. The European Commission’s electronic learning materials are produced in collaboration with customs and taxation administrations and representatives of trade. Become an ‘EU trainee’! A traineeship programme with the EU institutions, bodies and agencies will offer you: a unique chance to get a taste of what an EU career is all about Jan 11, 2020 · The European Commission Traineeship opens twice a year, and offers around 1800 paid internship positions. These data have been complemented with qualitative and quantitative data provided by other organisations, including Cedefop, Eurostat and the OECD. National Network for Interpreting UK. You can find opportunities in translation, speech to text, podcasting, subtitling, communication, terminology, IT. PM² is a project management methodology developed by the European Commission and open to all. All materials on these pages are available free of charge and many are available in multiple languages. This was enlarged since the Prodi Commission with the addition of training and multilingualism (The Directorate-General is still just Directorate-General for Education and Culture). The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) administers all phases of BTSF training contracts, from the launch of calls for tender, the evaluations of offers and the awarding of contracts to their conclusion. The course gives an overview of the methods through which the Commission and, more specifically, DG INTPA implements Union funds in line with the principle of development effectiveness and within the context of its mission to contribute to sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, peace and the protection of human rights through international partnerships. Volume 2 consists of 27 Commissioner Ján Figeľ was approved by the European Parliament in 2004 as the European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism. BTSF is a European Commission training initiative to improve the knowledge and implementation of EU rules covering food and feed law, animal health and welfare, as well as rules on plant health and plant protection products. Both institutions, therefore, initiated a Partnership agreement, the aim of which was to promote active European citizenship and civil society by giving impetus to the Education and Training Monitor 2023. We are working every day to make European policies grounded in science. … Higher education. May 9, 2021 · The Euratom Research and Training programme has the following specific objectives. On 30 November 2020, ministers in charge of vocational education and training from EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EEA-EFTA (European Economic Area – European Free Trade Association) countries, European social partners and the Commission endorsed the ‘Osnabrück Declaration 2020 on vocational education and training as an enabler of Actions can range from training unemployed people, hosting massive open online courses (MOOCs) for teachers, offering coding classes for children or cutting edge training for ICT specialists. Jun 16, 2022 · Both proposals were part of the twelve flagship actions announced in the European Skills Agenda (July 2020). As another very important step in the implementation of the European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024, the French Presidency of the Council of the EU, the École Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) and the European Commission jointly held a high-level two-day hybrid You will find many training courses on EU law advertised on the European Training Platform as well as EU law-related self-learning materials, You can search according to different search fields and set different filters (such as the topic of the course, venue, date, language, training provider, keywords, and practice area: from civil law, public law, criminal law to fundamental rights The European Commission offers a range of training and education materials about customs and tax topics. Sep 25, 2019 · Published as a European Commission Staff Working Document, the Education and Training Monitor presents a yearly evaluation of education and training system across Europe. ETNs are networks which form a structured, international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary research and training environment for PhD students (read more Oct 8, 2003 · Volume 4 of "The rules governing medicinal products in the European Union" contains guidance for the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practices for medicinal products for human and veterinary use laid down in Commission Directives 91/356/EEC, as amended by Directive 2003/94/EC, and 91/412/EEC respectively. Citizens can file a complaint if they consider that the European Commission has breached the public service principles set out in the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour. These opportunities can consist of structured courses, training assignments or job shadowing periods at VET institution or at another relevant organisation, based in an Erasmus+ Programme country. The Commission monitors the implementation of the SME definition and reviews it in irregular intervals. A European Green Deal Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) is a training initiative of the European Commission, which has the objective to improve the knowledge and implementation of EU rules covering food safety and plant and animal health based on the 'One Health' approach*. May 2, 2022 · The Common Agricultural Policy increased training and advice projects for farmers in 2014-20 and more will be done in the new CAP to continue on that path. The Education and Training Monitor 2021 presents European Commission’s yearly evaluation of education and training system across Europe. What will the European Commission do to achieve this? Action 7: Common guidelines for teachers and educators to foster digital literacy and tackle disinformation through education and training; Action 8: Updating the European Digital Competence Framework to include AI and data-related skills; Action 9: European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) If you are a new user, register on European Commission Authentication Service to begin your application. 12. The European Commission works with EU Member States to support and reinforce the development of key competences and basic skills for all, from an early age and throughout life. Within the framework of the Better Training for Safer Food programme, the Commission organises regular training sessions on veterinary checks at airport, seaport, road and rail border control posts (BCPs). The European Commission organizes an information session on the new system for the calculation of personnel costs in Horizon Europe projects based on unit costs. The European Commission supports, coordinates and and monitors cross-border cooperation between national education systems in the EU. Its purpose is to enable project managers deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations by effectively managing the entire lifecycle of their projects. European Commissioners have specific rules that apply to them. It was established to promote activities to combat fraud affecting the EU's financial interests. Mar 31, 2023 · In December 2021, following a detailed assessment of the training and certification system in place, the Commission had informed the Philippines that recognition of their seafarer certificates would be withdrawn unless serious measures were taken, including the compliance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification A common set of knowledge and skills: the CTF should encompass knowledge, skills and competences required by the educational and training systems in at least 9 EU countries. The tool was developed by the European Commission in close consultation with relevant stakeholders, delivering on the new European Research Area and the Skills Agenda, and contributing to the European Year of Skills. 2020). How to get financial help if you are a student or university involved in conference interpreting. Learn about the tendering process and opportunities for doing business with the European Commission. High-level EU judicial training conference on initial training and the respect for the rule of law 22/23 February 2022. The group’s main task is to assist the Commission in preparing ethical guidelines in the field of AI and data in education and training. k. European Solidarity Corps The European Commission (EC) is the primary executive arm of the European Union (EU). Discussions revolved around Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (VET) with a focus on current challenges and innovative measures, including those related to the digitalisation of VET provision. They were derived from the Council’s strategic agenda and from discussions with the political groups of the European Parliament. The European Commission is responsible for Erasmus+ policies and oversees the overall programme implementation. The partners are committed to pooling knowledge and resources to accelerate the development, validation and acceptance of alternative approaches to further the "Three Rs" in regulatory testing. Jul 16, 2021 · On 8 July, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, launched the Commission expert group on artificial intelligence (AI) and data in education and training. Inclusive and high quality education and training, at all levels, as well as the European dimension of teaching, are paramount for creating and maintaining a cohesive European society. The TRACE 2 document updates and complements the Trace explanatory text by reflecting the legislative changes introduced through Mobility Package 1 that was Education and Training Monitor 2020 The Education and Training Monitor 2020 presents European Commission’s yearly evaluation of education and training system across Europe. Have Jul 3, 2024 · Learn how the European Commission works with EU countries to raise standards of teaching and improve support to the teaching professions. Strategy Find out how the EU's strategy is developed and translated into policies and initiatives by the European Commission. The report brings together the latest data, technical reports and studies, as well as examples of policy measures from different EU countries. The Industry 5. European Alliance for Apprenticeships. Nuclear decommissioning training and education The Commission aims to ensure that European nuclear facilities are closed safely, protecting the environment and human health. The European Commission Blue Book traineeship program starts on 1 March or 1 October each year. Alignment with the European Qualifications Framework: the CTF should be aligned with the levels of the European Qualifications Framework. The Coalition shares and promotes digital skills initiatives through the European Digital Skills Awards, which can be replicated and scaled up across Europe. See the range of educational and training opportunities available throughout Europe for students of all ages, including information on studying abroad, vocational training, recognition of qualifications and skills. Working Groups - first established Jan 30, 2024 · However, as soon as you complete more than 42 calendar days in any other European institution, European Union (EU) body, EU Agency, EU delegations or working for Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EU Court of Justice (EUCJ), you will no longer be eligible for the European Commission Blue Book traineeship programme. European Commission Training modules for interpreting students. The Education and Training Monitor is the European Commission’s annual report on EU education and training systems, and their progress towards achieving the EU-level targets, which were adopted as part of the 2021 Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area. Volume 1 offers a cross-national and thematic analysis. There are two types of selection processes that EPSO is responsible for: Selecting Permanent Officials (EPSO Competitions) In line with European Commission and national priorities, the Commission helps Member States reform their education and training systems in a way that both helps recovery from the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and makes them more resilient in the long term, tackling negative social impacts, in particular. Conflicts of interest The site is managed by European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships ("DG INTPA") and is an official website of the European Union. About the European Commission Learn about the European Commission's role in instigating and implementing the EU's policies. The Progressive Learning Pathway (PLP) is a learning framework designed to boost emergency preparedness and response capabilities of Veterinary Services. It also promotes language learning in Europe by: attracting more teachers and students to teach and learn languages; encouraging students, trainees, teachers and young people to travel and study/work abroad Nov 11, 2021 · The last known comparative study on the judicial systems of Council of Europe Member States, which also examines the training situation in these, was presented in 2018 by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ - Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice); the underlying data were collected in 2016. See available funding opportunities in education and training. Education and Training Monitor. The Leonardo da Vinci programme is a European Commission funding programme focused on the teaching and training needs of those involved in vocational education and training (VET). OCCAM is a European Training Network (ETN) which is a sub call in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA ITN) of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 framework. The following guidelines have been created by the European Commission to provide information to national authorities, EU operators and other stakeholders for the implementation of the Regulation on Deforestation Free Products (EUDR). The 6 priorities. It is important to focus on the fundamental beliefs about driving, including assessment of the trainees own skills and motives for driving, as well as the Mar 27, 2024 · The European Commission has adopted a package of ambitious proposals for Europe’s higher education sector, with the aim of working towards a European degree. The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is network working to improve apprenticeships in Europe and for sharing best practices. This content is offered by the European Commission. On 25 October 2021, we informed stakeholders by holding a webinar with presentations on the SME evaluation's results and next steps. Nov 9, 2017 · The 'Education and training monitor' is a European Commission staff working document that presents a yearly evaluation of education and training systems across Europe. Feb 18, 2021 · The ET 2020 strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training is the main instrument to develop exchanges of information and experience on issues common to the education and training systems of the Member States (TFEU, art. The Education and Training Monitor presents the European Commission’s annual analysis of how education and training systems evolve across the EU. General introduction to decommissioning, relevant regulation and standards, status of the play, experience feedback, waste management approaches, technical and organisational topics, radiation safety issues, stakeholder involvement experiences (a modules G1 to G5 have basically the The President of the Commission determined 6 political priorities for the 2019-2024 mandate. 165 and 166). The traineeship programme is open to all eligible candidates whatever their citizenship, regardless of their sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, religion or belief, membership of a national minority, disability, age or Dec 20, 2023 · This set of guidance and training materials does not commit the European Commission. EU Login. The European Commission sets the policy and strategy for BTSF including the BTSF ACADEMY and monitors its implementation. The report brings together the latest data, technical papers and studies, as well as examples of policy measures from different EU countries. europa. Enterprises have difficulties in finding employees with these skills and report that this is delaying their investments. Volume 1 of the monitor provides an analysis from cross EQAVET Annual Network Meeting 2023 - Full Summary Report The EQAVET Annual Network Meeting took place on June 15-16, 2023, in Stockholm. Together with Member States, the European Commission has put solid foundations in place to ensure that we build a true European Education Area: overcoming barriers, boosting learning abroad, fostering mutual recognition of diplomas, the learning of foreign languages and early childhood Our training activities are mainly targeting EU/SMP SMEs and beneficiaries of EU-funded research projects. The guidelines are accompanied by an executive summary of a final report , which brings together the expert group’s main findings and recommendations. The competence framework maps out the competences needed for the green transition, including critical thinking, initiative-taking, respecting nature and understanding the interconnections between the environment, society and the economy. 2 billion for 2021-2027, it provides opportunities for millions of participants to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad. With an estimated budget of €26. EPSO, is considered the HR department of the European Union and is tasked with selecting suitable candidates to fill available positions within the EU institutions. It consists of six independent modules and ten operational modules, with PowerPoint presentations (including trainer notes) and accompanying guidance. Module 2: What is interpretation? The basic principles of interpreting, how they have been established, and how they are taught in modern times. The PLP offers a mapping of the required domains of competence of Veterinary Services with the EuFMD available training solutions and tools. Your application is assessed on basis of academic profile, language skills and additional competences, skills and qualities, such as having an international profile, work experience, certificates and other achievements. Since 2002 the European Commission has established common rules in the field of civil aviation security aimed at protecting persons and goods from unlawful interference with civil aircraft. The European Commission has launched the Pact for Skills, a shared engagement model for skills chambers of commerce; education and training providers; employment Oct 25, 2022 · To support the development of the guidelines, the Commission launched an expert group on AI and data in education and training. Jul 9, 2024 · The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) is a unique human rights monitoring body which specialises in questions relating to the fight against racism, discrimination (on grounds of “race”, ethnic/national origin, colour, citizenship, religion, language, sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics), xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance in Europe; it For this reason, the Commission and different experts from EU countries organise the EU PSA training course to further support EU country experts during missions. To train qualified and experienced personnel to support this nuclear decommissioning is probably one of the most critical issues. Challenging, Interesting, fast-paced environment. It contains a collection of recordings, either excerpts of conferences or other public meetings as well as training speeches made by interpreters from The European Commission proposes 2 types of traineeship: an Administrative Traineeship or a Translation Traineeship with the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT). It is aimed at staff working for Law Enforcement Agencies that are competent for the fight against fraud and corruption to the detriment of the EU budget. Complaints procedure. The European Commission’s annual report on EU education and training systems. click here to create an account; fill in the sign-up form; click 'submit' check your email account (including your spam folder) for confirmation; in the email, follow the link to 'create your password' choose your password and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission developed ESCO in collaboration with stakeholders and with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). Funding opportunities exist in education and training in the form of the Erasmus+ programme, which is a funding scheme to support activities in education, training, youth and sport. Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport. It groups about 80 journalism centres, schools and universities from about 30 countries across Europe. Industry would become a resilient provider of prosperity, by making production more sustainable and placing the wellbeing of the worker at the centre of the production process. The European Union helps its member countries in their efforts to provide the best education and training opportunities for their citizens. European Social Fund+ The European Social Fund+ (ESF+) is the EU’s main instrument for investing in people with the aim of building a more social and inclusive Europe. Complaints. Twice a year, the European Commission offers 5-month paid traineeships. The European Personnel Selection Office, a. The training is financed by the Union Anti-Fraud Programme (UAFP) (2021-2027). MAIN DOCUMENT Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions – Ensuring justice in the EU – A European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024 (COM(2020) 713 final, 2. Speech Repository is an e-learning tool developed by the Directorate-General for Interpretation which provides audio-visual training material for conference interpreting students and trainers. The monitor reports on EU and Member States’ performance on the ET2020 benchmarks, and elaborates on policy priorities and initiatives for education systems. Improving skills in the maritime economy, jobs in the marine sector, news and events, funding opportunities. This programme is implemented by the European Commission (OLAF). It is alone responsible for drawing up proposals for new European legislation, and it implements the decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. a. EU Pact for Skills: upskilling and reskilling initiative for those training and working in the microelectronics industry | Shaping Europe’s digital future The European AI Alliance is an initiative of the European Commission to establish an open policy dialogue on Artificial Intelligence. Erasmus+ Support the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport. Learn what working for the EU means and send us your application! The Commission's work is steered by a College of Commissioners, and led by its President. Council Regulation (Euratom) 2021/765 of 10 May 2021 establishing the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for the period 2021-2025 complementing Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and repealing Regulation (Euratom) 2018/1563. TAO, the Association of Independents of the European Commission, is an official trade union representing all the personnel of the European Commission sharing the democratic values of respect, tolerance, human rights, equal opportunities and rule of law. The package contains a blueprint for this new and universally recognised qualification, as a result of deeper and wider transnational cooperation between higher education institutions - a key component of the European Education Area. Trainees work all over the European Commission, its services and agencies, mostly in Brussels, but also in Luxembourg and elsewhere across the European Union. Related content. The EDPB tasks consist primarily in providing general guidance on key concepts of the GDPR and the Law Enforcement Directive, advising the European Commission on issues related to the protection of personal data and new proposed legislation in the European Union, and adopting binding decisions in disputes between national supervisory authorities. In October 2021, the Secretariat-General of the European Commission launched an online course on the European Citizens’ Initiative, a unique participatory democracy tool that allows European citizens to have a direct say on the formulation of EU policy. Increased training, advice and innovation projects for EU farmers in 2014-2020 thanks to the Common Agricultural Policy - European Commission Feb 22, 2022 · Both manuals are products of a contract awarded by the European Commission to the European Lawyers Foundation (ELF) and the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) on the ‘Development of organisation of training for lawyers on anti-money laundering (AML) and counter terrorist financing (CTF) rules at EU level’. Learning about Europe's common cultural heritage and diversity , and a strong understanding of the origins and functioning of the European Union is essential Sep 8, 2021 · The report's prime source is the policy information collected from Eurydice National Units, representing 42 education and training systems across 37 European countries. Based in Turin, Italy, the ETF has been operational since 1994. Objectives and methods of European judicial training, profiles of who should be trained and online resources. Most material is available for download freely, however, some courses contain sensitive information and their use might be limited to specific target audiences. The Partnership is a voluntary collaboration between the European Commission, European trade associations, and companies from seven industry sectors. Dec 12, 2023 · The programme provides participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to work in the Commission through a comprehensive learning, development and mobility programme over a period of two years. abcrac mrdjfd nipyup ioo qkki yvoca laso scl awcvp wtz

European commission training. Skills and career development in the blue economy.