Auto op list irc. Mar 3, 2013 · Connecting.

Auto op list irc example: /list. If you gain op status, it only lasts while you're in the channel – if you leave or disconnect, someone will need to /op you You can use the mIRC default op/voice service . Connect a server to the IRC network; this command is restricted to IRC operators. AOP stands for Auto-Op (IRC channels). Dec 12, 2018 · Auto Deop (Updated with list) This simple skript plugin makes your server safer. /chanserv aop #cool_room list *abac. Examples: LIST *!joeuser@foo. Servers - How IRC works 1. 231] 142 8841 512 485915 21058 1234. An operator on the IRC side of the bridge will be given moderator privileges (PL50) and a voiced user will be given PL1. User List [You can add users to many categories like "Auto-op","Protected" and others] Net Scanner [Scans channels for clones, Irc-ops and aways] Irc Statistics [Shows statistic how many times you kicked, baned, connected, disconnected and other, you can echo this information to channel] (Must be a channel Op) KICK Syntax: /KICK channel, channel user, user reason Kicks a user or users out of a channel, or channels. Jun 1, 2013 · GRecon OP. First, it won't look like obvious auto ops to other people in the The BADWORDS DEL command removes the given word from the bad words list. S Posted By: Mentality Re: auto op list - 30/10/06 09:48 AM It can be manipulated via the /aop command, or through a GUI. You can also set timed bans. com. Auto Op & Auto Voice: File Name: Auto Op & Auto Voice Scripts. sconnect. mysqlquote. So really confused on how this is working. LIST can be used in three ways: plain or by adding -l or -n. What am I doing different than you? Cause I really have no idea. May 8, 2008 · 1) I wouldn't recommend using a non-terminating timer that is set for 30 seconds for your nick change. See ChanServ Commands for help with those commands. Oct 22, 2005 · hey, i'm having some trouble with a nick kicking script - e. abac. mIRC 6. . (See the example for LIST below. Since the sendq going from irc. Inspired by EFnet's CHANFIX, this bot attempts to keep operator or voice mode to users in the channel. File Size: 1. 213. When op-notice is set, ChanServ will send a notice to the channel whenever the OP or DEOP commands are used for a user in the channel. opermeet [CLOSED LIST] For posting of online operator meetings. 5-9 Auto op. oper-com [CLOSED LIST] Discussion between Undernet irc operators. Services are automated bots with special status which are generally used to provide users with access with certain privileges and protection. When you no longer need your operator powers, you can remove them by using this command: /msg ChanServ DEOP #channel. /msg ChanServ access #channel del nick To delete a nick off from the access list. #channel_name), and are unique to a server. 3 watching Forks. 123. Will be auto-opped on all channels that both of you share when <nick> joins /aop <address> Adds <address> to the aop list. Its very simple and lightweight for owners who own free-op servers or for whatever you need it for. Type /abook and go to the Control tab, then to the Auto-Op section in the dropdown list. And as always more will be added :) Restarts the active IRC server; this command is restricted to IRC administrators. Displays, adds, modifies or removes the network configuration of IRC servers. ) / NETWORK MODIFY - autosendcmd "^msg NickServ identify YOURPASSWORD YOURNICK;wait -OFTC 2000" OFTC Mar 7, 2004 · If you open the mIRC options dialog, under the DCC section you can enable auto-get and add nicknames to a 'trusted' list. 100: Normal olarak Auto-Op ile birlikte Auto-protect yetkisine sahip olan kişilerdir. msg or priv msg - An abbreviation for "Message" or "Private When op-notice is set, ChanServ will send a notice to the channel whenever the OP or DEOP commands are used for a user in the channel. New collection of IRC servers (October 28 th 2004) A list with over 400 IRC servers for mIRC is available in the servers. Aug 1, 1993 · Documentation Committee -- Discussion of documentation on various topics relating to the Undernet and IRC. Posts: 19. Make sure that X is NOT on ignore: * Removed *!*ChanServ@service. pl these days. Type /help list for the syntax. /msg ChanServ FLAGS #mychannel Check the flags-table to determine what each flag means. Acc-Change : Normalde bu Level 100 tedir. As for voice, I wonder if there's a script where the bot will type !list every 30-45 minutes and voice the fserves that the bot sees that aren't voiced yet. 7. Joined horgh_autoop. Command: /msg ChanServ CHANOP #channel LIST /msg ChanServ CHANOP #channel LIST -l level /msg ChanServ CHANOP #channel LIST -n word Example: /msg ChanServ CHANOP #help LIST IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". othernet. The IRC network is a virtual meeting place where people from all over the world can meet and talk (well, type). Stars. Scripting is not difficult but if you simply want to auto-op your friends on your IRC channel, or if you want to ban or ignore an annoying person, mIRC is perfectly equipped already with functions that do exactly what you want. org from ignore list 2. The AOP list gives users i have a script that bans specifed words like a word list ban. com Lists all nicks owned by joeuser@foo. Names are prefaced with a pound sign (e. Packages 0. 0. Just left what you posted and it still timed out op users. Hey guys, I've been asking the people in my IRC channel if they know any way to stop typing /msg NickServ identify <password It has 4 ChanServ commands – VOP, HOP, AOP and SOP for auto voice, auto halfop, auto op and auto admin, respectively. Very unsafe. Pikka bird. They don't have user "accounts". Sep 29, 2021 · AOP corresponds to an op: @ SOP corresponds to a protectop: & Important: Every level can add or delete people to levels below them. Nov 11, 2009 · Stack Exchange Network. example: /list *mirc* Note: mIRC also supports a /list -n switch that minimizes the list window when it is opened. How does IRC work? This means that you will need to instruct ChanServ to OP you when you need to perform operator-related duties. 3 Auto voice. 50: Normal olarak Auto-Op yetkisine sahip olan kişilerdir. Then add the user to the invite list using their cloak as a mask: /mode #CHANNEL_NAME +I *!*@your/user/cloak (note uppercase) IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". OPER Syntax: /OPER userid password Command to give a user operator status if they match an Oper Block WALLOPS To automatically remain invited (until the channel empties), a user with a cloak may be added to the channel's invite list by any channel operator: Become an operator of the channel: /msg ChanServ OP #CHANNEL_NAME. LIST Syntax: /msg NickServ LIST pattern Lists all registered nicknames which match the given pattern, in nick!user@host format. 1000 : Kanalın sahibi 1000 Level' dadır. S. ) The BADWORDS LIST command displays the bad words list. Some servers also have a bot called alis which lets you search for the channels in the server. IRCOp-only Users interact with modules most commonly by messaging a special user on IRC. AOP Syntax: /msg ChanServ AOP channel ADD nick AOP channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list} AOP channel LIST [mask | list] AOP channel CLEAR Maintains the AOP (AutoOP) list for a channel. Channel operator KILL <nick> <reason> kill Kill a user. The default flags for AOp are +AOeiortv. Mar 10, 2004 · This assumption can be exploited though the use of the Windows auto-complete functionality (as seen in Internet Explorer's Address Bar); when a user types a / it could display a complete list of all the common commands mIRC is aware of and all of these commands specified in the Aliases files and elsewhere. /me message Mar 27, 2007 · Adds <nick> to the aop list. channel - IRC's equivalent term for a "chat room", or group chat. aop" Forums Active Threads Search Who's Online Help: Print Thread: auto op script ". random port selected Reading how to auto op people: Anonymous If you save your servers into mIRC's server list, grouping them by network name, you can also store additional settings like NickServ login password. 1. tcl - Automatically op all users in a channel which is set +horgh_autoop. Funny, random, specific reason, and no reason. They usually implement some sort of login system so that only people on the access control list can obtain these services. 23KB Description: To auto Op OR auto voice users on join. when a badnick is used, it is kicked off. aop" #14082 04/03/03 04:50 AM. If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed. Your DJs can accept requests over IRC or if they aren't chatters they can use the standalone RadioBot Client. ini Note: This script was formerly a Willie Bot module. 16 has been released! Oct 22, 2005 · hey, i'm having some trouble with a nick kicking script - e. s. May 3, 2003 · Forums Scripts & Popups auto op script ". xx? I have been looking all over the internet for it and i have had no luck. tcl - Store and display quotes from a MySQL database. Edit 3: Got this bit of code to work. Mostly harmless Posts: 1. fi) If you specify wildcards, eg. This is section 6 of the mIRC FAQ with features, tips and answers to questions about mIRC. For those of you new to the Internet, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. Contribute to uncled1023/IRCBot development by creating an account on GitHub. Auto Op/Voice Script v1. mIRC is a full featured Internet Relay Chat client for Windows that can be used to communicate, share, play or work with others on IRC networks around the world, either in multi-user group conferences or in one-to-one private discussions. The first parts (Sections 1 - 5) of this file will introduce IRC and mIRC to you. Please remember, while we like to help you with IRC software as well as we can, we recommend you first visit the official support for the software you need help with. 41 and above. If nick is not given, it Forums mIRC Help auto op list: Forums Active Threads Search Who's Online Help: Print Thread: auto op list #163469 30/10/06 09:31 AM. When ZNC sees that the nick you're messaging starts with an asterisk, it doesn't forward the message to the IRCd/server but instead sends it to the proper module for processing. … servlist. Use the following command to list the entire channel FLAGS list. iRC sohbet sunucularında kullanılan bir komuttur. This is a nice mIRC with many features. This will forcibly disconnect the user from the IRC server, like a forceful QUIT. How does IRC work? O canal #Ajuda é destinado à prestação de suporte aos serviços e comandos do IRCd oferecidos pela Rede BrasIRC, que inclui: Serviços de nicks, canais, memorandos, vhosts e bots ChanServ can be set to auto-op certain users (usually requires having registered a nick with NickServ and successfully identifying yourself), and keep channels open (visible in the /list) even when there are no users in them. OP Syntax: /msg ChanServ OP [#channel [nick]] Ops a selected nick on a channel. In this case the only channel would be #znc; There is a queue and timer involved in this process so the auto op will not happen instantly. irb. Type: /msg X chanopt #t1 setvoice until the option is toggled There's a /list command in most irc clients which lets you search for channcels. Jan 20, 1997 · However the concepts an operator needs to understand are the same on any platform. Code:on *:CONNECT: { Dec 28, 2015 · OP YAZMA – EKLEME KOMUTU. RadioBot v5 (Current Stable Version) Windows/Linux/FreeBSD; Product Platform Release Date; RadioBot Source Code - Linux: GitHub: 1/28/2025: RadioBot for Windows Jun 9, 2018 · If you save your servers into mIRC's server list, grouping them by network name, you can also store additional settings like NickServ login password. IRCd - IRC Daemon, the technical name for IRC server software. Servers and clients. (E. Readme Activity. AOP is defined as Auto-Op (IRC channels) frequently. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The last part consists of a tutorial or reference manual for mIRC's "programming" features. Oct 29, 2024 · IRC - Acronym for Internet Relay Chat, a text based chat protocol. dystopia. This Skript is literally that simple. Search only resource descriptions Stuff > Auto Op and Auto Voice entries cannot be edited anymore with mIRC address book which opens when clicking "Edit" in the Stuff menu. Written By: JOMARO For mIRC Version(s): 5. pr-com Public Relations Committee. ShoutIRC is ready to run on multiple platforms and operating systems. 0 stars Watchers. For a list of predefined templates, see the mIRC is an IRC client. You can have ChanServ OP you in a channel by using this command: /msg ChanServ OP #channel. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. 2. This last command, when completed successfully, would have ChanServ reply as such:-ChanServ- AutoOp search results for channel #Gryphons-ChanServ- 5 Penka (penka@voyager. Ops on a typical server are denoted with an @ beside their name, halfops with %, and voiced users with +, and owners are ~ (on some networks owners do not get a ~, they are just ops (@) with an extra mode set on them, +q, that gives them control of the channel). Menu Search. Usage: asop {nick} Jul 28, 2010 · New collection of IRC servers (October 28 th 2004) A list with over 400 IRC servers for mIRC is available in the servers. So, how to check idle on all connecte Mar 17, 2009 · mIRC's autovoice feature will reduce this risk (in address boock > tab "control" > "voice" > add the #channel and a wildmask like *!*@*, and check "random delay op/voice") However, network services may do it for you if your network features "ChanServ": Try "/msg chanserv help levels". Ability to add people to the auto op list; Ability to add auto kicks; Ability to use a services bot to auto moderate your channel; And many many more… To register your channel, you must first register your nickname. if u have a channel bot (chanop, chanserv) i can paste u the part of ban script i have. Newer Than: Search this category only. Frequently Asked Questions about mIRC. (Channels with the PRIVATE option set are not listed. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. If you Sep 8, 2014 · If you have a #irc-wiki that has not been included in this list, feel free to add it. Emoticons, Media player, favorite channels manager, notify list manager, query blocker (gate keeper), YouTube support, channel protections, flood protections, custom toolbar/menubar, OP Control Panel, Troll Smasher, Color Cut Script, CD Tray opener and more! Nov 22, 2012 · If you are using Access Levels in your channel, you have another way to automatically give voice to all users who join your channel: /msg chanserv levels #channel set autovoice 0 command to auto-op you in your admin channels if you got disconnected and you+bot rejoined the channel but slftp is the only user with @ because it joined it faster slftp may have an option to auto-op/auto-voice/whatever everyone who joins your channel where you have op do you need to own an irc server to use a bot thats not intended for anything bad? would be cool to have one with sommands you can send to it to do certian things. Auto Op and Auto Voice innovation race cars USA IRC GT USA Information IRC GT USA Specs, Pricing, & Other Resources Unbelievably Low Running Costs… It has 4 ChanServ commands – VOP, HOP, AOP and SOP for auto voice, auto halfop, auto op and auto admin, respectively. I've had one before, but i lost it. Nov 16, 2005 · Hey ppl, im a totally newb IRC dude, who made a channel for my &quot;crew&quot; now i would like a bot who can voice ppl when they join, and i need to know how to make colorfull topic (i need to know the codes)Plz help me Quote:it seems like I have to leave unticked the option in mirc &quot;rejoin channels on connect&quot;I believe you can have that checked now. LIST *Bot*!*@* Jul 25, 2008 · /msg ChanServ access #channel list To show the access list. Joined: Aug 2007. Below is a list of users who are online. Dec 26, 2021 · After adding those three strings I could, by right clicking on a bot of any irc channel, have three additional entries: - xdcc auto (or similar) which allowed me to open the bot window and so I could write the number of the pack that I needed to take from the bot - xdcc list - xdcc remove Aug 23, 2018 · Background: Most IRC networks do not have any sort of persistent storage. It's usually done with the fsockopen() function. On IRC you meet others on "channels" (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. It seems much better than the new autoget 7 that was released, i have had a lot of trouble with this new version, so if someone could help me out, i'd appreciate it. its easyer with a channel bot. You need to open a connection to the IRC server. To look through the xOP list to see which user has what level, type: /msg ChanServ ACCESS # Use the following command to list the entire channel FLAGS list. Viewing xOPs. Perfectly compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and 64-bit systems. How would I go about writing a module that does that? The trigger 'JOIN' only does something when the bot itself joins a channel, but Feb 4, 2010 · Im allways connected to more than 1 network, this script it not that good if you connect to more than 1 network. In this case read the section about the auto-op, auto-voice, protect and ignore lists. -l will list any nicknames matching a given Operator level-n will list any nicknames matching a given word. Most IRC clients require commands to be preceded by a slash (" / "). To do this, when you are using the nickname that you wish to register, type the following command into your IRC client: Example: /access #channel add op *!*@host. Posts: 2. ) 1. All channels are transient, their mode and ban lists kept in memory only as long as the channel has people in it. Thank you plugin author for this simple yet effective plugin. You currently cannot store a chosen nickname for a server in mIRC's saved servers, so that's where the -i switch comes in handy Oct 24, 2016 · 30 : Normal olarak Auto-Voice yetkisine sahip olan kişilerdir. Here is a pic. Nov 26, 2018 · If the IRC server supports websocket connections (TODO link to websocket spec info on webircgateway docs) you may enable this option to ignore the kiwiServer setting and connect directly to the IRC server. The full list of features is below with some screen shots as well. txt fine anywhere for it to read the op list from. Jan 22, 2010 · When the nicks on the list enter the channel, they are automatically given voice. Aug 1, 2013 · The names command will list all users in a channel and give their ranks beside them. Banning Users If he had the correct response our znc will op him in any and all channels that are associated with his user. In the above examples, SavedGroup references a saved server group. Chain Thursday, 1 April 2021 unknown 0 Comments; Auto Op/Voice Script v1. com* /chanserv aop #gryphons list matti /chanserv aop #gryphons list. The server expects two commands, NICK and USER. This plugins automatically deops player on join if they are not in a list that you can modify. 211 irc. In +m (moderated) rooms, users who are not voiced cannot speak and so the Matrix room will not allow users with PL0 (that is, without +v) to speak. Note: You can also use a botserv bot to manage the access list, see here. This is good for two reasons. Printer friendly. Please consider using the trusted user option, it allows you to add a list of trusted nicknames, addresses, or user levels, from which mIRC will automatically accept dcc sends. Simple IRC bot for auto-OP Resources. Cause then you wold be away on one network, and not away on the other one since you would have more idle time on the none than on the other. You can add a nick using /notify nickname and remove it using /notify -r nickname. sox147. It was originally created by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988 and has been updated and extended by many other people since then. com)-ChanServ- 4 matti (msk@final. just have a look into the address book (ALT + B) -> control -> select from the menu the op or voice-> then click "Add"-> add your nickname and the network that you want to op/voice and if you have any channel's added, DO NOT FORGET TO TICK THE "Enable" TICK Hi there! I want to write a module that will give certain users OP rights when they rejoin our channel. And I know giving free op to players in a normal server instance is a little iffy, but in this instance family and friends won't abuse op let alone probably even know they have it. Mar 27, 2007 · Adds <nick> to the aop list. I need a script like this because the channel owner wont add voices in chanserv (lol), and i'm SO TIRED of voicing only certain users with right click or /mode. Some commands are actually sent to IRC bots ; these are treated by the IRC protocol as ordinary messages, not as / -commands. I use sqlquote. Copy Link to Clipboard Hop To News and Discussions ------ Latest News General Discussion Support ------ mIRC Help Connection Issues Scripts & Popups Development ------ Feature Suggestions Developers Bug Reports Sep 23, 2023 · On the channel you need to be half-op or higher to do this (+h/+o/+a/+q). c. Mar 3, 2013 · Connecting. routing-com Discussion of topics related to the Undernet server tree. It is also possible to use the FLAGS command to apply templates: /msg chanserv FLAGS [channel] [nick] VOP . You currently cannot store a chosen nickname for a server in mIRC's saved servers, so that's where the -i switch comes in handy Dec 5, 2016 · Flint-OP is a skript that automatically ops players on first join. these are the two i've tried:} on !@*:join:#teenconnection: Lists Ignore list, crap list, shutup list, auto op list, auto voice list, auto greet list, and message ignore list. com and users matching that can join through bans/+i etc and be auto-opped /prop #channel property key allows setting meta data for channels /prop #channel opkey <key> and /join #channel <key> will join with op access etc If you prefer a web-based IRC client, you can click here. Sep 24, 2004 · Does anyone know where i can get a version of autoget 6. Any help would be appreciated. Will auto-op anyone using the specified address when they join a shared channel /aop <nick> #channel Adds <nick> to the auto-op list for the specified channel. d. IRC is a collection of networked servers, to which so-called “clients” can connect and then interact with other clients connected to the same or other IRC servers. Another possibility is to use the WAIT command inside the autosendcmd to add a delay after the identify command was sent and before auto-joining channels (but note that this is not reliable. Nick completer Nick Alert (alert you if someone says your nick) Auto Pinger (automatically ping user that types 'ping me' in a channel and inform them of ping time) Apr 27, 2009 · Hi everyone, can anyone please help me make mirc auto connect to multiple servers when it starts? Over 10 servers And then I need to perform various commands, the problem is the timing, there has to be some waiting time before each command, for example: Aug 6, 2015 · Edit 2: Okay so I took out all the code. Aug 8, 2021 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. g. If you mIRC DeluXe Lite. List the network services currently present on the IRC network. The access system numbers are listed below as listed. tcl - Provide access to a Ruby interpreter in a channel. com to irc. I keep getting disconnected from some servers for excessive flood when mirc auto rejoinsmany channels. -----Commands-----/addlist <player> | Allowes you to add a player on the OP whitelist Apr 5, 2009 · OP. Joined: Oct 2006. If the player is OP but is on the whitelist he will not be deopped. This will connect to the websocket server set in the normal server/port/tls options. ) Note that a preceding '#' specifies a range, channel names are to be written without '#'. Applying a TEMPLATE using FLAGS. ini file on our website. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Just added is an ip filter kick. For a list of predefined templates, see the Jan 18, 2003 · Open mIRC, connect to the NASA IRC Server, pay them 500USD via PayPal, join #ultra-hard-scripting and type the following access code : /help Remote Scripts p. The founder can change all levels. 4 Auto halfop. , a SOP can add VOPs, HOPs and AOPs; a HOP can only add VOPs). I dont have a . 16 has been released! Jul 29, 2003 · Hi, could someone help me out here please How can i make an auto ban & kick userlist that will add someone to the user list and give the reason why i banned the person. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted. IRC is a multi-user chat system where people meet on "channels" (rooms with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups or chat privately. com). example: /list #mirc. Then, set up the bot by editing the sample configuration file and run it: python3 pleaseopme. Reading irc server port range. as for nickban user list, it depends of what server u use. these are the two i've tried:} on !@*:join:#teenconnection: Auto User List system auto-op [+o] / auto-voice [+v] / auto-halfop [+h] / superop [+a] / auto-owner [+q], the latter three depending on your network supporting it. example: /list -min 5 -max 20. To add someone to the AOp list, /cs aop #channel add nickname OP Auto Clicker is a automation tool that lets you automate mouse clicks. : Don't forget the " / " or you will be killed by a CIA agent wearing a pink speedo. IRC for Coders. py my_config_file. The PROTECT (+p) flag is stronger than the AUTO-OP (+a) or AUTO-VOICE (+g) flags, so if they were set together - the PROTECT flag will override the other flags. This section 6 is the actual FAQ. Bu komutu kullanabilmeniz için op yazma yetkiniz yada kanal sahibi olmanız gerekmektedir. Quote:5 sec delay before opening each channelThe script below will initiate a 5 second delay within every added channel. The IRC bridge admin can customise this power level mapping to however they Jun 16, 2011 · You should use the Notify List, essentially its a monitoring system that can notify you when someone on your list connects or disconnects from IRC. Thanks! Apr 5, 2009 · OP. Additionally, you cannot kick higher levels, so +h cannot kick +oaq, +o cannot kick +aq, and +a cannot kick someone that is +q. This is a list of all Internet Relay Chat commands from RFC 1459, RFC 2812, and extensions added to major IRC daemons. New collection of IRC servers (September 11 th 2004) A list with a fresh collection of over 400 IRC servers for mIRC is available in the servers. tcl - Query Yahoo commodity listings for oil, gold, and silver futures. For example, to view the highlight keywords in your watch list, you'd send /msg *watch list. in reply to Re^3: Net::IRC Auto-OP in thread Net::IRC Auto-OP Even fixing the or statement (I'll swith to a hash when I get a bigger list), it still won't op the users. Why? I have no idea. Windows based IRC Bot. It is now a standalone script Syntax: /msg ChanServ LIST pattern Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern. The / tells mIRC you are typing a command and others dont see it. server. com is only 142 bytes, it looks like a one-way lag situation (server irc. How to set-up auto-voice in channel: In Channel OP must (do this once): 1. com is having trouble receiving data from irc. silence Frequently Asked Questions about mIRC. Kicks/Bans There are several different kicks and bans available. 1-2 Can view the access list. You can also access it using the address book dialog (/abook -n or alt+b -> Notify Tab). asop Adds the nick to the Auto Super Op List. latoc. The regular access system really isn’t very difficult to get your head around and provides you with much more control over your channel. If you are at least a master ( +m ) on the channel, in the CHANLEV list you will also see the last time the user has joined the channel and the last date his flags were set. As an IRCop on a couple of networks, if I saw that I'd be asking them why they are changing their nick that often. Auto Operator (AOp): Operators who can perform the tasks mentioned above, set channel modes (excluding mlocked modes), voice other users, grant operator status (unless SECURE is ON), and kick and ban users. Though we will verify. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools Jul 5, 2004 · ( view-->options-->dcc) Its typed in any mIRC window, like where you type text to someone. A reason may also be supplied. Nicks with the PRIVATE option set will not be displayed. RadioBot Features: IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". *mirc* then mIRC will list all channels that contain the word mirc in them. com[132. Note that the sever expects \r\n as a line-ending (if you don't send it, the server won't accept your commands). 10 IRC services is a set of features implemented on many Internet Relay Chat networks. like for instance servers that dont have anything to register your own channel so you could maybe auto OP them once they identify with the bot. Sep 25, 2005 · I know there is ChanServ and the auto-op list, but I want the bot to do the opping/voicing. 7 - By entropy 2018 on @voice:text:?voice Welcome to mIRC .