Basal stem cells. In homeostasis, BSCs typically maintain a quiescent state.
Basal stem cells [3] Basal cells are cuboidal with a large nucleus, few organelles, and scattered The conducting airways of the human lung are lined by a pseudostratified epithelium composed of ciliated and secretory cells and basal stem cells. , 2017). Sep 7, 2023 · The conducting airways of the lung present a particularly attractive target for cell transplantation, since: (1) the entire airway epithelium is in contact with the outside environment, providing potential access for exogenous cells; (2) the resident stem cells of the pseudostratified respiratory epithelium, basal cells (BCs), are known and Mar 26, 2018 · Basal cells are an important stem cell lineage in many tissues, including the lung. Sep 12, 2024 · The basal cell maintains the airway’s respiratory epithelium as the putative resident stem cell. , 2009). Cell proliferation and division take place in this layer. Recently, accumulating lines of evidence have suggested that the origin of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSC) is fallopian tube epithelial cells (FTECs). Jul 28, 2014 · Our understanding of how stem cells are regulated to maintain appropriate tissue architecture is incomplete. We seeded BCs from TNR mice in the assay and performed whole mount immunohistochemistry on spheres made up of 2 to 16 cells, before the differentiation of Sep 24, 2019 · Impaired (re-)generation of lung epithelia is associated with Wnt signaling changes in animals and human lung disease patients. However, little is known about the mechanism … Jan 2, 2025 · (G) Mouse airway basal stem cells were cultured with DMSO, UK5099, or dual SMAD inhibitors for 4 days. Jul 28, 2014 · Our understanding of how stem cells are regulated to maintain appropriate tissue size and architecture is incomplete. The composition and organization of this epithelium is severely disrupted in many respiratory diseases. The luminal epithelium of the FT is composed of highly polarized secretory and ciliated cells. In addition, the Airway basal stem cells PERSPECTIVE Basal cell Basal lamina (A) and disease. Whether acute lung infection also endows BSCs with an inflammatory memory to impair epithelial regeneration is unknown. Ablation of these solitary NE cells during hypoxia results in increased epithelial injury, whereas the administration of the NE cell peptide CGRP rescues this excess damage. These cells are dormant basal stem/progenitor cells that contribute to mammary lobuloalveoli formation during pregnancy and are preferentially used for multiple pregnancies. Mar 14, 2022 · As basal cells are a well-recognized reservoir of stem cells responsible for epithelial homeostasis along conducting airways 25,26,27, taking all information above together, we speculated that May 13, 2022 · Airway basal stem cells (BSCs) in the proximal airways are recognized as resident stem cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating to virtually every pseudostratified epithelium cell type under steady-state and after acute injury. However, to date, approaches allowing them extensively in vitro serial expansion and maintaining bona fide stem cell property are still awaiting to be established. Nov 13, 2024 · Unipotent basal and luminal stem cells maintain prostate homeostasis, with an intermediate cell population emerging during prostate inflammation or cancer. A protocol has been developed to culture and Jul 20, 2021 · Airway basal cells play an essential role in the maintenance of the airway epithelium. , 2007; Li and Clevers, 2010; Damen et al. To study basal cell behaviors, we describe a simple in vitro clonal sphere-forming assay in which mouse basal cells self-renew and generate luminal cells, including differentiated ciliated cells, in the absence of stroma. Top: bright-field images of airway basal stem cells in the indicated culture conditions. The subjacent lamina propria contains mesenchymal cells, such as fibroblasts and immune cells (e. Hypoxia triggers the direct differentiation of these stem cells into solitary NE cells. Basal cells are known to self-renew and differentiate into airway ciliated and secretory cells. Here, we report a protocol that dramatically increases the long-term expansion of primary human airway basa … Mar 22, 2022 · The mammary gland contains an epithelial bilayer of basal and luminal cells that function in the production and secretion of milk from mother to offspring 1,2. Jan 24, 2024 · These basal stem cell behaviours are consistent with those observed in mice (Clayton et al. Here, we report the directed differentiation of human iPSCs into airway basal cells ("iBCs"), a population resembling the stem cell of the … A definite identification of epidermal stem cells is not known and the mechanism of epidermal differentiation is not fully understood. 4) at top; basal surface (dotted line, basement membrane) at bottom. al. [2] [3] This repairs the protective functions of the epithelial barrier. Kiyokawa et al. 5 and E17. p63 has been shown to play an essential role in normal stem cell function Jan 2, 2023 · The stratum basale is the basal layer of the epidermis that covers the keratinocyte stem cells and differentiating keratinocytes. Moreover, lineage tracing and in vitro culture suggest that Krt15 + basal cells in mice represent a subpopulation of long-term stem cells. ABSC-derived Wnt ligand production was May 10, 2021 · HF mid-bulge basal stem cells were labelled with α6 integrin (green) and CD34 (red) (b). , 2018). Cancer stem cells are not identical with somatic stem cells. The nasal olfactory and respiratory Feb 5, 2020 · The basal cell compartment in many epithelial tissues is generally believed to serve as an important pool of stem cells. The presence of tumour stem cells in a neoplasm does not in itself equal that the tumour deri … Normal prostate epithelium contains three major epithelial cell types, basal cells (including stem and TA cells), luminal cells, and neuroendocrine cells (Fig. Mar 15, 2024 · Basal cell hyperplasia is noted after injury and in human disease and represents an imbalance between basal stem cell self-renewal and differentiation into downstream populations. Epithelia are tissues that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body. g. Although the requirement for Hedgehog in BCC is well established, the identity of disease-initiating cells and the compartments in which they reside remain controversial … Feb 2, 2024 · A second type of stem cells also specific to the olfactory mucosa, the horizontal basal stem cells (HBCs), are quiescent and serve as a reserve pool that can be activated by profound damage—with loss of neuroepithelial structure— to repopulate both the OSNs and the olfactory epithelial cells (1–4). In the lung, airway basal stem cells also produce cytokines and chemokines in response to inhaled irritants, allergens, and pathogens, which The Basal Layer Contains Both Stem Cells and Transit Amplifying Cells. A canonical example of tissue remodeling is intestinal goblet cell metaplasia Characterization and proliferation rate of fallopian tube epithelium cells (FTECs) during expansion. Moad et al. Nov 24, 2015 · Evidence from numerous cancers suggests that increased aggressiveness is accompanied by up-regulation of signaling pathways and acquisition of properties common to stem cells. As basal cells are a well-recognized reservoir of stem cells responsible for epithelial homeostasis along conducting airways25–27, taking all information above together, we speculated Dec 18, 2024 · These two cell lineages originate from multipotent progenitors that became lineage restricted unipotent basal and luminal stem cells (SCs) in the adult mouse 3,4,5,6,7. The human airway epithelium is composed of differentiated ciliated and secretory cells, which together provide host defense at the airway epithelial surface under normal conditions, and BCs, the stem/progenitor cell population residing Basal cells are the principal stem cells of the airways, differentiating into most other epithelial cell types. Jun 3, 2011 · Individual basal stem cells proliferate and generate multicellular tracheospheres composed, after about two weeks, of basal, ciliated, and secretory cells surrounding a single central lumen. In experimental animal models, toxicants or Jun 30, 2020 · The fallopian tube (FT) is an important reproductive organ in females. It is still unclear if they also occur in cutaneous malignancies. Oct 25, 2024 · AR activity is elevated in prostate basal stem cells isolated from inflamed POET3 mice. They also demonstrate that when target cells for transformation have the potential for phenotypic plasticity, tumor phenotypes may not directly reflect histogenesis. a, Architecture and stem cell lineage of the fly midgut epithelium, shown in cross-sectional view. Interestingly, the Survivin gene is highly expressed in most human cancers, such as lung, pancreatic and breast Jun 26, 2024 · Adult stem cells play a crucial role in tissue homeostasis and repair through multiple mechanisms. Jun 3, 2011 · The epithelium lining the airways of the adult human lung is composed of ciliated and secretory cells together with undifferentiated basal cells (BCs). Feb 6, 2020 · Vaidyanathan et al. This Perspective summarizes what we know, and what we need to know, about airway basal cells to evaluate their contributions to normal and abnormal airway remodeling. Using transgenic mice and pharmacologic studies, we found that Wnt/β-catenin within ABSCs was essential for proliferation post-injury in vivo. This method restores physiologic CFTR function and provides an ex vivo strategy to treat cystic fibrosis. Apical lumenal brush border (cyan, Mdu::GFP; Extended Data Fig. Without Yap, adult airway basal stem cells are lost through their … Jun 5, 2018 · Airway basal stem cells are the progenitor cells within the airway that exhibit the capacity to self-renew and give rise to multiple types of differentiated airway epithelial cells. Due to the lack of a high-fidelity model for FTECs in vitro Apr 20, 2021 · We show that the three PNEC types exhibit significant differences in NP expression, homeostatic turnover, and response to injury and disease. Jan 26, 2017 · Accordingly, basal stem cells isolated from patients with a long history of tobacco smoking had remarkable proliferative potential compared to those extracted from never smokers. show that Yap regulates airway epithelial stem cell identity, maintenance, and self-renewal and thereby governs epithelial architecture. Here, we provide a detailed directed differentiation protocol to generate ''induced basal cells (iBCs)'' from human pluripotent stem cells. Hawkins,2,3,4,6 Cristina Barilla`,1 Mary Lou Beermann,2,3 Darrell N. (A) Stem cells and differentiated epithelial lineages in the bronchiolar airways of the lung, including ciliated, goblet and basal cells, club cells, and more rare cell types ionocytes, neuroendocrine cells (NECs), tuft cells, and deuterosomal cells. 4) at top; basal surface (dotted Sep 12, 2023 · A major type of epithelial stem cell that is responsible for epithelium regeneration after respiratory viral infection is the basal stem cell (BSC) (9–11). Basal keratinocytes can be dissociated from intact epidermis and can proliferate in a culture dish, giving rise to new basal cells and to terminally differentiated cells. find that the conducting airway harbors three distinct types of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, distinguished by gene expression, cell of origin, and existence in solitary and Reconstitution of the airway tissue resident epithelial stem cell compartment of immunocompetent mice with syngeneic donor cells leverages the extensive self-renewal and multipotent differentiation properties of basal stem cells (BCs) to durably generate a broad diversity of mature airway epithelial lineages in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that deleting Brca1 in mouse mammary epithelial luminal progenitors produces tumors that phenocopy human BRCA1 breast cancers. In contrast, basal cells contribute to adult tissue regeneration by shifting from slow cycling to proliferating and subsequently back to slow cycling. demonstrate a novel mode of stem cell regulation in which basal stem cells during homeostasis or differentiated airway epithelial cells after injury downregulate their Hippo signaling to generate their own localized Fgf10-expressing stromal niche, which maintains or amplifies the stem/progenitor cell population via Fgf10-Fgfr2b signaling. To address functional heterogeneity amongst the basal cell population, we developed a novel monoclonal antibody, HLO1-6H5, that Jun 5, 2018 · The stemness of airway basal cells is scored with the following criteria: (a) Expression of stem cell markers (p63 and CK5), and airway-specific markers (NKX2. (A) A schematic depiction of injury and epithelial reconstitution in the OE. show that small-molecule-mediated SMAD signaling inhibition allows prolonged feeder-free culture of diverse functional epithelial basal stem cells in a 2D format. Feb 10, 2023 · The manner in which the number of adult stem cells is determined during tissue development has been an intriguing question for a long time. Toward both of these quests, considerable information is available from the research on lineage tracing and clonal growth analysis in the basal layer of the epidermis, on the hair follicle and the interfollicular epidermal stem cells, and on Wnt signaling along Here, we show in mouse and human airway basal stem cells (ABSCs) that intracellular flux from low to moderate ROS levels is required for stem cell self-renewal and proliferation. Resident basal stem cells strongly adhere to their underlying basement membrane and maintain homeostasis of the interfollicular epidermis by continually replenishing the suprabasal terminally differentiating cells as dead stratum corneum cells (squames) eventually reach and are sloughed from the skin surface. qPCR analysis for several known androgen regulated genes also showed these genes were expressed at higher levels in luminal Aug 4, 2009 · Analysis reveals potential mechanisms regulating basal cells and allows comparison with other epithelial stem cells. Sep 7, 2023 · Here, we demonstrate the engraftment of the airway epithelial stem cell compartment via intra-airway transplantation of mouse or human primary and pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived airway basal cells (BCs). Using transgenic mice and pharmacologic studies, we found that Wnt/β-catenin within ABSCs was essential for proliferation post-injury in viv … Basal cells are the stem cell population of the airways, capable of both self-renewal and differentiation into the secretory and ciliated cell lineages [1,2,3,4,5]. Jul 12, 2021 · During development, quiescent airway basal stem cells are derived from proliferative primordial progenitors through the cell-cycle slowdown. Mammalian hematopoietic stem cells and Drosophila germline stem cells, for example, are maintained by niches, which are supportive microenvironments. Multiple stem and progenitor cell Derivation of Airway Basal Stem Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Graphical Abstract Highlights d Directed differentiation of human iPSCs generates airway basal cells (‘‘iBCs’’) d iBCs self-renew and display multipotent differentiation in vitro and in vivo d By single-cell RNA-seq, iBCs are highly similar to adult primary airway Depletion of the SMG stem cell niche in chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD), documented in both ferret and human lung transplant recipients, suggests that loss of multipotent SMG stem cells may lead to decline of surface airway basal cells and thereby lead to aberrant airway repair and fibrosis that results in obliterative bronchiolitis Airway hillocks are stratified epithelial structures of unknown function<sup>1</sup>. Sep 3, 2010 · Breast cancers in BRCA1 mutation carriers frequently have a distinctive basal-like phenotype. Jan 30, 2024 · Background The stem cell characteristic makes basal cells desirable for ex vivo modeling of airway diseases. Although … Although basal cells function as human airway epithelial stem cells, analysis of these cells is limited by in vitro culture techniques that permit only minimal cell growth and differentiation. (A) Primary culture of FTECs were stained by immunofluorescence with a marker for actively dividing cells (Ki67, red), a basal cell marker (p73, red), and DAPI (blue) 5 and 10 days after incubation in expansion or basal medium. INTRODUCTION Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs) comprise arare popu-lation of epithelial cells in mammalian airways that uniquely ex- Apr 20, 2021 · Tamoxifen (TAM) was dissolved in sunflower seed oil at a concentration of 10 mg/mL (Sigma, T5648). Hillocks persist for months and have a unique population of basal stem cells that express genes associated with barrier function and cell adhesion. Co-staining of p-SMAD1/5/8 (A) or p-SMAD2/3 (B) with basal stem cell marker p63, differentiation maker KRT8, ciliated cell marker FOXJ1, club cell marker SSEA1 and proliferation marker Ki67 on mouse tracheal sections. Jun 25, 2024 · In addition to being able to replace aged or damaged cells, stem cells provide signals that contribute to the maintenance and function of neighboring cells. This methodology provides a facile patient-specific epithelial disease modeling platform, as shown by the expansion of airway epithelium from non-invasively obtained specimens from cystic fibrosis patients. Different cell subsets can be characterized by expression of particular genes, for Aug 25, 2020 · How stem cells give rise to epidermis is unclear despite the crucial role the epidermis plays in barrier and appendage formation. However, we demonstrate that basal stem cells predominately use nonhomologous end joining to repair DNA double-strand breaks, a notoriously error-prone pathway. Jan 2, 2025 · (G) Mouse airway basal stem cells were cultured with DMSO, UK5099, or dual SMAD inhibitors for 4 days. Airway basal stem cells (BSCs) in the proximal airways are recognized as resident stem cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating to virtually every pseudostratified epithelium cell type under steady-state and after acute injury. 1, 2, 3 How the number of epithelial stem cells, which lack prominent niche structures, is controlled is Cancer stem cells have recently been described in several high-grade neoplasms. This study aims to develop a feeder-free culture system of mouse airway basal stem cells (ABSCs) that sustain their stem Jan 7, 2021 · The derivation of tissue-specific stem cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) would have broad reaching implications for regenerative medicine. Basal cells in the human esophagus also appear to be heterogeneous. Although sustained proliferation Feb 2, 2010 · Despite the roughly equal expression of AR in basal/stem and luminal cell fractions by qPCR and Western blot, luciferase activity was approximately 7-fold lower in basal/stem cells compared to luminal cells (Fig. Here, we explored the effect of mechanical stretch on primary human ABSCs. In the lung, airway basal stem cells also pr … Oct 10, 2021 · In the present study, the combination of these advanced approaches revealed a subset of basal epithelial stem cells (basal ESCs) that are critical for homeostasis at barrier sites in skin and gut but are also reprogrammed for the excessive growth, migration, and immune activation that drive postviral disease in the lungs. Aug 10, 2010 · Specifically, little is known about the proliferation and differentiation of basal cells, a multipotent stem cell population of the pseudostratified airway epithelium. This plasticity ensures their ability to restore homeostasis after injury but also endows them with the capacity to remodel the tissue microenvironment and adapt to tissue stress. 1 and FOXA2); (b) Possession of robust proliferation potential, meaning that cells can self-renew at an exponential rate; (c) Possession of differentiation potential, meaning that cells Jun 25, 2024 · Adult stem cells play a crucial role in tissue homeostasis and repair through multiple mechanisms. In the lung, airway basal stem cells also produce cytokines and chemokines in response to inhaled irritants, allergens, and pathogens, which affect specific immune cell populations and Aug 25, 2020 · How stem cells give rise to epidermis is unclear despite the crucial role the epidermis plays in barrier and appendage formation. However, the identities of basal stem Jan 1, 2021 · We show that mouse and human airway basal stem cells sense hypoxia. However, when exposed to acute injuries by either physical insults, chemical damage, or pathogen Jun 1, 2022 · Tissue-resident stem cells exhibit remarkable plasticity, responding to local damage by regenerating diverse differentiated cell types. These stem cell properties make the basal cell population a focus of lung regeneration and engineering studies. Zhao et al. Kotton,2,3,5,* and Brian R. Toward both of these quests, considerable information is available from the research on lineage tracing and clonal growth analysis in the basal layer of the epidermi … Mar 30, 2023 · a, Architecture and stem cell lineage of the fly midgut epithelium, shown in cross-sectional view. However, it is not clear if every basal cell functions as a stem cell. While the epidermis stratifies, subsets of basal keratinocytes engage in reciprocal interactions with the underlying dermis to produce epidermal appendages. Apr 4, 2021 · We provide evidence that these differences parallel their distinct cell of origin from basal stem cells (BSCs) or other airway epithelial progenitors. Yap functionally interacts with p63, the cardinal transcription factor associated with basal cells in epithelia. The airway is surrounded by cartilage ventrolaterally and smooth muscle dorsally. We provide evidence that these differences parallel their distinct cell of origin from basal stem cells (BSCs) or other airway epithelial progenitors. Mar 17, 2020 · Within the adult mouse interfollicular epidermis, stem and progenitor cells residing in the basal layer undergo self-renewing or differentiative cell divisions to maintain a proper pool of basal cells and to generate post-mitotic differentiating (spinous and granular) cells in the suprabasal layers that ultimately form the stratum corneum—an outer permeability barrier that protects an Sep 3, 2010 · These findings support a derivation of the majority of human BRCA1-associated and sporadic basal-like tumors from luminal progenitors rather than from basal stem cells. Haas et al. 1. demonstrate that ΔN-TP63 is a Wnt-regulated master transcription factor inhibiting (re-)generation of new epithelial cells from stem cells. Nov 5, 2024 · This protocol outlines methods for the culture of primary or pluripotent stem cell-derived basal cells in vitro, the engraftment of these cells in vivo into immunocompetent mice and similarly the Sep 1, 2010 · Specifically, little is known about the proliferation and differentiation of basal cells, a multipotent stem cell population of the pseudostratified airway epithelium. In addition to being able to replace aged or damaged cells, stem cells provide signals that contribute to the maintenance and function of neighboring cells. Sep 30, 2022 · Basal cells are multipotent stem cells of a variety of organs, including the respiratory tract, where they are major components of the airway epithelium. Changing ROS levels activate Nrf2, which activates the Notch pathway to stimulate ABSC self-renewal and an antioxidant program that scavenges intracellular ROS Jun 3, 2011 · Individual basal stem cells proliferate and generate multicellular tracheospheres composed, after about 2 weeks, of basal, ciliated, and secretory cells surrounding a single central lumen. The basal cells are essentially stem cells, which have the potential to differentiate into supporting cells or olfactory sensory neurons (Kierszenbaum, 2007). Bottom: the cells were fixed and stained for basal cell marker p63 and KRT5. 5 (160 μg/g body weight) (Yang et al. Basal cells (BCs) of the adult mouse and human airways are capable of self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation in vivo and after culture expansion ex vivo, thereby fulfilling the definition of a tissue-specific adult stem cell (Rock et al. This work describes mechanisms underlying 3D epithelial homeostasis in a complex branching tissue. (2018) find that basal cells emerge very early in lung development and that a subset of these contributes to the expansive epithelial wound response observed after influenza injury. This stem cell-derived epithelium displays organized architecture with functional attributes of the airway mucosa. non-BCs. Here we use single cell-RNA sequencing to interrogate basal stem cell heterogeneity of human interfollicular epidermis and find four spatially distinct stem cell populati … During development, quiescent airway basal stem cells are derived from proliferative primordial progenitors through the cell-cycle slowdown. In brief Mou et al. Differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into functional airway basal stem cells Shingo Suzuki,1,4,6 Finn J. macrophages). iBCs recapitulate biological and functional properties of airway basal cells including mucociliary differentiation in vitro or in vivo in tracheal xenografts, facilitating the study of inherited and columnar cells and are anchored to the basal lamina via hemi-desmosomes and other highly expressed adhesion molecules. Methods Primary human ABSCs May 1, 2024 · Hillock basal stem cells are capable of massive clonal expansion that is sufficient to resurface denuded airway, and eventually regenerate normal airway epithelium with each of its six component Jun 1, 2023 · Airway basal stem cells (BSCs) in chronic lung diseases accumulate memories to promote disease-specific pathogenesis. For lineage tracing of basal stem cells in embryos, TAM was administered by gavage to pregnant mice at gestation day 13. S1B). New replacement cells-the progeny of basal stem cells-are born without barrier-forming structures such as a special … Barrier epithelial organs face the constant challenge of sealing the interior body from the external environment while simultaneously replacing the cells that contact this environment. However, mammals have retained an ability to replenish OSNs, and the other cells of the OE, from populations of basal neural stem cells, the horizontal basal cells (HBCs) and globose basal cells (GBCs) described in Fig. May 31, 2021 · The basal cell is an epithelial stem cell but can also refer to any cell that sits on an epithelial basement membrane. This basal cell subpopulation is resistant to radiation and serves as a major cell source for epithelial regeneration (Giroux et al. Davis1,5,7,* 1Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Jan 30, 2024 · The stem cell characteristic makes basal cells desirable for ex vivo modeling of airway diseases. We contend that exploiting well-described model systems using both human airway epithelial cells and the pseudostratified epithelium of the genetically tractable mouse trachea Jan 29, 2025 · Overview of the identified cell types in the airway epithelium. However, basal cells are heterogenous and the stem cell subpopulation Aug 4, 2016 · SMAD signaling is active in differentiated cells but suppressed in basal stem cells of the airway epithelium A and B . We show that Yap (Yes-associated protein 1) is required for the actual maintenance of an adult mammalian stem cell. Aug 1, 2022 · The human interfollicular epidermis (IFE) is one of the tissues in the human body with a high cell turnover rate. Although an abnormal mechanical environment related to chronic airway disease (CAD) can cause ABSC dysfunction, it remains unclear how mechanical stretch regulates the behavior and structure of ABSCs. How … Oct 9, 2017 · Volckaert et al. Jan 30, 2024 · Background: The stem cell characteristic makes basal cells desirable for ex vivo modeling of airway diseases. However, it remains unclear how diverse basal cells are and how distinct subpopulations respond to airway challenges. May 13, 2022 · Airway basal stem cells (BSCs) in the proximal airways are recognized as resident stem cells capable of self-renewing and differentiating to virtually every pseudostratified epithelium cell type under steady-state and after acute injury. Basal cells are the stem cells or progenitors of the airway epithelium and can differentiate to replenish all of the epithelial cells including the ciliated cells, and secretory goblet cells. Throughout adulthood, stem cells that are attached to the basal layer self-renew and give rise to the differentiating cells of the suprabasal spinous and granular layers, before losing their nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles and forming cornified cells that are shed from the skin The prostate basal cell compartment is suggested to contain stem/progenitor cells 4,5,13,29, but the stem cell subpopulation within prostate basal cells and its transcriptional profile remain largely unknown. , 2021; Koren et al. It is unclear if different subtypes of late-stage cancer vary in stemness properties and whether or not these subtypes are t … Jan 26, 2022 · A definite identification of epidermal stem cells is not known and the mechanism of epidermal differentiation is not fully understood. Excessive Id2 during regeneration drives basal cell hyperplasia resembling a precancerous state. These findings are equally important for understanding animal development and disease mechanisms. A similar epithelial architecture with basal cells is present in the mouse, although it is limited to the trachea and the largest bronchi. Given the critical function of AR in prostate homeostasis and stem cell differentiation, we assessed the Feb 24, 2020 · Keratinocyte stem cells themselves can differentiate into a range of cell lineages, forming cells that make up hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands and also mechanosensory Merkel cells. Sep 3, 2020 · Our understanding of dynamic interactions between airway basal stem cells (ABSCs) and their signaling niches in homeostasis, injury, and aging remains elusive. Sep 15, 2021 · The tracheal basal cells (BCs) function as stem cells to maintain the epithelium in steady state and repair it after injury. For lineage tracing in postnatal mice, TAM (240 μg/g body weight) was Jun 13, 2024 · Basal cells are considered the tissue-specific stem cells in both mouse and human airway epithelium, given their capacity to self-renew and their differentiation into various mature cell lineages, including ciliated, secretory, goblet, and ionocytes (25–28). They also resemble the majority of sporadic basal-like Sep 9, 2021 · Here, we provide a detailed directed differentiation protocol to generate ‘‘induced basal cells (iBCs)’’ from human pluripotent stem cells. use Cas9 and AAV to correct the CF causing ΔF508 mutation in >30% of alleles in airway basal stem cells from CF patients and embed corrected cells on a scaffold for engraftment. It has been suggested that this results from an origin in basal breast epithelial stem cells. The formation of an alveolar scar from Krt5+ basal cells represents a dysplastic repair response observed after acute lung injury. Thus, our study indicated that not only the epidermal tissue architecture but also the behaviour of basal stem cells is well conserved between fish and mammals. Lower isthmus epithelial basal stem cells were visualized by Lgr6-eGFP (green) (c). , 2022). find that multipotent prostate basal stem cells, marked by delta homolog 1 (DLK1), reside in proximal ducts and generate directed large-scale epithelial flows traversing the entire length of the branching gland network. show that the TGF-β-Id2 axis controls proliferation of developing airway basal cells, which is reutilized to restore basal cell proliferation following adult airway injury. The study provides significant insights for the cellular mechanisms of mammary lobuloalveoli formation. Aug 24, 2021 · In the present study, the combination of these advanced approaches revealed a subset of basal epithelial stem cells (basal ESCs) that are critical for homeostasis at barrier sites in skin and gut but are also reprogrammed for the excessive growth, migration, and immune activation that drive postviral disease in the lungs. In this issue of Developmental Cell, Yang et. Airway basal stem cells (BCs) contribute to tissue regeneration and innate immunity in the airway epithelium. Analysis reveals potential mechanisms regulating basal cells and allows comparison with other epithelial stem cells. We seeded BCs from TNR mice in the assay and performed whole-mount immunohistochemistry on spheres made up of 2 to 16 cells, before the differentiation of Jun 17, 2022 · Patient-specific airway basal stem cells (BSCs) can be derived from tracheal aspirate (TA) samples from intubated patients, thus providing an invaluable lung stem cell derivation method that bypasses the need for lung tissue. Hillock basal stem cells continually replenish overlying squamous … Apr 2, 2015 · Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is characterized by frequent loss of PTCH1, leading to constitutive activation of the Hedgehog pathway. 2 days ago · Unraveling the mechanisms of basal cell carcinoma initiation and progression. Lineage tracing using Krt5-CreER shows dorsal BCs produce more, larger, clones than ventral B … Mou et al. Sep 29, 2023 · Background: Airway basal stem cells (ABSCs) have self-renewal and differentiation abilities. We here discover the existence of Zeb1-positive prostate epithelial cells in a small population of basal compartment but not in the . 3B). Here we use single cell-RNA sequencing to interrogate basal stem Basal cells (BCs) of the adult mouse and human airways are capable of self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation in vivo and after culture expansion ex vivo, thereby fulfilling the definition of a tissue-specific adult stem cell (Rock et al. iBCs recapitulate biological and functional properties of airway basal ce … number. Basal cells are slow-cycling stem cells that proliferate following injury. BSCs reside at the base of the pseudostratified airway epithelium from the trachea to the bronchiole in the human lung and can be identified by distinct basal cell markers, including p63 Jan 7, 2021 · Basal cells (BCs) of the adult mouse and human airways are capable of self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation in vivo and after culture expansion ex vivo, thereby fulfilling the definition of a tissue-specific adult stem cell (Rock et al. Even within a population of cultured basal keratinocytes that all seem undifferentiated, there is great Sep 29, 2023 · Background Airway basal stem cells (ABSCs) have self-renewal and differentiation abilities. In homeostasis, BSCs typically maintain a quiescent state. In the adult, prostate stem cells can give rise to all three lineages of prostate epithelial cells [ 84 ]. As the main stem cell population for the tissue they are found in, therefore responding to stimuli to maintain homeostasis within that tissue; While all basal cells, regardless of location, function similar in regards to anchoring the epithelium, the specific function and mechanisms of basal cells as stem cells varies by location. Basal cells are located in the lower layers of multi-layered epithelium and pockets in single-layered epithelium and divide and renew to produce other Aug 4, 2009 · We have fractionated mouse basal cells by FACS and identified 627 genes preferentially expressed in a basal subpopulation vs.