Civ 6 exploits 2023 reddit. 469 votes, 155 comments.

Civ 6 exploits 2023 reddit Frederick has always seemed to be the easiest to play and win as but I don't see him talked about much on reddit. Eurekas and Inspirations provide an extra 10% Science and Culture towards their respective Tech or Civic . Civ V aged nicely. Completing a Wonder grants a Eureka and Inspiration from that Wonder's era 145K subscribers in the CivVI community. I do like the housing and loyalty mechanics of Civ 6 better than the happiness mechanic of Civ 5. Gathering Storm DLC especially makes the game so much better. txt But I cannot access them, has anyone else had this issue and know a fix. txt on your desktop, edit retina to 0 Copy it across to your civ 6 folder on your iPad Start the game - it should be in non-retina graphics Close the game down on your iPad through multitasking menu This is the exploit that lets you discover every hero in one turn with Amani. It takes a lot of work and it arrives late, but it's something. Babylon's busted without game modes as you have several powerful lines of play. I have already downloaded a lot of the standard UI mods and a couple of relatively small gameplay mods (Terra Mirrabilis, extra secret societies, etc. Cities founded on coasts gain +3 Housing . Jumped back onto Civ 5 last night after years away (very refreshing after many hours spent on a bloated Civ 6) and was wondering what are the best Mods in 2023? I remember the AI being fairly dopey, not that it's much better in the sequel Also any other recommended mods, all gratefully appreciated! Dilpo - Pretty much any civ and start location can do an OCC dilpo. I get that. The major "exploits" I employ are offering Open Borders the SAME turn I meet a new civ. I turned off all victory conditions except Score and Domination, sat back, and watched the world flip. A place to discuss all things Sid Meier’s Civilization VI! Always take one more turn! The Pearl of the Danube ability is even more busted than raven king imo, especially once the late game buildings come into play. With such power, the player can have ridiculous amount of faith or settlers, etc. (SpiffingBrit) Stellaris really isn't like Civ 6 in a lot of ways. Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ 6 community! Top posts of October 22, 2023. Then I pillage my own cotton farm and rebuilt it. 18 votes, 41 comments. Civ III and Civ V are far better games than VI. 137K subscribers in the CivVI community. Has anyone else dealt with the issue before? The mods… 28 votes, 11 comments. and some civs (america, germany,) are generally utterly broken strong in CX. Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ… I find Civ 6 much easier and more intuitive. Georgia is trash. You are now earning 10 gold per turn. Welcome to the reddit community for Vampire Survivors. I. After getting the city back, the "Royal Navy Dockyard" got pillaged by a tornado. This post is about Civ 6. I wouldn't recommend it to someone on the basis of their enjoyment of Civ 6. Just tech unique units. Last update, it was fun, but hella broken. I don't think this has anything to do with it, but just in case. I don't have a PC capable of running civ 6 since my GPU died a while back, so I only have the switch version. So this is around turn 160/500 My city rebels because I come into a dark age. xBox? Switch? Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Civ 6 is a great game even without the dlc. It's especially impressive considering Civ games are the pinnacle of mouse and keyboard games. Feel free to ask any questions, start discussions, or just show off your runs! STEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with Social-Fi and Game-Fi elements that uses a dual-token system. What are your favorite mods for Civ 6 that create and add entirely new world leaders or civilizations to the game? Once you start to play a lot, you tend to see the same civs over and over again. The main complain is that the developers didn't take care of the gameplay and balance aspects with the same attention as they did in the past (Civ III, IV and V). I almost never see Civ 6 military AI's snowballing from conquests, there'd usually be two or three snowballing Civs from conquests per game in Civ 5. The game is an action roguelike game that is well worth the small $4. Jan 3, 2020 · The only known cheat i detected so far is the panthon exploit. Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ 6 community! The irony is that almost all comics are made following to this principle, and not only about civilization. I am on a Xbox One S, playing a digital version of Civ 6. To be honest, I did not think it would play this well, and I think we have to thank the amazing Steam Input layout it has by default. But for me he's got advantages that allow me to play for a bit before deciding what kind of win I want to go for. Thank you very much for supporting me this year and giving me a warm response. This really works well with Exterminator ability, with that you can build one-time +100 malevolent ideology point improvements. From the creator of Pony Island and The Hex comes the latest mind melting, self-destructing love letter to video games. I play Civ 6 because there is no corruption mechanic, this one really is awful in Civ 5 I have mixed feelings about districts and policy cards and don't like the world congress and some victory mechanics of Civ 6, also some weird leader choices. Check out the Spiffing Brit on YouTube. (Especially on a crowded True Start Earth) Free city battles are laughably one-sided with him, so you can easily get some very elite units while essentially farming favor points. This is a city almost by itself. Fortunately you can download a hotfix mod to solve it. 553K subscribers in the civ community. Does the game run properly on… The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. Hey, Civ 6 is on sale now on switch and I think the game looks really nice but im not sure if it is worth it right now. Here India in each game: India in civ V: Unhappiness from number cities doubled; unhappiness from number of citizens halved. Sorry that I had to make a new post, I don't know how to post videos in comments. I even got rid of the leader trait, which is another layer that only Civ 6 has. It plays almost like a Midway between base civ 5 and 6 games mechanics wise, but because 5 has much more of jts code that can be modified, people have made the AI waysmarter than either, and still considerably smarter than any AI improvement for civ 6 which is limited in how much can be changed. No DLC fixes that to my knowledge. Repeat this process until the Civ cannot give you any more money per turn and find a different Civ. Unless I'm playing Pericles. May 13, 2023 · This exploit does use faith btw. A really easy example of this is comparing the civ unique trait between two identical Civs in Civ 5 and Civ 6. Part of that I'm sure is the changes after the base game. There is no limit to this exploit, you can have all the gold per turn + all the gold of a civilization. It has 6 mesuem, which is tons of culture, and each of the original cites can build a new one. Australia. Whereas AOE follows the same mechanics and artstyle, but the main difference being the era they're based in. Edit: forgot how broken Khmer is post “balance” update. Although I found out if you mixed your pantheons, say for instance you spawned all the settlers you needed early game and a few builders then went crazy with a faith gen, such as desert folklore, the when the A. Civ 6 AI is bad at capturing cities, worse at using navies and almost completely broken about air combat. Generally, you want to hit your target with ranged attacks before melee attacks, as the ranger attacker won’t take any damage, and will soften the target for your melee attacker, increasing how much damage they deal and reducing how much they take. I’ve recently migrated over to Vanilla Civ 6 from Civ 4 and have been loving most of it, but missing the “corruption” mechanic that disincentivized random sprawl. Barbarian Clans is pretty much always activated, if I were to change one thing though it'd be to make them less likely to turn into city-states, because especially in larger maps and especially for far continents, you just can't stop them from becoming a city-state and it gets really out of hand really fast. Also of Ursa Ryan's evolution as an artist. Fixes to trades for strategic resources - Stop paying full value for them when you've got a decent stockpile, not just at the stockpile cap. Any civ6 exploits left? I have watched the Spiffing Britt videos but all of them were patched Civ 6 has improved a lot with the DLCs and updates. Just bought anthology on Epic Games and was struggling to get some mods I see people play with. So yeah mostly using early power militaristic civs and winning a war still on classical era. normally they increase the flanking bonus for your units by 50%, for water and land units, respectively. You also might want to wait until there is more content before buying it. reReddit: Top posts of October 2023. I am attaching a selection of what I did in 2023 and wish you all a happy new year! Damage is based on the difference in combat strength between the two units. Civ 5. There's an exploit with Sweden where if you build 6 Open Air Museums in a circle, then found a city in the middle, each museum's yields get multiplied by the number of museums. The final step involves killing a unit with a Slinger for Arc The first 1-2 years for a new 4x game is always worse than the last generation. Being damaged gives a penalty to combat strength. Does anyone have it for that system and can you tell me how bad it is when it comes to lag, bugs, etc. Hi, I'm new to Civ and started playing Civ 6 a few weeks ago, I've finished like 10 games or so with Domination or Culture victory every time. A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series… China Unique Abilities. However, I'm not sure how well it runs on PS5. Mar 20, 2019 · Correctly value maintenance resources when calculating trades. Towards the end, Gilgamesh was the only civ left, and I had to get a last minute Culture alliance with him so his capital wouldn't flip and trigger the Dom victory. . I found the biggest exploit when I was playing civ 6 single player. I started playing civ 2 at 8 years old on my dads laptop, and never stopped after that lol. Ok, so for example ask a civ for say 10 gold per turn (30 turns) in exchange for 212 right now. Civ 7 is a ways away. Now it's 20 gold. What are your opinions for the best current working mods that overall make the AI (Civ6) more enjoyable and challenging to play against? The majority of recent comments for the few that I've looked at (AI+ and Real Strategy) both state the mod either doesn't work, or gameplay seems the same as without the mod. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Most striking differences imo are Civ 5 favours tall empires, Civ 6 favours wide; AI in Civ 5 is much more challenging to deal with, Civ 6 AI is largely useless; Civ 6 introduces districts and tile-based wonders, which means there's a lot more planning when it comes to settling Thank you. I would be curious to learn how many you put in to the game (post recent update/ fix) before posting? I have been playing recently (11th to 13th October 2023) and I am still experiencing crashes on Tiny maps. I was always more interested in the empire-building than the warfare aspect, and the older version of that just feels so bare-bones now that I'm Civ 6 AI is terrible at war compared to Civ 5 AI. I is willing to make peace but no side has made significant gains, but the A. I like to win Religion with a healthy amount of religious warfare. The most ironic part is that you can buy back your ressources for a ridiculous amout of gold compared to your price. Hi friends. Granted, Civ 6 has had two major expansions over 6 years of development. People will also bundle in bunches of gold for more exploits. Quick fix for any modders out there interested. A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. It takes me almost 300 turns to complete and it doesn't seems to reduce during game, I just don't get it, how does this works?… Civilization 6 Deity Level Tier List. I want a different screen that shows the town square or whatever with people walking through it and you can make laws in each city to make every place more unique. I personally think the reason for that the AI sucks is because they crammed all those fancy new mechanics into the game without training the AI properly for them. That's always been my experience in Civ 6; when I acquire the tile with the tribal village on it, the tribal village disappears and I get the rewards, the exact same as if I had moved a unit onto the tile. I got to catapults and used the mobility from the trait plus the hero that resets the turn to demolish walls. I may have loved other games in the series more at the time, but nowadays I'm finding it difficult to go back to previous iterations. Any tips or tricks for culture/science trees surrounding this strategy? Been trying to rush this as in description, but advantage most of the time is so small and only gives like 20-30 turns window before AI catches up and surpasses the tech tree. You don't always get the notification that you discovered a new hero, but the Heroes screen shows several heroes being discovered in one turn. I'm somewhat new to civ and only have the base game. You don't need too many cities against deity, 6 is more than enough to win scientific. Say I trade my cotton for their cocoa. Let's open this can of worms again. Dynastic Cycle. From my understanding, if the A. My take: With Civ 6 Firaxis added a ton of game mechanics without building out the foundation and a big part of that foundation is AI and from what I've heard Civ 6's AI is trash. I calculates that it can take you on a war, they will think that they have an upper hand in peace negotiations, even though they will accept a white peace. Civ 5 and 6 have different mechanics and ways of playing, not to mention very different art styles. Not just "be production", "have a governor" , "Have X pop in the campus". Agreed. Another victory I had on my 183 was with Gran Colombia, another OP militaristic civ. Building pastures expands the border to adjacent land (culture bombing) The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Lautaro is a great civ for that kind of playstyle if one or two civs are losing cities due to loyalty pressure. Hey guys! Hope I’m not too late to the party, but I just got Civ 6, and I’m already hooked. I have 4K+ hours in Civ 6 only playing Deity and regularly get sub turn 170 normal speed science wins. Happiness in Civ 5 was just plain not rewarding, a slog, not fun. Don't discourage yourself. My biggest cheat/exploit - the AI is very generous with their gold for some reason. Pretty flexible as religious civs go. That’s easiest religious civ! Probably Alexander for intro war civ. A place to discuss all things Sid Meier’s Civilization VI! Always take one more turn! Turn 100 you won't catch up to them, you really start snowballing around turn 150+. Civ 6 is a game that is intended to have something like a fair playing field for all players, and someone is supposed to win. I’ve really enjoyed playing with a few mods that create entirely new leaders or civilizations, even though I don’t typically play as them. May 20, 2020 · How to cheat in Civilization 6 to reveal the entire map, exploit trading glitches, and get unlimited gold and resources. Stellaris is more of a sandbox story generator that does not provide any of those features. Yeah so you can’t really lose a game of Civ against any level AI IF you can make it past the first two eras. I want to recommend "Humankind" but it feels unfinished and lacks the depth of Civ 6 in it's current state. Users equip NFT Sneakers – walk, jog or run outdoors to earn tokens and NFTs. Basically it comes down to how taxing your barb encounters were and how quickly the AI forward settles you. Idk what kinda exploits you’re talking about, but here are some of the most OP aspects imo: Trading with the AI in general is still kind of an exploit especially with strategic resources and diplo favor. You only need three of the Stellaris DLCs to flesh out the game and have fun: Leviathans, Distant Stars, and Synthetic Dawn. I can’t play CIV 6 anymore because the menu doesn’t show up if it helps I recently swapped to a new monitor but I cannot figure out how to change the resolution for this game, I have tried finding the AppOptions. Delete it from the Civ VI folder on your iPad Open the AppOptions. This involves building a quarry to get Masonry, then building Ancient Walls to unlock Engineering, building an Aqueduct to unlock Military Engineering for Niter. Reply reply Putrid-Pea2761 45K subscribers in the Civilization6 community. Any civ6 exploits left? I have watched the Spiffing Britt videos but all of them were patched I don't think they should. This seems to be worse when using the expansion content. you can keep the movement speed and combat strength on your units permanently when you upgrade them in range of a great general Horatio Nelson's and Georgy Zhukov's retirement abilities are currently bugged. I felt the same about "vanilla" Civ 6 when it first came out. txt GraphicsOptions. Biggest difference to them is civ is turn based and AOE is real time. The pantheon exploit let the player use multiple times the same pantheon. Civ is a complex game, with 3k h in it I still learn new things that blows my mind. even if it comes out this year it won’t be until the end of the year. you then settle a city in the middle, which claim all the muesem, since they are ring 6. Like all religious civs you want to hit golden 1st age, but still playable if you don’t. Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games! The districts aren't as interesting as civ 6 and city planning feels less nuanced. A place to discuss all things Sid Meier’s Civilization VI! Always take one more turn! Not technically an exploit, but might as well be: Play as Canada Use the new extra-jumbo real start location earth Create a leader pool that excludes both Teddy Roosevelts (and if you're feeling really lazy, the Aztecs, Gran Colombia, the Incas, Brazil, &/or Lautero, but honestly, just kicking out Ted & Teddy is more than enough). Fellow Civ enthusiasts! I've spent countless hours Civ 6 on Deity difficulty (for reference, I’ve played every single civ through at least 1 game on Deity to completion, I’ve played about 90% of Civs at least twice, and there are many I’ve played several times) and I wanted to share my tier list for the different civilizations. 99 price tag. That said, I feel like both leaders are playing the game on "hard mode". I liked the strategy of carefully planning expansion. Apparently he edits the map lua file with a certain code at the end the load in the bonuses at startup, and the resync gets the infected data to the host This means every nation has far more special systems to exploit (complexity), but it can cause the game to become far less balanced, since civ-bonuses + optimal start location can make someone win turn one in a MP game. (But I think nobody plays zombies apart from Chinese Civ players) May 9, 2016 · Tundra forests are the easiest to exploit this way giving ridiculously improbable yield porn. How many games can you play where you have 4-6 cities and have that be satisfying it’s not realistic, the most dominant civilizations in the world have dozens of city metropolitan centers. Sounds like loyalty is the replacement mechanic for that. 44K subscribers in the Civilization6 community. I hope they will fix the trading system in an upcoming patch. Only watch his recents tho, as older ones have been patched. Anything below that and you should use the policy card rather than the exploit, though you likely won't have the ability to use the exploit at those tech levels Apr 26, 2023 · On topic: if it is not balanced and exploitable, it is an exploit in my book. Civ 5 has an advantage there. You mention Civ districts, but both Old World and Humankind have a very similar district and adjacency system - it going to be one of the things that brings strategy gamers back for multiple plays as you learn how to optimize it through multiple play throughs and get familiar with the advantages you can gain from saving space for I have been playing on steam for a few hundred hours and have won on deity, but am really interested in all of the mods that are available. 7. Civ 6 Android in 2023? Question I remember I played Civilization VI on my old Mi6 6/64 GB, and it was quite awful not because of performance, there was an option to play in 720p and it was okay actually 5. My last win I got really lucky with natural barrier of mountains and city states that basically gave me 1/4 of a pangea in a 6 civ game. Reddit . I would love a dlc that adds more in depth creativity in cities. Focus on defense and learn to properly do city district placement. 6K subscribers in the thespiffingbrit community. There are good enough AI mods to make the AI pretty good, while the AI in Civ 6 just isn't great. Copy AppOptions. I think Civ V is better than 6. I know many games that made single player experience worse, because they needed to balance for multiplayer. Doing this for line infantry is just barely less efficient (250 prod with projects, 240 with policy card) so that one is probably worth doing too if you get oil plants before infantry. So I would say it's definitely worth getting especially if you can get the bundle while it's on discount. Sure it was kinda situational (and even then, not really, Tamar has such an easy time sweeping up Suzerainties, AI civs are bound to target city states) but at least it was really impactful. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. 500 hours in and I barely understand adjacency bonuses. Not a bad idea to start with one of these because it's more forgiving and will let you get used to OCCs Science - very attainable, mine are typically done by around turn 300 standard speed so a little slower than a normal science game but not horrible. It can be better than otherwise, but one of the balancing problems Civ 6 has is that going all in on faith is almost always better than any alternatives. good read. Now in a couple turns, go back to the Civ and do the same thing. My 100G per turn and cotton for your 100G per turn and cocoa. ? I'm mostly worried about the late game lag. I really don't mind flipping between different civs through the ages. I haven't gotten the dlc for it yet (planning on it eventually) but I can't purchase individual dlc, only either passes or the anthology upgrade, which is $50. Apparently, this cancels the trade from our end but not from the AI. ) but want to try some of the bigger mods that have a large effect on gameplay. Land Down Under. First, some of your assumptions about each game are a bit off. 🏃🏾🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️ _____ Users can trade their NFTs on the in-app marketplace. picked the pantheon you didn’t settle on, but abused they would receive the same amount of settlers/builders Civ 6 is the best game in the franchise and leagues of ahead of Humankind as an experience of the genre. ) But if those aren't in the running, IMO Stellaris is the best on your list. My fiance loves Civ but our laptop recently bit the dust and it'll be a hot minute before I can get a replacement tower, we have a series X she wants to try it on but I see a lot of 1 star "won't stop crashing" reviews. By the end game you're firing down carpets of districts just because. The ley lines can help juice your Lavras a bit, but with voidsingers you get 20% of all your faith converted to science, culture, and gold. eg. This feels like the most consistent one since every game you can out earn the AI on essentially trade alone Here’s an easy one I never hear or see… Half the leaders will trade 20 diplo points for a single gold piece. Tourism income is correctly displayed in civilization summary. 148K subscribers in the CivVI community. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Actually played a game against him, goes by notasound. Reduces possible exploits with resource for gold trades with the AI. Alternatively, a more culture heavy civ can get a non-trivial boost to science that lets you get to the safety of crossbowmen much quicker. My Score Victory a few months back was with Eleanor. Inscryption is a narrative focused, card-based odyssey that blends the deckbuilding roguelike, escape-room style puzzles, and psychological horror into a blood-laced smoothie. I was ultimately really disappointed with where HK ended up and I think its mechanical choices lead to a less interesting game experience compared to the layers present in Civ 6. You build a museum in the 3 ring if 6 cites, creating a ring as shown in the picture. The game runs well, is smooth, and controls intuitively. You need to wait for the patches and the balance and the extra content. Mali's also a great civ because all the coolest stuff about it is baked into the civ, so this isn't a situation where you're losing something awesome by replacing the leader. Less of a factor but the unit movement in Civ 6 annoys me often. 50% of CS as faith per kill is pittance. I just build a socialist utopia and end up winning for the most part. Exploration is key here. He does exploit videos for all sorts of games, including Civ 6. I think a lot of people sleep on early game Reyna though. The official subreddit for The Spiffing Brit CommuniTEA. However, I haven’t quite had the chance to look over every leader, and was just curious, if I wanted to be both an industrial powerhouse but also a good military force, what’s the best Civ? I don’t care much for culture or religion or whatever Russia is uniquely positioned to exploit these benefits greater than any other civ, but it isn't dramatically different than Mali in the desert. Per-player improvements can be rebuilt after losing the planet it is built: Now this is an exploit. Get the Better Trade Deals screen and go to town with selling diplo favors/luxuries, even strategics. I've played since Civ 2, and overall Civ 6 my favorite Civ game. "Humankind" has a lot of potential in it, but it's not there yet. (My personal favorites from the Civilization series are III and Beyond Earth: Rising Tide. I spam apostles and use all but one charge and killing opposing apostles and gurus releases religious pressure. Civ 6 has improved a lot with the DLCs and updates. Still like graphics and graphics style better of Civ 5. The other half of leaders will give you 16-20 gold for 100 diplo points. Different games tbh - which means it's definitely worth trying Civ 6 (plus it's pretty easy to find it on deep sale). This is Firaxis' Europe: Also if any civ other than Vietnam re-wilds, they will not get the same continuous burn b'cos "old-growth" forest is considered different/separate from "new-growth" forest. The first is the Bombard rush. I recommend Ethiopia for first religious civ. I imagine this isn't the computer version of the game. I'm thinking about purchasing Civ 6 and the (available on console) DLCs since they're on sale at the moment. It's true that the AI has been bad in all games (including Civ 5), but that's not the main reason why Civ 5 single player is much better (more enjoyable/challenging) than Civ 6 IMO. Required DLC: Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack Unique Ability. Nubia too. For most of the game I was peaceful and made friends with most of the AI, making good friends and allies with the Scythian empire towards the end of the game. Civ6 multi scene isn't that big, and players can agree to ban certain Civs before they start. Re: Qin zombies exploit: one way it could have been better balanced is if zombies were not classed as melee and were in a unique/separate class of their own. They can be fun and interesting but they are definelty one of the worst civs in the game Man, I'm still kinda mad they swapped her protectorate war bonus out for receiving trivial amounts of faith per kill. Civ 6 with DLCs adds a lot of new content and bells and whistles, but the biggest gripe with the game for me is that the AI is just awful and the diplomacy is broken. 15-inch display, but game crashed a lot. Hungary is one of the best city/empire builder civs and if someone looks at you funny you can just buy an army out of thin air, doesn't matter if its close to you or at the other side of the world. Civ 6 will still be a better buy up to 2 years after the new game come out if you haven’t already spent years playing Civ 6 already. I feel like the game gets kind of repetitive after a while, the whole ancient era/beginning is fun but my civ outspaces others quickly enough, and I end up having my tanks fighting medieval or renaissance era units I play Civ with my heart. txt from the Civ VI folder onto your Mac desktop. but instead of giving extra +1 CS per flanking unit, they give extra combat 469 votes, 155 comments. And trading my luxury goods as much as possible. I think civ 5 pushed a lot of people towards never attacking city states but the more I play civ 6 the less I hesitate to take them if they're in a location I want a city. 24 votes, 48 comments. 1 day ago · CET: Tuesday, 11 February, 6:00 AM; The Civ 7 console launch is at the same time as the PC launch in North America, but at midnight in all other regions: PST: Monday, 10 February, 9:00 PM; You set up a trade with another civ. It is symbolic that my first comic was specifically about civilization. aes xmqu ytik lysqq ezgp svp xwgbpx qbrs cqqfkb heckc avvhc hhmfy jeb nopg fpps