Horde 2h sword trainer. Always up to date with the latest patch (1.

Horde 2h sword trainer Dec 27, 2024 · All characters start out with a few weapon skills depending on their chosen class and race, and can train additional weapon skills from Weapon Masters in each major city. 80 - 3 00 sword. That’ll last you until Crescent Staff. >Blacksmithing >Journeyman: None confirmed yet >Expert: None confirmed yet To the Warriors on Alliance researching this weapon: My professional Opinion is to pass on this Axe if you have already gotten your Whirlwind weapon (ie: Axe, Mace, Sword. Two Weapon Trainers, Weapon Master Buliwyf Stonehand and Bixi Wobblebonk, are located in The Military Ward. Daggers: A fast melee weapon often used for stealth attacks. They are often thought of as the ultimate PvP class, and they are in high demand for raids as well, with their damage output rivaling even that of Warriors. By 2h fury i assume you are playing horde with WF, prebis is same. Woo Ping sells the Two-Handed Sword skill for 10s. It is looted from Tregla. In BC master swordsmiths my craft multi tier BoP swords of both 1 and 2h types. Nov 9, 2023 · (Human): Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. Can hunters equip 2 A skill in the Weapon Skills category. 5. Hope this helps A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Sayoc is a level 50 Elite NPC that can be found in Orgrimmar. If it has a weapon speed of 3. There are so many amazing 2h axes while leveling up and I can’t name one easily accessible sword off the top of my head. Cheers to all smiths. 56. Staves: Popular among mages, priests, and druids. Once you get to 60 and get ready to raid you'll want to respec to fury (regardless of 2h or DW). 4. After AQ patch 2h fury became less good because of there are much better 1h weapon options. A skill in the Weapon Skills category. This green two-handed sword has an item level of 5. On horde 2h is better than it is on alliance because of windfury, but you'll have better consistent dps with dual wield preraid-bis weapons than most 2handers. If not only. Items Which Increase Classic Rogue Weapon Skill. Nov 21, 2024 · Rogues are WoW Classic's masters of intrigue, utilizing their stealth, poisons, and agility to evade, assassinate, and steal. Commune with the elemental spirits and wield the four elements of nature -- fire, earth, air, water -- through placed totems. Map Coordinates for Woo Ping are 57. However, there are at least two situations in which dual-wielding outshines two-handed dps. Dec 23, 2024 · Swords (One-Handed and Two-Handed): A versatile weapon type suitable for most classes. Nov 25, 2021 · All Weapon Skill Training Locations In World Of Warcraft: Classic Season Of Mastery To find the exact locations of each NPC talk to any guard in the major city and ask to find the "Weapons Trainer" and they will mark your map. These swords often have one primary edge, but all generally rely on the ability to slash an opponent with a heavy (and possibly somewhat blunt) edge. Jan 26, 2025 · Enchanting: Alliance 1-150 Trainers Enchanting: Expert 150-225 Trainers Horde Enchanting Trainer Locations Visit these links to go directly to a list of all Horde Journeyman and Expert trainer locations in the main Classic Enchanting guide: Enchanting: Horde 1-150 Trainers Enchanting: Expert 150-225 Trainers Materials Needed Enchanting 1 - 225 Comment by Thottbot i'm a level 41 troll mage (my first character, i'm a noob), and trained for one handed swords early on because they looked cool. You can train 2h weapon skill at from their respective weapon masters at level 1. Always up to date. A hybrid class, Shamans can dish out huge AoE healing through chain healing; meteoric, elemental nukes like chain lightning;… Nov 21, 2024 · The Paladin class is exclusive to the Alliance faction in WoW Classic, just as the Shaman is exclusive to Horde. What classes can use a two handed mace wow? Two handed maces are wielded by Death Knights, Paladins, Warriors and A skill in the Weapon Skills category. Be aware that not all Cities have trainers for all weapon skills - for instance, there is no 2H Axe Trainer in Darnassus. Weapon skills are class-specific. Nov 22, 2024 · Similar to most trainers, different weapon masters can teach you a different set of weapons skills for a price. (Troll): Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Sword Item Appearances in World of Warcraft: Classic. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Weapon Transmog in World of Warcraft: The War Within. A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller's Arsenal in the Trade District. I need that spear training! * Weapon Trainer: (22) There are two Weapon Trainers located in the Valley of Honor—Weapon Master Hanashi and Weapon Master Sayoc. 4 damage per second)Durability 35 / 35Requires Level 2Sell Price: 68 Two-Handed Sword is sold by: Ansekhwa <Weapon Master> in Thunder Bluff Blacksmith Verringtan in Hillsbrad Foothills Corina Steele <Weaponsmith> in Warriors, Druids, Shaman, and Death Knights can learn how to use Two-Handed Maces from a Weapon Master. Can the RP still happen or will I be losing out on a ton of Agility? I don’t see any Agility 2-Handed Swords on the AH. Nov 24, 2024 · Here is a quick straight forward guide on what 2H weapons you should be using for your either hardcore or non-hardcore warrior for the fresh WoW Classic Serv Comment by Thottbot it is simple for a shamen to duel wield or use 2h axes and maces they must have the corresponding talent in enhancement which if you spec totally into enhancement means level 20 for 2h and 40 for duel wield check your talent tree. Horde get shamans that give windfury, which is key, to making 2 handed fury be somewhat decent. 7. I didnt ever use ravager. Buliwyf the <Weapon Master> in Iron Forge at | /way 61. Dec 21, 2024 · Can anyway tell me if there is any way for a Hunter to wield a 2-Handed Sword that has the correct stat? (Agility) I’d like to roll a Hunter that is a former soldier who left the war and rescued a pup. Nov 18, 2024 · Comment by Blood4u Just a mention to this guide cause it seems to be missing completly but i want to do dungeons while leveling and i will main a prot Warrior from what i saw people use defensive stance with a shield and a one hander there isn't a dedicated section to this in the guide which is extremely sad since this is for a dps point of view guide but if you plan on tanking most likely you Two-Handed Sword is sold by: Ansekhwa <Weapon Master> in Thunder Bluff; Blacksmith Verringtan in Hillsbrad Foothills; Corina Steele <Weaponsmith> in Elwynn Forest; Dolman Steelfury <Weapon Merchant> in Ironforge; Farsil <Armor & Shield Merchant> in Eversong Woods; Frast Dokner <Apprentice Weaponsmith> in Dun Morogh; Geron <Weapon Merchant> in A complete searchable and filterable list of Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: Classic. 0 57. It is looted and sold by NPCs. Spreadsheet May 18, 2024 · In WoW, you can find weapon trainers in various locations. Circlet of Restless Dreams (+6) Aug 25, 2023 · For example, if you spend the first 10 levels questing with a two-handed sword and suddenly make the switch to a two-handed axe, All Horde weapon trainers. This green two-handed sword has an item level of 10. In addition, there is a Druid trainer available for the convenience of those Druids who wish to visit the Blood Elf lands. in fact if you don't have Deathbringer from Onyxia, 2h fury with Arcanite reaper is much better than 2h. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Weapon Trainers for Classic Paladin Weapon Skills At level 10, Classic Paladin can visit weapon trainers in capital cities to learn additional weapon skills for each. Weapon speed while leveling, and especially at 10, does not matter at all (for heroic strike purposes; hamstring kiting obviously exists but not really applicable for 1handers). Axes (One-Handed and Two-Handed): A powerful weapon that deals high damage. Two-Handed SwordItem Level 3Binds when equippedSwordTwo-HandSpeed 3. Nov 15, 2024 · There are four Weapon Masters for Horde characters, with two of them residing in Orgrimmar. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. In the Uncategorized Spells category. Nov 22, 2024 · Enter the Shaman: the Horde-specific class opposite the Alliance-specific Paladin. Two-handed weapon: 4x [Strange Dust] 2x [Greater Magic Essence] 100: 130: 150: 170: Trainer [Minor Stamina] Shield: 2x [Light Illusion Dust] 1x [Lesser Eternal Essence] 105: 130: 150: 170: Trainer [Lesser Versatility] Two-handed weapon: 3x [Light Illusion Dust] 1x [Lesser Eternal Essence] 110: 135: 155: 175 [Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser there are many 1h and 2h maces that are good for feral forms on the way up to outland. Can you dual wield two handed weapons in wow classic? Nov 22, 2024 · They can also learn to use Plate armor from their class trainer at level 40. Then, you use the Goblin Smasher until the Zhovra Axe at ~14. Hamstring is for slowing things that are running away from you, you shouldn't be trying to use it to kite too much during normal combat (you will be taking a lot of extra hits while trying to get out of melee range) There’s a level 2 2h mace and a level 4 one worth buying before you can do Fizzsprocket. Two-handed weaponry includes swords, maces, axes, staves and polearms. though, i'm looking for something better at this time, if anyone has a better 2h sword, please let me know, pst Tomonia on Korgath server, Horde :) U just need 2 hand swords mainly. Increases your damage with Two-Handed Swords by 4. Nov 27, 2024 · Related to your weapons training, players can unlock the Dual Talent Specialization for their characters once they hit level 40 by visiting their class trainers and paying 50 gold. 4, you should use Windfury Jun 20, 2024 · Every Paladin race starts off with One-Handed Maces and Two-Handed Maces learned by default. You can never learn new languages. At higher-levels, Staves are itemized for casters (spell power, intellect, low DPS) so Elemental or Restoration Shaman will be interested in them primarily, although there are Ignore the swords. 29, 57. Each section of this amazing city has unique features and distinct Comment by 162742 Only Horde weapon master that teaches guns, 1h maces, and 2h maces. One in Thunderhoof, two in Orgimaar and one in Undercity. They are extremely sturdy and offer strong support in groups, but suffer from "the hybrid tax,"… Nov 9, 2023 · Importance of Weapons for Classic Warriors Classic Warriors are extremely dependent on their weapons for dealing damage. Alliance Hunter Trainers in Classic WoW. Trying to keep the skill level up on all the different weapon types was always a fun task. 6 Weapon training for Crossbows, Daggers, 1h/2h Swords, Polearms and Staff/Staves. Alliance Weapon Trainers Mar 16, 2023 · Two-handed maces can be used by death knights, druids, paladins, shamans, and warriors. zealot blade and nightsky orb in my off hand give combined stats of +11 Aug 27, 2019 · Weapon trainers and masters are special NPCs in World of Warcraft Classic. Swords like Destiny and such. They are the only ranged physical damage dealers in the game, and most raid groups will want at least one… Axes - Two-Handed: Dirk the Carpenter in Mannshire This is the guard at the table below the elder who gave me starting sword…weird. The Weapons Master SHOULD give you a training menu, though, and 1-handed and 2-handed swords should be on them. ) If you don't know what I am talking about, see your trainer and/or Search "Whirlwind" and get the info on that quest to get said weapon. Weapon Master Hanashi can teach bows, one- and two-handed axes, staves, and all manner of thrown weapons. If the one hander does nearly as much damage as the two hander by itself, it may be worth swapping to dual-wield until you get a two-hander upgrade. Additionally, to learn how to use a new weapon type effectively, you’ll have to whack on mobs to increase your proficiency with it. An axe or mace if the stats are sick. These wielders of the Light are hybrids who can tank, heal, or deal damage. For example, Alliance Rogues must go to Stormwind in order to learn 1H Swords, while Warriors must go to Ironforge to learn axes. Comment by Thottbot Horde can train 2h maces in Thunder Bluff at the weapon master, just ask a guard. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Weapon Skills in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Nov 9, 2023 · Weapon Trainers for Classic Hunter Weapon Skills At level 10, Classic Hunters can visit weapon trainers in capital cities to learn additional weapon skills for each. Comment by 162742 Only Horde weapon master that teaches guns, 1h maces, and 2h maces. Also try Ironforge for maces and axes. You can find Vanilla Weapon T This two-handed sword is white. Generally two-handed weapons are slower than their one-handed counterparts, but make up for it with . Comment by 175017 Alliance weaponmasters: Woo Ping teaches: Crossbow, Daggers, One-and Two-Handed Swords, Polearms and Staves. Increases your damage with Two-Handed Swords by 36 and your chance to parry with one by 5%. They can teach your characters to use different kinds of weapons. Here’s where to find each Classic weapons trainer and the specific weapon skills they teach! Aug 26, 2019 · With this system, players will have to travel to weapon trainers to learn to use weapon types their class cannot use by default. If you want to use 2 handers in PvE, you'll likely want to play warrior and play horde. 6. Warriors are the only class who can learn to use every weapon in the game (with the exception of Wands, which are a default skill for casters and not taught by Weapon Nov 21, 2024 · The Hunter in WoW Classic is known for its independence, and is often a top pick for solo content due to its combination of damage output, mobility, control, and survivability. Nov 18, 2024 · I recommend taking 5/5 Shield Specialization (+5% chance to block, +25% dmg blocked) until finding a lvl 20+ viable 2H weapon and then using your first 1g respec to pickup the 2H weapon weapon talent and switch to Ancestral Knowledge. With the abundance of PRE RAID BIS Guides out there, I wanted to take a different approach to things. (Troll): Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5. Always up to date with the latest patch (4. Aug 26, 2023 · Archibald (Undercity - 57. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: Classic. The following spreadsheets list EVERY* BOP 2h weapon (including Staffs) available in Phase 1, from level 3-60, good or bad, Int or Str, green, blue, or purple. 6 89. But you have to spend points in the talent tree on that talent to even show the two-handed options with the weapons trainer so you can buy that weapon skill from him. (Note: learning Polearms requires level 20 and . A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. The only time weapon speed really matters for heroic strike is when you said, when you're rage capped. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. You'll do less damage than a dual wield fury warrior, but are still viable. 2h Swords can be enhanced by Jun 3, 2021 · Shaman Weapon Trainers in Burning Crusade Classic WoW At level 10, Shamans can visit weapon trainers in capital cities to learn additional weapon skills for each. Woo Ping the <Weapon Master> in Stormwind at | /way 57. Ironforge – Daggers, crossbows, thrown weapons, one-handed axes, two-handed axes, one-handed maces, two-handed maces, fist weapons, and guns. How to Find the Quick Strike Rune Below you'll find the solutions to acquire the , the item you'll need to get to learn . There are 4 Horde weapon trainers. two in orgrimmar, and one in thunder bluff, not every trainer can teach every weapon, so if the trainer you are at cant teach a certain weapon, you need to go to a different city. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. 0. 9. Not a fan of the proc for a few reasons. A spell from Classic World of Warcraft. Paladins can also use Shields and Offhands. Any advice appreciated. As alliance you're in the shitter as 2-handed fury, for Horde it's the better option until you're essentially poking your head in Naxx. You shouldn't go 2h in ally Side, it doesnt work. the talent for 2h weps is called two-handed axes and maces and requires 10 points in enhancement, for duel wield it requires 30 points in In the Proficiencies category. Hanashi and Sayoc, both in Orgrimaar, are the only trainers for horde that will teach two-handed axe. If it is faster than 3. The problem is the quality of available axes vs the quality of available sword. Can shaman use 2H Mace? Jan 12, 2024 · Deadly Strike of the Hydra is a new Epic Two-Handed Sword added in Season of Discovery. A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller According to Warcraft lore, the two-handed warhammer was the favored weapon of the Knights of the Silver Hand A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller's Arsenal in the Trade District. Thank you. Where is Undercity Weapon Trainer in Classic World of Warcraft. Sep 30, 2019 · Weapon Trainers Every race starts off with several weapon skills learned by default, and must go to different cities to learn specific skills. You should always be using a two-handed axe or mace, but the type of weapon enhancement you apply will depend on how fast it is. 2). Comment by TheOnyx Also of note, Humans get a +1% chance to critically strike with Two-Handed Maces via a racial ability. this is a pretty good sword, especially for one that can be crafted so early. We’ll cover their locations below. According to Warcraft lore, the two-handed warhammer was the favored weapon of the Knights of the Silver Hand, led by Uther the Lightbringer. There are two entrances to The Master's Cellar amongst the ruins and the rune is located specifically within the cellar which is the Dec 8, 2023 · This is where to find the weapon trainer for swords, daggers and other weapons in undercity#wowclassic #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #trending A complete searchable and filterable list of Two-Handed Sword Transmog in World of Warcraft: The War Within. 3, 32. 0 89. In the Two-Handed Swords category. ; Buliwyf teaches: Fist Weapons, Guns, One-and Two-Handed Axes, One-and Two-Handed Maces. The first is when you have outleveled your two handed weapon, and get a nice new one-hander upgrade. Not that it DOES take about 10 minutes to level up your 2H sword to your level, so be prepared to deal no damage for a couple mobs. 3). Buliwyf teaches fist weapons, guns, one- and two-handed axes, and one- and two-handed maces. Generally two-handed weapons are slower than their one-handed counterparts, but make up for it with stronger stats. 6 Weapon training for Crossbows, Daggers and Throwing Weapons. This sword is incredibly strong, having the highest DPS out of any melee weapon… Jun 23, 2024 · They must have one main hand weapon and a different offhand weapon. . Here are all the weapon masters in WoW Classic, where to find them, and what You can get 2h swords training in Undercity from the weapon master in the war quarter (talk to a guard to find exact location). 4 Weapon training for Fist Weapons, Guns, 1h/2h Axes, 1h/2h Maces. (Note: learning Polearms requires level 20 Jun 3, 2021 · Welcome to Wowhead's guide to Warrior weapons in Burning Crusade Classic, covering available weapon skills, the benefits of each weapon type a Warrior can use, and notable weapons to equip for leveling, tanking, and DPSing on your Burning Crusade Classic Warrior. He also has sells training for Crossbows, Daggers, Polearms and Staves. Weapon Master Sayoc can teach bows, daggers, fist weapons, one- and two-handed axes, and thrown weapons. Felpaw Village, Felwood: Kaerbrus; Shrine of Aessina, Ashenvale: Alenndaar Lapidaar; Talondeep Path, Ashenvale: Alenndaar Lapidaar there are 3 weapons trainers. one in the undercity, the capital city on the eastern continent and 3 on the western continent. They can also teach you other weapon skills such as bows, staves, and thrown weapons. Aug 9, 2020 · At lower levels, Staves do respectable 2H Weapon DPS, and as you learn Staves by default as a Shaman, rewards like Crescent Staff may be your go-to weapon at low levels. You can ask the weapon master who you need to talk to in order to train other skills and he will tell you what city to go to. As you look for weapon upgrades on your Warrior, you will be interested in the raw DPS of the weapon, the speed of the weapon, as well as favoring weapon types that suit any racial specializations, such as Axes for Orc or Swords for Human. He teaches Swords, Two-handed swords, and Polearms. Since every class starts with the ability to use only a few types of weapons, their services are extremely useful. Nothing is more important while leveling a Warrior than his or her weapon. Always up to date with the latest patch. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew which Horde cities have weapon trainers that can train on 1H and 2H maces? I rolled a BE Paladin and the only thing she was able to learn from the trainer in Silvermoon City was Polearms at level 15 (she's only 11 and Polearms cost a fortune anyway). Jul 17, 2024 · How to Find the Sword Specialization Rune Here are the solutions to find , the item you'll need to learn . Nov 6, 2022 · Where can I learn 2H swords horde? A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller’s Arsenal in the Trade District. ) Be aware that not all Cities have trainers for all weapon skills - For instance, there is no 2H Axe Trainer in Darnassus. It should only take 2-4 turtles to get you to a reasonable skill level. Weapon training for Crossbows, Daggers, 1h/2h Swords, Polearms and Staff/Staves. Below is a table of weapon types that Warriors can use and where the initial skill can be trained. Guns, bows and crossbows also Sep 29, 2020 · Also Read | WoW Classic Server List – Guide On WoW Classic Realm List Alliance Weapon Trainer Locations. On the other hand, Bixi Wobblebonk teaches crossbows, daggers, and throwing weapons. An item from World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Both one-handed and two-handed swords can be wielded by Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors. Awesome thanks! (first time horde and don’t know where $&#! is yet :) Where to learn to use Two Handed Swords as Blood Elf, World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic horde trainer for: crossbows, daggers, 1h sword, 2h sword, polearms, and daggers Comment by Allakhazam i am standing on the same place as he but he isnt ther is he on that upper floor above me or what Weapon training for Fist Weapons, Guns, 1h/2h Axes, 1h/2h Maces. It's just a weird way to do things but it is what it is. i made mine at 12 and i'm at lvl 20 now still using it. Nov 18, 2024 · The locations of the Hunter Trainers for the Alliance and Horde are listed below, and you can learn which abilities are worth training as you level in the Hunter Leveling Guide. Jul 31, 2024 · Your weapon speed will determine whether you use Windfury Weapon or Rockbiter Weapon. You take the sword because it's already leveled up. 6). Where can I learn 2H axes in Horde Classic? In Horde Classic, you can learn to use 2-handed axes from Weapon Master Hanashi in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar. Oh, I also forgot to mention that each weapon trainer in the main cities teach different weapon types. No problem staying 2h arms as you level. To find where they are simply ask a guard in these cities and they will mark your map where the trainers are. No worries! I main-ed a warrior back in vanilla. Two-Handed Swords are heavy Melee Weapons, usually taking the form of a longer, broader blade with a long handle or hilt. The problem isn’t sword specialization vs axe specialization, they’re both pretty close. you shouldn't limit yourself to one weapon proficiency in case something better than what you're using drops and you don't have the skill for it. Dec 28, 2023 · For DPS Warriors that use a 2H Weapon, this Rune provides a strong extra spammable ability that both procs effects such as Windfury Totem and , while not consuming our swing like . Nov 8, 2004 · OK some updates on those posts Flight, based on the present patch: >2-Handed Maces >Thunder Bluff - near warrior trainer >Guns >Thunder Bluff - Hunter Rise - warrior trainer >Staves >Thunderbluff - on the elder rise The Weapon Master in Thunderbluff has moved from Hunters Rise to the lowest tier of the main city. But honestly with an active seal youll be melting targets with a good 2. It is looted from Greenpaw. Here is a quick overview of which skills can be learned in each Horde city. Sword Specialization Rune Location In Deadwind Pass, head towards Karazhan in the south of the zone. 601 – 2 Damage(0. Spends a few silver on the skill, and poof, you got it. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. If you are a hunter starting out in durotar / eversong woods, you will have to make the trek thru The Barrens to Mulgore and Thunder Bluff. This sword is a reworked version of the original Strike of the Hydra available in the Blackfathom Deeps 5-man dungeon. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. But i used axes and swords mostly. Bixi Wobblebonk the <Weapon Master> in Iron Forge at | /way 62. 15. May 10, 2021 · Silvermoon City boasts class trainers for all six allowed classes, as well as trainers for Hunter Pets, Mage Portals, Demon Trainers, and Weapons. (Dwarf): Guns skill increased by 5. horde trainer for: crossbows, daggers, 1h sword, 2h sword, polearms, and daggers Comment by Allakhazam i am standing on the same place as he but he isnt ther is he on that upper floor above me or what See the weapons master in Stormwind City. A complete searchable and filterable list of Two-Handed Swords in World of Warcraft: Classic. 7). A two-handed weapon (or abbreviated as 2H-sword/mace/axe) is a weapon that requires both the main hand and off-hand slots in use (as opposed to one-handed using one slot). Name: Location: Weapon skills: Ansekhwa: Sep 9, 2019 · This video shows Undercity Weapon Trainer WoW Classic location. Rogues are able… A two-handed weapon (or abbreviated as 2H-sword/mace/axe) is a weapon that requires both the main hand and off-hand slots in use (as opposed to one-handed using one slot). Reason is BRE almost exclusively, that together with Rivenspike/annihilation, crystal yield and all the other armour shredding sources you'll be hitting the boss like it's got 0 armour, that coupled with WF is You can start with the bears/spiders a bit closer to town if you're scared or too clumsy to weapon swap halfway through each fight so you don't actually die before the mob does. (Human): Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5. Polearms: Effective for long-range attacks. Comment by 130277 Sayoc is the only Horde weapon master who teaches Fist Weapons A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller's Arsenal in the Trade District. generally speaking a staff will have beter stats for a mage, but if you see a zealot blade at the AH they have good stats for a mage and do good DPS for that level a weapon. 8): Crossbows, Daggers, One-Handed Swords, Polearms, Two-Handed Swords Is it worth it to level up weapon skills in WoW Classic Hardcore? Expand Tweet Nov 16, 2024 · The Druid is a versatile hybrid class, capable of filling any role in the game thanks to their powerful shapeshifting abilities. Dwarf, Tauren, Orc and Undead start with a single 2h weapon skill learned. You'll also have less competition for weapons, which is nice. In WoW Classic, they are often considered to be jacks-of-all-trades, masters-of-none, with their flexibility and utility making up for what they may lack in damage, healing, or threat output… One handed swords, Two handed swords Comment by 195661 Horde can learn this in the Undercity, Archibald is the weapon master located in the inner ring of the war quarter. You can also visit the Weapon Master in Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods (the BE starting Area) he teaches swords, too, I think. 4 or slower, you should use Rockbiter Weapon. Normally that is the case but in the shaman talent tree you can put a point in two handed axes and maces. In the NPCs category. 4). Blazegaurd and Lionheart Blade are the sword smith weaopns slated for BC and have 3 upgradedable levels so far. horde trainer for: crossbows, daggers, 1h sword, 2h sword, polearms, and daggers Comment by Allakhazam i am standing on the same place as he but he isnt ther is he on that upper floor above me or what Mar 8, 2023 · How to get two handed wow classic? A Two-Handed Sword trainer is located in the Weller’s Arsenal in the Trade District.