Pro atc x. com, which is free to use and works better.
Pro atc x tv/byemoonmenAddons Sep 7, 2020 · Pilot2atc has speech recognition, flight planner, moving map, regional atc voice, etc, etc. CONS: Constant vectoring which takes you off course for ILS. 10 But it is in the ADDONS section of my flight simulator. The interface used is the FS standard interface Available PRO-ATC/X In-Flight-Menus and keys during a flight. Followers 0. Jan 29, 2019 · I use Pro-ATC/X for most of my flights. How would one go about setting up a fictional scenario, and then importing it into PRO-ATC? I can just set Gray and Rainy on P3D but that'll give me in-game QNH of 1000~. Compatibility may also have something to do with allowing the Pro-ATC/X co-pilot to control flaps, gear, etc. (Voice: English, UI: German)Checklist by PeteFly82: http://www. Pro-ATC/SR is the most complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS), Prepar3D and FSX-SE. 95 € until September, 15, 2022 Aug 10, 2022 · It’s an old tool that will surely sound familiar to FSX and P3D pilots, when it was known as PRO-ATC/X. One thing I suggest you to do in such cases is watching the "Frequency to set:" in your Moving map, make sure the frequency is right, then switch COM1 to the alternative frequency and finally switch back again to the right Re: CaptainSim 757 III P3Dv4 + PRO ATC X Reply #1 - Jul 24 th, 2018 at 12:54pm Feb 13, 2015 · Pro ATC x. Does Pro ATC X have a interface similar to the default ATC system, can I open a menu and use it like the default system? Happy new years to you all! FSHud works very well on it's own but is even better with FSLTL which uses real data from Flight Radar. It'll even re-open the menu on some Un tutorial rápido y simple de como utilizar PRO ATC X, lo que para mi es el mejor control de tráfico para el simulador de vuelo Flight Simulator X y PREPAR3 Addons used:PMDG 777FAirport: Schiphol Amsterdam (Aerosoft)Airport: Charles De Gaulle (Aerosoft)Weather: Opus FSX 3. [New] PRO-ATC/X now recognizes which simulation is loaded (FSX/P3D), provided it is running on the same PC. Mar 8, 2018 · Unable to unlock new purchased pro-atc/x. I've been watching the progress on ProATC for some time now, their forum is very active and there have been some good threads here too. These range from weather reports, clearances and taxi instructions all the way to vectors, landing clearances and traffic calls. Top priority was focused on to not restrict the simulation in any way. As far as I am aware it still reads out alpha charaters instead of phoenetic. 2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production). Forum of Pro-ATC/SR General Category - Non Support Area General Discussion MOVED: CTD with new version 1. In each region there is a sub folder called Controllers Aug 14, 2022 · Those some of these features may seem familiar to users of PRO-ATC/X, the new speech recognition (SR) aims to bring your sim realism to the next level. Getting flight plans generated by routfinder. Aug 14, 2022 · Today’s video sees us testing out and demonstrating the brand new Pro ATC X / Pro ATC SR for Microsoft Flight Simulator from Pointsoft. 10 January, 2025, 14:39:30 PM. The X is now gone, replaced with an SR that stands for “Speech Recognition”, the new feature that was just introduced in this new version of PRO-ATC. Feb 15, 2018 · Pro-ATC/X First Impressions Let me state up front, ProATC/X is designed to be used in FSX/P3D with high-end, 3rd party airliners such as those developed by PMDG. Pro-atc can connect to fsx but it wont connec to prepar3d. Again, don't think this is a PRO-ATC-X issue but maybe an import issue with PMDG 777. Jan 11, 2022 · download the new version of PRO-ATC-X 11 January, 2022, 19:38:25 PM Last Edit : 28 February, 2022, 17:50:24 PM by moskito-x The version on my computer is 1. Today that changed as they have released their latest update to bring it up to 1. Nov 21, 2021 · Pro ATC/X was one of my favourite add-ons for P3D and FSX. I have heard some good things about Pro ATC X but I want to hear what you guys have to say. 02 February, 2025, 09:07:43 AM. PRO-ATC/SR Features. com/ByemoonmenTwitch https://www. Hello Pilots,. First, start simulator, choose aircraft and gate and start the flight (reason is, that I wait till weather is loaded (ASP4), then PFPX has the correct weather for planning). I hope this will be helpful Salut les amis, dans cette vidéo on va jeter un œil à un Addon vraiment intéressant qui remplace l'ATC fourni avec MSFS et qui rend le tout beaucoup plus imm A problem with PRO-ATC-X . Example: I want to set up a flight with some clouds and a bit of rain, and IRL today is clear skies. Enter payware add-on reviews in ths forum. Recommended Posts. 40 (Opus Software)ATC: ProATC-X (Pointsof Don't forget to subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed the content. 8 is now published. Apr 15, 2021 · The website is updated and the update 1. PRO-ATC/SR just runs autonomously beside the Flight Simulation (MSFS, Prepar3D or FSX-SE). com/PuretajugonTuorial Básico del programa PRO ATC x para Prepar3d y FSX respondiendo a la peticion de nustro colega a Available PRO-ATC/X In-Flight-Menus and keys during a flight. Attachment capture images Cordial greetings Mar 19, 2016 · I'm running pro-atc on a client machine. . 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. This is the newest one. , but I have no experience with this as I handle Nov 21, 2021 · System: P3D v5. 9\Other Stuff\Voice Sets 今回、atcアドオンである pro atc/x を導入しましたので、紹介したいと思います。 私は今までは、adfなどで、starをいじってなんとかデフォルトのatc飛行をしていましたが、やはりいつも使っているとドキドキするので、今回こちらのアドオンを導入した次第です。 Apr 3, 2016 · @greycap: As for the callsign in the planner, check out the file 'al. Additional PRO-ATC/X voice sets. But I can not make PRO-ATC/X work. Pro ATC SR by Pointsoft is an Air Traffic Contro In this live MSFS stream, we take a look at the recently released Pro ATC SR for Microsoft Flight Simulator. 放下两年多的模拟飞行又研究起来了,在安装atc空管插件时遇到一个问题,自己研究了一天也没成功,查阅了各种资料都无果,实在没办法了,特向各位大佬请求支援。模拟飞行平台:p3d v4. And listening to canned ATC chat at Manchester when I am flying in the Far East is a bit off. My coms are set up and get the PRO-ATC/X ATIS. and many more Back to the download site Aug 1, 2017 · Pro Atc X years ago was a fiasco, nowdays it is defintely very good IMO. 04 February, 2025, 21:11:36 PM. 2. Which I have installed FSUIPC 6. Make your flightplan with PFPX (or, try to make your flightplan via webtools or even via th Aug 9, 2022 · PRO-ATC/SR is available for 49. No easy way to tell how to actually taxi or where to taxi to. If you have any comments Pointsoft - PRO-ATC/X. fsatc. Could you please Help me. Posted In questo video andremo a vedere un altro programma utile per in controllo ATC all'interno di MSFS. - They are only closing, when clicking on 'Close Window' or if a function is executed. pf3 and pilot2atc have been around for many years also, i think these are all basically just continued versions with added msfs 2 days ago · Welcome to the new forum of Pro ATC; Sign your posts with full name as per the forum rules, set your profile signature!; Check the FAQ for known issues before posting!; LOGS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL SUPPORT REQUESTS! Sep 7, 2013 · Also note, that if you have Pro-ATC X configured to adjust the autopilot i. 15 January, 2025, 19:28:39 PM. 95 € until September, 15, 2022. Nov 25, 2019 · In PRO ATC-X, LLUND seems to appear in the correct place. As such it is a pretty expensive add-on for someone like me who doesn't fly tubeliners - 49,95 €/$55. Aerosoft Airbus; Airbus X Extended; IFly-737NG/747-400 v2; Leonardo MaddogX; PMDG 737-NGX; PMDG 737-NGXU; PMDG 777-200/300; QualityWings-787; TDFi Design 717 Mar 26, 2022 · On the PRO-ATCX forum, the project manager alfa117 announced that the PRO_ATC / SR add-on has entered the internal testing phase for MSFS2020. EDIT: Squawkbox plans do not contain NAT waypoints, only the track designator which PATC cannot interpret This will give new users of ProATC X a basic idea of how to start a flight. Main Menu. Aug 7, 2022 · You have to be prepared for a learning curve if you are a beginner. Branimir215. Customers who have purchased the old version of 'PRO-ATC/X' will get PRO-ATC/SR for 44. Partially 1 or 2 frames - if at all. Losing the frequency also occurs here from time to time. 7. What I can't seem to do however, is to import weather/METAR into PRO-ATC X. But still I not get thing to work. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. The program does not control AI planes. Jun 14, 2020 · PRO-ATC-X Hasn't been updated for a long time and isn't very happy about Win 10. Pro-ATC/SR tries to assist where ever possible by a virtual copilot. Oct 10, 2016 · For those of you running Pro-ATC/X on a 2nd machine over a network. 5. The callsign 'Nortrans' is already in my voice sets, note to self, good job!. Sep 15, 2023 · I have Radar Contact 4, PF3 and Pro ATC-X. Go Up Pages 1. User actions. Feb 24, 2019 · This means that you can download the same AIRAC cycle for Pro-ATC/X as well as your aircraft's FMC, and Pro-ATC/X and your aircraft will then be in synch as far as SID's, STAR's, etc. Pro Atc X. Has decent voiceovers not to robotic. Have you considered using SimBrief to create your flightplans? They (SimBrief) have a good selection of 3rd Party Aircraft flightplan formats to upload to your aircraft FMC. How can I buy and download PRO-ATC/SR? PRO-ATC/SR is available for 49. 8; Mar 29, 2016 · Sometimes Pro-ATC/X crashes mid-air without any apparent reason. Apr 9, 2013 · I got yesterday the absolute coolest atc add on for fsx! It is on the market since 2012 (hope I'm right) and got. I thank you for any help you can give me, and I offer my apologies for the inconvenience caused. 4已安装插件:1、p Pointsoft has released PRO-ATC/SR for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D. Pointsoft - PRO ATC/SR. We believe that Pro-ATC/SR will take Air Traffic Control to the next level. Still learning. By urgeflaske November 11, 2015 in The Prepar3d Forum. PRO-ATC/SR is an air traffic control tool that aims to enhance your sim by giving you instructions. So I Addon Organizer. i have not seen a good comparison/shootout type of review maybe there's one out there. Although Pro-ATC/X generally does a decent job, what I didn't like is the lack of unpredictability Jun 8, 2020 · I was streaming the other day when someone came onto the chat and remonstrated with me that ATC is “not” contacted until after the “walk around”, however what the pedant in question was not aware of was that when using a combination of FS2Crew and ProATC X you must have all relevant flight info entered into the FMC “before” the second finishes his walk around. But I have used both and there are pros and cons to both so let’s start. Posted July 5, 2018. I will talk about setting up and using the best and most realistic ATC pro You have to be prepared for a learning curve if you are a beginner. the pilots voice differed from the ones used by PRO ATC X pilot. for every PmdG plane for fsx! Have a look on youtube for PRO ATC/X and you will find videos from Mar 8, 2018 · Unable to unlock new purchased pro-atc/x. Microphone is correctly configured, and it shows that Pro ATC SR is using the headset, but it just doesn't work. 70, so unless I use the auto menu option to have the Pro Atc x co-pilot make contact and read back, then I can't contact Clearance because when I tune the radio myself manually to that frequency, Pro Atc x screws up. 5 This addons makes yours IFR flights much more reallistic and professionals ! *** READ THE INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID NO AIRCRAFT DATABASE MISSING *** SEED OR DIE ! In this live stream we will be conducting a review of Pro ATC SR voice command for MSFS. by flyingdutchman1949 » 15 Aug 2016 09:45 . Thereafter for 59. [New] In-Flight menus are re-worked. 75, which as far as I'm aware is incorrect and it should be 121. 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. Using FS2Crew/RAAS as well, and the experience was amazing. Forum of Pro-ATC/SR - Index. 8. News: Welcome to the new forum of Pro ATC. You can now hear communication between AI aircraft and PRO-ATC/X Controllers. ProATC/X provides the appropriate controllers who give you the current weather, clearances, taxi instructions, take-off clearances, ascent and descent clearances, vectors to the active runway, clearances to land, ground clearances, and traffic calls for any aircraft in your flight path. Not to mention the amazing community support that continues long after things went quiet on the development front. - In-Flight menus are re-worked. While the default ATC in FSX is functional, it has many Jan 1, 2020 · I've been using the stock ATC system for over a decade now and I want something that has more realism to it. PRO-ATC/X is a flight simulator add-on that provides complete air traffic control for FSX, FSX-SE and P3D. I would have saved some cash. Hi: I am waiting the release of pro-atc/x for msfs 2020, i saw your post from september 5 2020 in the forum news that you planned to make it to work in fs2020, i got your product in p3dv5 and I really like it, but today I almost bought p2atc but I didn't, because I prefer your product, could you tell me if the product release date is close? Thanks. Aug 15, 2021 · Can't help on all of these, but on point 1, I encounter this quite often. After updated "Read Scenery" I would like to update AIRAC 1803 Version 1 to 1808 version 1, however I got Dec 8, 2021 · I encountered a problem during my flights with Pro ATC X. there is now only one pilot in the cockpit talking to ATC (without any Jul 30, 2016 · I am using PRO-ATC/X Version 1. Jan 21, 2025 · PRO-ATC/ X BETA Team. If you launch 1. MadDog Posted August 11, 2017 Jul 5, 2018 · PRO-ATC-X issue P3D? PRO-ATC-X issue. BOBSK8 MSFS 2020 , iFly 738Max, PMDG 777 ,PMDG 737-600-800 , Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR , Avliasoft EFB2 , Beyond ATC , Flightsim First Officer Feb 24, 2019 · The internal Pro-ATC/X flight planner is good, but it will ocassionally fail to include proper SID/STAR transition points. During the approach, ATC told me to descent to Another annoying thing was when using the Aerosoft Airbus and its checklist feature that those voice sets e. Aug 9, 2016 · Ive actually done a full fledge flight using ATC extensively for the very 1st time using Pro-ATC/X. Installation of the included voice sets (recorded by Mike Lean) enhances this situation e. In the end I wished I had discovered PRO-ATC/X first. 8 (provided the option 'Check For Updates' is active). I did some more tests/research on this. Twitter https://twitter. I too downloaded Ralph Zimmerman background chat and it does helps on the immersion factor. I did a test flight in the PMDG 777 from KIAH to KLAS. Works all good when using fsx but If i move the radio button from flight simulator x to prepar3d pro-atc/x tries to connect to fsx and since fsx is not running it tells me unable to connect to fsx! Dec 23, 2020 · 【pro-atc x. The implemented Flight Planner is able to calculate a whole route simply by defining departure and destination airports while editing a calculated route is still possible. I own Pro-Atc X, it was ok but would baulk at flight-plans that included SIDS and didn't control ground traffic. I've an issue with pro-atc (i posted it on their forum) : Once I start FSX, the PRO-ATC/X flight planning windows (same for option windows) becomes closed. 95 € Customers who have purchased the old version of 'PRO-ATC/X' between May and August of this year 2022, before release of PRO-ATC/SR will get PRO-ATC/SR for 19. News: Join me for a live tutorial on using ProATC X, aimed at beginners but all welcome. g. It'll even re-open the menu on some PRO-ATC/X replaces Air Traffic Control in FSX in an impressive manner. Aug 7, 2024 · Welcome to Forum of Pro-ATC/SR. Verified forum users can always access the latest full setup and update from there. 9 and I want to update to the latest version. BOBSK8 MSFS 2020 , iFly 738Max, PMDG 777 ,PMDG 737-600-800 , Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR , Avliasoft EFB2 , Beyond ATC , Flightsim First Officer Apr 3, 2016 · Welcome to Forum of Pro-ATC/SR. All folders are setup fine and all. It seems to me that with this a Jan 25, 2013 · There's a lot of talk regarding Pro ATC/X at the moment, so wanted to do my own short review and hopefully help a couple of other make their decisions on whether they plan to go ahead or not. Aug 6, 2016 · Flying in the real world ATC for several decades , Pro ATC is the closest thing that I have found to the real thing, without having to pay $20 a month for a pay ATC program. Dec 19, 2017 · Hello Guys, this tutorial teaches you how to load the flight plan created in our previous tutorial into the FMC or the Simulator. com, which is free to use and works better. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jan 3, 2019 · Ok, here is an example, how I use PRO ATC X, but there are several ways of course. By Branimir215 July 5, 2018 in Welcome New Members! Recommended Posts. 0. ) I'm having an issue with receiving replies from clearance delivery. In my case I solved the problem by running in Win 7 mode and disabled NVIDIA High Definition Audio inside my PC Properties. I have the version of P3Dv4 and the latest Feb 23, 2016 · The ATC portion of the program, is unintelligible, at best. John Caselton. However, on the FMC display within the 777 cockpit, LLUND appeared SE of JFK. Aug 8, 2018 · Today I have made an update of PRO-ATC/X. Aug 11, 2017 · Simple problem, I have just bought PRO-ATC/X and when I press '1', I can speak to clearance and ground and all that, but I just cannot see the menu. If I fly stock P3D airplanes I can save the situation in mid flight using via PRO-ATC/X. 28 January, 2025, 10:26:06 AM. So add IBK#NORTRANS# to al. Pro ATC X安装及使用教程,发给大家学习哈,共同进步 Apr 6, 2019 · On the other hand, I have Pro-Atc/X and I like the fact that you don't need to keep any window open to interact with the software, just press numbers (the options appear on the screen) ant that's it. Here is the issue and the "strange" things I could see : - my specs : win 7 64 bits (seems confirmed on windows 8 too) Jun 22, 2015 · Going through the "Before-Start" checklist of Pro-ATC/X in combination with PMDG MD-11F. Log in; Sign up; Buy PRO-ATC Pointsoftware. They are only closing, when clicking on 'Close Window' or if a function is executed. I loved the flexibility and the really good SID/STAR integration and the 'request direct to' features. twitch. Aug 9, 2022 · A lot of the same problems from Pro-ATC/X but with new features that also have problems. Online access is required to use this version of PRO-ATC/X! Should you have a version below 1. 3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M. several updates since that time! It works perfectly with the NGX and is able to load the flight plans. Aug 14, 2022 · I just organized these X ATC files for a new region in Pro ATC X, but this can be done in any region by following this step by step. Print. Aerosoft Airbus; Airbus X Extended; IFly-737NG/747-400 v2; Leonardo MaddogX; PMDG 737-NGX Dec 19, 2017 · Hello Guys, In this part of the tutorial I am going to show you how assign Departure and Arrival runways and fixing any issue related to our flight plan like Jan 16, 2017 · Pro Atc x on initial load asks you to contact clearance on 121. Speech recognition allows you to talk to the ATC using your microphone, making for an even more immersive experience. Aug 1, 2017 · I decided to give PRO-ATC/X a try and definitely like it better. When it happens I just ignore ATC and align on the approach myself, and Pro-ATC/X usually picks up that I've done this and hands me to the tower. AI aircraft are now recognized on ground and in the air. Apr 15, 2020 · No one, is Pro ATC/X working for you all without any issue in v5? Greetings, Chris Intel i5-13600K, 2x32GB 3200MHz CL14 RAM, MSI RTX 4080 Gaming X, Windows 11 Home, MSFS Aug 16, 2021 · Welcome to Forum of Pro-ATC/SR. Since I don't see PRO ATC/x having a product for MSFS soon, I am leaning towards Pilot2Atc based on what I read on this topic thus far. Started by lamecools, 08 March, 2018, 11:49:59 AM. It also received updates very rarely, like one in 12 months. 26 US as of today. Previous topic - Next topic. Using PRO-ATC/SR, you'll not notice significant loss of frames per second. 73970894Проверь наличие файлов в папках: C:\Program Files\PRO-ATC-X\sound\pilots и C:\Program Files\PRO-ATC-X\sound\copilots Если пусто и если качал с этой раздачи, то значит должна быть папка: Pointsoft PRO-ATC X v1. Is there a way to route the sound over to the main server machine that your sim is running on? If I use a headset connected to my P3D machine, I would want the sounds from Pro-ATC/X coming through from the same machine as my sim. Dadtom65. The X ATC files come in 7 regions. ProAtc/SR: PROS: ATC assigns runway, SID, STAR. It features a worldwide navigation database, a flight planner, a copilot support, sound sets, a moving map and more. Also we will be taking a look at the beautiful rendetion of Ibiza In Sep 5, 2015 · http://puretajugon. A very good addon. 2 or above, you'll be informed about the update 1. Dec 18, 2017 · This is the first of many Tutorials of PRO ATC X, in this part I will show you how to get started with flight planning in PRO ATC X. FSHud Jul 20, 2018 · PRO-ATC/X DOWNLOADS. This is a long-awaite Oct 9, 2016 · Pro ATC X has been around for a while now, but it’s been a LONG time since I had last heard about any updates from them. This will affect the TOD calculated by PRO-ATC/X - should you mean it is calculated to early or to late. Otherwise, it performs much in the same way as the NGX. I set up at the airport and parking spot per flightplan, start PRO-ATC/X, hit Go Fly and get the green banner in FSX. txt and try it. I chose that the Co-Pilot manage the radio frequencies The problem during the flight with the Aerosoft Airbus Pro or the Qualitywings Boeing 787, the co-pilot no longer changes frequency and I am in trouble to be able to continue the flight. Intel i7-9700K - Asus Nvidia RTX 2080 Super - 32 Gb Ram - SSD Drive - Win10 x64 - Samsung 43" 4K TV Apr 15, 2021 · - PRO-ATC/X now recognizes which simulation is loaded (FSX/P3D), provided it is running on the same PC. I prefer Radar Contact 4, as it is easier to set up for my airline flights and works very well with my setup. Personally, I like the OFP (pdf) report that SimBrief generates for the route with all information needed. Nov 21, 2021 · One of the reasons I like PRO ATC/X is that it will assign the Rwy/SID and STAR based on actual weather at time of flight. This doesn't work, when running PRO-ATC/X on a client and the sim on a server. I Jul 6, 2015 · I love using Pro ATC, most of the problems I run into are self created " Pilot error". Commenti ed iscrizioni sono sempre ben accetti!Buona visio Oct 29, 2022 · So this is an opinion based question obviously. Key 1: In-Flight-Menu: Displays all available options; Key 2: Confirm controller instruction or checklist item; Key 3: Repeat last instruction; Key 4: Checklist-Menu: Displays all executable checklists; Key 5: Options-Menu: The PRO-ATC/X options may be adapted while flying, so you Aug 31, 2020 · I have bought PRO-ATC/X and I am flying Lockheed Martin Prepar3Dv4. 9. News: Check the FAQ for known issues before posting! Nov 21, 2021 · Pro ATC/X was one of my favourite add-ons for P3D and FSX. By Dadtom65 February 13, 2015 in General Discussion . 1) Cannot get speech recognition to work at all. Welcome to Forum of Pro-ATC/SR. It really made the flying so much more satisfying. The idea is that users may produce they own voice sets so that the records may be used later in PRO-ATC/X as a controller/pilot/copilot voice set by the speaker itself and by other users - of course for free. Pro ATC SR by Pointsoft is an Air Nov 11, 2015 · PRO-ATC/X with P3D v3 - problems PRO-ATC/X with P3D v3 - problems. Mar 15, 2020 · CODE CRÉATEUR : AIR_BINGBonjour à tous, aujourd'hui, nouvelle vidéo dans laquelle je vais vous montrer comment créer un plan de vol PRO ATC X à l'aide de Sim Aerosoft Airbus; Airbus X Extended; IFly-737NG/747-400 v2; Leonardo MaddogX; PMDG 737-NGX; PMDG 737-NGXU; PMDG 777-200/300; QualityWings-787; TDFi Design 717 Apr 13, 2008 · I ran all the A2A updates and updated FSUIPC, AS16, and PRO-ATC/X 1. e when given a new altitude the Pro-ATC X copilot will dial it in for you, this will not happen and you will have to do it yourself. IMO the stock FSX ATC is much more realistic sounding than PRO ATC/X, and the ironic thing about this is that PRO ATC/X uses real voices. com/https://twitter. I'm finding that the latest update is worse than the previous one at this and other things. Africa Asia Canada Europe Oceania South America United States. News: LOGS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL SUPPORT REQUESTS! Main Menu. ATC does not recognize or respect altitude constrictions. My guess is if you edit that and add the new airline there it will work. 2, please register to the forum. Hi everyone, Yesterday I was approaching LTCI which is located 5473 feets above sea level. 30 January, 2025, 19:18:44 PM. Feb 13, 2016 · Unfortunately Jan hasn't stated which flightplan format he tried to import, PRO-ATC/X imports FSX plans generated by PFPX without issue including the NAT waypoints it is not however aware of the active NAT tracks. Other than that, it seems to be the same program older simmers were used to. Key 1: In-Flight-Menu: Displays all available options; Key 2: Confirm controller instruction or checklist item; Key 3: Repeat last instruction; Key 4: Checklist-Menu: Displays all executable checklists; Key 5: Options-Menu: The PRO-ATC/X options may be adapted while flying, so you Aircraft data can be imported exported, which can be shortly exchanged via the PRO-ATC/X web site; The descend rate above FL 100 and below can now be defined in aircraft data. Feb 2, 2024 · Yesterday I purchased a month of AIRAC subscription, to update the information of PRO-ATC/X, but I have not managed to get the program to recognize the update and persist in showing the data of the old AIRAC that it already contains. com into Pro-ATC/X is just a cut-and-paste, takes a few seconds. However, when I fly PMDG and try to save the situation, I don't have the option to save after I click on 5- Other requests. 95 €. PRO-ATC/X is designed to control aircraft flying under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Speech recognition is an optional feature for those that do not wish to use it. i do believe there are reviews around for all of these by now. On the recommendation of Pro-ATC/X support I tried routfinder. Pointsoft - PRO-ATC/X. The tool takes into account standard departure and arrival […] Prepar3D v3 v4 PRO ATC X v1. txt' in the '\PRO-ATC-X\data' folder. No more traffic taking off or landing in opposite direction. i used to use pro-atc-x for fsx back in the day and it was decent. Their HELP section says I need your software. I use PFPX or Simbrief to compile my flight p In this quick tutorial I will show you how to add your aircraft to the PRO ATC X database, I am leaving the google drive link to my database file in this Tu PRO ATC SR - FENIX A320 - Mit Spracherkennung von EDDP nach EDDH ★ MSFS 2020 DeutschMicrosoft Flight Simulator 2020 / MS Flight Simulator 2020 / Flight Simul Fsx Pro Atc X: A Professional Air Traffic Control Add-on for Flight Simulator X If you are a fan of flight simulation games, you might have wondered how realistic the air traffic control (ATC) is in Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX). It more or less controls or talks to AI aircrafts (PF3 does a better job at this). qmlhshmjujpiwysowmvnnlfmdxekanaabkreybeftypifaqgrxlekdfgdpptstbtcrmvrgdruikhg