Qpushbutton hover event. Right-click on the button, select “Promote widgets.
Qpushbutton hover event May 12, 2015 · This catches all widgets of type QPushButton. I set for example margin and QPushButton:hover section ( color etc. . So, not only the button won't be able to resize itself if the text requires it, but the text will actually be truncated both horizontally and vertically if it's too long. QToolButton. I have tried creating a custom class from QPushButton and overriding enterEvent and leaveEvent methods as below, but it did Apr 21, 2020 · There is nothing about mouse hover event in the link below my problem is not in setting the icon, but in initializing the mouse hover event. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Aug 24, 2017 · HI, I create a small window and apply style sheet using css file but in button how to write apply a hover property suppose i set background (ui->pushbutton->setstylesheet(style)) Jan 15, 2016 · Hi! You could create your own button class that inherits QPushButton and override the paintEvent like this: void MyButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { const QColor backgroundColor = isDown() ? Aug 26, 2017 · @Shodan said in Hover event on QPushButton: QPushButton As far as I see it, its quite similar as in Qml. So, when I'm Apr 11, 2021 · This might be counterintuitive and could be confusing; the reality is that accepting an event doesn't mean that it's actually handled, so it doesn't mean that disabled buttons actually receive and react to those events (because they shouldn't!) but only that event() returns True instead of False (which is what any other widget would return if Jan 22, 2012 · @Lol4t0, i have some improvements for your method. I won't explain this in detail as it's pretty Dec 20, 2015 · I have to re-hover and then hover out of the button to make it change back to the original color. Alas, most code (mostly your code!) assumes that the signal is emitted from event processing code close to the event loop - i. but naturally, it didn't work. I typically do that when I need to do something like make menus or palettes fly out on hover. How can i do this Apr 22, 2024 · Capturing mouse hover events on a QPushButton in a visualizer app is a simple process that involves installing an event filter and handling the QEvent::HoverEnter and QEvent::HoverLeave events. So far we've created a window and added a simple push button widget to it, but the button doesn't do anything. addAction('Menu Jan 22, 2015 · I create a QPushButton, then add a transparent image as the background. QPushButton:: QPushButton (QWidget *parent = nullptr) Constructs a push button with no text and a parent. the look and feel for hover events? I don't use custom stylesheets, but there is a global application sett I'm trying to make a button (or any other Qwidget), That will change users cursor when hovered. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Mar 31, 2008 · How can i make QPushButton look like hovered by mouse using QStyle? Maybe Style Flags or something else? Aug 19, 2018 · You have defined your custom event logic on your CustomButtom class, but then you have your createWindowsFunction() create a local instance which you don't save, and then you call buttonCreator() which creates a completely generic button parented to the Maya main window. You can connect this signal to a slot, which is a function that will be executed when the signal is emitted. Oct 30, 2014 · The following is my Qt codes: MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent),ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->result_button Apr 12, 2020 · Well the title it's self explanatory. You can use: void QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *event) void QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) Apr 6, 2015 · You need to set setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover) to your widget; Be sure that you really need to return true; in your event filter, instead of returning QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event);. Apr 18, 2019 · Assuming you are using QPushButton in your UI, you can reimplement the following methods : virtual void enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setText("mouse in"); } virtual void leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { setText("mouse out"); } Aug 26, 2017 · @Shodan said in Hover event on QPushButton: QPushButton. For alphanumeric keys, I see the alternating "pressed" and "released" events. test->setStyleSheet(":hover {background-color: #dddddd;}"); or do it through designer, which is even more convenient, if you need to do custom drawing do it. I want to change CheckStatus on the next when I hover over it after I pressed on one of the button. Jun 21, 2012 · the event() function checks to see if an event is a mouse-release event and the What's This? mode is activeif not, it simply passes it on to its parent for normal processingotherwise, it restores the cursor to its normal form and then passes it on for normal processing P. i want the QPushButton behaviour in such a way that it should be shown only when the focus is there on QPushButton, and when the focus is out then it should hide. You can trigger behaviors in response to user input, such as button presses or text input, or events in your own code. I was able to connect this event with the buttons. The function pos() gives the current cursor position, while oldPos() gives the old mouse position. it's not reentrant, rather than from your own code. it can cause bugs that are difficult to debug (especially if the overwritten function is used on more instances); 2. i created 10 of them, now my problem is i need to set a Hover Event on it. Create QPushButton widget. This menu looks like on the picture below, where blue line is separator. I'm faking the button press inside the delegate's editorEvent method so when you press it an action happens. If this property is set to true then the push button is an auto default button. Oldest to Newest Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. You could use a custom stylesheet, but that has the effect of needing to be fully styled or your button looks weird. Here's my code so far: #include <QPushButton> QPushButton *button = new Mouse events occur when a mouse cursor is moved into, out of, or within a widget, and if the widget has the Qt::WA_Hover attribute. Is there a method or signal which catches hover and leave events? How can I catch mouse-over button and mouse-leave button, like this: button = QPushButton(window) button. From the promote widgets form: Under “Base class name” select QPushButton; Under “Promote class name” enter QCustomQPushButton @Jakobm789 said in Hover over QPushButton: ich habe in meiner UI 4 Buttons die jeweils unterschiedliche Funktionen auslösen sollen. but you don't need to do it for anything that just changes basic widget looks. How can I make it? I know that QPushButton has some already defined signal, such as clicked(), pressed(), destory() and so on. But I can't understand how to connect it with press button event. doesn't allow direct calls to the base implementation, which many widgets do require in order to work as expected. HoverEnter: return True return False And then install filter: Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. I don't understand. If mouse hover then move out, and repeat that, the background image color get deeper and deeper. I want to turn the text green and underline it when the mouse cursor goes over a QLabel, however, it just turns green, it does not get underlined. Open QT Designer, add QPushButton widget to your interface. Is there a way to set the styling for the flat button hover state so that it matches the style of the normal button hover state (or something Besides subclassing each button and use a promoted widget in Designer (search in SO for related questions), using a single eventFilter is the most straightforward and common approach, so there's nothing wrong in how you implemented; you could eventually slightly improve the logic by grouping both if event. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Apr 22, 2020 · In order to do this we have to change the style sheet and had to add background color of push button when mouse hover over it. When my mouse cursor is on the margin area, hover is activated. When I mouse click on buttonA and move my cursor with the mouse still clicked to buttonB I cant detect a HoverEnter Event. You can use: void QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *event) void QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) 原理 观察者模式:首先使用S的成员函数installEventFilter函数把G1,G2,G3设置为S的观察者,所有本应传递给S的事件E,则先传递给观察者G1,G2,G3,然后观察者调用其成员函数eventFilter对传递进来的事件进行处理,若eventFilter返回true表示事件处理完毕,返回false则返回给被观察者S进行处理。 Apr 20, 2018 · You need to handle events of your button (sub class QPushButton) and resize it as soon as a hover event is triggered. QPushButton:hover { background-color:white; } May 18, 2021 · I know how to use QPushButton:hover in the stylesheet for my QMainWindow(). S. First, you have to create a class that inherits QPushButton and add the following functions to its protected section of methods and properties: QPushButton:: QPushButton (const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QWidget *parent = nullptr) Constructs a push button with an icon and a text , and a parent . Stylesheets are super powe Jan 20, 2021 · I know someone had asked this almost exact same question previously (How to Catch Hover and Mouse Leave Signal In PyQt5) But I didn't really understand how or where to implement it, I just need some All groups and messages . This article covers the PyQt6 QPushButton widget with examples. Theoretically yes, but there's a problem: unlike standard container widgets, QPushButton ignores the size hint/policy of its layout. jpg")); } btn1->QEvent::HoverLeave; { btn1->setIcon(QIcon("btnLogs/1. When button is clicked a pull-down menu with multiple sub-menu's items is shown. Enter in a single if statement and check for the button instance Nov 1, 2021 · Add focus and hover effects to your QLineEdit and QPushButton in your PyQt5 GUI. Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; Hover event on QPushButton. 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用PyQt5来捕获鼠标悬停和鼠标退出信号。在GUI应用程序中,界面的响应往往需要根据鼠标的移动或离开来改变。 Sep 17, 2014 · This is caused by some keys in QT generate auto-repeat event: Here I see two types of behavior. Qt QPushbutton:hover not work. Mouse events occur when a mouse cursor is moved into, out of, or within a widget, and if the widget has the Qt::WA_Hover attribute. Those buttons should also disappear as the user does not hover anymore on the popup. Thanks, Neel Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. 8k Views. setAutoDefault (arg__1) ¶ Parameters:. Sep 20, 2015 · QPushButton has a signal which is named clicked(), and we can catch click events through it. By changing the appearance of the QPushButton when the mouse hovers over it, we can create a more engaging user interface that responds to user input. Hover can't be on margin section. class MyPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( QColor BackgroundColor READ Dec 15, 2021 · Signals (and slots) allow you to connect disparate parts of your application together, making changes in one component trigger behavior in another. setText("Press Me") font=QtGui. Sep 1, 2016 · If you really want to use hover event, you may subclass the QPushButton class and use its respective events. There is no transition property. There is basically no way I can use QPushButton:hover because the function I wanna call is quite complex and not much relate Dec 12, 2016 · You have to create your own class, derived of QPushButton (or whichever class you want to capture hover events in). You don't need to filter out hover events. I saw an example and then write a script which will be use as I made program. 152、Qt如何实现自定义按钮,使其在光标进入、按下、离开三种状态下显示不同的图片? Qt可以通过派生QPushButton类并重载其鼠标事件函数来实现自定义按钮,具体步骤如下: 定义一个新的类,继承自QPushButton。 在类的构造函数 Aug 23, 2013 · I'm beginning in Qt, and I want to set a QPushButton to a different icon whenever somebody hovers the mouse over it. You’ll learn how to create and customize buttons, handle click events, add icons, and even create custom button behaviors. One of the most basic and common widgets in PyQt6. Aug 7, 2021 · Make your Qt button more dynamic with our comprehensive tutorial on double-click and hover effects. Jun 25, 2022 · QIcon has an "active" mode state but the widget has to support it and it seems QPushButton does not use the active state of the QIcon during hover. Nov 11, 2013 · Hi I have been searching for a sample on my problem. Oct 20, 2024 · In this article, we’ll take you through the basics of working with QPushButton in PyQt6. However I am using following code to connect QMenu to QPushButton. QPushButton::hover { background-color : lightgreen; } Below is the implementation. I tried to manually send a hover out event to the push button when the menu closes, but that doesn't Mar 6, 2020 · If I have 2 buttons, buttonA and buttonB in a QDialog. 6. button=QPushButton() button. So far, we've created a window and added a simple push button widget to it, but the button doesn't do anything. Aug 10, 2012 · You can install an event filter on the QPushButton, which will allow you to preview its mouse move events without the need to subclass. Nov 27, 2022 · Is it possible to make a QPushButton transparent to clicks but still visible to hover events? While searching about I found this flag: button->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); But the widget doesn't obey the CSS set on QPushButton::hover Dec 19, 2011 · I have one question regarding the QPushButton. Oct 3, 2014 · Flat QPushButtons have no indication of mouse hovering. Jul 18, 2022 · I'm trying to connect Mouse Hover Event and QPushButtons. setPopupMode(QtGui. Dec 12, 2016 · This is QToolButton's inheritor without overrided paint event, actually I'm working right in the Qt Designer right now. Feb 12, 2024 · I want to have a push button in Qt C++ which changes color while hovered. How to solve: use QToolButton instead. Was genau ist das Problem? Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. Oldest to Newest Dec 15, 2015 · Most widget support the :hover pseudo state, set the backgroundcolor property for your widget in the style. Is there a way to use the :hover-function while setting the stylesheet for the specific button? I tried Jul 5, 2021 · I want to call a function when the mouse would hover over a push button. Using the QPushButton Class, we can create a button, that we then link to a function. And now we have a button! Events & Signals. Now I'm trying to achieve that cool gradient animation from the Login button when you hover over it. – vahancho. QPushButton#quit_button { background-color:red; } To solve your problem to catch a state of an object, you have to write the state behind the widget type. __init__(text, parent) self. type() == QEvent. Dec 27, 2023 · As a Python developer building graphical interfaces with PyQt, push buttons are essential widgets you‘ll utilize constantly. This code work with my configuration: https://gist. Is it possible to make QPushButton and QToolButton look identical during mouse-over, i. As far as I see it, its quite similar as in Qml. They are generated via code. QtWidgets. In PyQt6, widgets emit signals to indicate that an event has occurred. 文章浏览阅读3w次,点赞33次,收藏114次。环境配置 :MinGW + QT 5. i have been reading QHo QEvent::Enter and QEvent::Leave events are only sent when the application receives mouse event from OS. Apr 19, 2017 · QPushButton is not designed for perfect handling hover events. i got a Push Button, it is made through codes. Hover issue in PyQt. Apr 12, 2017 · Recently, I wanted that QPushButton can emit a signal, when the mouse pointer enters. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Good morning all, I have been reading a lot of different threads on various sites for information on how to make a simple hover routine for when a mouse is over and off a button widget. To catch only a specific object you add the object name to the stylesheet. The next thing to do is link our button to some kind of event so that something happens when it is clicked. The versatile QPushButton class enables clickable, interactive buttons to facilitate key user interactions. class HoverOpenBtn(QPushButton): def __init__(self, text, openOtionsFunc, parent=None): super(). Right-click on the button, select “Promote widgets. github Jan 27, 2022 · Signals (and slots) allow you to connect disparate parts of your application together, making changes in one component trigger behavior in another. Here is a list of all available properties. Problem: But now I got stuck because as I hover the popup, I have been trying to understand how to show two push button. 5k Views. Thanks Aug 26, 2017 · @Shodan said in Hover event on QPushButton:. This is my header file: #ifndef QLABELEDPUSHBUTTON_H #define QLABELEDPUSHBUTTON_H #include <QPushButton> class QLabel; class QLabeledPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT QLabel * m_label; public: QLabeledPushButton(QWidget * parent = 0); QString text() const; void setText(const QString & text); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent I wrote my own custom QPushbutton class to capture hover event. Aug 12, 2023 · Hi All, I have this button with an icon set to the button. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn: QPushButton methods, properties and signals for building responsive UIs How to fully customize the appearance of PySide2. Jan 29, 2021 · Hi, When you hover the button, you are not inside QMainWindow anymore for that mouse related event. type() == QtCore. You can use: void QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *even Aug 25, 2016 · @raven-worx said in QPushButton Animation Hoverables: @John_38. Ich verstehe das Problem nicht: implementiere deinen eigenen Button (abgeleitet von QPushButton) und benutze diesen so oft wie du willst genau so wie du QPushButton benutzen würdest. I designed it after Login V4. - you should change this: [quote author="raaghuu" date May 23, 2013 · However, the hover event only fires when I CLICK on the button, nothing happens when I hover my mouse over it. [slot] void QPushButton:: showMenu Shows (pops up) the associated popup menu. Related. Oct 29, 2016 · To get a button with only an image showing by default, then a different image on hover, I tried having an icon set in the editor and playing around with the onSelected, onActive, etc. One of the ways to fix that is to set Qt::WA_UnderMouse attribute to the right value by yourself when moving the button widget. setFont(font) button. The binding is not the problem but the actual routine for the a Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; Hover event on QPushButton. Oct 20, 2024 · Introduction to Event Handling with QPushButton. QEvent. Solution. If you to handle everything through your main window, you should check event filtering. Thus you should defer the signal emission to the event loop: Aug 3, 2011 · My main goal really is,i have a Qpushbutton and a frame, what im trying to do is. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Posts 4 Posters 24. ). QMenu() button. Jan 4, 2022 · I have a QPushButton ( or class which inherits QPushButton ) and I set a new style for this button using setStyleSheet(). I would like to decrease hover area. The issue is Qt HoverEnter event only works when the widget is clicked. If you want to use an event filter instead, the corresponding event types are QEvent::Enter and QEvent::Leave. openFunc = openOtionsFunc def enterEvent(self, event): self. So for instance, when i hover QPushButton, it will change cursor from Arrow to Pointing Hand. While I find it a good idea to stay at the hover color as long as the menu is open, it is totally wrong to remain this color when the menu closes. But no signal like hover (), enter (), I looked some information about it: Someone said it can be done by css. Note that you can also pass a QPixmap object as an icon (thanks to the implicit type conversion provided by C++). When i mouse move in the button area, there was such animation effect which look likes the background image was pasted the background again. using visible false. In this class, you can override QWidget::enterEvent() to detect when the mouse hovers your widget and call your function. e. This property holds whether the push button is an auto default button. move(100,100) to move the button. Then, there will be no hover event so your QPushButton will remain unchanged. Feb 28, 2020 · If the OP code is executed from the terminal/CMD, the following warning is obtained: Unknown property display Unknown property transition-duration Unknown property cursor PyQt5 如何捕获鼠标悬停和退出信号. Aug 26, 2017 · @Shodan said in Hover event on QPushButton:. Pyqt Mouse hovering on a QPushButton. I'm having t QPushButton:: QPushButton (const QString &text, QWidget *parent = nullptr) Constructs a push button with the parent parent and the text text. The push button, or command button, is perhaps the most commonly used widget in any graphical user interface (GUI). The clicked signal does exactly what you describe: the signal is emitted when the user presses the left mouse button and releases it while the cursor is inside the button (and when click() or animateClick() are called programmatically, but that's not the point). Our step-by-step guide provides practical examples and best practices for adding interactivity and v Constructs a hover event object originating from device. Trackbox { background: #FFFFFF;} QPushButton { position: fixed; top: 2px; right: 2px; width: 20px; height: 20px; } QPushButton:hover { background: #c0ffff} Any help is appreciated. 7. Below is the image that have "View" button, it displayed only when the focus is there on the QPushButton. I'm practicing my programming skills and I am trying to build a login-system application with PyQt. What you can for example do is emit a custom signal that will trigger the erasing of your label. Jul 16, 2021 · @V. In this video, you will learn how to use CSS to transform your user interfac Sep 9, 2012 · If you only need to change the style, you can simply use the pseudo-state ":hover" in a stylesheet (from the designer, or in the constructor with self. QLabel:hover { color: green; text-decoration: Jul 21, 2018 · While this generally works for simple cases and basic widgets, it's also usually discouraged, and especially for event handlers: 1. QPushButton. QFont() button. Below is the style sheet code. You don't move mouse, the application doesn't receive any mouse event and so WA_UnderMouse attribute is not changed. For example, hover event will not change a font via stylesheet. setText ("click me") #b1. Instead of using stylesheets, I would suggest you to take another path, which is longer, but gives you more flexibility. Aug 6, 2007 · For this I Subclass QPushButton & Use enter and leave events functions ,Its also working but when mouse pointer entered the buttons it replaces the icon of everybutton with the same text , and on leaving it replaces the text of the button with the same icons But For each button I want the text & icon should be differnt. I am facing one problem that hover only occur if you put mouse on the left corner of button. There are a few similarities between the events HoverEnter and HoverLeave, and the events Enter and Leave. May 16, 2014 · I have a QWidgetAction with three QPushButtons and one QMenu with many actions, including one's with sub-menus. Jun 19, 2018 · I am wanting to make a custom button class that allows for clicking and drag and drop. setStyleSheet): QPushButton { border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; } QPushButton:hover { border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 5px; background-color:#66c0ff; } Apr 25, 2020 · Problem: I'm able to add a QPushButton to a QStyledItemDelegate just fine. Apr 18, 2024 · I have a custom button class class MyButton : public QPushButton { public: MyButton(const QString &normalImage, const QString &hoverImage, QSize size, QWidget *parent = nullptr) Jun 3, 2021 · The problem is that probably when the state is changed from enter to leave (or vice versa) the previous animation still does not end so the position of the widget is not the initial or final position, so when starting the new animation there is a deviation that accumulates. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 13 Nov 24, 2022 · QPushButton is a clickable widget which you can use to trigger actions in your UI. 12三种图标样式(从左往右分别是normal,hover,pressed): 先上效果图:1. Oct 1, 2022 · It is not a signal but an event enterEvent that needs to be reimplemented by a subclass of QWidget. Jul 31, 2020 · The popup shows up and after you hover on it it changes color. Aug 26, 2017 · Found the QEvent::HoverEnter and QEvent::HoverLeave events in the Qt documentation, but I fear that I will not get them to work without some help. Apr 30, 2024 · I am trying to change the icon of a QPushButton at the hover event. However for only one single button I want to have a different :hover result. jpg")); } Feb 1, 2016 · Here is an example that shows how to create a push button (QPushButton) that reacts to mouse hover events. Thing is when I try to display my custom button it doesn't show up, but capturing hover event works just fine (it prints to console) Jun 7, 2020 · QPushButton:hover { border: 1px solid; } QPushButton:focus:hover { border: 1px solid; } regarding the coloring you should be able to set the color using css to, using the item:active {} state 1 Reply Last reply 1. 4. K. The icon and the test menu is defined in the same QPushButton. Detailed Description. QPushButton. Oct 31, 2018 · Cause. setSizePolicy(ToolButtonSizePolicy) button. openFunc() Sep 12, 2018 · How to set a hover event handler on a QPushButton in PyQt5. QHoverEvent is only for hover widgets, you want to implement the enterEvent and leaveEvent handlers by subclassing the widget instead. You can use: void QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *event) Aug 26, 2017 · Hover event on QPushButton; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Hover event on QPushButton. I am trying to achieve those results for buttons that are not created with the designer. I also want the ability to control the aesthetics of it (button color, mouse over color, clicked color, drag over color, etc. QPushButton#pushButton { background-color: yellow; } QPushButton#pushButton:pressed { background-color: rgb(224, 0, 0); } QPushButton#pushButton:hover { background-color: rgb(224, 255, 0); } When I hover my mouse over it, it changes its color, like I expect it to, but the hover color remains even when I press the button. can somebody help me please on how to make an events? Feb 21, 2012 · I want to do hover. The type parameter must be QEvent::HoverEnter, QEvent::HoverLeave, or QEvent::HoverMove. I tried something like this for example: btn1->QEvent::HoverEnter; { btn1->setIcon(QIcon("btnLogs/1_hover. This brings us to a new topic called Event-Driven-Programming. QSS is not CSS. ===== If you are using Python: class ButtonEventFilter(QObject): def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event. Mouse events occur when a mouse cursor is moved into, out of, or within a widget, and if the widget has the WA_Hover attribute. ” from the menu. when i hover on a Qpushbutton the frame will show up. ). InstantPopup) menu=QtGui. setMenu(menu) menuItem1=menu. I am QPushButton (win) b1. The icon was set using the property editor as shown below. Clicking on the button will cause the linked function to execute. For QPushButton, one of the most commonly used signals is clicked, which is emitted when the button is clicked. It was very difficult to arrive to this point for the small verifiable example. Sep 22, 2020 · Subclassing and method overriding should only be done when the class doesn't provide what you need, and that's not your case. clicked. Change styling of flat QPushButton hover Detailed Description. However if you would like to use a menu button, you can try this: QMenu *menu = new QMenu(); QAction *testAction = new QAction("test menu item", this); menu->addAction(testAction); button->setMenu(menu); Documentation on QPushButton May 26, 2021 · @eyllanesc this is just an example, since this is some code I made a while ago that I was using to test, but in an actual application I want to detect when a frame is clicked, and the easiest way I could think of to do that, since there's not a way built in, is to just detect when the user clicks, and see if they are hovering over the frame. connect(afunction) Note: I use python3. arg__1 – bool. QPushButton Nov 18, 2021 · In this video we'll style our forms and buttons with the Focus and Hover effects using CSS Stylesheets with PyQT5 and the Designer. sdtlhr mttjey nsbtuc wvcuc wouuc tmacvu pefs dopi kcdz bsevp otvyby xpqhm edjilczd zrnx bnoa