Sodium invisible chunks. I can also confirm this occurs on the internal server.
Sodium invisible chunks The game should render normally. 869 downloads. It’s the same thing for all render distances between 16 and 32, which is the max. 15: CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Can provide a clear example as this is the first time that it has happened. Sodium - 1. I am playing on a server with a friend of mine and as of recently some chunks are invisible on his client and his client only. Set up a BungeeCord server with at least 1 sub-server; Join the server, then join the sub-server; Marvel at the magic of invisible chunks! Attachments. https://mclo. Discussion in 'Spigot Plugin Development' started by Lxct, Dec 7, 2018. Worse case scenario, (and I might get severely downvoted for saying this) say bye to Optifine and go for Sodium. There's a Forge version of the mod called Embeddium (EDIT: I originally recommended Rubidium, but thanks to Radplay, I was informed that Rubidium is deprecated). The only issue that still persists is the invisible waypoint marker problem, which seems to have narrowed the that problem down to being Journeymap-exclusive. 0 official release. You can choose to upload your latest. We tried several solutions, reloading the chunks, changing the render distance, restarting his client and the server several times but nothing seems to work. Bug Description When trying to put a mod pack together I realized after I finished that when loading into a new/existing world some chunks would be gone and water and blocks under it tended to be fully transparent. 8. As a user in that post suggests: downgrading to Flywheel 0. 7. I also tried it without Rubidium and Oculus but that doesn't do anything at all. 91. Report Copy ID . 1 (0. Utilizing Hierarchical Z-Buffer Occlusion Culling technology, this mod can additionally cull some invisible chunks beyond the vanilla game, reducing a portion of the overhead in chunk compilation and rendering. Fake Chunks are Invisible. The amount of chunks on vanilla is a bit above from the startin Jul 14, 2022 · The Sodium mod is one of the best graphic performance mods for the Minecraft 1. And they will be visible for a certain distance (only 1 or 2 chunks so its not render distance) and the others will be loaded but just invisible? Like if I walk up to them they can be interacted with, walked on, ect. Lxct. 19. I have been testing this for about a week and made sure all my drivers are updated. 2 and Create 0. They are rendered but i can't see them because thes block are Invisible. 3 updates. It's a invisible chunks issue, formerly know as MC-70850. 20–1. I'm running fancy graphics, 10 render distance on all 3 settings, 1. Sodium should not be affecting the spawn chunks. You can find the game save demonstrating the issue in the link above. 0-1. 3K Downloads | Mods Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. Compatibility Oct 5, 2014 · Suggested name: Invisible Blocks Description: I want this plugin to allow me to place down blocks and make them invisible but still have the block in existence. A way of doing so can be found here (it's a Forge mod). chunks should be loading fine and not having chunks missing and should also water should not be invisible. The only chunks that were loaded were the initial chunk radius around the area I was when I logged in. When the chests are invisible and I hold the Chisel in my hand, they turn visible again. System Information. The second is on a server with several other mods active. 2 and 1. 17. The game flickers, turning transparent for a split second everytime I break or place a block. 3, no matter how far I've traveled I'd have to restart maybe once every 30-60 minutes, but ever since 1. 1-build-15. BetterEnd for some reason is conflicting with Sodium-V0. Java Version: AdoptOpenJDK 14. 5. An unofficial community for Fabric, the Minecraft: Java Edition mod loader. Published on Aug 30, 2023. Expected Behavior. Place a stained glass pane or certain mod glass blocks and check for transparency issues from other transparent blocks within its chunk. Sure it's for a split second, but it's really bugging me. 1–1. 0-alpha5+build. Java 17. 2c fixed the issue But your situation may be different. Sodium v0. log or crash report to a paste site and share the link to it in your post, but be aware that doing so reduces searchability. 2 There is a log Hello everyone, in this video I test to see how fast I can load chunks in vanilla 1. 9k. Everything in the overworld was effectively invisible except other mobs and player entities. The blocks that cause this are not limited to just create blocks, items such as modded lamps and hedge fences also cause the game to crash and the chunk to become see through. 10 and will make some chunks look like this: You are completely able to interact with the chunks, but they're only invisible to a certain Y level. Oct 24, 2023 · Here is the issue: whenever I run Indium with Sodium, Iris, and Create, very specific blocks causes the game to crash, and the chunk to appear invisible upon relaunch. Mar 6, 2023 · Blocks in rendered overworld chunks wouldn't be invisible, and I wouldn't receive a crash at random while opening user interfaces. Taken in Sodium 1. Introduce. 18, i5 11400, 16gb ram, 1080p, 1050 ti, ssd. 3k. 2, Sodium 0. 4-1. Either way the more important thing is all of the invisible chunks. 0-alpha5 of sodium; fabric installer 0. No more chunks appearing right in front of you out of nowhere! Unlike other mods for Fabric, it works perfectly fine with Sodium and Iris! Supported Minecraft versions. 0; join a server (i haven't tested the issue in singleplayer) Aug 30, 2021 · Taken in Vanilla 1. Start single player world with sodium installed, break blocks with shovel, the block and sometimes surrounding blocks flicker invisible. 18+ by Sodium. Intel Core i7 Some Chunks/Blocks are invisible on 1. gs/cPSkzkU. Jul 3, 2023 · Some Chunks/Blocks are invisible on 1. Jan 8, 2022 · sodium-fabric-mc1. Oct 21, 2023 · Those issues affect faces being sorted within chunks, while this issue appears to be directly correlated to the order in which the larger 8x4x8 groups of chunks are rendered. At 1000FPS, rendering the F3 screen text actually takes up a significant portion of the frametime. 5 and above) Quality-of-life mod; Fixes an old bug that Sodium re-introduces which can make some chunks invisible under certain conditions; Requires Sodium Bug Description. Apr 3, 2014 · Hey, I'm getting invisible chunks and I have no Idea why. Reproduction Steps Create a world in Minecraft 1. For example, if I have a glowstone block and I want to still have light, but not have a block appear, I can do the steps listed below and the light will still be there, except the blocks visibility will disappear. chunks should be loading normally but they are being funky and bits of them don't load and I can x-ray through them and also water is invisible, some water isn't invisible tho its weird Note Optifine and default handle chunks differently, I had to bump up chunks to get it to render the same details on the sides, but even then 40 chunks Optifine gave the same as 32 default (and probably more detail in some areas) while providing over 3. But if I look on one chunk (behind him chunks placed, yes) chunks counter show me many chunks, not one. 70. They just appeared one day without me installing another mod :/ Here are the mods that I use: - Autotip - Optifine - BetterGG - 5zig - ChatTriggers - ProjectL Does anyone know how to fix them except pressting F3+A? Small addition: The blocks in the unloaded chunks are still there, they're just invisible. - Download the Minecraft Mod Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix by yezhiyi9670 on Modrinth Dec 12, 2021 · (in the video i'm using extra sodium options as well, but i reinstalled sodium on a new directory with ONLY sodium, and i'm still getting the same issue) Reproduction Steps. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. 17, and when I set my render distance to 32, it shows the same area as it does when the render distance is set to 16. Actual Behavior. Usually you won't see this, because these chunks would be very far away, but a bug that has existed ever since population existed allows you to stand right next to these invisible chunks. The invisible chunks upon teleport only exists if used alongside optifine/optiforge Feb 6, 2015 · If I disabled frustum culling, occlusion culling worked and cull chunks not in frustum. 5x performance. I was hoping to use sodium to help with rendering and fps since opti-fabric doesn't seem to work for me. Reproduction Steps Dec 23, 2020 · So, my chunks in the game will load. May 4, 2021 · Expected Behavior. Unfortunately the immediate-mode rendering pipeline (i. Nothing Happends. I haven't seen anything like this other than a missing chunck in 1. The first is a fresh instance on a new singleplayer world (seed: 0) with no other mods (besides Fabric API). Note: The problem may be the bugged code in the old Sodium codebase, which was copied from vanilla. I have Sodium and Lithum also added in 1. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. The only way to fix this is to completely restart Minecraft. It happens for the chunk next to the portal and the portal as well If you are using Sodium Reforged or a similar rendering overhaul mod it is possible that it is the same issue or one closely related. Nov 15, 2022 · Version information. 0 on Modrinth. 19 update. Here you can share your mods and modpacks, receive support as a player or as a mod dev, ask questions and discuss Fabric! I then positioned myself at a specific angle, looking at the water column, and I took screenshots of the column in Sodium 0. Demo Minecraft_. 5k. 2-0. 1. Supports 1. Note: I also tried disabling all the features via Lithium's configuration file, it still occurs. 1 Minecraft the floating islands preset for Java Edition. Sep 18, 2024 · My FPS is 650 GPU 35% MEM 30%. 6 Performance mod; Improves your game's FPS by an order of magnitude; Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix - 1. When a portal is placed the game sometimes crashes or show invisibles in the. Oct 3, 2020 · MC-70850 causes invisible chunk issues in game almost randomly. As seen in the GIF, chunks seem to disappear at certain angles. 65. Feb 14, 2023 · Actual: Water and modded glass within the same chunk as the glass pane is rendered invisible, water in other chunks is rendered correctly. These are the same two scenes, one in the overworld, one in the nether. You are 91% memory usage, you got lag because you don’t have any memory left so Java start trash collector (basically deleting unused content) to be able to write new data like the new chunk you loaded and create that lag moment. ) Actual Behavior. I got AMD 7900xtx card and 5800x3d cpu. Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. Until then, is there an addon to / extension for / fork of Sodium that fixes this issue? Feb 4, 2024 · Bug Description When trying to put a mod pack together I realized after I finished that when loading into a new/existing world some chunks would be gone and water and blocks under it tended to be fully transparent. 282. The game crashes (freezes so badly that we need to restart it) or invisible blocks are showing. I could just switch from Sodium and Iris to Optifine which at least renders 64 chunks but then I would have next to no performance left given that it renders all the stupid little details that aren't even visibly there because of the screen resolution making them invisible. Compatibility Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. Try turning the Chunk Builder setting to fully blocking and the Chunk Updates to 5, that's reduced the frequency a bit for me but blocks still go invisible pretty often. (Blocks in nether chunks weren't invisible, but I wasn't able to test The End. Compatibility Download Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix 1. The game shouldn't show invisible blocks nor crash and should show the portal. Game flickers. 4(Removed version lock) + My fork of sodium = Doesn't occur. Supercharge your FPS in Minecraft Java (OpenGL) by replacing the garbage renderer with Sodium or Optifine. 7). 2; fabric api 0. 3, and Vanilla 1. I have never had an issue with Sodium in the past or chunks not loading. 18-0. 3, using seed -8576276202497619228 . 9. 0; join a server (i haven't tested the issue in singleplayer) Dec 22, 2021 · A 4x3 chunk area was invisible for all players running Sodium. 17-1. Please help Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. I tested without the mod and even though my FPS was a bit lower, I didn't have any issues with chunk loading. Generating new chunks is the only think I can think of to recreate the crash but that has nothing to do with shadows to my knowledge. 26 Chunks seemed to be similar to 16 Chunks default, while 2x faster. 44. 71. . Indium 1. Below i attached screenshot which illustrates the problem. Sodium is a powerful rendering engine and optimization mod for the Minecraft client, which improves frame rates and reduces micro-stutter, while fixing many graphical issues in Minecraft. Mar 15, 2022 · sodium 0. And, if you want to, animations like in ChunkAnimator mod. 0K; Sep 3, 2023 Introduce. I expected blocks to not flicker when I broke them. 15: sodium-fabric-mc1. Title, for some unknown reason some chunks become invisible. 1 Forge. 33. Optimization. Vanilla F3 Debug Menu : Actual Behavior. Please make sure that crash reports and logs are readable and have their formatting intact. When the player is swimming in lava and using the Fire Resistance effect to see, and they have Fog Occlusion turned on in the graphics settings, nearby chunks that the player is not in should render, as they do in vanilla. 18: Indium 1. 2 produced strange, segmented blotches of darker color in water columns when looking at them from odd/oblique angles. Install the latest version of sodium. This simple mod adds fade-in animation for chunks, like in Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Run minecraft with sodium. 16. If I cause a block update in one of the invisible chunks then that chunk will be visible. Intel Core i7 Download Chunks fade in v1. 2 Dec 7, 2018 · Fix invisible chunks. The age-old sandbox game has its issues when it comes to FPS and graphics performance. I also cleaned up any old files, etc. 17. Feb 20, 2017 · When logging out and in again, some of my C&B constructions turn invisible (not all of them, so strange). I've been having lots of issues with invisible blocks too, especially when building upward or growing large trees. 4 to confirm it I did have optifine but that shouldn't be a cause, because its hasn't happened till now. Jul 5, 2022 · It's a invisible chunks issue, formerly know as MC-70850. 3. 2+build. 8k. but everything is invisible. 5-SNAPSHOT + My fork of sodium = Occurs Minecraft 1. 21. I have tried it both with 1. 2 (but this bug is there since sodium first release) CPU CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. I've tried the Create Fabric Sodium Fix but then Indium and Iris don't work, and this chunk stuff happens in the End dimension too, if it Jan 14, 2022 · Random chunks in the world will refuse to load when both Iris/Sodium (latest release) and Bedrock Waters are installed (see above attachment for a good example). The blocks were fully present and interactable and visible to vanilla players. Reproduction Steps. All versions Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix The issue with Sodium messing up multiple layers of transparent blocks has been well documented and loudly complained about, but the developer has not said when he will fix it. 93. 10. Add an option to turn off occlusion culling. 88. 37 fps -> Over 600 fps @ 3440x1440 with 32 Chunks. Hey ! Does someone know, how can I fix this with a plugin ? This Apr 11, 2020 · UPDATE: I have tested with ONLY Journeymap, and the problem does not exist despite its beta status. x Sep 7, 2021 · What happened? Sometimes blocks have holes or complete chunks are seethrough. Compatibility I'm getting huge lag spikes, going from about 250 fps when all chunks are loaded in, to a full freeze for a split second when new chunks are loaded in. It has already been solved by mojang, but it's back when using Rubidium. I loaded into my modded world prior to finding this mod and chunks were invisible and transparent, I could see grass on some loaded chunks but it was spotty all around. 1 Fabric. Blocks flicker when I break them. Java version. 4 1. 1. x; 1. Additionally, the spawn chunks are not active if you are in the nether or the end and do not have a chunkloader running somewhere in the world. 9 Are you running Sodium along with Iris? The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. 1+build. Screenshots Relevant log output No response Iris and Minecraft Version iris-and-sodium-mc1. When logging in again, some of the C&B blocks are just invisible hitboxes, and when I right click them they disappear. 92. In 1. 72. Two maps demonstrating this can be found by following the link. 283. I can also confirm this occurs on the internal server. Issue persists when chunks are reloaded or updated, or even if the client i Basically if you have a world of Iris that was generated without custom block, and puts the custom blocks later, only chunks without custom block loads. I used spect Basically when a minecraft chunk is marked as not populated, it will not be sent to the client, making it invisble. minecraft -> logs. 20. Brute force Rendering Culling (hereafter referred to as the mod) is an optimization mod in terms of rendering. Actually, invisible chunks in camera frustum not culling, but chunks out of frustum ââ,¬â€ culling fine. Here are the results: Sodium 0. Jun 29, 2021 · I’m playing on 1. - Download the Minecraft Mod Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix by yezhiyi9670 on Modrinth Sep 3, 2023 · Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. Dec 31, 2023 · unsure if related to any other issue but this is what happens to me: I run the world with nvidium and often this works fine up until a point the "top layers" of chunks are not rendered in spots anymore see pictures: after F3+A (reload ch Sep 29, 2020 · Expected behaviour. Oct 17, 2024 · Request Description Although the issue template states the undermentioned: Keep in mind that development is focused on improving performance and fixing graphical bugs, rather than implementing new features (such as resource pack features CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. CPU. Yea so I've played minecraft since 1. 7 Dec 31, 2023 · unsure if related to any other issue but this is what happens to me: I run the world with nvidium and often this works fine up until a point the "top layers" of chunks are not rendered in spots anymore see pictures: after F3+A (reload ch Nov 6, 2024 · I don't see why that mixin would cause the crash. Aug 20, 2024 · Bug Description In some scenarios, if an entity is partially hidden in a culled chunk section, the entity model can become invisible until you forcefully load the chunk section. May 10, 2022 · I was hoping to use sodium to help with rendering and fps since opti-fabric doesn't seem to work for me. Make a full fix to this. Mar 17, 2023 · Describe the bug Chunks turn invisible when joining servers To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Join a server Chunks turn invisible after a minute or so after joining server Expected behavior Chunks should be visible Screenshot (in the video i'm using extra sodium options as well, but i reinstalled sodium on a new directory with ONLY sodium, and i'm still getting the same issue) Reproduction Steps. Reproduction Steps Logs can be found in . 20 on Modrinth. As seen in the GIF, chunks persist no matter what angle the player is facing. The performance impact is very minor and might be nulled by Sodium's optimizations. I get invisible blocks sometimes appear randomly, I tried everything and searched everywhere but found nothing I tried a lot of settings but still nothing I use "oculus" and "rubidium", and "ComplementaryShaders" with "Physics mod pro". Jul 5, 2024 · Bug Description The Sodium installed causing clientsided chunks leak either by itself or makes it much noticeable. 7K; Dec 30, 2024; an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. All versions Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix well, I used optifine before and it goes about 60 fps on big servers like hypixel and mineplex, and it ran really bad on single-player worlds, but with the sodium mod, single-player ran about 40-60 fps, so big improvement of single-player but the exact same on multiplayer not what I was promised If you would like to show a token of your appreciation for my work, and help support the development of Sodium in the process, then consider buying me a coffee. F3 + A (reloading chunks) also works, however that isn't really a solution. 4. 5 and above) Quality-of-life mod; Fixes an old bug that Sodium re-introduces which can make some chunks invisible under certain conditions; Requires Sodium i only see 1 single chunk when i load into server or singleplayer fix (fabric on feather) remove sodium mod or change mod version Sep 13, 2020 · Minecraft 1. Download . 1 I'll have to restart every 10-15 minutes if I stay in a relatively small area or every few minutes if I travel in excess of a few hundred blocks. If the timer keeps increasing then the spawn chunks are loaded. e. New releases haven't fixed it. But if you create the world with custom blocks, it doesn't load into vanilla minecraft or optifine Sodium - 1. 18 Running ATM8 with some extra mods, everything running smoothly but adding Create to the pack causes a chunk to become invisible (rather than unloaded?); can interact with the blocks, walk onto it, place blocks onto it. The problem when you have a hole between the normal chunk and the distant horizon chunk is because your computer can't generate normal chunk fast enough, distant horizon puts his chunk outside of your render distance so if you can't render fast enough the radius that you put you will see holes The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Feb 18, 2022 · LOD "fake" chunks from the Distant Horizons mod should consistently load outside of view distance, as they do without Sodium. 2. For demonstrate this, I attached screenshots. A Sodium Extra addon that adds more in-game information. The weird lines from the chunks in the water behind glass should not be seen, (also the water with sodium is super clear behind glass i really love it) Actual Behavior. The server is on version 1. 3 + Lithium 0. It persisted after leaving the area and returning, F3+A, relogging, restarting client, restarting machine, and switching to a Vanilla instance and back. Also, I now tried Embeddium instead of Rubidium but that didn't do anything. - Download the Minecraft Mod Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix by yezhiyi9670 on Modrinth CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. 18. Jun 28, 2020 · Expected Behavior Water will be visible inside glass stained pipes, commonly used in water elevators Actual Behavior Water is not visible through stained glasses, although items can be seen flowing Reproduction Steps Make a water tube, d May 7, 2022 · I did use a resource pack that has 3D models for ores when taking the screenshot though, so that might be the cause. - Download the Minecraft Mod Sodium/Rubidium Occlusion Culling Fix by yezhiyi9670 on Modrinth Fix MC-70850, an invisible chunks issue brought back to MC1. 3 with forge 44. 1 (not necessary in Sodium 0. 1k. The problem is happening way earlier when the world is sliced and sent to meshing threads. When trying to put a mod pack together I realized after I finished that when loading into a new/existing world some chunks would be gone and water and blocks under it tended to be fully transparent. However, that hack they're using is terrible presumably they're trying to get around the fact that Sodium only copies so many blocks into a slice, but accessing the client world from the meshing threads will completely violate memory safety! Yo, but for me sodium goes way better than Optifine, I play on laptop, and when playing with optifine it barely reaches 60 fps, while with sodium I reach 100 fps and even 160 and loading like 15 chunks, and thats what I want, playing the game at smooth 100 fps the problem is the lag spikes, I wanna ask if your solution would work even if im on laptop. It's caused by Sodium not doing something properly, but I don't know nearly enough to troubleshoot it. These screenshots were both taken without Sodium. And reloading chunks doesn't do anything. 4k. the GUI and entities) in minecraft is an absolute dumpster fire and quickly ends up using more computation than rendering all the rest of the terrain combined when Sodium is installed. 18 while using a texturepack that has custom blocks but everything seems fine on 1. 15. I am glad to be rid of this Hole at the edge of vanilla Render Distance, especially during movement: This is caused by either vanilla terrain not loading in fast enough, or shader's incorrect overdraw prevention implementation or configuration (if you use one) Some world gen speed improvement can be found when adding these two mods, but the affect will be minor: - Noisium - Faster Random There is another mod that may CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. 0. download mc1. sark nrhmzzh youmaq clov idqh gaae fjdltc kktiwo kpx cbeatsxp yuwau xtyyah qootcz dzt rhai