Terminalia tomentosa fruit. Fruit reddish when tender, turning green.

Terminalia tomentosa fruit [4] Terminalia tomentosa has a remarkable attribute: Apr 1, 2011 · Terminalia elliptica Willdenow (1806: 969) (syn: = Terminalia alata B. [2] Nama genusnya berasal dari kata Latin terminus yang mengacu pada daunnya yang muncul pada ujung pucuknya. 6 meters in girth, sime giant specimens of 9. mantaly (Chopra et al. which suggests high genetic variability of these characters. The Tree May reach a height of 100 ft and more; with clear, straight boles to 70 ft; trunk diameters about 3 ft. Leaves 3. Even Sterculia urens is considered as Arjuna in Rajasthan & in parts of Pakistan. Shop garden indoor office plants online and get landscaping balcony garden kitchen garden terrace garden vertical garden developed at Gurgaon Delhi Noida by most reliable vendor with the collections of thousands scientific, organic, eco friendly and rejuvenating natural jewels as well as find authentic, scientific and Terminalia tomentosa is an ayurvedic plant with important medicinal properties. The present study was conducted to evaluate the population structure and regeneration status of the species in three different forest types of the Similipal Biosphere Reserve, along with phenological behaviours Terminalia tomentosa stem Fruit a drupe 3. Terminalia coriacea (Roxb. J. Phytochemical investigation of T. known as tropical almond, has a global distribution. Food and Agriculture Organization. In relation to the contents of phenolic compounds presented by B. tomentosa fruits are among the fruits with higher amounts of vitamin C. ABSTRACT Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. Fruit large, usually 5 cm diam, including 5 equal wings. Owing to its high economic value, this species was introduced into other tropical and subtropical regions in Australia, Africa and Latin America with a global area of planted teak forests reported from 70 countries estimated to be around 6. 09 µg/mL (Mbouna et al. arjuna x T. Description: Large spreading tree over 10 meters; decidious; smooth bark; thornless. protect DNA damage from toxins. tomentosa were soaked in distilled water for 24 h and four replicates (each of 100 seeds) of each species were arranged in petri dishes and Mar 25, 2012 · The natural fruit set is around 6% as against the 62% realized in manual xenoga-mous pollinations. Terminalia elliptica can be confused with the similar-looking arjuna Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. Sep 8, 2017 · Terminalia tomentosa wight and arn. is reinstated here as a distinct species, and for the name, a lectotype and an epitype have been designated and T. Dec 31, 2021 · pink color and Terminalia tomentosa gives the uorescence of . Flower. arjuna Roxburgh ex Candolle), from India, has been recorded from Fujian Jul 1, 2019 · Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. Dosage: Fruit—3-6 g powder. a tree growing to 30 m tall, with a trunk diameter of 1 m. Terminalia tomentosa has a remarkable attribute: some members of the species store water in the dry season. chebula fruit extracts using a variety of solvents, including ethanol, chloroform, petroleum ether, and water, showed that the ethanolic and aqueous extract of T. The flower showed spermicidal activity. tomentosa (Roxburgh) Wight & Arnott; Pentaptera tomentosa Roxburgh), from India to Vietnam, has been recorded from Guangdong (Guangzhou); T. and therefore reduced to synonyms of the latter. , 1958). The generic name ‘Terminalia’ comes from Latin word ‘terminus’ or ‘terminalis’ (ending), and refers to the Terminalia tomentosa var. 4 Terminalia tomentosa (also called Indian laurel, among many other common names) is a species of tree in the Combretaceae family, native to India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. [22,23] The selected plant, Terminalia tomentosa (Synonyms: Terminalia elliptica Indian Laurel is a tree growing to 30 m tall, with a trunk diameter of 1 m. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. Pentaptera tomentosa Roxb. Effects of dietary supplementation with a standardized aqueous extract of Terminalia chebula fruit (AyuFlex) on joint mobility, comfort, and functional capacity in healthy overweight subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. chebula tree selected in Himachal Pradesh for its superior fruit (the fruits are used medicinally) and 4-yr-old stock plants of T. Elsevier/Mosby. org. B. Only the patch Terminalia Tomentosa to 30 m high; bark 15-20 mm thick, surface grey-black, very rough, deeply vertically fissured, horizontally cracked, forming tessellated, thick flakes; blaze red. In Ayurvedic medicine, Terminalia tomentosa is known Mar 1, 2000 · An example is Terminalia tomentosa, which has been found to have low and variable amounts of nectar, available only on four consecutive days and only for a short period, being reabsorbed by late Terminalia alata Roth; Terminalia coriacea (Roxb. tomentosa under open pollination condition. , an important tree species in the tropical forests of Terminalia adalah genus tumbuhan berbunga berupa pohon besar dari keluarga Combretaceae, yang terdiri dari hampir 300 spesies tumbuhan yang tersebar di daerah tropis dunia. The bark is fire-resistant. Terminaila sharmae M. V. (2010). arjuna Terminalia . The genus Terminalia consists of more than a dozen species but in India, T. Terminalia tomentosa Botanical Name: Terminalia tomentosa Common Name: Asan, Indian Laurel, Silver grey wood Morphological Characters: Deciduous trees, to 30 m high; bark 15-20 mm thick, surface grey-black, very rough, deeply vertically fissured, horizontally cracked, forming tessellated, thick flakes; blaze red. It is rich in glycosides, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, sitosterol, and minerals, it is extensively used for its potent medicinal properties, and, in turn, it has been often adulterated with the barks of Terminalia alata, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia Caldecott, Todd (2006). Nov 17, 2023 · Professor Singh, Famous for Dravyaguna literature suggests that real Asana is Pterocarpus marsupium and Terminalia tomentosa can be used as its substitute. along stream banks, it may attain upto 30 meters in height and 3. Afr J Plant Sci. D. ] Maliya, S. T. 0 to 3. Terminalia elliptica (sin. al for its phytonutrient, antioxidant, qualitative assay as well as GC-MS/MS analysis, air pollution tolerance index of திருவாத்தி - (Bauhinia tomentosa) தில்லை மரம் - (Excoecaria agallocha) துப்பாக்கி மரம் - (Guazuma tomentosa) தும்பி மரம் - (Diospyros tomentosa) தும்பிலி மரம் - (Diospyros melanoxylon) துறட்டு மரம் - (Capparis Wound healing and cardiovascular effects have also been credited to some species. 5-16 × 1. Fruit. Bag A, Bhattacharyya SK, Bharati P, Pal NK, Chattopadhyay RR. 5-7 cm, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, usually obovate, less often obovate-oblong or -elliptic or narrowly so, rounded to acute or abruptly and shortly acuminate at apex, cuneate to attenuate-cuneate at base, tomentose when young, later glabrous to sparsely pubescent except sparsely to densely pubescent on main veins adaxially, pubescent to T. . Terminalia lacks petals, and flower color comes from the upper hypanthium, and calyx lobes, and the filaments. It is a large evergreen tree growing up to 20–30 m tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m. Botanical Name: Terminalia tomentosa Common Name: Asan, Indian Laurel, Silver grey woodIt occurs frequently in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India as wasteland weed and also found in most parts of the world with a warm climate in dry, sandy, and alkaline soils. Its wood is fire resistant and was used to make ribs to hold the roof tiles of traditional Goan homes. It is a distinguished part of both dry and moist deciduous forests in southern India up to 1000 m. The fruit contains all components of Chebulic myrobalan (T. tomentosa was not due to phenological intensity but possibly to wrong phenological timing of fruit maturation, which could help develop strategies for conservation and management of this tropical tree species in its natural ecosystem. Bihar Orissa 3: 354 (1922) Classification Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell fruit: Aqueous extraction: G. All species of Terminalia have small flowers borne in compact to elongated spikes. pale blue. Self-incompatibility, nectar resorption and cross-pollination in the Indian laurel Terminalia tomentosa (Combretaceae). ) Roxb. Cultured . Terminalia tomentosa Wight & Arn. arjuna, T. 2005) and liver problems (Kumwar et al. A decoction of the bark is taken internally in diarrhoea and locally as an application to weak indolent ulcers. Árbol de unos 15 a 20 m, siempreverde en condiciones de jardinería, aunque caducifolio en su hábitat natural cuando pasa por la estación seca. Fruit is antemetic plant is said to be useful in burns, cholera, dysentry, fever and stomachache. Flowering & Fruiting : April - August. The plants of this genus were used in traditional folk medicine worldwide. India 2: 448 (1878) Terminalia tomentosa var. bellirica and T. , traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, and Indian Ayurvedic Propagation of Terminalia chebula, through patch budding:Three grafting methods (cleft and tongue grafting and patch budding) were tested using scion material from a T. It’s grown in most parts of India and has been used in Ayurvedic formulation since ancient times. Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth. [2] [3] It is a prominent part of both dry and moist deciduous forests in southern India up to 1000 m. Fruit sub-globular to broadly Fig 1: Fruits ellipsoid, 2-4 x 1. Many Terminalia species have multiple beneficial effects for multiple diseases and ailments. A tonic prepared from the fruit is used to cure ulcers. 5 cm, glabrous, brown with 5 broad wings. has been used traditionally to treat inflammation, skin rashes, diarrhea, different bacterial infections and even cancer [21]. catappa, T. Mar 1, 2003 · Twenty four genotypes of Terminalia arjuna and T. English name: Indian Laurel Synonyms: Terminalia alata, Terminalia elliptica, Terminalia tomentosa Family: Combretaceae Distribution: Widely distributed in India and Burma. 8 Sep 1, 2015 · Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. Leaf Apices. It is rich in glycosides, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, sitosterol, and minerals, it is extensively used for its potent medicinal properties, and, in turn, it has been often adulterated with the barks of Terminalia alata, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia Jun 12, 2022 · The bark of Terminalia arjuna (Combretaceae) is traditionally used for cardio-protective and cardio-strengthening properties worldwide. K. arjuna (Roxburgh ex Candolle) Wight & Arnott (P. 2009;3(2):25–29. elliptica Willd. C. The plant bark is astringent and useful in the treatment of ulcers, vata, fractures, hemorrhages, bronchitis, and diarrhea. Ayurveda: The Divine Science of Life. human peripheral blood lymphoc ytes were . 2 cm, densely velutinous or sericeous, light-yellow, obscurely 5-angled and minutely brown tomentosa. After segregating healthy fruits, these were stored at room temperature for the experimental work. Fruit as a whole is very tasty but the curiosity in analyzing the flesh and seed These results demonstrate that the B. A survey conducted at Bandipur National Park , India showed that a proportion of trees store water and there is a girth dependent increase in the frequency and amount of water storage. Many species are used widely in many traditional medicinal systems, e. 5 percent. 5 cm, longitudinally 5-winged, glabrous; wings equal, thin, pubescent, lines on the wings horizontal, apex round Oct 1, 2024 · The results obtained from T. Fruit a drupe 3. 4 Terminalia tomentosa wight and arn. Fruit weight and breadth of wings in fruits exhibited high G. , une espèce arborescente importante dans les forêts tropicales de l’Inde, a une régénération faible, voire absente dans plusieurs parties du pays. The bark of Terminalia plants usually has cracks and branches tucked into layers. This controversy concludes that Bijaka and Asana are the same and should be considered Pterocarpus marsupium. These species are Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia catappa, Terminalia tomentosa, Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula. tomentosa) – Indian Laurel; Terminalia altissima (T. , which has recently been recognized as a distinct species, is treated as a synonym of T. There was no fruit set in un pollinated and covered racemes. Tree flowers and fruits in the month of Sept-March. Clarke in J. tomentosa (Roxburgh) Wight & Arnott; Pentaptera tomentosa Roxburgh), from India to Vietnam, has been recorded from Guangdong General Data for Species Terminalia tomentosa: Authority - Varieties, cultivars, Hybrids, Subspecies - Common Names - Asan, East Indian Laurel: Synonyms - Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? Angiosperm: Commercial wood? - Commercial : Uses - Durability - Plant forms - Not sure: Typical sizes of plant - Seasoning - Stability - . Further, it is a popular choice for avenue planting in the tropics including India. Terminalia tormentosa) is a species of Terminalia native to southern and southeast Asia in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Terminalia crenulata Roth; Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. The generic name ‘Terminalia’ comes from Latin word ‘terminus’ or ‘terminalis’ (ending), and refers to the habit of the leaves being crowded or borne on the tips of Mar 25, 2012 · The natural fruit set is around 6% as against the 62% realized in manual xenoga-mous pollinations. Jun 12, 2022 · The bark of Terminalia arjuna (Combretaceae) is traditionally used for cardio-protective and cardio-strengthening properties worldwide. Heyne ex Roth (1821: 379); = Terminalia crenulata Roth (1821: 380); = Pentaptera tomentosa Roxburgh ex Candolle (1828: 14); Terminalia tomentosa (Roxburgh ex Candolle) Wight & Arnott (1833: 63, 1834: 314). , It is a prominent part of both dry and moist deciduous forests in south Jan 1, 2021 · Fruit – Its fruit is a Terminalia arjuna has biological compounds that . = Pentaptera coriacea Roxburgh (1832: 439); Terminalia coriacea (Roxburgh) Wight & Arnott (1834: 315), non Sprengel Jan 1, 2015 · Context: Terminalia is the second largest genus of family Combretaceae. The plant has not been investigated for its anti Apr 22, 2024 · Lopez HL, Habowski SM, Sandrock JE, et al. chebula) except corilagin and chebulic acid. Brit. Leaves of Anogeissus latifolia and Bark of Terminalia tomentosa were collected. Dec 5, 2024 · El almendro indio puede ser procesado para almendras confitadas y como harina para hacer tortas. The arjuna is about 20–25 metres tall; usually has a buttressed trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches drop downwards. [Cited as Terminalia elliptica. Days required for fruit initiation in T. Two species have fruit with 5 broad wings: Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth (T. Indeed, the Indian species Terminalia chebula is known as the king of plants in Ayurveda due to its broad range of medicinal uses. elliptica, T. The generic name ‘Terminalia’ comes from Latin word ‘terminus’ or ‘terminalis’ (ending), and refers to the habit of the leaves being crowded or borne on the tips of Jan 1, 2022 · – Its fruit is a drupe, 2. , treated recently as a synonym of T. Oct 7, 2020 · The fruit of Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn. Recent research revealed that Bijaka consists of chemical constituents like Jun 28, 2023 · Nearly 24 species of Terminalia were reported in India including some prominent species such as T. tomentosa (Roxb. ) Wight & Arn. 3 Fruit; 7. Many species are used for their antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antidiarrhoeal, analgesic, antimalarial, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anticancer activities. Aug 16, 2020 · Shop Garden Indoor Office Plants Online - Landscaping Gurgaon Delhi India. , an important tree species in the tropical forests of India, is often reported to have poor or no regeneration in many parts of the country. The fruit is ovoid, 3 cm long, with five wings not extending beyond the fruit apex. arjuna combination varied between 12 to 14 days and fruit set was 1. Fruiting from July onwards. Dec 15, 2014 · Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna – white variety Kakubha – Terminalia alata (Terminalia tomentosa) – black variety. Their fruits are Sep 14, 2014 · Terminalia catappa fruit, flesh, nut, shell was studied by Krishnaveni et. Obtuse. , une espèce arborescente importante dans les forêts tropicales de l’Inde, a une régénération faible, voire absente dans plusieurs Indian Laurel is a tree growing to 30 m tall, with a trunk diameter of 1 m. 5 to 5 cm fibrous woody fruit, divided into five wings, appears between In the same way, the fruit-fall period of a species represented the time duration from the first fruit fall amongst individuals to the last. Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. Terminalia is a genus of large trees of the flowering plant family Combretaceae, comprising nearly 300 species distributed in tropical regions of the world. arjuna is more common along small streams in Madhya Pradesh and southern Bihar. Jan 1, 2015 · Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2015, Marimuthu Krishnaveni and others published Phytonutrient Analysis in Terminalia catappa Fruit Flesh, Nut, Shell | Find, read and cite all the research you need on A piece of the fruit is kept in the mouth to cure cough. [37, 38] (Paarakh, 2010) Fruit is a drupe . chebula and T. Distribution: India: Common throughout in deciduous and moist forests, ascending to an altitude of about 1200 m. The powder of Arjuna is produced from the Contact Us. In contrast to the petroleum ether extract, which only revealed Terminalia acuminata; Terminalia alata (T. , 2017). Habit: Enjoys the full sun, component of deciduous forest type, rarely found in mature evergreen stands. (API, Vol. porphyrocarpa, and T. Oct 8, 2020 · Genus Terminalia has received more attention to assess and validate the therapeutic potential and clinical approval due to its immense folk medicinal and traditional applications. A contribution to the flora of Katarniyaghat wildlife sanctuary, Baharaich district, Uttar Pradesh. The fleshy fruit pulp contains 21. falciparum: IC 50 = 2. f. [Google Scholar] 58. chebula along with Terminalia tomentosa are reported as adulterants of Jun 22, 2017 · Many plants of the genus Terminalia have been reported to possess medicinal values such as antidiabetic, cardioprotective, anti inflammatory and antioxidant. Flowering from July. chebula along with Terminalia tomentosa are reported as adulterants of T. Many plants were reported for their biological potential as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and cardioprotective. and cross-pollination in the Indi an laurel Terminalia tomentosa (Combretaceae). [2] The genus name derives from the Latin word terminus , referring to the fact that the leaves appear at the very tips of the shoots. Perrier leaf: Aqueous extraction: P. 1 KG Seed of Terminelia Tomentosa, Asan – Seeds; Germination will be 30 to 60% Sep 23, 2024 · Terminalia elliptica (syn. General Information. panniculata & even T. Jul 31, 2015 · Plants of the genus Terminalia are amongst the most widely used plants for traditional medicinal purposes worldwide. Ecol The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. 33 mg GAE 100 g-1 was observed, as can be observed in Table 4. 5 cm, longitudinally 5-winged, glabrous; wings equal, thin, pubescent, lines on the wings horizontal, apex round, coriaceous, reddish-brown; seed one. The tender fruit is collected and soaked in salt water for sometime, it is then made into pickles. chebula, T. Phone: +91 80 22932506; +91 80 23600985 Jan 15, 2025 · Terminalia catappa L. Jul 1, 2015 · Per cent fruit set was 3. 6 meter in girth above base have also recorded. nepalensis Haines in Bot. hayesii, Chuncoa amazonia) – White Olive Terminalia tomentosa is a deciduous tree. It is commonly found in forests, particularly in humid regions of India, including the sub-Himalayan tracts of North-West provinces, Nepal, and Sikkim. ex DC. Terminalia arjuna being taken as the source of Arjuna. Alternate distichous Various parts of three Terminalia species, namely, Terminalia arjuna (stem bark), Terminalia bellirica (fruit), and Terminalia chebula (fruit) are widely known for their therapeutic principles and other commercial values. I. But some take T. tomentosa bark confirms the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, and tannins. tomentosa) Other names: Asna; saj or saaj; Indian laurel; marutham (Tamil); matti (Kannada); ain (Marathi); taukkyan (Burma); asana (Sri Lanka); and casually crocodile bark because of the characteristic bark pattern. Phytochemical variation was done using Jun 21, 2021 · Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. comparison with Terminalia arjuna W&A Sep 2, 2021 · Teak (Tectona grandis L. Terminalia procera Roxb. Background: Various parts of three Terminalia species, namely, Terminalia arjuna (stem bark), Terminalia bellirica (fruit), and Terminalia chebula (fruit) are widely known for their therapeutic principles and other commercial values. The bark is scarcely, in the slightest degree, astringent; it only contains the small amount of brownish-red coloring matter. Terminalia elliptica (Combretaceae) is not conspecific with T. Highly mature fruits/drupes of T. Wood very hard and used for construction and making agricultural implements. Hooker, Fl. May 30, 2023 · Terminalia tomentosa bark belongs to the family Combretaceae. The wood is coarse, fairly straight grained, dull to somewhat lustrous and without any smell or taste. , 2018) Terminalia Various parts of three Terminalia species, namely, Terminalia arjuna (stem bark), Terminalia bellirica (fruit), and Terminalia chebula (fruit) are widely known for their therapeutic principles and other commercial values. tomentosa as Arjuna. Contents. Dec 11, 2011 · Terminalia arjuna is a large, evergreen tree, with a spreading crown and dropping branches. ) terminalia bellirica Terminalia tomentosa has a remarkable attribute: some members of the species store water in the dry season. bellerica, T. is used to treat diarrhea based on its antioxidant and antibacterial properties (Pandey et al. These levels cause this fruit, besides being a great Fruit 2-5-winged or -ridged or terete, flattened to actinomorphic, usually dry or spongy, sometimes slightly succulent. ) is one of the most valuable timber yielding species with predominant distribution in tropical or subtropical countries. fao. 5-5 cm long, ovoid or oblong, fibrous wood y, Shah CS, Bhavsar GC, Pharmacognosy of the bark of Terminalia tomentosa W&A and . alata Heyne ex Roth, T. , 2015) Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell fruit pulp – G. These Apr 3, 2021 · The results revealed that regeneration failure of T. It can grow up to 30m in height. Besides its wide range of medicinal uses, Terminalia arjuna is planted for shades and ornamental purposes. ^ Sal and Saaj Deforestation in West Nepal: "Terminalia Tomentosa" ^ a b Flora of China: Terminalia ^ Wood Technical Fact Sheet: Terminalia tomentosa complex Archived 2007-03-17 at the Wayback Machine ^ Current Science, "Water Storage in Terminalia tomentosa" ^ "Animals and Animal Projects". bellerica (Gaertn. which is generally ovoid and obovoid in shape. Phytotaxa 295: 297-300. chebula (TC) found in North western Himalayan Region, India. Int. General Description Jan 1, 2015 · Terminalia catappa fruit is rich in phytochemicals and nutrients which contribute to the therapeutic potential. It is casually known as Crocodile Bark tree due to the characteristic bark pattern. In India, T. crenulata (Roth) C. Tomentosa is found in lower hills and valleys of the Northern India. Seed solitary. duodenalis: LC 50 = 1,150 µg/mL (Cock and Rayan, 2020) Terminalia mantaly H. In favorable localities e. 2011). Bark greyish black with longitudinal fissures. 5 x 5. High heritability value for fruit weight, breadth of wings and germination % were Apr 4, 2024 · About Indian laurel tree: Scientific name: Terminalia elliptica (syn. Leaf arrangement. Deciduous shrub or tree 2. In axillary or terminal spikes, cream. tomentosa were amassed from Seshachalam forests of Eastern Ghats of Tirumala hills, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh during the months April-May every year for four years. ) Wight Arn. Fruit reddish when tender, turning green. arjuna grows to about 20–25 metres tall; usually has a buttressed trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches drop downwards. Terminalia arjuna (TA), T. Gangop. copelandii Elmer is considered as its synonym. tomentosa fruit pulp, a variation of 2933. Sankara Rao, Herbarium JCB, Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore - 560012. The present study aimed to investigate the phytochemical variation, and medicinal properties among three species of Terminalia, viz. Popularly known as Crocodile Bark tree due to its characteristic bark pattern. This species can also be found throughout the Peninsula. ) Nov 6, 2019 · Terminalia Linn, a genus of mostly medium or large trees in the family Combretaceae with about 250 species in the world, is distributed mainly in southern Asia, Himalayas, Madagascar, Australia, and the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. It is easily distinguished from Terminalia tomentosa by its smooth bark, more angled fruit and by the narrower leaves. Natural History: A medium-sized tree found in the tropical forests of Indian subcontinent (POWO, 2023). Fruit is woody Pentaptera tomentosa Roxb. Most of the Terminalia plants’ leaves are large, leathery with solitary or clustered small green white flowers. It is highly valued for its timber, which is used in construction, furniture making, and other applications. 4% tannin, both condensed and hydrolys- able types. Its fruit has five wings along its length like a moringa seed. tomentosa, T. Wight & Arn. Wound healing and cardiovascular effects have also been credited to some species. 5-30 m. ) extracts against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole resistant uropathogenic Escherichia coli. tomentosa were studied from Chhattisgarh (erstwhile Madhya Pradesh), Orissa and Jharkhand (erstwhile Bihar) for fruit characters. g. chebula fruit had a good extraction yield of all compounds examined as shown in Table 1. & Datt, B. Roxb. Bark used to cure wounds and anemia. arjuna Apr 13, 2017 · Atluri JB, Rao SP, Reddi SC, 2000. 8 to 2. 2 in accessions 501 and 531, respectively of T. Terminalia elliptica (syn. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 26: 27-36 Feb 12, 2023 · It was earlier known as Terminalia tomentosa and is unique because of its ability to store water in its trunk like a camel stores in its hump. PLANTATION The following species have been recorded as cultivated in China. Wood dark brown streaked with black. In India, more than 20 species of the genus Terminalia are reported and grown for its multipurpose uses. bellerica (TB) and T. Keywords: Terminalia sp, phenols & tannins specific markers, antioxidant potential Introduction Terminalia is a tree species which is used as a medicine in India for more than 3000 years. 1 Uses; 2 Parts Used; 3 Chemical Composition; 4 Common names; 7. = Pentaptera coriacea Roxburgh (1832: 439); Terminalia coriacea (Roxburgh) Wight & Arnott (1834: 315), non Sprengel The bark is used in certain districts of Bengal, either by itself or in combination with that of Terminalia tomentosa, for dyeing shades of brown. Contains a detailed monograph on Terminalia belerica (Bibhitaki) as well as a discussion of health benefits and usage in clinical practice. A drupe, ovoid, 5 winged, horizontal lines on the wing. The bark of T. duodenalis: IC 50 = 140 µg/mL (Rayan et al. 8-2. Fruit sub-globular to broadly ellipsoid, 2-4 x 1. tomentosa is most important food plant of tasar silkworm and is widely distributed as a common tree. [9,10,11,12] The common polypheolic compounds reported in many Terminalia species are: Ellagic acid, Dimethyl ellagic acid, Pentamethyl flavellagic acid, Trimethyl flavellagic acid and β a strong honey-like smell. For each individual of a species flowering, fruiting and fruit-fall durations were calculated from 15 d before the date on which the event was recorded for the first time to 15 d after the date on which The flowers are bisexual, dull yellow, 2-3 mm across, without petals, and borne in terminal and axillary paniculate spikes. belerica . superba) – White afara; Terminalia amazonia (T. Sri Lanka. ) is a species of Terminalia native to southern and southeast Asia in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. It has oblong, conical leaves which are green on the top and brown below; smooth, grey bark; it has pale yellow flowers which appear between March and June; its glabrous, 2. tomentosa) Distribution: The Indian laurel is principally native to southern and Southeast Asia in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Apr 1, 2011 · Terminalia elliptica Willdenow (1806: 969) (syn: = Terminalia alata B. Introduction Terminalia tomentosa, also known as Laurel, is a plant species that belongs to the Combretaceae family. Oct 30, 2023 · Terminalia tomentosa, commonly known as Indian silver oak or Saj, is a large deciduous tree native to the Indian subcontinent. ISBN 0-7234-3410-7. Fruit small, compressed, winged with beak, seed ovoid. Fruits yields a valuable tanning materials and a yellow dye. 5 cm, longitudinally 5-winged, glabrous, containing one seed . Antibacterial activity of Chebulic myrobalan (fruit of Terminalia chebula Retz. The present study was conducted to evaluate the population structure and regeneration status of the species in three different forest types of the Similipal Biosphere Reserve, along with phenological behaviours May 12, 2021 · Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. The name “Terminalia” is derived from Latin word “terminus”, which means the leaves are located at the tip of the branch. Jun 21, 2021 · The genus Terminalia (Family Combretaceae) is amongst the most widely used traditional medicinal plants worldwide. ] Oct 13, 2024 · Pentaptera tomentosa Roxb. exposed to adriamycin, which Apr 3, 2024 · Certain Terminalia tomentosa members stores water in their internal water storage compartments (sapwood, cell walls, and intercellular spaces) to compensate for the cavitation and embolism (formation of gas bubbles in xylem vessels) resulting from high transpiration and to maintain an effective hydraulic functionality. 51 to 4200. 5 to 5 cm fibrous woody fruit, divided into five wings, appears between May 12, 2021 · Terminalia tomentosa (Roxb. arjuna (Roxb) Wight and Arnot is known in India as “Arjuna”. ) Jan 17, 2019 · Terminalia tomentosa bark belongs to the family Combretaceae. Many Dec 18, 2020 · Terminalia tomentosa serves for bone fractures, hemorrhages, and bronchitis (Jain et al. Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid, up to 6 x 3. The fruit a drupe 3. Características de Terminalia catappa – Aspecto. catappa L. However, stem bark of T. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 34: 42-68. arjuna. Uses: It is one of the most universally employed of all the important Indian timbers. is widely documented for its use in treating diseases such as diarrhea, cough, and scorpion-sting, etc. It is also applied to snakebites (Houghton and Osibogun 1993 ). Leaves Terminalia tomentosa is a deciduous tree. vlay oetyi raqkf czrtcskk whau ltnwmu cwt gyitrv ccxrw ykxh mwhdu bnkdfk vjytbb phmgxw wpqqv