Transvestitus congo cichlid. transvestitus are indicated in Fig.

Transvestitus congo cichlid Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest South American Dwarf Cichlids by Rainer Stawikowski, I. Unlike many cichlids, female transvestites are more vividly colored by their pink belly, especially during the mating period. photography on September 28, 2019: "This is a female Nanochromis transvestitus. dimidiatus, N. Sep 27, 2018 · Nanochromis transvestitus! A unique sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. squamiceps in lacking a supraneural bone and in lacking scales on the nape, cheek and chest," the authors wrote. […] I might have the opportunity to add one or the other soon. 2020. Photo by Anton Lamboj. […] Nanochromis Cichlid . R. Highly respected and experienced aquarist, Pam has visited cichlid habitats around the world, and bred in her's and her husband Gary fish house hundreds of cichlid species. . A Cichlid Surprise Nanochromis transvestitus, my experiences with! Steven Chester 2009 Some fish are rare in the hobby, its seems that due to certain circumstances such as having exacting water requirements, difficulties in breeding or simply because they are delicate fish, they are destined to always be rare and never make it through to the mainstream hobby! سیکلید کوتوله غرب آفریقا / West African Dwarf Cichlid / Nanochromis transvestitus (جنس نر - بالا / جنس ماده - پایین) زیستگاه اصلی: غرب آفریقا؛ این ماهی اهل دریاچه مایندومب Lake Mai-ndombe واقع در کنگو در غرب آفریقاست. I am back and forth between Congochromis sabinae or Nannochromis transvestitus. 00; Red Peacock Cichlid £ 9. obs. Congochromis pugnatus, new species figures 3–5 A rare dwarf cichlid hailing from the Congo River, the diminutive Nanochromis splendens surpasses its reputation as being a wonderful hide-and-seek cichlid that amazes hobbyists with its curious behaviors. The increased rate of species discovery and description in the Congolese cichlid genus Nanochromis Pellegrin (see Lamboj, 2005; Schliewen and Stiassny, 2006; Lamboj and Schelly, 2006) is typical of a growing documentation of the high levels of species diversity among freshwater fishes in the Congo River basin (Schelly and Stiassny, 2004; Stiassny and Schaefer, 2005; Schliewen and South American Dwarf Cichlids by Rainer Stawikowski, I. The two lacustrine species, N. <br><br>Habitat: African Lake Mai relatively drab coloration. As an Amazon […] Common name: West African Dwarf Cichlid Scientific name: Nanochromis transvestitus Max size: 1. Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Nanochromis transvestitus: ZSM 29705, 9 ex. Discover the world's research 25+ million The lower Congo River and nearby habitats harbor numerous endemic lineages of cichlid fishes, including some with highly specialized morphologies. Wolfgang Staeck West African Books: Dec 24, 2009 · Miscellaneous African Cichlid. 8 mm; sexually mature females are 25. The female is particularly colorful, featuring a pretty red belly and a black and white striped tail It’s an African dwarf cichlid which I heartily recommend to any aquarists with experience in keeping similar species. 00 – £ 42. 56(3):28-36 (crc12123) Acest lac este în mijlocul bazinul fluviului Congo în Republica Democratică Congo. 00 – £ 47. teugelsi). Jul 2, 2007 · Congochromis, a New Cichlid Genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Central Africa, with the Description of a New Species from the Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo July 2007 American We obtained beautiful bred specimens of this charming dwarf cichlis. 00; Neon Blue Discus £ 34. NEW CICHLID FROM CONGO 5. Found in the rocky and sandy tannic waters of the Congo, these dwarf cichlids are stunning but also one of the smallest dwarf cichlids as well. There’s a reason I’m wary about suggesting them for all aquarists though: in spite of their small size (which doesn’t exceed 6cm) they can display a degree of aggression an order of magnitude greater than their small Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Congo dwarf cichlids Nanochromis parilus for sale and in stock. Dec 6, 2023 · Log in. Home. It originates from the Mai-Ndombe Lake in the Congo system in West Africa. This post contains affiliate links. comInteresting and not often seen Nanochromis transvestitus breeding pair shown here herding their fry around a heavi Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Looking for a gorgeous cichlid pair for your blackwater setup? how about these?! Transvestite Cichlid - 형혢혯혰혤혩혳혰혮혪혴 Nanochromis Transvestitus – African Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid – Stunning Fish. This sheet is currently being prepared. Wolfgang Staeck West African Books: Congochromis, a New Cichlid Genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Central Africa, with the Description of a New Species from the Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo Melanie Stiassny 2007, American Museum Novitates the fins of N. Females are especially noted for their spectacular breeding colors. 00 – £ 38. Bohnet Die Buntbarsche Amerikas Band 2 Apistogramma & Co. 0-32. The female […] These cichlids are considered Dwarf cichlids and may be referred to as West African cichlids also. The extensive rapids of the lower Congo River is one of the few river stretches inhabited by a locally endemic cichlid species flock as well as several species pairs, for which we provide evidence that they have radiated in situ Jul 20, 2011 · The extensive rapids of the lower Congo River is one of the few river stretches inhabited by a locally endemic cichlid species flock as well as several species pairs, for which we provide evidence May 20, 2009 · nanochromis transvestitus Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by DCguy May 22, 2009 Zootaxa, 2006. This fish is found only in Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Dwarf Cichlids are small cichlids that only reach up to about 4 inches (10 cm) or so. In contrast to most other congolese fishes, N. Supplies are limited. The Nanochromis Transvestitus is an African Dwarf Cichlid from Lake Mai-Ndombe in Cent The Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid (Nanochromis transvestitus) Inhabits fast-moving waters of Lake Mai Ndombe in D. The Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid is known only from Lake Mai-Ndombe in the middle Congo River basin. In an aquarium, they are peaceful, easy to care for, and not too difficult to breed. The small African dwarf cichlid Nanochromis splendens certainly lives up to its Latin name—it is truly splendid! Mar 31, 2011 · Nanochromis Parilus - Congo Dwarf Cichlid (or N. Pam Chin has been replying to cichlid questions for over twenty years. Dec 24, 2009 · Select 2-3 cichlid pairs from the list below: Thysochromis ansorgei Nanochromis transvestitus, nudiceps or parilus Pelvicachromis taeniatus Steatocranus causarius Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi (trio) Anomalochromis thomasi Teleogramma brichardi (requires many rocks) Select one option for catfish: Synodontis nigreventris "Upside-down cat" - 6 Nov 13, 2018 · Nanochromis transvestitus is an African cichlid which inhabits the Lac Mai-ndombe and its affluent in the Congo Democratic Republic. nov. This species reaches a length of 3. They are cave breeders and usually attach the spawn to the cave ceiling or walls. Known for their bright, contrasting colours and peaceful temperament, they make a fantastic addition to smaller community tanks. Besides her job, she still devotes time to help any person with a cichlid question! In this video, I turn an empty aquarium into a Central African Biotope. nudiceps-group is presented in Table 2. 56(3):28-36 (crc12123) Jul 1, 2008 · Cichlid Room Companion Nanochromis transvestitus-Profil. American Cichlid Association | A wonder of Congo . The texts currently proposed come from our data model or are being drafted. 2 mm SL, Introduction. In general, cichlids (Perciformes, Cichlidae) are among the most species rich vertebrate groups. Discover a selection of freshwater fish, shrimp & snail species originating from Democratic Republic of the Congo. new pair of nanochromis TRANSVESTITUS first spawn in a 50 gallon breeder tank Jan 24, 2025 · They are easy to keep and feed, and fairly easy to breed. The fry hatch after 2-3 days and swim freely after 7-8 days. kimpala sp. They can reach a size of up to 6cm / 2. This reverse sexual dichromatism (females more colorful than males) led to the species name "transvestitus". from the Bangwelu-Mweru ecoregion, O. 3 ft). DURING an ichthyological survey of parts of the Zaire basin conducted in 1973 (Roberts and Stewart, 1976), we made a small Nanochromis Transvestitus form south Congo. sp. Max Size. Add a unique touch to your aquarium with the captivating Nanochromis Transvestitus, also known as the African Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid. Largest selection of rare and common fish in stock since 1999. From the same family Democratic Republic of the Congo. The female performs brood care, while the male defends the territory (parental family). It is very beautiful but can not be recommended to anyone but an experienced fish keeper since it is sensitive and sometimes very Nanochromis transvestitus | Healthy, happy, quality tropical freshwater aquarium fish for sale online! Flat rate shipping and quick order turn around. Video 󱡘 Teleostei (teleosts) > Cichliformes (Cichlids, convict blennies) > Cichlidae (Cichlids) > Pseudocrenilabrinae Etymology: Nanochromis: Latin, nannus = small + Greek, chromis = a fish, perhaps a perch (Ref. The extensive rapids of the lower Congo River is one of the few river stretches inhabited by a locally endemic cichlid species flock as well as several species pairs, for which we provide evidence that they have radiated in situ Jul 1, 2008 · Cichlid Room Companion Nanochromis transvestitus-Profil. 5). 1), and clearly a hotspot of cichlid richness and endemism. Males of the species becomes around 6 cm long, females stay smaller. A rare cichlid from fast-moving waters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nanochromis transvestitus is a bit of a challenge to keep and breed but will reward you with its stunning coloration and fascinating parental care. transvestitus is adapted to very soft and acidic water (pH 4. 4". Dwarf Cichlid Habitats. 3ft). 1993. But the males they're just so-so-blind, nondescript transics. It is very beautiful but can not be recommended to anyone but an experienced fish keeper since it is sensitive and sometimes very aggressive. 25"+ Wild Synodontis longirostris xx-large ~9"+ Wild Synodontis nigriventris true UD cat medium-large 2+" Lake Victoria Wild Astatoreochromis straeleni Ruziba ~3" Jul 1, 2008 · Cichlid Room Companion Nanochromis transvestitus-Profil. 5–8) and by the presence, in adults, of strongly produced membranous fin lappets on the second and third dorsal fin spines. Koslowski and V. Most of their Informationen zur Referenz: Keijman, Michel C. 2; the rounded caudal fin is typical of that in all species of Nanochromis sensu stricto. Identification"It differs from N. N. Lake Mai-Ndombe is a soft and acidic blackwater rainforest lake which covers approximately 890 sq miles (2300 sq km) but is known to double or even triple in size during the rainy season. This delightful dwarf cichlid from West Africa has it all; it’s colorful, suitable for a community aquarium, easy to spawn, undemanding of water and food, and they exhibit fascinating behavior. Sexual Congochromis, a new cichlid genus, is described on the basis of a suite of anatomical features of the cephalic laterosensory system, infraorbital series, oral dentition, and squamation. Of these species the most popular and most recognizable is Nanochromis transvestitus and Nanochromis nudiceps which are aquarium favorites for a long time. Nanochromis parilus is a rheophilic West African dwarf cichlid that has been known to the hobby for many years. May 24, 2020 - 0 Likes, 0 Comments - Aquatico (@aquaticoinfo) on Instagram: “Congo Dwarf Cichlid” Congochromis, a New Cichlid Genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Central Africa, with the Description of a New Species from the Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo Feb 13, 2023 · South American Dwarf Cichlids by Rainer Stawikowski, I. Cichlid Index (American Cichlid Association). transvestitus, and N. 00; Sealed Live Copepods £ 23. Peaceful. Pelvicachromis subocellatus is a beautiful dwarf cichlid species from western Africa. Information for reference: Keijman, Michel C. That makes these dwarf Cichlids not very large at all, especially when you compare them to some of their larger relatives. Unusually for cic The West African dwarf cichlid is a sensitive little gem. from the Lufubu River of the Lake Tanganyika ecoregion. from the Upper Lualaba ecoregion, and O. It feeds on small benthic invertebrates . Wolfgang Staeck West African Books: Pelvicachromis pulcher, commonly known as the krib, rainbow krib, or kribensis, has been a favorite aquarium fish for many years. Jul 1, 2008 · Cichlid Room Companion Nanochromis transvestitus-Profil. Remarkably, given an area of less than 2% of the entire basin, the lower Congo (LC), with arepresentation of 30% of cichlid species present in the entire basin and with 78% of those endemic to the LC, is an obvious outlier (Fig. 5–8) and by the transvestitus, N. 0. Average Adult Size: 2-3 inches Preferred Water Parameters: pH 6. 00; Albino Koi Kohaku Swordtail £ 7. 3” / 3. Our Guide To Keeping Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid Fish. Nov 12, 2023 · Nanochromis transvestitus is a fresh water fish from the Africa. Nanochromis wickleri, a new cichlid species from Lake Mai Ndombe in the central Congo basin, is described. Jul 1, 2008 · Fiche de l'Nanochromis transvestitus avec les informations sur la taxonomie, la distribution, l'histoire naturelle, la maintennace en aquarium et la conservation ; incluant des photos, vidéos et une bibliographie extensive Oct 1, 2006 · Congochromis, a New Cichlid Genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Central Africa, with the Description of a New Species from the Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo Article Full-text available NEW ARRIVAL! The Nannochromis Transvestitus is a fascinating and relatively rare dwarf cichlid known for its striking sexual dimorphism and intriguing behaviours. Nudiceps) Nanochromis transvestitus Kribensis - too large and agressive in my experience Laetacara curviceps - bit on the large side, but peaceful Which might have the best chance of getting along in a smaller tank? Jul 20, 2011 · Most freshwater diversity is arguably located in networks of rivers and streams, but, in contrast to lacustrine systems riverine radiations, are largely understudied. nudiceps) or in the Kasai River drainage (N. Additional information Fish Size Democratic Republic of the Congo; Freshwater Ornamental Aquarium Fish, Shrimp & Snails Found in Democratic Republic of the Congo. 00 – £ 272. by Ingo Koslowski, Translation by Mike Wise South American Dwarf Cichlids by Hans J. Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Jul 1, 2008 · Nanochromis transvestitus species profile, with information about taxonomy, distribution, natural history, aquarium keeping, and conservation; including pictures, videos, and an extensive bibliography Jan 4, 2025 · The average Kribensis Cichlid size is around 4 inches in length for males and 3 inches in length for females. The genus Nanochromis has approximately 10 species or so. It feeds on small benthic invertebrates. Wolfgang Staeck West African Books: Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Mar 22, 2020 · Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth of around 1 metre (3. Like them, the females of this species are actually the more colourful sex, although males are still aesthetically pleasing in their own right. 5, Temperature 75-80°F Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons Acceptable Tank Mates: Peaceful fish and other small, non-aggressive species. It feeds on small Fish Profile: Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid (Nanochromis transvestitus) Distribution: Lake Mai-Ndombe, Democratic Republic of the Congo. 0-7. See more ideas about african cichlids, cichlids, fish pet. Nanochromis transvestitus Stewart & Roberts 1984. Jul 1, 2008 · Pam Chin has been replying to cichlid questions for over twenty years. Care Ease. With males reaching only about 2. Fully grown specimens are available. When they want to pair it looks like they dance with each other. Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid Nanochromis transvestitus. sabinae and N. Acest Dwarf Cichlid din Africa de Vest este listat pe lista IUCN roșie a speciilor amenințate ca pe cale de dispariție (RO), din cauza amplasării limitate în cazul în care acesta se produce. 2022. The Nanochromis Cichlid (Nanochromis transvestitus), also known as the Dwarf Cichlid, is a small, vibrant species of cichlid native to the Congo River Basin and other parts of Central Africa. As recognized herein, Congochromis comprises three species formerly included in the genus Nanochromis (N. This little dwarf cichlid is nanochromis transvestitus, they are a very small peaceful cichlid from west Africa that inhabit Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Sep 23, 2024 · Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake MaiNdombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth of around 1 metre (3. Nanochromis transvestitus—En färgstark och fascinerande dvärg från Kongo. Yellow Elongatus Cichlid £ 9. Ciklidbladet. These fish thrive in the swift-moving waters of the lake, which are rich in tannins derived from the decay of organic matter, contributing to the lake's signature This West African cichlid is small, and brightly coloured, and therefore a good candidate for a species tank, or West African biotope with a few killifish, or African tetras, and planted with Anubias and decorated with bogwood and caves. To request priority for this content, you can write to us HERE. Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth of around 1 metre (3. This is a sexually dimorphic fish. Jump to Latest 2K views 0 Feb 2, 1984 · N. transvestitus is among the smallest of cichlids: standard length of our largest specimen, a male, is 33. Congochromis pugnatus, new species figures 3–5 HOLOTYPE: AMNH 6079, 48. 5" Nice!, BIG! sm-md Nanochromis transvestitus ~1. 75" Wild Phenacogrammus interuptus Congo tetra ~2. These tiny gems barely reach over an inch in length. Feb 18, 2016 · Wild Hemigrammopetersius caudalis yellow congo tetra ~2" Wild Lamprologus mocquardi ~3. 3in) SL. katumbii sp. ‘‘Mbandaka’’) is known from the Congo mainstream around Jan 30, 2022 · "Nanochromis transvestitus—een kleurrijke en boeiende dwerg uit de Congo". This West African Dwarf Cichlid is a member of the Nanochromis genus, which contains 8 small cichlid species. Additional meristic data Sep 21, 2019 - Explore Craig Klingenberg's board "West African Cichlids" on Pinterest. 7 CM. 1 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Aquarium’as: Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a - Nanochromis transvestitus the Congolese zebra dwarf cichlid - Nemapteryx nenga freshwater shark which is a catfish - Neocaridina davidi the Black Choco Shrimp catch-all genus ‘‘Haplochromis’’ is restricted to the Congo basin [9]. and O. 45335); transvestitus: Specific name derived from the female's more intense coloration; the male is less conspicuous, a feature that is the reverse of many other cichlld species; reversed Sep 28, 2019 · 1,242 likes, 25 comments - langenbach. About; Shop Menu Toggle. transvestitus is said to inhabit waters to a depth of about 3 ft in areas with sandy substrate distributed among rocky patches. 46(6):12-15 ( crc11085 ) Keijman, Michel C. Geographic Range: Congo River Basin, Central Africa Diet: Omnivorous; feeds on small invertebrates and plant matter. Does anyone have experience with either? Nanochromis transvestitus (Nanochromis transvestitus) is a rather rare dwarf cichlid, with a not very pleasant name for the Slavic ear. 75" and females barely Oct 13, 2024 · The fish was discovered at Kasai in the central Congo basin and from the main channel of the Congo, as far upstream as Lake Tumba. About Fish Species: Scientific name: Nanochromis transvestitus; Common name: Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid; Family: Cichlidae; Origin: West Africa, specifically in the Congo River Basin; Adult length: 4 - 5 cm; Lifespan: 3 - 5 years; Tank Setup: Mar 1, 2024 · The Nanochromis transvestitus is a stunning cichlid in a dainty package! The Nanochromis transvestitusus is the smallest known cichlid. This species reaches Nanochromis transvestitus is a rarer West African dwarf cichlid related to the popular Kribensis (genus Pelvicachromis). Add. The species originates from the Lac Mai Ndombe region in the D. Both males and females are striking, with an olive brown body topped with light brown vertical bars that extend into the dorsal fin. transvestitus are giv-en in Table 1, and a comparison of meristic characters in species of the N. Author: JosÉ MarÍa Cid Ruiz. Congo. 11(5):1-2 (crc07675) Informationen zur Referenz: Keijman, Michel C. Both the male and female are very striking with an olive brown body topped with light brown vertical bars that extend into the dorsal fin. Nanochromis sabinae - Part 2. ‘‘Ndongo’’) has recently been discovered in rivers Ngoko and Sangha (pers. One undescribed species (N. squamiceps, N. Sep 10, 2013 · We obtained beautiful bred specimens of this charming dwarf cichlis. Cichlidae (Nederlandse Vereniging van Cichlidenliefhebbers) . canadianaquafarm. This makes Nanochromis transvestitus one of the smallest cichlid species at all. 00; Tropical Pond Flakes £ 10. The large, deep-bodied species differs from all congeners in the possession of an elevated soft dorsal fin ray count (10–11 vs. With their vibrant colours, an intriguing name derived from their gender-reversing appearance, and Experiences with Nanochromis transvestitus. Mayland & Dieter Bork American Cichlids I – Dwarf Cichlids by Horst Linke & Dr. Rare species and quite hard to come by. It’s uncommon in the hobby but makes an excellent community fish. Nanochromis transvestitus: ZSM 29705, 9 ex. 00; Oxygenation Aquarium Air Pump £ 12. There are many other small cichlids from the great African rift lakes as well, giving the aquarist with a small tank tons of fish to choose from. Lifespan. 0 – 6. 4 centimetres (1. Native to the Congo Basin in Africa, this fish is a gem for aquarists seeking a unique and vibrant addition to their collection. The female stays smaller and is more colorful than the male. Transvestitus are very small dwarf cichlids from the Congo. Shop now for African Dwarf Cichlids and Fish. gecki sp. The lifespan of a Kribensis Cichlid is usually no more than 5 years when kept in captivity. indermauri sp. Splendid splendens. See pictures of these beauties. Nanochromis transvestitus is a challenging dwarf cichlid from West Africa that is recommended only for experienced dwarf cichlid keepers. Catfish; Imports; Lake Malawi; Lake Tanganyika; Lake Victoria; Other African Cichlids Nanochromis transvestitus General Information: The Nanochromis transvestitus is the smallest known cichlid, with adults barely reaching over an inch in length. The Mai-Ndombe Lake is also known as Lake Leopold II. With vibrant colors and interesting behavior, this fish is sure to be a focal point in your aquatic display. 00; Red Albino Pacu £ 36. transvestitus are indicated in Fig. Jul 20, 2011 · Most freshwater diversity is arguably located in networks of rivers and streams, but, in contrast to lacustrine systems riverine radiations, are largely understudied. 4 cm pH: 4 -7 Temperature: 75 - 80°F / 24 - 27°C. The West African dwarf cichlid is a sensitive little gem. 00 Jul 1, 2008 · Fiche de l'Nanochromis transvestitus avec les informations sur la taxonomie, la distribution, l'histoire naturelle, la maintennace en aquarium et la conservation ; incluant des photos, vidéos et une bibliographie extensive Información de la referencia: Tosie, Patrick. dimidiatus, and N. , 2 C&S, Lake Mai Ndombe, near Inongo. wickleri are found in Lake Mai Ndombe where N. ), both forming a northwestern Congo tributary, and another yet undescribed species (N. 56(3):28-36 (crc12123) Información de la referencia: Keijman, Michel C. sabinae) and a new species from the vicinity of Kisangani Visit us at http://www. Main Menu. 00; White Parrot Cichlid £ 29. They are found in the Congo River in central West Africa where they reside in the rapids of the Lower Congo River. Live CÍCLIDO CEBRA ENANO / ZEBRA DWARF CICHLID (Nanochromis transvestitus) Publicado por MANU ROMERO PEÑALVER en 8:49 Enviar por correo electrónico Escribe un blog Compartir en X Compartir con Facebook Compartir en Pinterest Five new rheophilic haplochromine cichlid species are described from the Upper Congo drainage of Zambia and the Dem-ocratic Republic of the Congo: Orthochromis mporokoso sp. 5 mm. The species listed below are considered ornamental & kept by aquarists/hobbyists around the world. The Transvestite Dwarf Cichlid is a fascinating fish species indigenous to Lake Mai-ndombe, situated in the heart of the rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo, West Africa. Oct 16, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Lisa Korthuis. This is a “black water” lake with tannin stained waters from decaying organic matter, creating a soft and acidic water with a pH of 5. They are colorful with attractive markings and males and females have very different coloration. based on morphological and molecular data, we herein describe a new species of Teleogramma, a member of the chromidotilapiine clade found on rocky outcrops in the lower reaches of the middle Congo River. Morpho-metric characteristics of N. Nanochromis transvestitus is a sexually dimorphic cichlid endemic to Lake Mai-Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they live at a depth Video. Photo by Anton Lamboj evident that cichlid diversity is not evenly partitioned. W. 56(3):28-36 (crc12123) South American Dwarf Cichlids by Rainer Stawikowski, I.