Venus square neptune composite lindaland. We don’t have really any Neptune influences natally.


Venus square neptune composite lindaland This person's Venus is in opposition to Saturn in their natal chart, and thus opposes my Mars in synastry. Feb 16, 2015 · gabby venus conjunct pluto is one intense aspect . And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged. Their Saturn is opposed my Mars. We ALSO have Sun-square mars DW AND mercury trine venus DW & guess what? Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars in Capricorn Ascendant in Cancer. The conjunction between the Venus and Neptune in the Composite Chart indicates a relationship full of idealization and fantasy. See full list on cafeastrology. Composite Sun is Conjunct Venus in Leo with Composite Mercury also in Leo (both the Sun and Mercury fall in the 5thVenus in the 4th). Will the soft aspects in the synastry chart help to manage the hard aspects in the composite chart ? Thank you for you help . Interestingly when we initially met his progressed Venus was on 1 Pisces, too. Me: Venus Cap 1st house. Venus Square Saturn Venus opposition Neptune Moon square Saturn It was a really bad relationship. - mars square neptune. amowls, it's funny because I have that with two different people, and yet I don't feel the hot sex thing so much as when there is a venus mars conjunction in synastry, or when you have a lot of synastry interaction between personal planets and jupiter, mars, moon, neptune, and pluto. Posts: 2716 From: Registered: Mar 2011: posted December 02, 2013 06:55 AM Aug 29, 2019 · How the square between Venus and Saturn shows up in a composite chart between partners. Hah! Very nice. I know, t!t-4-tat. Neptune Square Venus in the composite chart creates a complex dynamic between your relationship and the realm of fantasy, dreams, and illusions. I know what I feel, which I can't seem to put into words. com) It may show there won't be a committment or there's infidelty, with the square to venus they may just have fun together, meeting in parties and night life, but the relationship may stay open and not exclusive or not just getting too serious. Aspects--p. We have Venus conjunct mars in composite. Some might say it is deception,but for me its not in the way they usually say its about. This couple is sensitive to each other, and feel they are spiritually and intuitively connected. Love of my life: Sun conjunct Venus Venus conjunct Jupiter Venus conjunct Uranus Moon trine Satrun Moon square Jupiter. In our synastry we have the imfamous venus-neptune square and mars neptune square (he's venus, I'm mars). In Composite we have POF in 1st house conjunct ASC by 0 degrees. Yanmorg Knowflake . In addition to this my Venus is in an exact square to our vertex/vertex conjunction and her Venus in an exact square to my pluto, a double Neptune/ascendant conjunction and an exact moon/north node square. With the Venus conjunct Neptune synastry aspect, the couple will feel strong attraction right away. depending on other factors of course. Yeah, I guess you could say "rose-colored glasses," but since Neptune rules my 1st house and Venus is in my 1st, I'm not really sure how to translate that. Apr 1, 2015 · My Parents have sun/mercury square neptune and mars conjunct neptune in composite along with a few 12th house placements. CrazyAquarian Knowflake Example: Person "A" has Libra Venus Square Capricorn Neptune. I love this, I have Pluto in 7th house and 7th house in Scorpio Venus conjunct-opposite Sun. They actually fight all day everyday. Pluto rules & is located in the 5th Saturn is located in the 8th Uranus & Neptune in 7th. The But woah I had no idea we had Venus square Uranus in the composite . We have very well aspected moon sun and Venus in synastry. Neptune is the planet of fantasy, dreams, idealism and delusion. i need a moment. Neptune is only a benefic when in contact with Venus. neither of them idealize the other. I would just like to live together and be partners in everything. Sun conjunct Moon Sun conjunct Mercury Sun conjunct Venus Sun conjunct Mars. -----Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc. Jan 26, 2023 · Composite Venus-Neptune. I just thought this square and opposition with Venus/Neptune usually meant deception. Sun/Mercury 0°38 (opp. with my bf we have moon/pluto exact I'm talking about Venus conjunct Uranus here, the trine aspect doesn't strike me as a struggle. The Sun square Neptune in a Composite Chart indicates a partnership that struggles to support each other. Sounds like Mars Neptune would be mislead action or something to that effect. Venus represents love, relationships, and harmony while Neptune symbolizes dreams, illusions, and spiritual connection. Neptune Conjunct Mars Transit Lindaland Transient Emotional Instability Just taking a guess at it, I think Mars Neptune is like malefic vs malefic. Murikhi Newflake . this is HIGHLY sexual and the mars probably wants to dominate the neptune and fantasises about it too - moon in the 12th house absolutely adore each other. There is nothing 'violent' in the symbolism of Venus with Neptune. This astrological configuration provides an opportunity for growth and transformation, but it also presents challenges that need to be navigated with awareness and discernment. Explore the enchantment, allure, and potential for projection and illusion in this aspect. Venus sextile-trine Saturn. Dec 1, 2015 · Venus square Neptune is a hard integration of the two principles, which is why artistry, music, poetry are common themes. We also have the Neptune op moon. Posts: 117 From: Miami, Fl Registered: Nov 2015: posted July 15, 2019 02:53 PM Venus opposite Mars. My bf is a Scorpio Sun, with a Saturn conjunct it. Interestingly the composite Sun and Venus is also trine his Mars though. My Moon^Neptune fall at 8 degrees Capricorn. A friendship becomes more than an ordinary encounter, for each of you idealizes the other in some almost magical way. Her Aries Sun sextile his Aqua Asc. Mar 29, 2016 · Neptune Square Ascendant orb: 4 ° Venus Square Pluto orb: 4 ° Moon Opposition Mars orb: 4 ° Sun Conjunction Mars orb: 4 ° North Node Trine Chiron orb: 4 ° Uranus Square Ascendant orb: 5 ° Venus Sextile Ascendant orb: 6 ° Mercury Square Jupiter orb: 7 ° Venus Opposition Saturn orb: 7 ° Moon Conjunction Uranus orb: 7 ° Sun Opposition Apr 30, 2015 · Composite Mars conjunct his Pluto (1°44) in his 7th house. I would settle for the first guy who came along and it didn't matter if he is controlling, abusive etc. Now, of course A's Neptune squares B's Mars, but instead of looking at Neptune, I would rather consider how A's Neptune modifies A's Venus, and how this Venus would relate to B's Mars. With the square there is a risk of over extension I suppose age old caution against over optimism--but they're both benefics and it's overall an excellent aspect no matter which way you slice it. Discover the dynamics of a relationship characterized by a blend of romanticism, idealism, and fantasy with Venus square Neptune in synastry. Idk how I didn’t notice it before ? does it make a difference if he has Venus square Neptune and Venus square Uranus in his natal chart? I also have Venus square Uranus in my natal but too wide to be significant. Composite. Thsi Venus is also conjunct his natal Priapus, all on 1 Pisces. Learn how to navigate through open and honest communication, embracing authenticity and deepening your connection on a soulful level. IP: Logged Dec 17, 2018 · The composite also has Saturn/Neptune conjunct, and Venus in opposition, so Mars is making the T-square. Sep 22, 2017 · Without any personal experience to back it up, my first take on Venus conjunct Neptune in male-female synastry is that it must be like Fantasy and Fog going hand-and-hand into the House of Mirrors. I adore my dad and we have sun/venus/neptune/mercury stellium in composite. Even with not that good aspects to the sun with square uranus,neptune and inconjunct pluto exact our relationship survived for 7 years. My experience with Venus square Neptune in synastry has been a bit bizarre. Apr 3, 2015 · This is about Venus square Neptune. When these Could anyone give me an overview of any meaning of having Venus Quintile Neptune in a composite? Please, and thank you! IP: Logged. Venus Jan 26, 2024 · Understanding Venus Square Venus in Transit. Posts: 3699 From: Venus cornering Neptune Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Dec 24, 2013 · ° Venus-NN-conjunction (actually his Venus falls onto her Lilith-NN-conjunction) their composite has a T-square of ° Neptune opposite Mars, square Venus ° Oh I forgot Lilith is part of it as well, she conjuncts Mars, opposes Neptune and squares Venus °Actually it is a cradle figure with the opposition of Mars-Lilith to Neptune being the border Venus Square Saturn Venus opposition Neptune Moon square Saturn It was a really bad relationship. Neptune square the composite Nodes means it is the relationship’s skipped step; it’s the main issue that needs to be overcome before the relationship can move forward. ” In the composite chart Venus square Saturn Venus square Uranus Venus square Mars. EDIT: Oh and the composite Sun-Venus conjunction is exactly conjunct his natal Eros/Psyche-mp. Saturn is creating trines with all 3 planets (Large Orbs). Jan 5, 2022 · Are you sure he's not committed in another rleationship? In any case, with the composite Mars/Neptune opposite Venus, he may not be a very romantically committed man. On its own, composite venus square neptune, is definitely putting each other on a pedestal, maybe overly so, but no big deal, like to hell with it, this is love and I'm gonna love the hell out of this person. my love. You are both challenged to love your vulnerabilities and find a sense of meaning in surrendering to Love. Randall Webmaster . By the way, I had the worst time concentrating while writing this! (Sorry it’s so long! This aspect can have SO many things said With the person above I have a Venus conjunct Mars @ 12 Gemini aspect, I am Mars. Aug 20, 2021 · Venus Conjunct Neptune Synastry. is he really? well, my friends and family say no :-) he is unlike any man i Author: Topic: Venus Conjunct Neptune in composite? Bad or good: dribaby Knowflake . ' i basically describe my relationship with him a fairy tale - he is like my price charming and i see him that way. There may even be elements of love at first sight. At the same time I told him that what I appreciated most about him was his fresh original mind, despite his closed-mindedness. Mercury is widely (8*) conjunct Neptune,so Neptune also square the Moon (6*). 5 Dec 29, 2024 · This guide explores the Neptune conjunct Mars transit’s impact on Lindaland, focusing on emotional instability, creative surge, relationship sensitivity, and intuitive insights. I'm a Libra Sun Moon Mars with Scorpio ASC and a Scorp Stellium in the 1st house Venus/Merc/Pluto. Posts: 15619 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014: posted December 27, 2015 05:16 AM Mar 23, 2015 · Moon conjunct Lilith and DSC in Taurus 6th opp Sun Mercury Vesta trine Jupiter/NN: the same we also worked together, on artistic projects. My first boyfriend's Venus square my ascendant and we still have a good relationship. We also have Moon conjunct Venus exact in composite. ) and a Legum A successful sexual relationship requires that both Mars (ego-drive) and Venus (ability to relate) be in good condition. What's funny is my object of desire has Venus square Neptune. Posts: 4123 From: Registered: Oct 2010 Her Neptune is conjunct my Cap Sun, which is my chart ruler. Venus conjunct Jupiter. But what are you guys take on this in a Composite Chart? Whats interesting is that the Angel Asteroid is in the Nep/Moon/NN Stellum as well. My best friend from childhood I loved strongly we have moon conjunct jupiter and uranus in davison trine Venus and square sun. I really wonder how he feels that. Can someone tell me what that means? Is it the same as Venus conjunct Mars since Neptune is a higher octave of Venus. as for the other placements it would be better to check the whole chart. It is precise right now. How the square between the Moon and Venus shows up in a composite chart between partners With Saturn conjunct Jupiter the bond looks like certainly having a strong foundation, Jupiter/Juno midpoint is square Venus and Mars/Venus midpoint is conjunct Sun, so from these three elements alone I think it's going to be a long lasting relationship, unless you have saturn or neptune square MC but without his TOB we can't tell this. Anyone has any idea about POF in synastry and Composite? 🖼 On the topic of one’s Sun conjunction the other’s Moon being often highly regarded in marriage or partnership, I honestly found you either end up having a family or a child with your Moon sign person or it’s a person you dated when younger, somewhere in the period between teenage years and below your 30s. Yanmorg, do you know something about Venus Neptune Squares? We have Neptune conjunct Mars im the first House squaring Venus. ° VR VEnus and VR MC conjunct VR Jupiter by 2 degrees ° VR Venus trine VR Neptune, her MC-ruler ° VR Vertex conjunct VR Saturn in VR 7th house - Saturn rules her 7th and 8th house. Uranus in the 8th house of a composite chart can indicate financial uncertainty or instability in a relationship. uranus/neptune. In synastry we have it two-ways: the sextile and the square. com) Uranus Square Uranus Neptune Sextile Venus In the Davidson/time-space composite chart, Venus conjunct Mar with 4. 235-36. Venus Square Neptune Meaning. Posts: 185 From: Venus The venus-neptune skuare is appears both in our sinastry and composite. in the 10th house. And in composite we have the quintile. Posts: 1527 From: Registered: Feb 2013: posted August 29, 2016 06:16 AM i have venus square saturn at a wide orb and saturn square sun natal so i don’t believe anyone could be harder on me than myself but reading how so many people believe it’s doom and gloom and to be avoided at all cost makes me want to see for myself hahah i can’t imagine one single aspect having that much effect over synastry but what do i know lol Wishing you and your partner nothing Feb 3, 2016 · Author: Topic: Neptune / Venus Transits - Should I be Nervous: Ann7 Knowflake . I'm curious about why you like: Amor conjunct Harmonia** Agapenor conjunct Neptune Valentine conjunct Pluto Endymion conjunct Selene Nov 16, 2023 · Neptune square Venus is an aspect that can bring confusion, deception, and idealism to the realm of relationships, values, and creativity. "The square of composite Venus and Neptune requires that the two of you be quite wary about the true nature of this relationship. i have neptune in 1st house which, i think, makes it 'worse. Posts: 1546 From: East India Company I've the sextile with my guy in Davison and Progressed Composite and we did go through a lot of ups/downs and stuck together. *sigh* IP: Logged. Ugh! Makes sense. Too intense even! on my IC and his Saturn/Juno Still loving . In fact exactly conjunct the composite chart's descendant. Author: Topic: Venus - Neptune conjunction in Synastry: Ruben Knowflake . as a planetary power it represses the warm and self-expressive nature of venus and can make a relationship Jan 11, 2015 · Sun square neptune is our most tight aspect, then we also have neptune square mercury in synastry. Venus square or opposition Mars 2 Venus trine or sextile Jupiter 2 Venus conjunct Saturn 2 Venus sextile or trine Uranus 2 Venus conjunct Neptune 2 Venus trine or sextile Neptune 2 Venus conjunct, trine or sextile Pluto 2 Venus sextile or trine Ascendant 2 Venus conjunct IC or MC 2 Venus conjunct or opposition Vertex 2 Venus in aspect to Nodes Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. My jupiter is in his 1st house and conjunct his ascendant and square his sun and opp. There is a strong feeling of being soulmates. Most of my relationships have had 10th house stelliums. For us, the illusions are more having to be with each one of us idealizing the other - and of course we arent perfect and either the relationships arent :P. My boyfriend got sun square neptune in his natal, and I have neptune square mercury natal. GalacticCoreExplosion Knowflake . The guy had a natal Venus in Aries square Neptune in Capricorn and of course in Synastry his Venus squared my Neptune. Posts: 127 From: Island of Sirens Registered: Jul 2013: posted September 15, 2013 09:12 PM May I ask for your help please? I have this composite chart with a guy - Moon in 1st house Moon square to Neptune orb 2° 23' Mercury in 2nd house Mercury conjunct Venus orb 7° 28' Mercury sextile Mars orb 4° 57' Mercury conjunct Jupiter orb 1° 13' Mercury sextile Neptune orb 0° 7' Mercury conjunct Pluto orb 1° 25' Venus in 2nd house In Composite::: "Venus Sextile Neptune . ° pr composite true Lilith conjunct his natal Uranus (12th house ruler) (0°13 s) ° pr composite Venus conjunct his natal SN (0°00!) LOL. And I looked at our Composite. com) my bf and i have this aspect - venus c. The composite Sun in the 12th house can also indicate a relationship that is not very public. These stelliums should be angular, or in the 5th. We also have Neptune(me) Semi-sextile Venus(other person). RunAroundScreaming Knowflake . We have Venus trine Jupiter both ways, as well as my Venus opposition his Mars, Mars square Mars (Gemini vs. Loving yourself is essential to having healthy and loving relationships. The midpoint in composite is at 6 degrees Capricorn. . - square Neptune in Aries in 3rd (4) - trine Pluto in Taurus in 4th (3) - trine IC in TZaurus (4) Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Neptune in 12th house (but conj. our Davison: POF 20 Sagittarius . Moon Venus and sun fall into our composite 7th house. ChildofVenus Knowflake . Composite Mars CONJUNCT Composite Saturn -- Feb 17, 2024 · Many married couples either have a composite Libra rising or have their Sun, Moon, or Venus in the composite 7th house. Aqua ASC. I have never seen Moon Conjunct Neptune in a Composite. and there is a sun conjunct mars in 7th house. Posts: 860 From: an oasis in the desert Registered: Mar 2013: posted August 13, 2013 08:58 PM Dec 17, 2018 · His Venus conjunct her Jupiter in Cap. Feb 13, 2016 · Ok it's like, if Neptune-Venus is fantasy Jupiter-Venus is idealism realized and warranted--almost always. Feb 25, 2016 · Composite Jupiter/Pluto trine is auspicious. Person "B" has Aries Mars. Some parts of it may apply to similar energy (Venus 12th, etc). lol Venus square Neptune A sweet, tender and spiritual attitude toward love and sex is associated with a tendency toward a strong imagination which often doesn't fit with reality. When Venus meets Neptune in synastry, a soul connection is indicated. I had it in the past and I just feelverysupported and we make really good team Composite Venus in opposition to Neptune in a composite chart signifies a complex and potentially challenging dynamic in the realm of love, romance, and relationships. LeeLoo2014 Moderator . Moon/Mars opposite Neptune. I have this puppy natally, though I suppose in synastry I have this with my boyfriend. In the composite there is an exact Mars-Neptune opposition. Venus square Neptune in the composite chart. Also, I don't know how relevant are these: My POF sextile his Saturn His POF sextile my Neptune His POF conjuncts my Pluto. This aspect indicates a profound connection that is infused with both idealism and illusion. DeepBlue Knowflake . This relationship can lead you both to feel frustrated by tensions that arise as you both try to get your emotional needs met in the relationship. Mercury conjunct Venus Mercury conjunct Mars. hypatia238 Moderator . Which influences greatly. We’ll just have to see! I have trouble telling the difference with Venus square Neptune and Venus in the 12th. Moon trine jupiter pretty wide orb Pluto trine Mars feels powerful. We have the Composite ASC in Neptune too. Like her previous boyfriend, this guy spends a lot of time away from her for work, but his Mars/Neptune square concerns me that he may not be so faithful to her. com) I had with my ex venus in pisces trine pluto scorpio exact in composite,it was the most passionate relationship and that one when you feel loved in all the pieces of your soul. sun conjunct saturn with moon opposing or squaring saturn, neptune, and uranus. My Chiron is at 6 Cancer and his progressed Venus is at 5 Cancer. Jupiter square Mercury Uranus sextile Mercury Venus Square Uranus Venus Trine Neptune Venus Sextile Pluto Mars Square Uranus Mars Trine Neptune Mars Sextile Pluto Saturn Opposition Jupiter Uranus Trine Mercury Neptune Square Pluto Pluto Conjunction Uranus. ASC), - Neptune rules 5th house) Sri Aurobindo - Mira Richard: Sun, Venus, Mars in 12th house (Venus rules 5th and 12th) Sun-VEnus opposite Moon-Mercury Sun conjunct Pluto Jul 25, 2015 · that's being said venus conjunct mercury in 8th house looks quite deep especially in the communication department i'm not good at reading composite charts but that 7th house sun trines moon looks quite good. Neptune Square -9s Sun Neptune Square -13s Mercury Neptune Square -6s Venus. Also, are there indicators here in our synastry that we will have a romantic relationship? IP: Logged. in the 9th) ruling my chart, and Venus in Pisces conjunct the ascendant squaring Neptune. Mar 31, 2022 · And in a composite we have Moon-Mercury square, or even more precisely, the Moon-Juno-Vesta conjunction is square to Mercury. Composite Neptune is at 4 degrees Cap. His Sun, Venus and Neptune(Scorpio)form a trine to my Moon, Venus and Jupiter (Pisces). does that also mean it id "afflicting" it, or because it is Trine it is positive? IP: Logged. Registered: Apr 2015: posted November 29, 2015 03:42 PM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. People are fascinated by your mystical aura. This aspect can lead to intense sensitivity, making it difficult to integrate your feelings fully. I adore him. )) Sun square neptune is our most tight aspect, then we also have neptune square mercury in synastry. As you can see it brings our Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune into a relationship with My POF conjunct my bf's Venus His POF sextile my Sun. We also don’t have these planets aspecting in synastry. D. You are both extremely attracted to each other and you may both feel an emotional and spiritual tie to each other. lol Wow. Despite what I would tell him, he kept on insisting that I was the love of his life. His Pluto trine her Venus. Posts: 195 From: Customer Service Rep. I like stelliums of Sun, Venus, and other planets. Dec 27, 2015 · But I have Venus square ascendant natal. However, recent posts by two active members here have suggested that the conjunction of these two planets does not always lead to deceit, illusion Aug 26, 2012 · Composite Sun, venus, and mercury all opposed or square saturn, neptune, and uranus . One more. Composite charts with Venus or the ruler of the composite ascendant in the 12th house often indicates that the relationship is very private or has to be kept hidden for some reason. The Sun conjunct Venus is very good to have in a composite (I have yet to be in a romantic relationship where this wasn't an aspect). Too wide probably to really count, but it just struck me how this seems to reflect the composite overlaying his natal Venus our composite: POF 6 Cap (on my n Venus) conjunct Sun/Venus 0°17 conjunct Node/Ceres 0°31 opp. This composite also has moon square neptune so emotional deception or not seeing how the other person is feeling might be a big problem given the square with the sun. com) I think there has to be some nice redeeming aspect in all of that, such as composite sun conjunct or semisqure jupiter, or composite sun semisquare or opposite venus, or at the very LEAST venus trine pluto or moon square/opp/semisquare venus in either synastry or composite. Venus is the planet of beauty, pleasure, and harmony, and rules our one-on-one relationships. The partners don’t fulfill each other’s emotional desires. IP: Logged. Posts: 159635 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J. Venus receives a tight sextile from Saturn. Posts: 15 From: Registered: Aug 2018 Oct 22, 2015 · As for me. What it's like, I'm not sure. But I have a lot of Uranus in my chart . Author: Topic: Moon conjunct Neptune composite - addicted to each other? Nezumi Newflake . Jupiter/DESC 0°32. Jan 12, 2025 · The Sun square Neptune synastry connection is strained by neediness. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. I do not know if that's important. We had even supportive aspects like moon Author: Topic: Composite Venus conjunct Neptune: Freesia Knowflake . My Saturn is square their Venus. The guy I am seeing, we have moon square venus forming a tsquare with pluto in Davison. Nackie unregistered : posted January 05, 2004 10:46 AM In a composite chart, the square aspect between Venus and Uranus can bring both excitement and challenges to a relationship. i have the mars trine uranus too pluto is my 5th house ruler and two degrees from my 5th house(i consider it in the 5th more) and i have venus trine pluto,mars opposition pluto and a sextile from neptune. Kismet* Knowflake . they always say it's also the house of open enemies so if you are good, you are good. and no other positive stuff going on in the chart. i don't know why. with pluto/venus square, this does not usually occurs Apr 14, 2016 · Just to name a few synastry Sun novile moon moon septile venus mars square moon mars conjunct venus mars conjunct sun mars conjunct mercury venus square venus eros conjunct sun mercury and neptune vertex conjunct all the above karma conjuct all above venus conjunct ceres karma and psych, thats my venus and her astroids venus conjunct ic north Jun 11, 2019 · How would then strong cupido aspects in composite play out? With the guy I've just mentioned I had composite cupido conjunct composite sun and conjunct composite moon (at 0degrees no less) all in the 7th house. scropiojunkie85 Knowflake . com Charts, Horoscopes, and Forecasts Oct 26, 2016 · I'll add that Sun Square Venus is a Double Whammy with us and produces an almost love stelluim in the Composite. Posts: 132 From: Registered: Oct 2021 venus conjunct saturn in the composite chart present problems for a relationship, particularily a personal one. Posts: 453 From: Registered: Oct 2018 Mar 12, 2014 · ° VR Venus conjunct VR MC exact - in Libra. -----what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up. However, we recently broke up (again) and this time we probably won't be able to get back anymore. Conjunct Pluto sextile Mars and Neptune, wide but valid Saturn square. Posts: 6051 From: Customer Service Rep. When these two energies come into a square aspect, there can be a clash between the need for stability and the desire for freedom and uniqueness. They can be jealous and moody. Posts: 182 From: Philly Registered: Jan 2011: posted March 31, 2015 01:44 PM I have Venus sextile Neptune. A natal square between Venus and Neptune makes you idealistic, believing in the potential to reshape the world around you through your inner vision of imaginative possibilities. Jkitty Knowflake . Leo Moon and a T Square with Pluto/Mars/Moon. And in composite we have neptune square almost all planets, but every aspect is more than 6 degrees so I am not sure if they count (luckily). His Neptune Square my Venus - he has Jupiter and Mars also conjunct Neptune. If you are not careful and unless you evaluate yourselves thoroughly, you could experience great disappointment. Posts: 637 From: united states Registered: May 2009: posted February 03, 2016 12:13 AM Composite Eros conjunct composite Mercury . You probably met each other when you were looking for the relationship of your dreams. All I ever hear about is doom and gloom as well, nothing about how it could be conductive to growth. You may also be creatively active, someone who not only fantasizes and daydreams but also makes determined effort to manifest your imagination through artistic media or How the conjunction of Venus and Neptune functions in a romantic composite chart. The influence of Venus square Neptune often manifests as challenges in expressing your emotions, creativity, and forming meaningful connections with others. Me: Neptune Sagittarius. We have the power to tackle anything we set our minds to because ofour bigness of spirit basically. Cafe Astrology . In composite: Venus conjunct Pluto. Virgo) and Mars square Saturn, again both ways. Other person: Neptune 8th house Sagittarius I'd also like to point out that the other persons Neptune is in my 12th house. I thought I was just being picky. His Moon semisquare Venus, trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, square Neptune. When these two planets form a square aspect in the composite chart there can be confusion and misunderstandings around what each person wants from the relationship. My Composite Venus conjunct Uranus is bad because it lacks Saturn who provide structures. Feb 9, 2016 · I'm saying it's a bad thing based on what I've read about Venus opposition Neptune in synastry. Saturn/Juno 0°32 opp. Maybe it's different when it comes to composite charts. Moon at Libra 0, on my natal Mars and his ASC. I know we only use conjunctions and oppositions, but I could not help notice that, as it aligns with synastric aspects. neptune exact in synastry and at 1 degree sextile in composite. My Neptune co-rules my 8th and is in my 5th. Do I REALLY need to look any further? These are such strong indications already. It tends to blur the boundaries between reality and idealism, making it challenging to discern what is truly happening in your connection. That issue will be defined by the house that Neptune sits in, but generally it will be an area where the relationship “leaks. Do you think it is possible to work through Squares in Composite? IP: Logged. Posts: 1099 From: Somewhere I have Neptune Square Sun and Venus with someone in our composites. Rosalind Knowflake . And in general my venus, sun, mercury and mars is in his 5th house, which I think also is a house of joy and entertainment! He likes me entertaining him a lot, though I not always think it's that funny all the time. Pluto in the 8th, Mars 12th, Moon 6th house. This might manifest as: Disagreements with loved ones over values or finances; Feeling unappreciated or undervalued in relationships Jan 29, 2021 · Uranus Square -10s Mercury Uranus Square -3s Venus. winky_winky unregistered : posted August 14, 2008 04:24 AM Aug 25, 2018 · But there are so many powerful combinations. We have Venus square mars double whammy also. Somna7H Knowflake . so what happens is that a relationship or affair may started out intensely sexual but over time , deeper emotional intimacy is expected to arise with continued sexual union. the strange thing is that i had never have my pluto highly activated in synastry. Moon conjunct mercury Moon conjunct Venus Moon conjunct mars. Other person: Venus Sagittarius. I have venus conjunct neptune with someone. Like all composite Venus-Neptune aspects, the sextile increases the idealistic and romantic tendencies of a relationship. Posts: 144 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted May 28, 2009 07:21 AM Neptune Square Venus Meaning. My own Saturn, in Virgo, is in square aspect to their natal Venus. Who is the red one in synastry? The Neptune/Venus opposition may show escapism and idealism at romantic level. All 0-3 degrees. Registered: Apr 2015: posted July 21, 2016 02:05 PM The composite chart in astrology: Mars conjunct, sextile, trine, square, quincunx, opposition Venus in a relationship composite chart. I was the Neptune. com Nov 11, 2024 · Venus square Neptune maximum orb 4º00′. Unlock the secrets of your birth chart with our free calculator. Unlike yours, our progressed composite looks terrible - Venus square Moon/Mars/Neptune. both people feel comfort knowing that the other completely understands them, there is no need to explain themselves. Even if the relationship isn’t romantic right away, there is a sense of fondness and beauty when you’re around each other. Saturn on an angle in a composite chart tends to be present in long-term relationship composite charts. but the main problem is that venus inherently rule emotions and love while pluto inherently is sexual and selfish. We don’t have really any Neptune influences natally. Sun/Jupiter 1°54) square Sun/Neptune 0°36. But I'm not saying you are wrong I'm sure you know more about this stuff then I do. The progressed Composite Moon is currently in Taurus & Scorpio and in both 1H & 7H and conjunct/opposite Sun exact, conjunct/opposite Venus (2 orb), conj/opp Mars (6 orb), square Saturn (7 orb), sextile both Uranus (3 orb) and Neptune exact, and conjunct Pluto (2 orb). Saturn represents the principle of reality, at least as most people see it. with not other positive stuff going on in the chart I have this aspect natally, with Neptune (in Sag. Venus represents love, attraction, harmony, and values, while Neptune represents dreams, illusions, and spiritual dimensions. Venus represents our approach to love, beauty, and finances, and when it forms a square with another Venus, it signals a period of tension and recalibration in these areas. The square of composite Venus and Neptune requires that the two of you be quite wary about the true nature of this relationship. Her Neptune is also closely trine my Saturn which is the traditional/faster moving ruler of my Sun, Mercury, Venus, and 7th. Dumuzi Knowflake . What there is indicated as a potential is a lack of clarity regarding love and affection (as the author of the article points out), and potential tenderness I mean how does Venus square Juptier play out in a composite chart between two people? Is this like a spoil each other aspect. Composite NN in Cancer is loosely Conjunct the IC (and is in the 4th). Composite Eros conjunct composite Venus Author: Topic: Composite Venus, Neptune and Moon all conjunct! WarriorPrincess7 Knowflake . Nov 30, 2015 · Author: Topic: Venus square Neptune in natal: ChildofVenus Knowflake . if Hi! So my Mars conjuncts his Neptune. Venus square Neptune natal creates difficulties with how you love yourself and others, leading to low self-esteem and disappointment in love without corrective action. EDIT: Funny enough now that I see this, our composite has wide aspects of: Moon conjunct Venus 6°51 Mars conjunct Pluto 7°54. Venus-Neptune in Synastry. opp. Cap venus/mars. Venus represents love, harmony, and attraction, while Uranus represents individuality, independence, and sudden changes. I am more tuned into this natally. It's also very closely sextile my Uranus which rules my Venus and 7th. in professional associations it's not so difficult. Posts: 301 From: Registered: Mar 2013: posted March 26, 2014 04:30 PM I have moon trine venus double whammy with this lovely new fella I'm seeing. Ugh. Nackie unregistered : posted January 05, 2004 10:46 AM Both synastric and composite charts seem to denote a rollercoaster ride. Moon / IC 0°32 opp. moon person is more tender and Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. His natal Mercury conjunct Sun/Venus, square Jupiter/Saturn, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto. This is a great Love, you like to think and talk about being together! Your ideas are touched and shaped deeply by this erotic connection. Posts: 21 From: Registered: Jul 2012: posted July 16, 2018 06:54 AM Although in my limited experience, with Mars and Venus in quincunx signs both ways, even thought the attraction was strong (in the composite, Mars conjunct Venus and Juno and Lust, all oppose Jupiter and trine Saturn), it was sometimes frustrating and mismatching. Venus square Neptune in composite, seems to require other neptune, moon, mars aspects to compound it. xre lknh uue ntjcqbwr dkkvj xce gppyb gut dadsr bbg xjod jaqt gud kilwe izwfu