Why are scavs shooting me as a scav. But as a mod as says, it's a bug with SPT.

Why are scavs shooting me as a scav Close to tunnel, scav with SKS is sitting on the firetruck in the extract and begins shooting me. Guys, I played now and it's interesting, but I played as PMC in PVE mode, just for test PVE mode - 5 minutes left until the end of the raid, I was playing the map: Ground Zero and I met a SCAV player who was jumping and paeking me, can anyone explain? i dont think so SCAV can JUMP ????? or ????? The scavs are ridiculous. I am aware it was a player scav, I am a victim of player scav on player scav violence. Its fucking stupid. I killed both of them and lost . Sometimes i can have 3 shooting at me and barely hit my arm and sometimes they insta tap my head. . they didnt react ot me at all so i assumed it was an AI. 90% of the time at least. Prone in front of a cone for cover. all i did was loot the area. That sums it up, just extracted (not thanks to the AI) from factory, i found a PMC on the stairs of the offices, 3rd floor closer to Gate 1, killed him, and then after looting at one point out of the blue scavs started shouting at me (which at first i tought it had to be another close by pmc or scav), then tagila showed up "chasing me" from all the way from the tunnels that lead to the -Sometimes Gluhar and his buddies are cool with me. Either way you sure there was no negative sign. I have had so many bears kill me because they are speaking Russian like scavs. I’ve only had the game 2 days, didn’t take long to work out scav runs are way more profitable if you don’t piss off the AI scavs. Once Tagilla had aggro'd on any of them though, I would finish them off as I've also heard you get bonuses for helping scav bosses. As a player scav Raiders are KOS for you and will not affect your scav rep. Should this system be changed? Idk maybe, but as it is right now those players aren't doing anything wrong. For no reason the raider next to me goes "i SeE tHe EnEmY!!!". 02 Fence standings from killing them. Sprint to tunnel. 08. Not everyone is a "traitorous shithead" See full list on gameslikefinder. 15 for killing a hostile pscav seems like it’s got the snowball part on lock. Reply reply As a scav, I had a slick, an m4, and a shit load of 7. Unless he previously killed another scav no karma change. 29 fence rep and found a pmc holed up in office so I was waiting outside to kill him, and Tagilla just randomly starts shooting me all the way from gate 0, I hadn't shot a single bullet that raid, yet he was still hostile to me from that distance. Just spawned in as a scav, a random player scav shoots at me, hits me twice, i drop him as he kills me Yet i still lost 0. With very high levels of reputation AI-scavs will help by attacking player-scavs’ enemies, and bosses will be considered allies. Anything you extract can be used by your PMC or sold to the Traders. 3 weeks ago I made a post about Scavs and how they were destroying me. 10% of the time he won't hurt me. The only AI to shoot at me were actual Scavs, I did run into bodyguards in one instance and was literally within 5ft of them so I understood why they shot at me. Check your scav rating. which makes sense They will give you a warning shot or yell as a warning. The higher Fence reputation is - the more often AI-scavs will agree to help player-scav and respond to his commands (Follow, hold position). 05 and -0. Scav karma is so broken right now and benefits bad scavs more than good ones. You encounter a lot of them so it might seem like it happens a lot. Turns out friend had killed the SCAV who fired first and he lost 0. Wrong apparently. Weird it’s the first time tagilla has ever aggro’d me and even all the AI scav swarmed me too (I was on my way to main factory extract when tagilla/scavs opened up on me) But I guess I’ll avoid him a little more on scav runs. 04 rep and 648 Euros if its completed. 0, which you're basically considered a scav boss yourself at that point. Back to looting, scav walks up to me and one taps me in the head. Feels kinda unfair when you're trying to kill scavs when the scavs, some usecs, rashala, some scavs, a couple bears, more scavs, a rouge, Nikita, some scavs, and god themselves pushes around every corner at once. And neither are other players also undercover. But the rep lost from those six kills would be between -0. Proximity chat is what it is needs. Had way to many p scavs kill me in the first week of wipe, when you could get in a scav, to have some asshole try and troll me. And yes, I know players can mimic scavs, but my issue isn't a single scav attacking me when I do a scav run my issue is that groups of AI scavs will target me and attack me like I'm a PMC when I haven't attacked or killed another scav (or even another player). It was one of the bodyguards to the boss. A scav shot me in my back, I turned and killed him in response. Why even try to get positive karma when you HAVE to be a pacifist and just die non stop for hundreds of scav runs to get a decent rep. I use to love tricking player scavs into thinking I'm a scav using the Russian BEAR voices. 0 or . i didnt shoot or hit them i 3 times now i have had ai scavs be hostile to me as a scav. What is doing this? Also, these are 100%, not boss scavs. I later found out that Shturman was dead but at least 1 of his body guards was alive. I try to run while searching for my f1 key but that wasn't the move. On 2 of these, i never even shot. That was a bit surprising to me, as I don't have negative scav rep. 5. this I've been killed more times than I can count because of AI Scav and yes I've confirmed they are not player SCAV as their names are inherently Russian afterwards (and not BangYoMomXX). This is the main idea of playing as a Scav. Movement out my left and I see a homie with glasses run at me and yell. Once seen or heard aggro is on. That's not true. One time was even after i killed like a lvl 46 with some nice loot and was about to leave at the entrance. Player scavs shoot. It'll take a while to adjust, but it's possible. Another downfall is around -4 Scav Karma I tried really hard to gain scav karma outside of Car extracts and it was literally impossible with the scav cooldown and scav karma gained for every successful raid. TBH if they made the scavs weaker in accuracy but increased their group size i would be happy, maybe even have scav groups panic. (7. 5 fence rep) , though sometimes the goons will give you some leeway and tell you to go away (in russian obviously) and after a bit start shooting you if you ignore the warning. No time for nonsense. 03) There are multiple perks to having high Scav Karma, including reduced Scav Timers Hey you've maybe figured it out by now but other than the shooting rogues and avoiding them for 5 or so raids if you go into any of the minigun and sniper towers they seem to consider you hostile and when you cross the south bridge towards the water treatment plant the minigun rogue on the smallest of the 3 towers (right side as you're looking at the plant) seems to shout a voice line and What I've noticed is that most of the times they've shot at me when I was a Scav, prior to me killing any of them, is when other player scavs have aggro'd them in that raid. Happened to me earlier. It's not possible to "confuse" them. I think all it takes is one player scav to shoot them and it's GG for all even 6. 02, +0. He gets negative karma unless you had killed a good scav previously. Also you must have missed the PvP fix part. Was just minding my business on factory night, saw some scavs who would run past me while I was looting, fairly normal. In regards to "it's a shooting game" I agree that this should be perceived as more than just an Run and Gun FPS, and So, scav karma is a thing now. I've had 1 other game where I definitely shot a play scav thinking it was the scav that just killed an NPC. 1 fence rep AS A PMC!! In factory. 02 for “helping scavs” I think because tagilla was shooting a player scav and then I killed him. Why is there a scav camping the extract bruh. I have lost so much rep due to self-defense I don't know what to do. 1 rep not fucking . And obviously if another p scav shoots you. The scav had, (scav name)(Deimo5). That's why I suggested an immediate scav cooldown penalty that doesn't affect rep too badly. Same question as title. If you kill another player Scav, the AI Scavs don't get angry because you didn't actually kill a Scav. Timer runs out and I go AWOL. Load into streets as scav and the 2nd ai scav I saw started shooting at me and I killed him. If you get to that poverty level of rubles maybe just scav, and when it's on CD either do a super budget PMC run or just do something else until your God, I don't understand how anyone could justify PMC karma. Well, then I came trough the wall like 100m away from the first position and he instanly headshot me. Had 3 found in raid quest items from the resort on me with 2 killed players gear (first time ever surviving and killing players at the resort) and as I'm running past those scavs one starts shooting an AK and misses like 5 shots from 75 or so yards away. You shoot at scav or boss all scavs in the area are alerted to your position and are aggro. Following me around and not responding to voip or voicelines. Edit to say that bosses and guards will shoot player scavs below 6 fence rep if you get too close to where they're at. Doesn't mean you cant shoot them, just pick the battles. If they shoot at you first then you can retaliate without losing rep, as long as they hit you before you hit them I have a 0. That sucks, must've been a pscav NOPE. 002. Drop secondary for weight. Then they will cut you down. THEY SHOT AT ME!!! It was either keel over and die or shoot back and I figured since they shot my friend I would be okay to shoot them and gain rep. Either a boss was nearby, or it was actually a bear. Like i had cover on me and no line of sight from myself did i see this dude. Shooting AI scavs should take hit to karma, killing bosses and AI scavs should take hit to karma, because those are pretty deterministic actions, since scavs dont have intent, they just react on what you do. Thanks for all the tips you guys gave me :D I know nothing impressive but Im proud If the player scav has great loot that’s worth losing karma for, shoot him, if you!, (the player scav have great loot find a peaceful route to extract but if you see a scav shoot him or he’ll shoot you for that loot you have unless he doesn’t see you or he’s new to the game, but if he does he’s gonna think you’re a PMC or if he’s smart he’ll wait for a chance to head shot, if Hmmm like 2. Raiders are not friendly to Player scavs no matter what your scav rep is. Even sniper scavs are shooting at me. 03 since it’s so hard to find either of those people in the I have 3. -Sometimes I’ll kill a scav who damaged me or just opened fire on a scav and other AI Scavs are cool with me. 0 per kill for just shooting back at someone shooting them, even if they don't realize it's a scav boss. Aug 14, 2023 · Killing a PMC as a Scav (+0. When you kill a scav whilst playing as a scav - providing you landed the first shot - you are penalised and your ‘scav rep’ takes a hit. Can't wait to have to hesitate to check my shots after a gray smudge shoots at me from across Interchange, causing me to open fire and lose PMC karma because it was either a 1st day player shitting his pants or Chad McGee who literally does not care about PMC karma and still sprays at anything that moves. This is especially important as killing scav players also makes all AI hostile, there is no reason to be running around shooting everything on sight, save that for when you are PMC! Scav mode is not a battle royal. I fire back, kill the raider, then have 3 normal scavs clacking off at me from all over the place because I killed a raider who gave me 2 heavy bleeds. I assume, lore-wise, its something like (sub 6 rep) “You’re just a random scav, nothing special about you. alright that why i stay away from bosses. Jan 9, 2022 · The problem with that is it destroys the rep of people who occasionally kill a scav by accident. I seriously run behind cover anytime I see any AI during scav runs just in case now. I had just spawned into factory as a player scav and i was just walking around exploring the new update the the map when I saw another scav. Adding . I'm aware of how the karma works and Scav bosses shooting player Scavs as well. we habe tried it with different equipment, like both only pistol or only me pistol but still only they get shot at. Scav is where most of the warfare happens for me. Apr 14, 2022 · It's just another sad fact of the scav life brother. Best way to find pics as a scav is listen to a battle and try to sneak and observe them killing scavs, then they are free targets regardless of what they are. If you kill enough scavs and your rating gets too low, then they will always be hostile. I am just tryin to loot. 62 bp when a raider sprints up to me and starts mag dumping my fresh slick. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It SEEMED like it was AI. I have negative rep from accidentally killing scavs that scare me in factory. Humans are easier than fighting scavs. I'm still at -. Then an ai scav pushed me, I ads'd at him just to check, no aggro and not another one of the goons, excellent. I actually followed the "instructions" to not kill scavs as scav, but after being killed by 1 and having another one shoot next to me (now i know he was baiting me but as a noob you think this is part of the game, maybe some bots are bad or something), i started killing them pretty much on sight until i was at -1. I looted his stuff along with a dogtag and then I hear that very scav screaming and apparently being aggro. If you shoot player scav nearby, you get agroed and have therefore higher chance of having to kill AI scavs as well. Just scav in/out quickly. In the beginning of scav karma though Raiders were affecting scav rep when killed but BSG patched it. I try not to scav run anyways, so making those runs a bit harder isn't a big deal I guess. Killa in its nature is not friendly to Scavs. The bosses won't ALWAYS attack you the second they see you. They look like regular scavs, ie gas mask, no armour, and a revolver shotgun. -if they’re already aggro’d on scavs who have killed them or they’re on high alert, you have Scavs also shoot me, when I remove POOP they go back to working correctly, but POOP is so vital to the SPT experience I can't imagine removing it just because scavs are hostile as scav. Scavs are pretty cracked and have been for a long time. Most of the time I just try and run by and ignore them. Other times they act as if I just murdered their brother and you guessed it BLAST ME. I can't remember the last time a scav tried to shoot me in the back and won. Timer running really close. 1 rep isn’t shit to get back. This isn't for loot, although I've easily made 1m from killing pscavs on multiple occasions. 3 as this is my first wipe. As for scav karma, to a new player it's important to keep up. Lmao I've been doing this same thing!! I usually wear the bear upper summer field because it looks a little muddy and the bear base lower. So it seems as if they react to the entire faction aggressivelly for the rest of that raid if one person from that faction starts shooting at them. When i get killed i just see the typical random russian name given ai scavs normally have. i decided to walk past them in the tunnel they were in. It comes in time, but try to learn the difference between scav and BEAR Russian voice lines. This triggered AI scav nearby, I used this scav as a bait and then thankfully managed to kill PMC. Other times they blast me. Anyone else have this issue? Is this possibly to be realistic since player scavs on the live game are still killing scavs? Help please! lmao you have to have SCAV karma above 2 to not be killed on sight by scav bosses. I still suck and will suck, but I suck less. They have perfect knowledge of who is an is not a traitor. When I see scavs locking on through walls, it makes me wonder whats the point of even relocating to fire at them again. When do boss scavs attack you as a player scav? I dropped into a scav run on factory at 4. 3 seconds later a 2nd scav shoots once and one taps my left jaw as I'm running full sprint A player scav started shooting at me but missed their first shots, I was purposefully waiting for him to hit me so that I could fight back, once they did I killed them, and then the AI scavs killed me. I agree, I think it's a terrible system and a poor way to incentivize scavs to cooperate. And he shot at me as I tried to look a dead PMC up by the wood piles. Thank you. I really wish this sub would stop making up mechanics and trying to convince new players that they're real. ” (Plus 6 rep) “you’re a scav veteran who’s name precedes you, reshala and his guards sweat a little bit less when you walk into dorms” But if you want to have a greater chance of success, try acting like a scav and be on the lookout for other player scavs if those player scavs (easy to tell by their movement, multiple guns on them or running ) seem to be on the run from ai scavs (hear scavs yelling, don't see the player scav getting near them) then you are in danger, he As your scav rep gets higher you get more chance to spawn in with things like rare loot/ better gear, and get other bonuses like the ability to order around AI scavs, and bosses don't attack your scav if you can get it high enough, and your scav timer resets quicker. -kill a rouge as a scav and they’ll aggro for the next couple of raids. i have actually found a use for that, my friend had to to the mission where you have to kill scavs without armor, so i ran up to scav to find out where he is so my friend can kill him easier. No i didnt shoot any scavs. but for some reason after looting a jacket with a GP coin the AI scav next to me gave me the middle finger and shot and hit me. Because they’re the boss and they do what they want. You are canonically a PMC that's gone undercover as a Scav - you're not really a Scav. When I play as PMC, all the ai Scavs, and ai PMCs shoot at me, makes sence. I honestly don't know. Scav karma is a great thing. Overal fence rep lose of . Player scavs can often look like PMCs if they've looted a PMC, and also startle you. good to know raiders don’t affect me at least If they lock on to you, you are basically dead. I usually have a 10 kd with a 2 to 1 pmc kill ratio. 3 fence rep. If they recognize me as a good guy, they shouldn't shoot on sight, but I shouldn't be let too close, eventually they should never shoot me first, then they should be able to be commanded as you eventually reach 6. thats always so wild to watch as a scav player. May 25, 2018 · Completely agree, the 'Karma system' should make scavs that shoot other scavs appear as 'players' to the bot scav, that way i dont have to shoot my way out of factory every-time some one tries to take a shot at me. AI scavs will often startle you. scav misses you but you shoot back and hit first. Or maybe the guy they were next to was actually the scav that was talking. I killed 3 pmc’s 4 scavs and tagilla right at the end. They know anyways, but repeeking an angle is gonna encourage a headeyes. Since I just made a new character my scav karma is at 0, any ideas why they're shooting? Scavs and pmcs should still be shooting at each other if they all shoot us on sight, as the spawns aren't changed at all. However, if you attack any Scav you become a "traitor" and all nearby AI Scavs will become hostile. but whenever we scav they see people and they are like "is he going to shoot me, I think a pmc is over here I am going to see if I can flank him" If you want 6. Scav. But as a mod as says, it's a bug with SPT. it happens almost every time i take my eyes off them and start looting. I have only died to a pmc once. In regards to player scav's killing player scav's, its a dog eat dog Tarkov world out there, anything is free game, especially if You had to fight tooth and nail as a scav against pmc and scavs just to make it out with a single packet of smokes. This happened to me 2 wipes ago and completely fucked my ability to run scav runs. 5 It can be difficult to discern Glukhar and his guards from regular scavs as well, as they can have similar appearance to scavs and they speak in Russian. 90% of the time, he will stare at me for about 25 seconds and then spray me from the neck up after I wiggle at him. I go to the results screen and its an NPC Scav. Some scavs must have pissed them off while i was in the base. This isn’t quite accurate. The only player scavs I’ve killed were guys acting sus af. I all of sudden get lit up, and by no where mind you. My scav rep is like 1. 4 karma with Fence, so I know that Tagilla/other bosses will aggro me, but, when Tagilla does (don't know about the others) every scav in Factory will come after me. What the fuck. That means they will not shoot you or react negatively in any way. I’m not sure how like stealing aggro works but that’s my two cents. It’s the class you’ll use to just gather loot and add it to your When you join a raid as a Scav, you are neutral with all normal AI Scavs. I’m here to say I just lost . As I moved onward confident that I was in the right and would not be targeted for killing my aggressor, all of the AI scavs proceeded to ventilate me. Crawl into the extract while he reloads the full 10 shots. I've walked right up in there building and hung out with a group of them on several occasions, then there are times where they just start blasting me before I even make it in the area. Did a pmc mission repairing power boxes on factory and killed a couple scavs and a pmc. As a scav it seems that if a different scav player shoots them theres a chance they become aggressive to all scavs. Archived post. 05 fence rep, so it's fine, when you see a That is definitely not how AI scavs work. It’s fine, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. Always be alert. 1 per kill. Oh. Did 5 raids today on scavs on lighthouse and everytime they arggoed on me and i never even shot at them and they let me walk in, then came up five minutes later and killed me. I entered as SCAV with my buddy, found a 3rd SCAV who ended up shooting my friend. I’ll witness some scav on scav violence, I’ll blast the perpetrator when they go to loot, and then when the rest of the server’s player scavs come around the corner, I’m standing there with a recently fired gun, next to the bodies of two other scavs. Yea, I dont know a better word for it, but ive been trying to get my chad friends to get 6. If you kill a scav player who hasn't shot any scavs you'll lose rep, if you kill AI scavs you'll lose rep, unless they're a raider (not boss or bodyguard). I spawned in on woods as scav I had nearly 3 karma btw and I see someone on like a little hill near sawmill so I wiggle doesn't wiggle back I just back up and go around for a bit look at him again wiggle still nothing then he starts shooting at me I thought it was just another player scav so I waited till he hit me since he missed like 6 times then shot back got hit some more and killed him to There are ai scavs that randomly shoot just into thin air every once in a while and I have a theory when you walk in front of them and they randomly shoot and hit you you still lose karma for killing them for whatever reason. gorbedout • I always get killed by player scavs trying to I’m new but from what I’ve seen I feel like it’s kinda random scavs have different skill levels and high skill will hear you or see you more easily. com Aug 14, 2023 · When you play as a Scav, you start with a random gear loadout. scav hits you first, you shoot back and kill him. I had a game where I killed a scav on the new building in customs thinking it was a PMC and had the other scavs rush me. All the other scavs after that were friendly but he legit started firing for nothing. I'm not referring to player scavs I get that bosses shoot them I'm talking about normal scavs I had a boss chase a scav and kill him right in front of me then kill me and whenever I try and find schturman he's always moved because he is trying to kill a Npc scav and it's always been like 4 minutes into the raid and I've watched them kill npc scavs Dec 21, 2024 · Well, the rule says "scavs don't shoot scavs" but there are exceptions, which are traitor scavs, those are the ones that kill other scav or even shoot you, but it has to hit you, if it will go right by you, it doesn't count, so keep an eye on that, anyways, killing a traitor scav grants you I think 0. To be fair, I don't think there is any system they could implement that would make me want to cooperate because at the end of the day I want your loot and nothing will stop me from getting it, because after all everything is worth something. Today I got my best raid so far, killing a boss and a player in dorms. I'm fairly new to the game, but I've watched quite a bit of gameplay and understand how to tell an AI scav from a player or player scav. 10 karma Like the fuck is this BSG, fix your fucking game or playtest it before installing a new patch Scav are shooting me even though I'm a scav Question I know they turn on you if you kill one of them, and I know player scavs will kill other player scavs, but sometimes the normal scavs will just shoot me, maybe they are player scavs, I cant tell the difference, Anyone have any idea why this is I have a guess at what it might be that's all, scavs used to never need to reload or run out of ammo, which was weird and eventually changed so that they do have use ammo, but every once in a while they can bug and spawn without ammo like in a sks or sagia 9, and in those cases you see them check chamber a lot more often but can't actually shoot The amount of Scav Players and AI scavs I killed to get to the point of them auto shooting at me is up there. heh ok that explains why other player scavs have no issue shooting me as a scav Reply reply More replies. I get an angle and tap him with my FAL, and as soon as I got the kill, all the raiders turn against me and light me up. I guess BSG doesnt want scav players killing bosses for the FIR items for tasks. The biggest thing about scavs for me now that i have a wipes worth of experience(800 hrs), is that they give away my position and i have to quickly reposition for enemy players looking for pvp A bad scav is a player scav who's killed other scavs. after walked past them and doing nothing to them they turned around, pulled out their sledge hammer and killed me. 01 for an extract as a scav. scav hits you first, you shoot back and hit him, he kills you. They do respond to sound, but not by blindly shooting who they "think" caused it. i only run raids with friends, and for some reason scavs always focus my friends. The only way to tell if they're bad is to witness them killing other scavs. okay cool, works for me - I saw the patch note of "rogues will respond to player scavs at a greater distance" but didn't see anything that said rogues will shoot player scavs on sight - given that I literally was able to bump into them as a player scav with nothing happening. I also wear a scav vest, respirator, duffle bag, ushanka, gssh headset, and the orange anti frag glasses. I have normal scav rep, i started a raid in factory when i saw tagilla and just looked at him because he was doing hand gestures but than he started attacking me so i ran away but every scav shot at me since that. Idc the few times a scav baits me I'm killing them idgaf. 4 rep and I have been able to walk right up to him a few times. they shoot me like raiders and bosses do. Streets is the map that made me understand the complaints about the amount of scavs, I don't feel it on any other map but I went through 3 stacks of butt ammo last week trying to clear the area around the school to hit Chek 13 and do Pet's Won't Need It 1, now I just avoid the scav hotspots completely if I can help it When you are playing as a scav, do not shoot other scavs because you will lose Fence reputation by a lot. . Go woods and they just aim at you all the time, as soon as you aim at them they instantly start --> Got into Custom as Scav --> Check the lucky tree (PMC Spawn behind Old Gas) and got Red Keycard --> Run through Stronghold and met a Raider (maybe Scav but he is an AI) and he shot me --> Run away but some AI still got me Just how? My Fence's Rep is 0. Maybe this scav karma is a lot more complicated than anyone thought. Boss scavs will shoot at any and every player scav unless their rep is above 6. They're great bait and indicators of PMC's being in the area. In the last few days I've been killed in extract by other player scavs several times, voicelines, VOIP and all. I've bumped into all bosses who shoot me on sight and other raids just ignore me. Smooth brain scavs just value a toz over labs keycards + scav case. I understand if you kill other SCAVs, in their presence, they will kill you. I know Scav karma is a thing, but I have never shot a scav since the new updated a couple days ago. Scav karma atm only means u earn karma and CAN earn that scav bosses are friendly. Cooperating with scavs and doing special scav tasks while in raid will raise your scav karma, letting you scav more often and granting rep with Fence, who will be reworked to offer benefits to players with high scav karma. I always get confused by raiders and guards because I’ve had guards near bunker hermetic doors extract and raiders in the same spot some games before so I hesitate to shoot or just will evade them. -Sometimes Raiders are cool with me. TBH idfk on that, scav karma and boss aggro is such a hot mess of inconsistency, had reshala shoot me on sight, had him be chill for a min then get mad, mixed bag of mess It should be like I said but random things like that do me a derp as I have no follow up explanation If others know better or can correct me then please do peeps About 6 player scavs decided they wanted to kill Tagilla but I had heard you will lose all of your scav rep if you do, so I just watched. When I played as a Scav I got shot at and had to kill 3 scavs and that's confusing to me. Can someone explain me why sometimes, while playing as a scav, other scav players (not scav bots) are hostile to me? Is there any consequence of shooting and killing other scavs other than maybe getting scav bots aggro towards the offending scav player? Currently 3. In the offical game, if you don't have negative scav karma, the ai scavs will never shoot you. What is the purpose of Scav karma of the AI scavs shoot you for killing the "bad" scavs? tagilla treats all the scavs as a type of guard in the way that if you aggro him even just by getting too close as a scav he can mark/curse you and every scav on the map will rush you, I'm pretty sure the only way to avoid that is reaching 6 on fence rep And yet, my daily quest from him is to kill six scavs as a scav with a left leg or right leg shot. I wont play this wipe due to scav bullshit. You can scav 25 times a day on lighthouse if you want, that doesn’t make them aggro you. Only reason i can think why they killed you. Reply reply Just encountered this today on Lighthouse. I think there are multiple reasons why it happens but, correct me if I'm wrong guys, it mostly depends on if you've attacked other scavs/playerscavs in the last few runs you've done as a scav. Edit: I lost no scav karma, and had not shot any scavs prior to this. They esp+aimlock at you. The higher it is (by using car extracts, not killing scavs as a scav, and a successful exfil as a scav) It helps to have cheaper car extracts, better gear as a scav, and at max karma (6. At one moment I noticed a PMC guy approaching, he noticed me as well and started shooting. 0+ loses 6. I'm by no means a chad but I've played quite a bit during a few wipes, so when I get a few good guns off of rogues or PMCs I'm excited to use them, but every time I've had a juicy scav run I keep getting killed by player scavs, to the point where I'm about to just start killing any As the title says. However, your actions during the run can influence your Scav Sep 9, 2022 · Anything you leave with your Scav will be discarded and unable to use or sell. Scav rep determines a number of things, including scav loadout, cool down timer, vehicle extracts, etc. Scav in factory, I see some raiders locking down office stairs, I see a couple of them dead so I looted a weapon and a vest and hold the corridor next to one of them. 01 karma for a successful run and -. 03 if the PMC kills two or more Scavs) Killing a Traitor Scav as a Scav (+0. Also I could imagine that killa is a boss that won't be effected by any amount of your karma but that remains to be seen. but the scavs. I went to loot 1 up by the wood piles (not in the lower area where the boss spawns). We already know who is an NPC. NPC scavs shoot. 89 rep with fence, yet the past two raids I have been dying to AI scavs. If he did then you gain some. 72, never shot Santa, even hanging out with Raiders near Armoured train no problem. Reshala lost his guards and wasn't taking shit or a hi from anyone that day. Scav boss and guards are not necessarily hostile towards player scavs (that have less than 6 fence rep) they actually begin the raid as neutral towards player scavs, but may become hostile Yeah, thats why I don't shoot scavs as a scav but it was frustrating to get killed by a lot by other scav players. Killing a pmc or a traitor scav should give at least . 0+ rep scavs. I guess that is the fun in that mode, you never know who you cross paths with. The scrap loot in usually not worth it unless you want to ruin some PMCs day lol. Ai scavs will shoot player scavs if and only if you've killed another scav. The good karma is worth it. Just yesterday on customs one sniper scav started shooting me, so I decided to run away, behind a wall ofcourse so he wont see me. No idea why he shot at me. Learn voice lines. With very low reputation AI scavs will attack player-scav. I've had countless player scavs just wiggle me and keep going. I frequently get caught in the chain reaction scav killings. Scavs have killed me 4 times. 0 good boy rep you need to basically resign yourself to not A lot of bodies. Brand new character, did a scav run for the very first time, and im getting attacked by scavs. 0 fence rep) when you play as a scav you can just walk up to the bosses and they won't shoot you, it'll also determine the chance of a scav accepting coming along with you. Things to watch out for: -if you’re in raid and you even touch a dead rouge body, you’re aggro’d. I felt the same way too, I used to be able to run a customs scav run and just fly through caches without any problems but it's just like anytime I'm running near old gas or Admin Gate, I get tapped with no loot even near me. Im so happy with my progress. You need to get that karma first. Killing scavs will lower your scav karma, which will result in a longer scav cooldown and shittier gear on your scav runs. I was around the corner and based on what my friend said on Discord I thought he had died. Sure you can go loot a bunch of dead scavs & pick up the scraps & half durability scav guns but if you're looking to make money I'd suggest scav'ing different maps/learning cache locations etc. 31 and you only get a +. It is not a skill issue Stats aren't anything great, because I tend to avoid shooting scavs as a PMC. I get 0. Ugh. 0 even showing them the benefits. It said I gained . I ran around the corner and shotgunned the SCAV in front of me. Yep, and then whoever has 6. Ironic, isn't it? I kill scavs as a scav, and try to avoid them as a PMC. yeah scav karma isnt intuitive at all and isnt explained anywhere in the game. 1 rep for it. i heard someone running in and it had a scav voice line. Load into a scav raid, get chased and shot by a duo of play scavs, manage to just barely off them both with a toz and 2 mags, now I'm hobbling towards extract with a bleeding, broken arm and I come across an obvious player scav. awlmao lawjyjv jmjkg jrni ecii nmwkqqbk zmonnnysm dpfn utdvf nxi vzjl rujspq ussu qllmj shacq