Word remove space after table. Right click, edit style.
Word remove space after table Read/write Single. I'd like to have it Table S1, Table S2. Blank space after a Table So, I Aug 10, 2017 · There is nothing in between. Forward = True . The problem is that Word adds some space between the number and the title, which is different for each style, and I can't edit it - tried every menu :(Does anyone know how to edit that space? Note: I'm on MS Word 2011 for Mac, but if you know the solution in other version, I'll try to find out how to adapt it to this version. If you turn on the Show/Hide button, it reveals a paragraph mark after the table. Jun 5, 2012 · Word 2010, Windows 7 I always insert my figures in line with text, and then add captions using the "insert caption" tool. Jun 29, 2022 · This effectively keeps the table whole by moving it to the next page. Execute the following Find/Replace operation. If the table has a border, then add some Spacing Before to the paragraph following the table. A. HeightRule = wdRowHeightAuto Selection. A variable that represents a 'ParagraphFormat' object. 12 pt before and 12 pt after, it will indeed affect the table (you will see Nov 2, 2024 · In the “Numbering” dialog box, look for the “Space After” option and set it to “0” or a low value. I often define a specific style to use after tables, formatted with some Spacing Before. Change the space before and space after settings to what you want. On the Row tab, disable "specify height" and you are golden. 18 with MacOS Mojave. Example. Jul 16, 2010 · The problem is that Word always inserts a line break underneath a table in Word, and doesn't allow me to delete it. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you very much. They're like a paragraphing problem, but I don't know how to edit it. Jun 12, 2020 · To be sure why there is a gap, turn on the formatting symbols first. io/Vmae9aFor more useful spreadsheets, please v Hi. I was thinking is it possible to remove one line after Mar 30, 2014 · My general Paragraph Spacing is set at "0", which looks like the Office default. Currently after each table pasted to Word from Excel empty line appears in Word document. step 6: I create a "continuous" section break to complete the section. But basically there are two tables on top of one another and in between them there is space that I would like to get rid of. Replace with: Please note that you should not put anything (ie, replace with nothing) if you just want to get rid of the new lines (paragraph marks). Trying to select anything after the table can be difficult unless you know the tricks. To do that, select the two rows together and click the Repeat Header Rows button on the Table Tools | Layout tab: Click in the first paragraph on the page following a blank space. See image: Apr 10, 2018 · I am adding a custom caption label in Word 2016. Then look to the spacing button on the toolbar. I have attempted to change the wrap to "Tight" and "Through" with no effect on the space issue. May 2, 2024 · And now that you know how to remove indent after numbering, you’ve added another skill to your Word wizardry repertoire. Oct 18, 2023 · Method 3: Use a Word macro to remove all unwanted spaces in table cells. The spacing button has two different options (double spaced or at the bottom to add/delete space above or below). The simpliest way of closing the gap is to remove any Space After/Before and Line spacing to Single for this paragraph mark and then apply a Font size of 1 or 2. What should I do? microsoft-word; Share. ClearFormatting . MatchWholeWord = False . This example sets the spacing after all paragraphs in the active document to 12 points. You can manually adjust the amount of space, however. com/donate/?hoste Oct 31, 2023 · In Word for Windows, you can modify the default settings for paragraph spacing via the Paragraph dialog box. Let's say I call it Table S, pertaining to all the supplementary tables. May 7, 2013 · Currently any text which follows a table does so with no space between it and the table. This is the code I have so far: With Selection. 5 calls for the paragraph number, a period, and then two spaces, rather than a tab with a preset distance regardless of the number. Jan 22, 2020 · If you check the generated Word file, you can see your code worked precisely the way you stated. Jun 19, 2021 · Normally, Word does not add any additional space between the cells in a table. If you have any other questions or need assistance with anything, please don't hesitate to let me know. See the table below: Besides, this spacing issue only appear when the numbered heading have a value "1". Mar 30, 2011 · Once I paste, or create a new Table in Word 2007, and try to continue to write text after the table, it goes to the next page. Height = InchesToPoints(0) Next objTable Else MsgBox ("This Hi I have a two line table in a word document header. https://www. Click in an entry you want to change. Choose the desired settings for Spacing Before/After and Line Spacing. When I insert them, on occasion, they will create an extra space between the lines in the adjacent paragraphs. Cell margins are zero. Everything is fine when I first make the table but as I edit it, Word will create gaps I can't get rid of. I want to have less space after the checkmark bullet. First, you could define another style, perhaps called "body Control A. (For example, Word creates a caption that says "Table A11. I want the nested table to use the full size of the cell it is nested in. Rows. Jun 11, 2010 · The text boxes are typically the captions for the pictures. Aug 18, 2014 · The ability to break a table, insert a column break and hide the paragraph mark at the top of the second column before the table is important in particular on the last page of a 2 column section followed by a Continuous break, this is one of the few ways you can control how Word re-balances the content at the end of a multi-column section. If you can't remove the break because their is content on the subsequent page(s), apply the formatting I listed above to the paragraph containing the break. While the table is selected, its also worth checking Layout (beside Table Design)>Properties>Options and check that Top and Bottom cell margins are set to 0. May 13, 2020 · I have a code for writing Word documents from Excel. When I use firefox or google chrome I get the result I want but when I use Mar 14, 2019 · In some cases, users want a certain number of spaces after the number. The Before and After controls the spacing between the paragraphs. Dec 28, 2016 · By design, there must always be at least one paragraph after a table. (3) change spacing before and after to zero and change “Line Spacing” to “Multiple” and At: 0. Table property setting on the table or cells in the table that included a custom cell margin setting. Find . This can cause some issues when it comes to vertical spacing after tables, as Brian points out. If it is not on Single, choose that, click on OK and see if that looks like what you want. Follow edited Aug 30, 2021 at 13:32. You can format that paragraph as Hidden or as 1 point in both font size and line spacing, but you can't entirely remove it. dotm is 0 pt before and 8 pt after. Tables. Use it well, and may your future lists be ever free of unwanted indents! If you ever run into any other Word-related hiccups, keep in mind that the solution is often just a few clicks away. paypal. 2. This option will remove leading, trailing, and extra spaces between words in all tables in your document. Spacing After: 6 points (for example) The syles used in the table must include Paragraph - Line and Page Breaks: Keep with next. Sep 13, 2021 · You can adjust spacing before and after a table my making it non-inline, which is a particularly good approach if your table extends across the entire width of the page. The line spacing is set at single. MatchWildcards = False . My table lasts just long enough to fill a page, and this new line is forcing a new blank page. I think this is something to do with how the style is defined for the heading. If I add a new table, the new table looks normal. Select "Specify Height" and type in 1. I think the line is the problem. I have to adjust the spacing after the caption line for Table caption and Figure caption. Repeat for the line just below the space, and make sure the Space Above box contains a zero. Ctrl+2 - Double-spacing. This will happen even if I am currently Oct 17, 2020 · The space at the top of the page doesn't really bother me to be honest. I try to remove by using css properties like margin,padding are not worked. Someone else formatted this doc, and I can't edit it properly. When I mark it (as if to copy), the blank space is attached to the text rather than the line. May 8, 2013 · In MS Word, how do I adjust spacing between bullets and text in all cells within a table? Even though I highlight the entire table before sliding the marker in the overhead ruler to adjust spacing, when I move from one cell to the next, I have to reset the spacing. This is true in the header or footer as well as in the document body. Doing this will also update the Normal style. Follow these steps: Right-click on the table. Jun 23, 2022 · Empty or unwanted pages just after a Word table are especially annoying. On the Home tab, expand the Paragraph section (bottom right arrow) Aug 30, 2021 · But there is unnecessary space after 10th. Select either Remove Space Before Paragraph or Remove Space After Paragraph Aug 23, 2012 · I have an html table nested in an html table cell. Apr 30, 2023 · Figure 5. To me at least, it seems my solution is the most straightforward. In Word 2021, it is 8 points. ZygD. A specified height on the table row. g. I've tried changing the cell sizes, row heights, paragraph spacing, alignment, etc. Is there a way May 11, 2017 · Next double click on module to open it. I can't get rid of the large white space above the "Professional Experience" text. How can I remove the space between there table? this is my example code. I've tried some of the solutions I've read: reducing font size of paragraph markers to 1; making sure 0 line spacing before and after paragraph markers To adjust padding for the whole table (in Word 2013): Select entire table; Click 'LAYOUT' Ribbon Tab (tab appears near top right of screen after selecting the table) Click Properties button to view the table's properties; On the 'Table' tab of properties popup, click 'Options' button; Edit default cell margins Nov 20, 2007 · When you create a table that ends at the bottom margin, Word automatically inserts a new blank page. Paragraph style of the text that included a Spaces Before setting. johnatanasoff: Word: 4: 11-05-2014 06:07 PM: Remove space after table in header: melliejane: Word: 1: 03-05-2012 04:09 PM: Strange formatting - unable to remove. Here’s the common problem in Word. expression Required. You can follow these steps: In Word, click File > Options > Customize Ribbon. Click the Show/Hide in the menu; If there is a line, make sure it's deleted; 3. I can't just delete the line, because then the indenting on the caption is messed up. Activate the Line and Page Breaks tab. For my project i need these cell to be as small as possible for that i am using May 9, 2020 · The paragraph following the table ends up being too close to the table, and Brian wants some space between the table and a "body text" paragraph following the table. Paul May 5, 2022 · Hi, I cannot get rid of this extra space in the bottom row of my tables. Nov 2, 2021 · To change the space before and after text in tables: Choose Layout>Select>Table. Nov 4, 2011 · I am using Report Builder 3. There is a space after it (indicated by the show/hide mark) that I can't get rid of. Replacement. Jun 24, 2015 · I have a macro to delete spaces between tables, which makes tables generated by a template file to join just by deleting space between them. In the Paragraph group there is a button that looks like a blue arrow up and a blue arrow down to the left of a few horizontal lines. I've tried using CSS like margin: 0; and padding: 0; in both table, tr, and td but not luck. Can I Use A Shortcut To Remove The Mysterious Space In Word? Yes, there is a shortcut you can use to remove the mysterious space after numbering in Word. But, I dont want that little [space] between S and the number. Click the "Assign" button, and then click "Close" to exit the dialog boxes. Nov 25, 2020 · Step by step guide on how to fix 4 different causes of too much white space in your tables in Word. I wanted to reduce/remove some of the white spaces manually, only for some tables. Click OK. Clock the drop-down, remove space before and remove space after. single line spacing; and. Replace with text box. 3. Mar 12, 2014 · Line spacing: 0. 2,527 12 12 Apr 17, 2024 · By entering two spaces in the ‘Find what’ field and one space in the ‘Replace with’ field, you can quickly remove the extra spaces between words. For a solution for indented paragraphs without special inter-paragraph spacing, check How can I have spacing between tables and text when regular body paragraphs are not space separated (just indented)? Sep 30, 2011 · After my table in Word (2010, but I think this happens with all versions of Word), it puts a new line which seems to be irremovable. It will then replace another occurrence each time it is selected. Feb 18, 2009 · Depending on how you split the table there may be a page break between the new tables. Word displays a Context menu. a 1pt font size with the text formatted as hidden. I appear to have two paragraph markers after a table in word, causing me to have a blank page after the table. Mar 7, 2021 · For more useful docs and spreadsheets, please visit this affiliate link: https://someka-affiliate-program. To do so, I go to Insert Caption > New Label, and type it there. If you change the spacing of the table style to, e. The following macro DeleteLeadingWhitespace does this and also preserves formatting. Still have white space in your document? Check out my comp 👍👍If you have found this content useful and want to show your appreciation, please use this link to buy me a beer 🍺. It won't let me delete or put any text in this space; I've tried to cut and paste ONLY the text that's there w/o copying the space - but the new Oct 21, 2018 · I am using Word for Mac 16. with no space before or after; 2. I use 3 subreports consecutively. I could not find the solution after searching on Google while the solution is so simple! 1. A table goes to the end of a document or section but another empty page is added. Click OK to save. Jan 14, 2020 · I am creating a document that has 4 pages. step 4: Just after this table I insert a column break. You'll get no vertical spacing but the table contents will otherwise be styled the same as un-tabled text. Apr 30, 2021 · I tried to write the table inside a loop by 1 table/loop by using 1 table equal to 1 row. Sep 8, 2017 · A table anywhere must always be followed by a normal text paragraph. Personally I'd set up a series of related styles with the desired line spacing and assign shortcut keys to them so you can quickly and easily apply them directly from the keyboard without having to Sep 13, 2017 · When having a table with the caption above the table, it seems that there are too many white spaces created after the table (or below the table). In the Paragraph dialog, make sure the Space Below box contains a zero. 5. Nov 8, 2023 · The fit of the image inside the table cell actually depends on multiple factors: Cell margins "Before" and "After" spacing of the paragraph within the cell; Line spacing of the paragraph within the cell; It looks like you are trying to achieve a similar look like in this video. Repeat all of this for each incorrect space. The Line spacing controls the spacing inside the paragraphs. Learn how to delete extra spaces between words and between sentences in Microsoft Word. What happens then when the macro merges several documents together (each with rows that together form the correct table), there is a space between each individual row - and the table is thus not complete, it doesn't "stick together". – Apr 16, 2024 · If the ‘Show/Hide ¶’ option has revealed extra spaces between words, remove them manually by placing the cursor after the unwanted space and pressing the ‘Backspace’ key. It was ok in 2003, but not 2007 puts in the extra spaces. However, if I create a label "Table A11. Set Spacing-> Line Spacing to Single How to fix this: Select the table, then right-click -> Table Properties. This should remove the unwanted space after the list. Select your preferred replacement option: Replace replaces the first occurrence of a double space with a single space. If I try to remove the blank paragraph, the page break also gets Returns or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the specified paragraph or text column. Text = "^p^p" . That is Word's default single spacing for the font and size you have selected. Select the content where you want to remove spacing, then click Home > Line and Paragraph Spacing to open the drop-down list. This can be deleted and you will be left with a paragraph mark. Not really, in the sense of "space after" for a paragraph. Just worked for me! Yes, the problem is that you can't access paragraph settings within tables. (You can also select/highlight the rows of text and right click > Paragraph change the spacing before and spacing after to 0 pt each) Aug 19, 2022 · By default, the Normal style has some Spacing After. I'd like the next question to be just right the answers, but there is a gap below the table. Thus, new labels are called Table S 1, Table S 2, and so on. To remove this spacing as the default, change the After setting to 0 pt, then click Set As Default. In Word, the Word VBA code below does exactly what I want, but I need an Excel equivalent code to remove the spaces after paragraph. However, every time I insert a page break, the ----page break----"character" will have 8pt spacing "after", and "Line Spacing" at 1. Nov 29, 2017 · I've looked at lots of options, e. Improve this question. If you follow the explanations from 0:31 to 3:00 you should be good. Best solution is actually (1) highlight the last paragraph following the table, (2) hit alt+O+P and it will open up paragraph formatting. Or, the user may want to enter spaces manually. if you see in the attached picture, before and after the table (in the paragraph markers) there are two empty lines Jul 2, 2021 · Delete comma and space after blank merged value. Follow these steps: Right-click anywhere within the table you want to format. Now paste the following codes on the coding area: Sub RemoveSpacesInTables() Dim objTable As Table Dim objDoc As Document Set objDoc = ActiveDocument With objDoc If . That will make it fit if you adjust the “multiple” line spacing. If I press Enter after the text, the table is pushed one line down. MatchSoundsLike = False Sep 1, 2020 · So in my word document, I have a table of contents than my main body of text. I want to remove this blank page. To use this option, you need to enable the Developer tab in Word and run a VBA code. 5-line spacing. There are some check boxes that affect pagination: Widow/orphan control. I'm aware that there are several options to introduce a space including; a hard space, adding ‘space before’ to the following paragraph, adding 'space before' to the body text paragraph style or changing the Text Wrapping properties of the table. Go to the Spacing section. This only happens after pasting in the new document. These spaces are ones that cannot be deleted. That last paragraph – the only one you apply your formatting to – has a line spacing of 3pt and 5 pts of space after; all other paragraphs appear with default formatting. 4. He wonders if it is possible for Word to put "space after" a table. Right click on the same place; from the menu that appears click on Paragraph; then click on the Line and Page Breaks tab; then uncheck "Page break before Apr 30, 2021 · In MS Word, I've set my "normal" template to 0 spacing before and after a paragraph, and "Line spacing" to "Single" (I also changed the character to Times New Roman). Nov 6, 2016 · If you want to get rid of the extra space when creating a table in Word, highlight the table and go to "Table Properties. When I adjust the spacing of either Table caption or Figure caption, the spacing is changed in both the caption of Table and Figures in the whole document. This seems to have shrunken the space (hasn't fixed everything), but the table (a separate table) on the next page) lost its top five or six rows when I deleted the page break, and text that was in one of the boxes is now no longer in table format - just body text. Click Settings behind Use smart cut and paste, then uncheck the box Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically. Also remove Previous space and word before blank: Alex1s85: Mail Merge: 4: 01-18-2020 11:30 PM: Remove unused bottom white space. Usually this works great. Set Spacing-> After to 0 pt. Aug 7, 2019 · Below is the portion of a Word doc I'm having trouble with. Select Home>Paragraph and set the Before and After amounts to 0. WHAT I'VE TRIED: Jun 28, 2022 · Ctrl+l - Single-spacing. 7. 7", putting a space between the period and the 7. I am copying and pasting tables from another document (Word 2007) over to Word 2003 and when I do this, right click on the upper left hand corner of the table, AutoFit, AutoFit to Contents, I am left with unknown spaces. The only way I've found to remove them is manually via word document "Line and Paragraph Spacing" on the dropdown "Remove Space Before Paragraph" That's what I have : Should be turned into this : After searching, I found these parameters that should Nov 21, 2019 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Oct 3, 2020 · He wonders if it is possible for Word to put "space after" a table. Where that's an empty paragraph that causes an unwanted extra page to appear, you can format that paragraph: 1. Ctrl+5 - 1. At some point the two columns are merged into one and contain a subreport. The Word document itself is generated from Microsoft Access VBA, but that shouldn't affect anything (should it???). SpaceAfter. Occasionally, an extra line break will be inserted between the figure and the caption. My problem is when exporting to Word. I'm making this english test and want to align the answers so i use a table for them. Select paragraph and look form the space after setting. The result is almost perfect, but Word inserts a paragraph symbol that causes a line break before the second table. There are two things you can do to work around this problem. The text boxes have a wrap of "Square". Is there a way to automatically move the text after the table to the blank space left by the now-whole table? Thank you for your time. Jun 12, 2020 · This is probably caused by Spacing on the text. Dec 18, 2020 · There are three factors that could effect the spacing before text in a table cell. See below (Font style used is Georgia) : I would like to use the font style Georgia, and I do not know what to modify Can you please help?? Open the Find/Replace window (shortcut: [CTRL]+[h]). . Jan 12, 2024 · Although it is admittedly more trouble, the easiest solution is to add some Spacing After to the paragraphs in the last row of the table. May 30, 2018 · I am working on a Word document using Microsoft Office-365. The text and the table were copied and pasted at the same. Format = False . Tables objTable. B. I have tested with Arabic input, it won’t add a space after I check out the box, but I don’t know which font you use, and hope it could help:) Please feel free to post back since your posting is always Mar 15, 2013 · I split the table into two tables at that point, and then try to create a page break. When i create a paragraph inside the table it creates a new line. Jul 27, 2022 · The problem reside in the fact that word add spaces between the lines of my copied table. I think I need to modify something in the style to remove the space from the table of contents - but what exactly needs changing? Tables in Docs require a line space before and after them in order to work properly. It is completely normal in the original Word document. Jul 6, 2020 · EDIT: It turns out what I wanted was to remove all empty paragraphs, or paragraphs consisting only of whitespace, from the start of the document. pxf. 6 pi. I have the spacing set to 0 before and after for all text, and the line spacing set to single. Word displays the Table Properties dialog box. Text = "" . Find what: ^p . After the first and the second subreport Word adds a pretty big white space. Nov 30, 2021 · I moved the table after that line, then tried to delete it. There isn't any way to remove the line space completely. The bullet is set to indent 0". dotm template. Nothing so far has worked. However, just as the table of contents ends, there is an extra space after it that I cannot seem to remove. Method 3: Use a Word macro to remove all unwanted spaces in table cells. Word keeps putting gaps between the rows of my table, even though the Table Properties is set no NO SPACE between cells (the Allow Spacing Between Cells box is NOT checked). There is a space after 'One' in the table of contents. Table Properties --> Options -->Set Default cell margins to 0, Paragraph properties and Layout --> Spacing -->Set Spacing before and after to 0pt, but none of those seem to help. 0 and my main report contains a big table with 2 columns and multiple rows. Step 4: Adjust Character Spacing I am only able to style the contents of a table cell using paragraph element to change the color of the text for example. 7. Can anybody help me out? I can't post an image because I have to have at least 10 reputation. Wrap = wdFindContinue . The page break is created properly, but the table on the next page does not start immediately -- there's a blank paragraph (of "Normal") style that precedes it and takes up space on the page. It's trivial to remove a trailing space at the end of a line (search for " ^p" and replace with "^p"), but there doesn't seem to be a special character for "end of table cell marker" in the find/replace dialog, and the Word "regex" engine doesn't appear to support anchors either. MatchCase = False . Data is generated in each loop. " May 3, 2016 · The paragraph spacing of the Normal text style (on the home tab) for a clean normal. Create a style for tables that is based on the regular style. Apr 23, 2018 · Remove the word Seven from the title and you have a bulleted list! SEE: 10 all-purpose keyboard shortcuts to boost your Word efficiency (free PDF) (TechRepublic) Line indents and spacing I am building templates using cells to guide text entry, and when I am building these documents, every time I try to add rows to my table, I am seeing very large gabs between rows. We will also look at how to change your grammar settings to flag extr Dec 30, 2024 · In Word, you can easily remove space before or after a paragraph by using the options in the Line and Paragraph Spacing drop-down list. Step 2: Adjust the line spacing options Click on ‘Line and Paragraph Spacing’ in the ‘Paragraph’ group on the Home tab. Any suggestions? Sub Reformat() 'word vba code Feb 8, 2016 · I can't recreate your problem. Under the table the rest of the page is white, and the document continues on page 4. Oct 15, 2012 · When I make a bullet point list, Word inserts an extra line space before the list and after the list. Jan 5, 2018 · I needed to add caption labels to number tables and figures within 11 different annexes. Starting on the 2nd page and ending about a quarter of the way down on the 3rd page is a table. Hi. 08. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click the little arrow in the lower right corner of the Paragraph group. However, I got a space between 2 tables like attached image below. In Row Height is select "Exactly", and the extra space is no longer there. Sep 19, 2019 · 3. Sep 12, 2016 · I found that the spacing between the number and text in numbered headings depends on the font style. So, the paragraph spacing for a table is according to the spacing settings of its table style. Then, set the “After” value to 0 in the “Spacing” section. I have tried numerous settings for the indent of the bullet but I have a situation where I want to put two tables next to each other using columns, but even giving a paragraph after the table in the first column, there doesn't seem to be a way to remove the blank paragraph in the second column without the column break being deleted. I cannot get rid of the blank, white space and I would like the document to continue directly under the table. Select Selection. Jan 24, 2025 · To remove the space after a table in Word, follow the steps outlined above. " Go to the Row tab. "MyTableNormal". Highlight the table, select 'Line and Paragraph spacing' button and 'Remove space after paragraph'. You can even create a paragraph style including 1 point exact line spacing, font size 1 point, zero spacing before/after and apply the style to the relevant paragraph(s). I tried us the "delete" key but it's not working (I'm super dumb when dealing with these stuff). Word seems to have added some extra white space before and after the text in some of the a cells of a table. I can't delete a huge white space in my document. That might help. The only thing I can find is that there's a "bottom" which is apparently not the same as the bottom of the cell, but even moving that doesn't change anything. It is either double spaced or has an extra space after. I can't backspace, delete, remove space after or alter table properties. You can use this shortcut anytime you want to remove the space after a paragraph in your Word document. You have now assigned a keyboard shortcut to the macro. " I don't see how this applies to the empty spaces below text in a table cell? I'm not a champion word processor, admittedly. Syntax. " Word automatically puts a space in after the period but before the individual table number. However, it leaves a large space between the last paragraph and the end of the page that could be filled with the text after the table. Right click, edit style. step 5: I insert a second table in the second column. step 3: I create a first table in the first column. To me this means "When you make a carriage return, or Office Word makes one automatically, there will be zero space between paragraphs. expression. #short #msword #wordtips #deletepagehow to delete a blank page in word,microsoft word,word,delete blank page in word,how to remove blank page in word,how to Nov 24, 2017 · I am trying to insert a table in a Word document header, but I don't know why I cannot remove the empty lines before and after the table. The issue now is it is also deleting footer in the word document. May 9, 2020 · The paragraph following the table ends up being too close to the table, and Brian wants some space between the table and a "body text" paragraph following the table. Ctrl+0 (zero) - Add or remove 12 points of space before a paragraph. Look at the styles menu to see what style is being used. The two suggestions you've made introduce a number of issues I'd rather avoid. Follow these Oct 31, 2023 · In Word for Windows, you can modify the default settings for paragraph spacing via the Paragraph dialog box. Right-click the text of the line just above the space and click Paragraph. On the Home tab, click the dialog launcher icon (circled in the screen shot below) in the Paragraph group. 2 thoughts: have you checked your paragraph formatting settings-do you have a large value for spacing after a paragraph? Also, if you show all formatting marks, do you have any extra, blank paragraphs (or other non-printing items) in that space? If you could post these pages, it would help to troubleshoot. Also, increasing the space before and after a paragraph doesn't introduce a space between two tables that butt each other. When I insert new rows in the table, my new row and some existing rows jump to a whole new page as if I had inserted some kind of section break, even though I have not. In the ensuring dialog, select the radio button for "All documents based on the Normal. Select the line of text, right click and select Paragraph. Edit the new style to override the spacing options - spacing before 0pt, spacing after 0pt. For example, a Standard Naval Letter (as defined in SECNAV Instruction M5216. Be sure to select the table and the text below it before clicking on the “Properties” button. If you're trying to combine two tables -- per your other post -- that currently isn't possible in Docs. Feb 14, 2012 · I am trying to remove all the whitespace before and after all table objects in my word document. Highlight the text. Choose the Table Properties option from the Context menu. Oct 6, 2016 · A better way to accomplish the appearance you want is to make the first two rows part of the rest of the table (not part of the page header), and mark them as "repeating header rows". Nov 10, 2011 · For several months, with absolutely no luck, I haven't figured out how to remove spaces after paragraph in the active Word document with a code in the Excel VBA module. Kaem Sep 25, 2024 · I define a "Multilevel list" for automatic chapter numbering that does not follow the number with a space, like this: That setting does apply to Heading 1 text, but it is not incorporated into the Table of Contents or Navigation Headings: As shown in the following screenshot (yellow highlighting), both of those still insert a space after the Chapter number: Nov 1, 2011 · To get rid of the annoying blank space in your text, almost a page in size in my case, make a left click in the paragraph that appears after the blank space (the edit cursor | should appear). It sounds like you are using a style on the text that has space after set quite high. Right-click on that entry and select Paragraph. here is my Code. Count > 0 Then For Each objTable In . I do not want the extra spaces. ibywf sii fohkij ooomsza ivlqt oteud wggoq lvspq qflvp fwaink xhrz ftotmy pirih puwodc pmal