Yamaha scooter making grinding noise. "Scooters are dangerous".

  • Yamaha scooter making grinding noise At the end of the day i started hearing a grinding noise when rolling up to a stop. I've replaced the one way bearing and believe success has been achieved regarding the grinding noise. com is generated by its users. Im sorry for bothering you guys cause Im an idiot. 100% syn. May 23, 2019 · When I press the ignition the bike will make a loud grinding/churning noise, while the starter is engaged. If I let out the clutch, it rattles/makes a weird noise. The noise still exists My mobility scooter is making a grinding/clicking noise. Oct 29, 2020 · New to me g29 is making a creaking noise at certain speed just inside the left rear tire. Wondering if anyone has ever had this issue or knows what this could be? Your input would be greatly apprec Mar 17, 2009 · hello blk600cc!! i own a R1 (RN04 / 2000) with exactly the same noise (15500 miles - 25000km)!!!! the oil (motul 10W-40) and (new yamaha automatic) cam chain tensioner were replaced and all valves were checked and were ok. May 2, 2011 · I have a 2002 Grizzly 660. When I removed the CVT cover this is what I found. I have less then 26,000 on my bike and take it in for service just as the manuel says. if you can still hear some noise try a better brand of oil. grinding noise when Aug 1, 2020 · Those can be hard to pin down, but probably the majority of times it is caused by a bad commutator bearing in the motor. winch myself out tested everything and it seemed fine. I also feel the throttle response is poor and the acceleration between 0 and 20 is extremely poor. Jul 21, 2020 · My geared hub motor started making grinding noise about 2 months 500 miles ago, and yesterday it made a huge grunch sound and stopped allowing me to back up. Get support for the E200/E300: What if my scooter is making a grinding noise? from Razor. T. Don't forget to put some grease on the ends of your trim cyls where the tips contact the motor. I took him up on the offer. I believe the noise is from fluid being forced through orfices. taht the two parts arent banging into each other. Apr 16, 2018 · For many new owners of the Yamaha C. It's worth noting that the noise goes away at higher speeds and when the bike is lifted without any load. The type and the intensity of this “base noise” depends on many factors such as the quality and design of the chain and the sprockets. The front wheel makes a nasty grinding noise when moving, and I’m assuming I’ve got bad bearings but would love some opinions. Aug 4, 2009 · I have a 650 with 40,000 KMs and have set the valves 3 times. So I printed the thread off and took it to my dealer. Grinding noises are somewhat common but should be addressed immediately to avoid potential damage. Thanks in advance! https://www. I’m on the process of making video on the first gear noise. cover if needed to look for something in there causing a noise, then start the engine for further inspection at idle. May 26, 2011 · I have a '07 660 and have the same noise. Oct 19, 2018 · I purchased a Crosscurrent Air July of this year It has been great so far, however today my bike made a loud grinding noise when accelerating by pedaling from a stop. Took the cover off and it is definately coming from the driven pully side when idling, moving forward or reverse. Causing the drive belt pulley and the axle splines grinding to each other. Jan 7, 2008 · R1-Forum is a Yamaha R1 motorcycle enthusiasts community dedicated to Yamaha YZF 1000 R1 sportbike. When i got home i put the rhino up on jackstands so i could run it in 4x4 and listen. My pads are still good, but the noise is there if you hit the brakes hard. com/watch?v=MSAZ8qzxOJU&feature=youtu. Here are a few of the most common: 1. The primary also produces some whining. Jun 21, 2021 · Update 3- We took the machine out for its first sea trial in 4 years. Partial engagement may be enough to start your bike’s engine, but the rubbing and improper engagement damage the flywheel permanently. Since I bought it, it has been making a loud grinding sound that seems to be coming from this area (the pic is not LX 50) It doesn't grind while idling but once I accelerate, the sound starts and stays. I am assuming that there is a gear or gears that may require some lube. It has about 5000 miles on it, 2 1/2 years. Please file a safety complain to NHTSA by calling 1-888-327-4236. but the noise isn't gone yeah man. Customer: 2004 Yamaha Breeze, automatic. Particularly if the noise is more of a “rattle” than a real grinding. Jun 17, 2008 · I have a 1993 40 hp yamaha (elec. Sounds like the noise is coming from the output drive to me. If you go down a steep enough hill the cart will coast a bit, make the noise, but once the cart gets enough speed to gather slack against the regen the noise goes away. The bearings seem to be okay although I feel like it could be the issue. The pads were completely done that I removed, but started making the noise again in a short while. Read manuals, find replacement parts, and information on repairs now. The scooter also has a slightly lower top speed than my roommates M365, could the bearings be the cause of this? Jun 30, 2023 · Hearing this grinding noise when pushing my 05 yamaha vstar while brakes aren't applied. Now it's just as loud as ever. May be because of the staked nut was loosed. Mar 26, 2012 · Was out riding all weekend on my stock 07 660 se. The Virago had a common problem with the starter clutch, a one-way gear that engages the flywheel when the starter motor spins. its the 2 gears that are trying to mesh grinding because one is spinning too fast for the teeth to drop down into the others. Aug 1, 2009 · it was good for several rides, probably like 120 miles or so. the rpms jump around a little when it makes the noisebut it does not effect performance. Mar 25, 2023 · If your transmission makes a noise when you step on the clutch pedal, the sound is probably coming from the release bearing in the clutch assembly, not the transmission itself. "Scooters are dangerous". no other gears are affected, and no matter at what rpm (unless up on a stand and no throttle), it sounds like 5th is scraping/grinding on something Sep 18, 2004 · Well I guess after all of that I think it was my chain. Any thoughts? Dec 3, 2020 · I have a 2000 Yamaha G16 gas cart, it has a grinding winning noise coming from the Driven clutch/transmission area. : Jul 20, 2017 · Ok, so I'm aware of the clutch noise the bike makes when you put it in neutral and the engine is idling. not really an ideal noise to be hearing. I recently changed axel oil with oem Yamaha oil and got new wheels and tires and there was no change. Feb 26, 2021 · also keep in mind a sportbike has straight cut gears in it's transmission which makes it noisy. It should quiet the grinding noise. Nov 22, 2024 · This is one common problem of a mobility scooter that many people experience. 2006 yamaha rhino 660, 1400mi, when coming to a near complete stop I hear a loud squawking,almost grinding noise ,seems Jeff Policky Yamaha Gold, Suzuki Gold, Honda Bronze, Polaris Bronze, BRP Dec 17, 2015 · It's also making a squeaking/grinding noise when engaging the clutch, which typically goes away when the clutch is fully closed. It was very responsive and ran extremely well. This is particularly bad when the RPMs are increased in neutral (like on initial start). Jun 29, 2012 · hcr 720cc,falicon super crank,stage 2 rhino cam,ported, polished,jbs deshrouded valves,dyna ign,fcr carb,muzzy duals,2 kragen 4''hids,summit heater kit,tcp tripple pass radiator fan and shroud,viper 5000 lb wide spool winch,hot rod sheave!!,14 gram greaseless ods,orange spring,jbs radiator shields,af,volt,water temp,oil pressure guages,tach,raptor cam chain tensioner,k&n, 400 watt amp,60 amp It has started making a gear grinding noise in the area of the starter - Answered by a verified Motorcycle Mechanic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I've also considered the rear wheel bearing Hello fellows, So my scooter has been doing this weird noise, it’s started to do this randomly one day was a little bit and eventually started to do more to the point that it hurts the ability to move (moves slowly when grinding). I imagine I hear it about once per wheel rotation based on distance traveled. I just saturated the chain with motor oil and ba-da-bing no more4 grinding. always happens in 1st gear and then not as bad in 2nd then don't notice it any other time. Oct 2, 2020 · If you let off throttle the noise occurs. The grinding sound is much louder when I use the rear brake while riding. I'm at the point where I really just want it fixed. Bike runs and sounds fine when on the throttle even just a little bit but when released and settles down to Mar 7, 2018 · I only have 8 hours on mine so far, but I have noticed a loud and discernible clunking noise when transitioning between acceleration and deceleration, regardless of gear. This sound is very loud and my bike is usually whisper Jan 12, 2015 · What a beautiful day finally (in WI). Jul 18, 2008 · Grinding noise. I had the same screeching noise and was amazed at how changing the fluid quieted the motor. The bearing is fairly easy to remove (with a bearing The Scooters subreddit is for road-legal motor scooters (gas or electric), a type of motorcycle with a step-through frame. Apr 11, 2015 · Went riding in the mountains for first time ,got stuck in a deep mud hole I had it in 4 wheel low then put in diff/lock and some grinding was happening then put back into 4low still a little grinding . May 23, 2016 · Well basically all at once the bike lost power, pretty much no engine breaking and it's not as loud, and when i slow down and I pull in the clutch i hear a grinding noise, not a chattering or clank but something id describe as a whinning grind, the noise happens 3-5 times with a second or two between. It is like my engine hit by a large rock. I would pull off both side covers and inspect visually for something making the noise, and remover the C. The next day I go for my ride and I hear this grinding sound coming from the front tire. The Scooters subreddit is for road-legal motor scooters (gas or electric), a type of motorcycle with a step-through frame. Mar 21, 2011 · It is a constant "whistling-grinding" noise and I couldn't identify any corelation to speed, revs or anything else. This can cause a squealing or grinding noise when accelerating, decelerating, or turning. The bike was very sluggish, I think the motor was skipping teeth and did not engage the hub as the and the bike felt as if there was no assistance. It feels and sounds like it's doing more work and not going as fast. Jan 12, 2025 · the noise goes away in about 10-15minutes . I also got it to do it by applying the emergency break aggressively from about 15 - 20 mph to a dead stop. Got a whirring, high-frequency metallic noise that doesn’t seem related to engine speed? Look to your drive chain. It was quite bothersome, but I managed to figure out the cause and get it fixed. There are no adjustments, lubrication points or maintenance processes that need to be followed other than what is outlined in the owner's manual. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, classifieds, and more! Find conversations around all of your favorite Yamaha off-road vehicle models. We have a video that will guide you on what you can do to handle such cases: Updated on November 22, 2024 Aug 11, 2020 · My 2005 Yamaha TTR 125 is making a grinding noise when I try to use my electric start, I just change battery and starter switch. Cause would be bent shift forks or a problem with the shift mechanism. I used a screwdriver as a stethoscope and placed it on the final drive housing and the output drive. When they go bad, the noise gets amplified by the vibration it causes by everything around it. it is definately a idle low speed noise. Didnt hear the noise, every thing seemed to spin freely. roller chain of some sort and I guess it got some dirt under the rollers. Aug 30, 2009 · A forum community dedicated to Yamaha Raptor ATV owners and enthusiasts. The noise will continue if climbing a hill in say PAS with limited power output. I've since just ridden with it for the last 100 miles. It sounds like either a bearing or gear issue. Jan 24, 2016 · Hey guys, my '14 YZ250 is making this crazy grinding noise when in neutral. 2. D. It's dead in the water, won't attempt to start either way. Jul 25, 2021 · I have a 2004 Yamaha Grizzly 660 that was making a grinding noise on startup. I ended up driving about 1,000 miles over the weekend about 200 with a passenger. Dec 21, 2024 · R1-Forum is a Yamaha R1 motorcycle enthusiasts community dedicated to Yamaha YZF 1000 R1 sportbike. Anyone here have a clue where I can start looking for the cause? Bike has 4500 miles and outside of the noise she runs good. If i let off the gas and give it gas again it is fine. However, there is no need to panic as there are a few common reasons behind this issue, and most of them can be easily solved. Always happens when I start to accelerate and cha Jul 15, 2018 · I took the clutch out, the idler gear and kick start gear were fine, the flywheel is fine, nothing was making the noise, except when you spin the transmission you can just barely hear it, which im assuming is just normal from the gears spinning etc. May 16, 2012 · What is causing this sound? The hub wheel worked with a different, lower volt controller. It stops just as a I let off the starter button. It stops as soon as the motor comes off of the 2 rods and the tilt takes over. like intuit said, inspect your chain and lube it. Grinding is most likely caused by the front chainring is now set to a croocked angle in the drive train causing the chain to grind to the chainring. I also notice my scooter now has a lot of trouble reaching top speed (15. Members Online I bought a 1984 Honda Elite Apr 1, 2013 · So I was practicing max braking on my street today and upon reaching what felt near max braking before the tire would loose traction I suddenly felt a vibration through the bars and heard a noise that I could only say sounded like grinding. It's only got 25hrs on the bike since showroom. the grinding sound is much worse that just bearing's too I think. I see it wobbles as well. Thoughts? Nov 22, 2023 · Yesterday it did the grinding sound then there was a very loud growling sound I've never heard before and the grizz sputtered and died out. Oct 4, 2010 · I don`t know what the problem is but my griz(700) makes a noise when I start it kind of sounds like a dry bearing after it starts the noise will come and go. New gears/hub motor time I guess. Discuss performance, customization, specs, reviews and more! Show Less Mar 26, 2018 · Riding a 2005 ET4. We have a Feb 9, 2010 · 2004 660, i just bought it. If you found the noise is from the drive axle and belt pulley. Content on r6-forum. Any ideas where this could come from? Thanks! Jun 27, 2009 · Grinding noise problem found This is a common problem on Yamaha. Did you check to see if there is any debris under the Nov 29, 2010 · Gents, I have another problem. Hmmz… still considering what I'm going to do. A few weeks ago I noticed that most, but not all of the time when I am below 30 MPH I've heard this rotational grinding sound coming from the back of the bike. I have done some reading on here and it sounds like something in the clutch setup. I wish people in the USA would be more open to scooters but unfortunately anything that isn't a car is considered "dangerous" here. Jul 28, 2015 · Is the grinding noise the clutch plates? People say there is a graves clutch kit - does this fix this grabby clutch along with this grinding sort out noise during setting off when the bike is cold. I. If I go faster, it has a faster pattern to the 'grind-grind-grind' noise. It starts as I start the bike and continues even when is already warmed in and have some miles behind me. 0 Warn Winch w/synthetic cable, Fully Snorkeled, Rear Cage with Front and Rear Suspension Seats, Crow 4 points, Relocated Radiator, Rear Diff Brace, Equiis Volt and Temp Gauges Aug 22, 2023 · Around 6k RPMs I'm hearing a high pitch grinding noise which sounds like it's coming from the front wheel or around the fan. Here’s what I learned: 1. It only makes the sound while decending a very steep hill with brakes and engine breaking. Grinding it might. This issue can be due to various factors, such as worn-out motor bearings or misaligned gears. I've bled the system and also greased the tips of the rods, trim pads, and every grease fitting on the motor. There are a handful of things it could have been, but making sure that the pinion spacing is correct is most important, however I'd this case I believe the bearing may have seized up, and caused the spur to stop spinning, while the pinion to continue, those vxl3 systems have quite a lot of "oomph" behind them, so it wouldn't be unreasonable for it to happen, that bearing is a common issue, so Jun 4, 2009 · My 09 Rhino made the same noise. Some chains generate more noise while others run more smoothly. Drive chain din. I guess that would explain it only making the noise while moving. While coasting I hear a grinding noise from the rear end. What’s the issue and cheapest fix? Lovers of Yamaha Razz and Jog Scooters | Need some help again guys, kickstarted is slightly engaging and making a horrible grinding noise Jun 26, 2010 · I got a used '01 fz1 last week. does cut down some of the noise and the clutch loves it. Customer: I have a 2003 Yamaha V150TLRB that makes a grinding noise when tilting at a certain point. I have taken the belt off and noise goes away while running the engine. Making rattling / grinding noise in the drive belt cover area. but enjoying the new viking Sep 21, 2006 · Ask the experts on our Yamaha Outboard Forum for repair issues, diagnosing problems, links to diagrams, suggestions on buying parts and more. Sep 4, 2023 · Stay safe and enjoy your noise-free rides on your electric scooter! Grinding Gears. It's not the gears, or shifting that's making the noise, as it happens while in gear, foot off the clutch. All the way until you come to a stop. If you press the throttle at all the noise comes back because everything slacks back up. 7mph) and the acceleration and velocity are much slower. I took a video of it. Loose belt: The belt that transfers power from the engine to the rear wheel may be loose or damaged. I have a 2008 Yamaha YDRE electric golf cart. I recently bought a scooter second hand, and am working on getting it back into shape. The bike still starts, sometimes it doesn't grind; the lights on the dash will dim if it is grinding. Jul 1, 2008 · If the starter turn but the engine doesnt engage,then it is the stater clutch. I removed the drive belt, turning the driven clutch/ transmission while in neutral, and it feels very smooth, no rough feeling like you get with a bad bearing. The bike has front and rear pitbull stand so I assumed that it should be fine to do the process, but I forgot that i put chain on the wheels, so when I put my bike into first gear the engine stopped (see 1st video). Jul 3, 2023 · The issue occurs when I start off with high torque at low speeds, causing a rattling or rumbling noise. From my experience the noise is normal. Aug 13, 2015 · So I've noticed some serious grinding noise coming from the front and bottom of the bike. The noise I'm talking about happens ONLY when the bike is ROLLING while in NEUTRAL. It also makes a clicking noise when I brake but the sound comes from the front wheel when I brake, scooter is a aovopro esmax a ninebot max clone. Apr 25, 2011 · Re: Yamaha Vino Variator Grinding Noise Post by bajack » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:31 pm check your variator makes sure, everythings there and its not got any thing going wrong with it. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Jan 16, 2016 · This happens when the engine is in the full low position, while tilting it up there is a strange noise with the two small cylinders rams until the main cylinder enters in action, then normal noise, or when the engine is in the full up position standing on the stop lever and retracting the two small cylinders rams, strange noise, then extending Should a Motorcycle Chain Make a Noise? Yes, unfortunately, each motorcycle chain makes some characteristic noises. It doesn't happen below or above the 6k mark, and when I pull the clutch in the sound stops. my brothers brand new FZ6 would screech like crazy but after it broke in it quit. V. As if something was going on with the transmission. I had to replace the chainring as wel cuz it was worn out. Come join the discussion about troubleshooting, classifieds, performance, modifications, maintenance, and more! Share more about your favorite model including the: Yamaha Raptor 700, Raptor 660, Raptor 350, Raptor 250 as well as the smaller Raptor 50, 80 and 90. It's getting worrysome because I have about 19k miles on the bike and I'm not even close on paying it off. Half way through the Poison Spider / Gold Bar Rim run the next day the grinding noise was back. so, i'm having some difficulty with my 83 heritage. I'd assume its to do with something on the starter being too worn, but I don't know enough about bikes to make a diagnosis. com Sounds a scooter make or changes to the sounds are NOT indicators of a defect, failure or coming failure. Its starter clutch can wear out or break, causing a loud grinding noise and preventing the engine from turning over. If it has hydraulic brakes, check that they're screwed in correctly, otherwise they'll make a grinding or fluttering noise. A healthy chain is noisy anyway, but you shouldn’t be May 31, 2020 · Hey I got a 2013 yamaha grizzly 700 limited addition and I just went for a long muddy ride and I noticed when I got back when you start it it makes almost like a grinding noise but it’s fine when it’s running only makes a noise when you start it and shut it off do you just need to buy a new starter? I just need some feed back lol Oct 2, 2019 · If it still makes that grinding noise, is difficult to turn the engine over, then the problem COULD be your slipper clutch under the left side cover. There might be some dirt dust stuck in the motor, which creates grinding noise. I actually replaced the battery but noticed it was rapidly losing charge (gas gauge going down, horn honking quietly, starter getting sadder), so I grabbed one of those 2-in-one battery jumpers/air compressors, and attached it accordingly. Jump to Latest 58K views 39 replies 23 participants last post by rleegabe Nov 23, 2020 Mar 29, 2016 · My motorcycle engine (150 cc, carbonated) often dies when reving, when accelerating from full stop and when free wheeling with reving with a loud noise. I’ve had a similar issue with my Yamaha golf cart before, where it started making a grinding noise. then today, i went for a 300 mile ride, and about half way through, i noticed it was doing the same again. when i got home i noticed that there was a rough grinding below 3,000 rpm's. . while accelerating through first gear, right in the 3-5k rpm range, i'll hear 3 or 4 clunks, could also be described as a grinding noise. Aug 2, 2009 · I can't tell what the noise is coming from, but it seems to be more substantial when I am in 1st and 2nd gear, or when there is weight on the bike (like when I am going up a hill slowly). I went to a repair shop, where they did a basic maintenance, but told me they won't open the scooter, because they don't want me to lose my warrantee. system, these things make noise the new are not used to. Sep 8, 2021 · 5. Discuss performance Jul 7, 2005 · r6-forum. Jul 5, 2007 · I actually had the Yamaha tech at Moab offer to put on a new set of rear pads on my Rhino out at Moab. start, remote steering, manual tilt) that is making a grinding & buzzing noise when in neutral. but still have a lemon by owning the 1100. Need some help again guys, kickstarted is slightly engaging and making a horrible grinding noise. I know this is not an issue to worry about and I'm CLEARLY not talking about this specific noise. I ordered a couple new Oct 2, 2011 · Whining noise My '07 Strat makes a noise like this and I always thought it was either wind rushing through the spoked aluminum wheels under certain conditions or harmonics. r6-forum. It did not fix the noise. I followed some other threads and mentioned putting a penny behind the motor to trans bushing which I did. That said, I now have a hard knock in the primary as the spins down from any slight RPM. I have even considered removing the rear brake and only using the front brakes with the engine braking. when I hit the thrttles it seems to go away. 26" outlaw MST's, black ITP ss108's, yamaha top,sony cd player, 6 speaker sound Jan 28, 2017 · A forum community dedicated to Yamaha Rhino owners and enthusiasts. Apr 8, 2012 · So my power trim starting making a grinding noise while trimming up on the 2 trim rods. Twice now when giving it some gas from a dead stop there has been a loud grinding noise and a shutter type vibration. Jun 6, 2016 · I noticed that when I put the bike in neutral and let the clutch out, it makes a strange noise, and I can kind of feel it in the handlebars. Bearing and gear problems cause more of a whine or moan than grinding sound. I was out last night for 30 minutes and it was fine. Ive been out riding probably 5 times this year and the bike was fine. Thanks, Toe Mar 28, 2010 · I put new pads on mine beginning of last deer season. Mar 26, 2009 · This symptom makes me think that you have gear dogs banging together. those "clunking" noises you are hearing are actually grinding noises. Discuss performance, customization, specs, reviews and more! Show Less Oct 17, 2015 · There is a grinding noise coming from the speedometer. Hoping to get some ideas as to what the issue could be before I take off the exhaust to service the caliper/brakes or schedule a visit to the mechanic for a more complex issue. It is a common problem on scooters See full list on enginepatrol. No one wants to Scooter Making Grinding Noise: There are a few reasons why your scooter might be making a grinding noise. I have a D. I have been told to stop and bring it in immediately for a $300 to $400 service if I am lucky (new seals) and no salt water got into the hydraulic system or a $2,500 (total replacement) repair if it did. The bike still starts and operates just fine. It is not there when you first start the engine then it will start making the noise from the driven pully side. r/scooters • Tell people you want a scooter, they look at you like you're insane. I have called yamaha corporation many time and I still get the oh to bad but we arent going to do anything about it. Here is video on what it sounds like Jul 19, 2008 · Yamaha 1100 V-Star engine noise. If the motor is making an unusual noise or seems to be struggling to accelerate, it may need to be serviced or replaced. After replacing the grinding was solved. Check the bearings: The grinding noise is often a sign that the bearings in the cart’s wheels or motor are worn out or damaged. Sep 15, 2016 · Is your scooter making weird strange noises underneath the cover? My scooter was making noises. I thought it was the one way bearing so I had it replaced. Grinding noise, need help diagnosing. The grinding noise that we first reported seems to have been coming from the jet pump and has stopped. Yamaha Virago is a line of cruiser bikes. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. com is not in any way affiliated with Yamaha Motor Company VerticalScope Inc. The grinding is due to the clutch not completely disengaging when you pull the lever, which means the gears are all turning and when you hit the shift lever the spinning gears are sort of grinding and clunking together into place. If it doesn't have hydraulic brakes, check wheel alignment, scooter wheels can get knocked out of place, resulting in a broken bearing, which leads to the wheel either wobbling around, or rubbing against the frame, or both May 26, 2023 · If the unit is being overloaded with a load that is near the max limit, that can cause the axle to bend. Now it won't start, it sounds like the starter is hung and even when I try to pull start it I hear the same starter hanging noise. May 2005 r1 engine is making a grindin noise on the left side down by the front sprocket. With the bike stationary, in neutral, then engage the clutch there is an obvious rattle type noise clearly coming from the clutch cover. When this happens it does not move or barely moves. com is an independent Yamaha enthusiast website owned and operated by VerticalScope Inc. Experiencing strange noises when accelerating on your electric scooter can understandably be both annoying and worrying. 2005 Bruin 350 2wd. Why is my motorcycle making a grinding noise when starting? A motorcycle may be making a grinding noise when starting because of a weak or dead battery, a starter motor issue, a bad starter clutch, or ultimately a seized engine. It dosent seem to do it at all on acceleration. be Jun 3, 2017 · Removing the starter motor and spraying what you can of the starter clutch area and/or running sea foam in the crankcase for a hundred miles or so would be the next step. If you do not hear any valve noise I would be concerned that the valves are too tight. I don't hear it at higher speeds (although this may be a function of road noise). youtube. Jul 19, 2012 · -A strange grinding noise when rolling the tire without the brake applied, whether the bike was running or not (the sound would go away as soon as I got over 10kmh) I thought the grinding might be an issue with the wheel or the hub, but I removed the caliper from the wheel and rolled it around - the sound went away. May 25, 2011 · Makes getting the old seals out of the caps easier. Jan 11, 2025 · the noise goes away in about 10-15minutes . Suzuki GSX-R May 17, 2009 · Please Help . chain was Aug 2, 2017 · The rear wheel bearings seem good, no play in the wheel. Oct 19, 2023 · A motorcycle makes a grinding noise while starting if the starter motor starts okay but rubs against the flywheel and fails to engage completely. Aug 25, 2015 · hi. If you rotate the rear wheel in the reverse direction, the slipper clutch will engage and it should be difficult to turn and you should hear the starter rotating. You may also just have something stuck in the wheels or motor area by the axle. If I pull in the clutch, the noise goes away. Where should I start? I've taken off the clutch cover but haven't pulled the clutch. Happens about 1000 miles after I service the bike. It’s a 2007 with what I assume were the factory tires that were completely worn out so fairly high mileage. The scooter used to be smooth when riding over bumpy surfaces now it can't handle the bumps as well anymore. The release/thrust bearing looks quite worn, so I'm going to replace that, but is there any other components which would cause the dragging and if not, how does a worn thrust bearing cause clutch drag? It’s clutch related, and that makes perfect sense given that you just worked on the clutch rod. Jun 3, 2017 · 2012 Yamaha V Star 950 Tourer, with 28,000 miles. If your transmission makes noise when you release the clutch pedal, after engaging a gear, it is likely coming from a bad pilot bearing or bushing in the clutch assembly. They Never-Seized the pins for the brake saying that was the problem. Oct 6, 2007 · The tranny side of the motor was making a grinding noise when u let off the gas. The noise stopped but only for a short time and it was back. After test driving the Rhino they heard what I was talking about so they called Yamaha and they were advised to re-torque the bolts to 65Lbs. Try putting the motorcycle in neutral and rotating the rear wheel by hand. I'm not sure how to describe the sound. Contact the manufacturer or a qualified repair technician for i bought a 1997 yamaha riva 125 last night its making a grinding noise when its running and i cant tell where its coming from sounds like somethings loose inside the Sep 29, 2017 · There is no extra noise, but I'm at the moment not satisfied with the gear change at high revs, in combination with the clutch behavior. But, an issue arose: when I'm accelerating, between 11 km/h and 13 km/h, the scooter starts vibrating and has a weirdly loud noise. Clicking for sure. sometimes clutches will also make a noise. The advise on here was to have the dealer re-torque the rear differential bracket bolts to 75 Lbs. 20w50 is a bit thick unless outside temperature is over 80 all the time. Jump to Latest R1-Forum is a Yamaha R1 motorcycle enthusiasts community dedicated to Yamaha YZF 1000 R1 sportbike. Oct 19, 2023 · Yamaha Virago. I replaced the starting clutch and idler gear and immediately the noise was back after I put it all back together. Am a newbie to utving. The pitch of the grinding goes up with RPMs. I suspect the one way starter clutch bearing. Cleaning the barring with a cleaner can help you to get rid of the noise. The other day I went out to start it and when I push the starter button I get a loud grinding/growling noise. Electric scooters can sometimes produce a grinding gears noise when accelerating, causing a disturbance. It sounds like the grinding moves with the movement/acceleration. We babied it and varied the rpms/speed like you would do when breaking in a new machine. Update on my grinding noise issue (clutch was grinding at low RPM only). I'm a mechanic engineer (designer of machines), and 1 thing doesn't sounds good to me in your solution: grinding the heads off. I ride it around the block and all felt well. in 5th gear, and only 5th, there are, what i can only assume, are grinding sounds. I ordered a venture just Mar 22, 2011 · I am new and have a LX 50 with 10k miles. Aug 31, 2008 · 2007 Yamaha Rhino 660, 2" High Lifter lift kit, 27x12x12 on Black ITP Delta wheels at all 4's, Unifilter, 2" exhaust tip, 11:1 Wiseco piston, Mudbuster Cam, 3. You need to properly adjust it all again. About a week ago I rode my grizzly to my grandparents and it started just fine. How do I fix it? This is one common problem of a mobility scooter that many people experience. dmkq yfmp aiudf qvbqxbb zdxzf qtb qgvi zimy dsulf krpf mwsyi zvrqyf gais kvemosp zfvuehhm